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Surname: Forbes (obit.,)
First Name: Francis (junior)
Ship: -
Date: 1850
Place: -
Source: Researches in the Southern Gold Fields of NSW Google Books)
Details: Francis Forbes Esq., 1849. This gentleman, a graduate of the University of Cambridge and eldest son of Sir Francis Forbes, one of the late Chief Justices of New South Wales, contributed his share to the advancement of knowledge by publishing a paper, in 1849, on the Production of Gold, in which he quoted from Sir Roderick Murchison s letter to Sir C. Lemon, and gave some useful statistical details. Having the honor of Mr. Forbes friendship, I had corresponded with him respecting some enquiries he made of me as to the metalliferous riches of his own neighbourhood on Darling Downs. Whether Mr. Forbes ever himself found gold I do not know, his letters to me make no mention of it. But he was a man of great talent and scholarship, and taking a deep interest in the advancement of the discovery of gold in California, went thither and, unfortunately, died.
Surname: Ford (Stevens) (obit)
First Name: Maria
Ship: 1846
Date: 2 May 1924
Place: -
Source: Dungog Chronicle
Details: MRS. MARIA STEVENS. The death of Mrs Maria Stevens at Cocumbark on Thursday after- noon last removed another of the district s sturdy old pioneers, who possessed all the attributes of hardiness and good nature for which the older hands were noted. It was her pleasure to do a good turn to others and her Home was always a meeting place and an open door for the stranger who needed a cup of tea or a meal, especially in the early days, when hotels and boarding houses were few and far between. The deceased was known far and wide for her charitable and kindly disposition. She had many friends and no enemies. Everyone loved and respected Granny Stevens. Born at Somersetshire, England, the late Mrs. Stevens was just on 85 years of age at the time of her death. She was a girl of seven when she first landed in Australia with her parents. Her father the late Mr. Henry Ford, was one of the early pioneers of the Williams River, he having settled there 78 years ago, soon after his arrival from the Old Country. Sixty-eight years ago the deceased was married at Clarence Town to Mr. John Stevens, who predeceased her 28 years ago. It is a coincidence that he also was about 85 years of age when he died. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens were among the earliest settlers at Dyers Crossing, having settled at Cocumbark half a century ago. They reared a family of seven daughters and four sons. Two of the daughters predeceased the mother, and those surviving are Messrs. John (Dyer s Crossing), Henry (Klondella, Cocumbark) , George (Killarney, Cocumbark), Hezekiah (Glen Eva Bulby), and Mesdames Alf Bowers (Nabiac), R. C. Lowe (Taree), John Ward (Taree), George Sawyer (Cocum bark), and C. Priestly (Nabiac). In addition there are over 50 grand children and about 6O great grand children. Ten of the grandsons saw service in the war. Four went from one of the daughter s family and three from one of the sons. Despite her age, the deceased was an active war worker throughout the struggle. She was over 70 at the time, but learned, to knit sox and other comforts and sent them to the soldiers. Brothers and sisters of deceased who survived are Mr. Albert Ford (Kolodon), Mr. Fred Ford (Mount George), Messrs. William and James Ford (Sydney), Mr. Andrew Ford (Maitland), Mr. H. Ford (Stroud), Mr. John Ford (Williams River), Mrs. Phillip Paff (Brookfield), and Mrs. John. Robards (Clarence Town)
Surname: Fraser (obit)
First Name: James
Ship: Lord of the Isles 1853
Date: 5 April 1926
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: Mr. James Fraser died at his residence, 32 Perkin-street, Newcastle last night. Mr. Fraser, who was 82 years of age was one of the oldest residents of Newcastle, having lived here for over 60 years. Born in Scotland, Mr. Fraser came with his parents to Australia when a child, and for some years lived in Sydney, where he was educated at Fort-street school. When a young man Mr. Fraser commenced business in Newcastle as an engineer and coppersmith, his first works being in Hunter-street, on the site where the Crown and Anchor Hotel stands. Later he removed to King-street where he carried on business up to 20 years ago when he retired. Mr. Fraser was one of the oldest members of the Masonic Lodge, Harmony, and always took a keen interest in Masonry. For many years he was an elder of St. Andrews Church but was never associated with public life. Mrs. Fraser was a daughter of Peter Fleming of Linwood.
Surname: Freeman (obit)
First Name: Charles
Ship: -
Date: 20 April 1914
Place: Adamstown
Source: NMH
Details: THE LATE MR CHARLES FREEMAN The funeral of the late Mr Charles Freeman took place on Saturday, when there was a large gathering, which included many old residents of the district. The service was conducted by the Reverend Mr Woodgar, St Stephens Church. Brother A. Edden, M.P., read the service of the M.U., I.O.O.F. The pall-bearers were Brothers W Jackton, A. Onslow, J. Wall, and D. Williams of the Pride of Adamstown Lodge. The late Mr Freeman arrived in Queensland from Lancashire, England about 50 years ago, and after spending a few months in that State came on to New South Wales. He first lived in Lambton, and subsequently removed to New Lambton, and eventually to Adamstown, 35 years ago, where he remained till his death, on Thursday, at the age of 75 years. He followed the occupation of a miner for several years. He was one of the contractors for sinking New Lambton old pit, also the Commonage tunnel at Lambton. On relinquishing mining he opened a brick yard near New Lambton pit, Adamstown, but bad business forced him to close up. In Adamstown, Mr Freeman took an interest in public affairs He was a member of the first municipal council, and as an active member of the mechanics institute from its inauguration. Mr Freeman was the first to open the Blue Bell Hotel in Newcastle, but he soon tired of the business, and sold out to the late Mr Thomas Hardy, who subsequently was manager of New Lambton Colliery, when it was controlled by Mr J C Dibbs. He retired from hard work about 20 years ago, and was widely known and respected. He leaves a widow and family of four sons and two daughters Adamstown Juvenile Band, under M. W Barkel, played a programme of music on the reserve on Sunday afternoon. There was a good gathering, and the music was appreciated. A collection of £1 8s 6d, in aid of the band, was taken up. The Reverend C J McAuley, the new superintendent of the Adamstown Methodist circuit, conducted his opening service last night in the Adamstown church, to a large congregation.
Surname: Freeman (obit.,)
First Name: Mary Ann
Ship: -
Date: 20 July 1891
Place: Swansea, Lake Macquarie
Source: NMH
Details: Obituary of Mary Ann Freeman age 86 mentioning Noraville, Cabbage Tree, The Jewboy Gang
Surname: Friend (nee Reed) (obit)
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 31 March 1922
Place: Broadmeadow
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: The death took place of Mrs. Elizabeth Friend (71), relict of the late Mr. Daniel Albert Friend, late of Carrington, at the residence of her son in-law, Mr. E. Gilpin, at Broadmeadow. on Tuesday night. Deceased had been in indifferent health for over six months. She was born at Monmouthshire, in Wales, and came out to Australia with her parents when quite young. With her husband, Mrs. Friend conducted the Galatea Hotel, in Lake road, Newcastle, many years ago, and afterwards the Pier Hotel, at Gosford. and the Steam Packet Hotel, at Sydney. They also conducted the All Nations Hotel at Carrington, 20 years ago. The family resided in the Carrington district for upwards of 30 years. Deceased leaves a grown-up family. Her husband predeceased her 14 years ago. The funeral took place to the. Baptist portion of Sandgate cemetery yesterday afternoon.
Surname: Fryar (obit)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 7 December 1939
Place: Wallsend
Source: NMH
Details: Probably the oldest citizen of Wallsend in point of residence, Mr. Thomas Fryar, died at his home in Metcalfe-street, Walls- end, last night. For one of his age - he was in his 82nd Year - Mr. Fryar was a man of remarkable virility until he became ill a short while ago. His wife died many years ago. Surviving are a son, Mr. Reginald Fryar, of Wallsend, and a daughter, Miss Gladys Fryar, who is on the staff of the Adams- town School. For many years, Mr. Fryar had been registrar of births, deaths and marriages for the Wallsend district. At one time he conducted a grocery business, which was one of the earliest businesses established at Wallsend by his father, Thomas Fryar, in the days when the opening of the Newcastle-Wallsend Coal Company first mines began to attract settlement at Wallsend. Mr. Fryar was a child when his parents settled in Wallsend. They had lived in Newcastle. His reminiscences of early events in the place, and of the struggles of its pioneers, were always interesting. Wallsend Public School, or the oldest portion of it, was built in 1870, at a cost of £1500 (one-third of which had to be found by the citizens), and he was the first pupil to enter it. Funerals as whole-day affairs, until a local site for a cemetery was acquired in 1864, and settlers travelling to and from Newcastle in the brakevans of coal trains, on sufferance, were some of the stories he would tell of the early days. For a number of years Mr. Fryar served as an alderman in Wallsend, as distinct from the then neighbouring municipality of Plattsburg, and in 1904 he was Mayor. Among the last of the members of the old Wallsend Agricultural Society, Mr. Fryar, with others, was made a life- member of the Newcastle Show Society, when the old society s hall, known as the Tin Hall, in Murnin-street, where dwellings now stand, was removed to Newcastle Showground. Always a keen horticulturist, Mr. Fryer was President of the Wallsend branch of the Agricultural Bureau until waning interest brought about its disbandment a few years ago. He then decided to help the junior farmer movement, and was elected President of the Wallsend Club s Advisory Committee. He was a foundation member, and an officer-bearer of the Wallsend Bowling Club, which was formed in 1911. Mr. Fryar was the oldest member of the Metcalfe-street Methodist Church, and was a member of the circuit trust.
Surname: Fryer (obit)
First Name: Katherine Adelia and Richard
Ship: -
Date: 17 February 1870
Place: Wallsend
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Fever is still rife in our midst, and its effects are sometimes painful indeed. On Monday morning, the 14th instant, another home was desolated, and four little ones left motherless, by the death of Mrs. Richard Fryer, after an illness of about a fortnight ; and what makes it more sad, she is supposed to have inhaled the fever from the breath of her little girl, while sleeping with her at night, during her illness. Mrs. Fryer was very much respected by all who know her in this neighbourhood. He death, under such melancholy circumstances, has thrown a deep gloom over this place.
Surname: Fullford (obit)
First Name: Henry Charles
Ship: -
Date: 17 July 1933
Place: Newcastle
Source: Maitland Daily Mercury
Details: MR. H. C. FULLFORD Death at Newcastle NEWCASTLE, Monday. The death occurred on Saturday of Mr. Henry Charles Fullford, an old and well-know, native of Maitland, being born 78 years ago. The late Mr. Fullford spent his early life in Maitland before going to Newcastle to join the Government railway service as carriage trimmer in which occupation he remained for 45 years until his retirement six years ago. His father, Mr. James Fullford, was very well known in the early days of Maitland, where he owned the Northumberland Hotel, and for many years the hotel known as Fullford s Family Hotel. His wife, who predeceased him 22 years ago, was Ellen Brown, daughter of Mr. David Brown (Squatter) of Millie Station. The interment took place this afternoon in the C. of E. Cemetery, Sandgate. He is survived by three daughters and four sons : Mrs. H. C. Colman (Sydney), Mrs. G. L. Moore (Sydney), Mrs. J. Bernasconi (Melbourne), Mr. A. H. Fullford (Newcastle), Mr. C. G. Fullford (Newcastle), Mr. Ralph Fullford (Canada), Mr. M. Fullford (New- castle); also two brothers, Mr. Syd. Fullford (Sydney), and Mr. Fred Fullford (West Maitland).
Surname: Galloway (obit)
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 30 July 1918
Place: Maitland
Source: Daily Observer, Tamworth
Details: The death occurred in the Maitland Hospital of Mr. Robert Galloway, a very old resident of the district. Deceased was over 80 years of age, and a single man and at one time was Town Clerk to the East Maitland Municipality. Death was due to paralytic seizure
Surname: Galton (obit)
First Name: George
Ship: -
Date: 26 July 1930
Place: Newcastle and Maitland
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Details: Mr. George Galton, a prominent business man of West Maitland, died this morning at his residence in Regent street. Mr. Galton, who was born in London, came to Australia as a youth. In 1876 he founded a drapery business at Newcastle but sold out when he became firmly established in a similar enterprise at West Maitland. Mr. Galton was a prominent member of St. Pauls Church of England. He leaves a widow, two sons and two daughters. Mr. Galton was in his 80th year
Surname: Gannon (obit)
First Name: Peter
Ship: -
Date: 7 February 1935
Place: New Lambton
Source: The Catholic Press
Details: Mr. Peter Gannon, of New Lambton, who collapsed at his home on Sunday evening 27th ult, and passed away at the Mater Hospital, was born in Auburn in 1889 and was educated at Lewisham Christian Brothers and Sydney Technical College. After being associated with various constructional enterprises in Sydney he went to Newcastle about 1909 as naval architect at the Govt. dockyard, Walsh Island. Some years later he began private practice, and achieved a State wife reputation as an ecclesiastical architect. He has left many monuments of outstanding achievements to mark the course of a life which had been spent in every sense in the service of his Church, his friends and his fellow citizens....Among the church buildings that were planned and erected to his design and under his supervision are - St. Columba s, Adamstown, St. Kevin s, Cardiff; St. Therese, New Lambton; Church of Our Lady of Peace, Scone; Corpus Christi, Waratah; St. Laurence O Toole, Broadmeadow; Sacred Heart Church, Hamilton; St. Marys (newly and beautifully renovated); Newcastle; St. Joseph s East Maitland; St. Mary s Dungog; Church of the Holy Rosary, Tarr; St. Mary of the Angels, Guyra; St. Henry s, East Moree; St. Patrick s, West Tamworth; St. Patrick s, Ben Lomond; St. Augustine s, Narromine; the Ursuline Chapel, Armidale. Among the more prominent buildings of other nature completed under his guidance are St. Joseph s Convent, Merewether; St. Francis Zavier s School, Hamilton; Convents of Mercy, Hamilton, Tighes Hill, Lambton; the Novitiate building, Singleton, St. Marys Presbytery, Newcastle; De La Salle College, Armidale and the new Mater Hospital, Waratah
Surname: Geering (obit)
First Name: Susan Naomi
Ship: -
Date: 17 December 1927
Place: Casino
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: Old Maitland Resident The death of Airs. Susan Naomi Geering, a well known resident of the Maitland district, took place at Casino. Mrs. Geering, who was 69 years of age, was born at Iona, on the Paterson River, and lived all her life in the Maitland and Morpeth districts. She is survived by a husband and a grown-up family of five sons and two daughters: Walter (Lambton), Harry (Wallsend). David (Sydney), George and Ernest (Morpeth). Mrs. W. Aitchison (Morpeth), and Mrs. G. Jamieson (Casino).
Surname: Gilbert (obit)
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 10 September 1928
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: LATE JOHN GILBERT Newcastle Pioneer The death of Mr. John Gilbert at his home at Mayfield at the age of 70 years removes one of Newcastle s oldest identities. Born in one of the old buildings in King-street at present being demolished for the new Town Hall, Mr. Gilbert resided for many years at the Honeysuckle Point settlement until it was taken over by the Railway Commissioners, who erected the present workshops on the site. In the days when coaches, sulkies and two-decker buses comprised the majority of vehicles in Hunter-street, Mr. Gilbert, with his brother George, set up a coach building business in Hunter street, on the edge of Cottage Creek. With the advent of the motor car the business was turned into that side of the vehicular trade, and later on floated into a limited liability company. FORMER MAYOR - Mr. Gilbert was also actively connected with the municipal affairs of Newcastle and Wickham, and in fact took a lively interest in all public affairs. He was an alderman of Wickham Council for 15 years, and on three occasions occupied the mayoral chair. This position he also held once during an eight yearn term as an alderman of the Newcastle Council. Church matters also claimed a large Interest in Mr. Gilbert s life. From superintendent of the Wickham Methodist Church he became a local preacher, which position he hold until his health failed, after 50 years of service. He was the prime mover in having the Maitland-road Methodist Church erected and with one exception attended every annual conference in Sydney for 50 years. Mr. Gilbert was also a candidate for Parliament on three occasions, the last time being beaten by the ex leader of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party, Mr. M. Charlton. He leaves a widow (by a second marriage), two sons, Messrs. F. B. Gilbert, of Hamilton South, and Harrie Gilbert, of Mayfield, and five daughters, Mrs. J. H. Roberts (Croydon Park), Mrs. P. A. Spence (Newcastle), Mrs. G. Schroder (Toronto), Mrs.. S. Robertson (of Enfield, Sydney), and Miss (Sister) A Gilbert, of the Sydney Childrens Hospital.
Surname: Gilbert (obit)
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 10 September 1928
Place: Residence Fawcett-street, Mayfield
Source: NMH
Details: LATE MR. J. GILBERT FUNERAL AT SANDGATE There was a very large attendance at the funeral of the late Mr. John Gilbert, who died at his residence, Fawcett-street, Mayfield, on Friday. After a service held in the Maitland-road Methodist Church, presided over by Rev. R. Finigan, superintendent of the Hamilton circuit, assisted by Revs. E. E. Hynes, J. H. Somerville, and R. J. Thomas, the cortege, headed by employees of the firm Gilbert Brothers, and a number of male members of the Maitland-road Methodist Church, proceeded to the Honeysuckle railway station, thence by train to Sandgate cemetery, where the interment was made in the Methodist portion. Rev. Finigan, assisted by Revs. Hynes, Somerville and Thomas, conducted a service at the graveside. The chief mourners were the widow, Frank and Harry (sons), Mesdames J. H. Roberts and F. A. Spence, and Sister A. Gilbert (daughters), and Harry (brother). The pall-bearers were Messrs. A. Woods, W. A. Viggers, J. Taper, and W. Gour, employees of the firm of Gilbert Brothers. Deceased, who was in his 70th year, took an active interest in church and municipal affairs. A perusal of a diary kept by him for many years discloses that his first experience of the Methodist Sunday School work was about 65 years ago, near what is now known as The Glebe, where a slab church with a bark roof was built. Deceased then moved to Honeysuckle Point, and attended the Brown-street Primitive Methodist Sunday School for a number of years, afterwards moving to Wickham where a weatherboard church was built in October, 1871. As a boy deceased attended the public school at St. Johns, Cooks Hill, where the late Mr. J. Burrows was master. Serving his apprenticeship with Mr. T. Proctor, coach- builder in a shop opposite the brewery, deceased commenced in business with his brother George, near Cottage Creek bridge, where they founded the firm of Gilbert Brothers. During the course of his life, deceased saw many changes in the Newcastle district, and remembered Shepherds Hill when it was covered with a dense scrub, in which roamed herds of wild goats, Cooks Hill, particularly that section which afterwards became known as Arnotts paddock, was also thickly timbered. Having taken such a keen interest in municipal and local affairs, deceased always had a fund of knowledge of the district, and was in constant touch with social, political, commercial and religious matters. Deceased retired from business about three years ago, his son, Mr. F. B. Gilbert, acting as managing director of the firm.
Surname: Gill (nee Fostser) (obit)
First Name: Mary Jane
Ship: Argyle 1839
Date: 5 January 1934
Place: Maitland district
Source: The Scone Advocate
Details: Mrs. Mary Jane Gill died on Tuesday morning at the residence of her daughter Mrs. Ben Pryor, Telarah aged 100 years and 8 months. Born at Icklesham, Sussex on 28 April 1833, she came to Australia at the age of six years with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Foster, and arrived in Port Jackson in April 1839. The family came direct to Morpeth but after a short stay removed to the Camden district for a few years. The family left Cobbity in 1840 and settled near the head of Mulbring Creek, Sugarloaf......
Surname: Gilmour (obit)
First Name: Hugh
Ship: -
Date: 22 October 1913
Place: Newcastle
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Details: The funeral of Mr Hugh Gilmour, an old resident of Newcastle, who died last Saturday night, took place on Monday afternoon Mr Gilmour was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, on April, 20, 1820, and had lived in this city for 65 years. In 1852, when 12 years of age, he left his home to go to sea. Eventually, he landed in America in 1911 he came to Sydney with his wife, but, after remaining there a few months, he left for Moruya, where he intended to settle. The sea life was too fascinating for him, and he had not been at Moruya for any length of time before he joined the crew of a ketch adding to the Shoalhaven The little ketch was wrecked near Newcastle, and the crew was rescued by a boat sent out by Captain Livingstone, who at that time was harbour master. From that time Mr Gilmour made his home in Newcastle He was in the government service for many years, and carried out several contracting work in the city and district For any information relating to the early days Mr Gilmour was frequently referred to He remembered the wreck of the Cawarra at the entrance to the port, and also many other vessels that had been lost along the coast Deceased leaves a widow, who is 80 years of age, and two daughters and one son
Surname: Gimbert (obit)
First Name: Sarah
Ship: 1848
Date: 8 September 1923
Place: Murrurundi
Source: The Northern Champion
Details: Death of Murrurundi s oldest inhabitant Sarah Gimbert relict of Ephraim Gimbert. She was better known as Granny Gimbert and was one of the best known and most highly respected identities of the district, had lived to see her 99th Christmas and right up to her last illness had retained wonderful vitality, doing all her own housework. She was a native of Cambridge, England and landed in Australia in September 1848 and resided at Bathurst five or six years. She came to Murrurundi in March 1859. She was married at the age of 20. Issue of the marriage was four sons and five daughters. Surviving sons and daughters were William Gimbert of Newtown, John Gimbert of Murrurundi, Sarah Danswan of Epping, Jane Standring of Tamworth and Mrs. Sweeney.
Surname: Glennie (obit.,)
First Name: Rev. Benjamin
Ship: -
Date: 1 May 1900
Place: Queesland
Source: The Brisbane Courier
Details: DEATH OF CANON GLENNIE. A PEACEFUL END. It was in no way a shock to Brisbane to learn yesterday that Canon Glennie had that morning passed peacefully away, at the house at Wynnum, where for the past eight months he had resided, under the loving care .of Miss Gillett. It cannot be said that his death was unexpected. For many years now the gaunt, bent old figure of the Grand Old Man of Queensland's Church of Eng-land's ministers has reminded one that the Angel of Death Is very near at times, and the feeling one has Is almost one of gladness that there was " no moaning of the bar when he put-out to sea." His end suited the last years of his life. For many years now his one-time familiar face and voice has been missed from the services at St. John's, and at the last even from the streets he had watched grow from mere bush tracks. For Canon Glennie had seen the colony blossom from the babe In arms to the full-grown daughter of the 'mother-land. Forty year he served that God as only a true teacher of Christ's doctrine can serve It-giving freely of his own, undergoing hardships Innumerable for the sake of the gospel, and working all his, to spread the truths that he was enjoined to. To those who only knew him in his later years, a few facts about his life are indispensable before one can grasp the full significance of all he has done for the deep striking roots of religion in Queensland. Far back,-when this century was still in Its teens-to be exact, in 1812-Benjamin Glennie was born in Camberwell, London, The son of principal in a school there. He was educated at King's College, London, of which the Right Rev. Lord Bishop Londsdale was then the dean. From there he went, in the natural course of events, to Christ College, Cambridge, where in 1847/he took his degree. Next year he came out to Sydney, and was almost immediately ordained deacon at Morpeth by Bishop Tyrrell, then Bishop of Newcastle, who likewise consecrated him priest in the following year (1849)). He became incumbent of Moreton Bay .(as the colony, was then called) in 1848, and of Darling Downs in 'the same year. The former he dropped at the end of two years,-the latter at the end of ten more-taking over charge of Warwick in 1860. Here he remained until 1872. Then followed Drayton (1872-70) and Toowong (1878-77). In 1863 he was made an archdeacon of Brisbane, and became Examining Chaplain to the Bishop in 1875. Both of these positions he held until 1886,when, on the advent of Bishop Webber, he resigned, owing to advancing years, which rendered his duties rather too severe a tax upon his strength. He was then appointed the first honorary chaplain In connection with the newly-consecrated Cathedral of St. John. From that time he has lived in quiet retirement, his gentle, kindly nature helping him to bear the knowledge that he had but to 'wait " until the day come and the shadows flee away."
Surname: Goodall (obit)
First Name: Richard Wright
Ship: -
Date: 5 February 1870
Place: Maitland
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Another of the old Maitland men, of some note, has passed away from among us, Mr. Richard Wright Goodall, who died early on Wednesday morning, after an exhausting illness. Mr. Goodall, many years ago, when he at first came to Maitland, was a man of considerable ability, not only as a surveyor, his profession, but us a public man, and a conversational man. His leading feature at that time was grumbling at things us they wore, and proposing all sorts of impossible and impractical schemes then a Radical of the first water in reference to all, or nearly nil, existing things - although wo do not think he was then, or ever, a Radical in politics. Such stirrers-up of strife, when blessed with conversational ability, which Mr. Goodall possessed pretty fully, do a great deal of good in their day ; but Mr. Goodall was not a good public speaker, and was not gifted with much constructive ability, so that he did not link his name as a leader, in our local history, with any specially valuable public movement, although he took part in nearly all such movements, and originated not u few. He was fond of geology, and , to some extent, of botany und horticulture, and gave many a pleasant lecture in our various public rooms, from time to time, largely illustrated with diagrams, &c, executed by himself. Of late years, as the infirmities of ago, and those caused by exposure to weather in his profession, grew on him, he has withdrawn gradually from public view, although he still maintained a great number of private friendships