Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Fernyhough (obit)
First Name: William Henry
Ship: -
Date: 29 October 1918
Place: Wickham
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: VETERAN S DEATH Fought in Maori War The death of Mr. William Henry Fernyhough, at the age of 77 years, on Sunday, at his residence, Charles street, Wickham, has removed from Newcastle shipping circles a well- known and respected figure. The deceased, who was a native of Sydney, participated in the Maori war. He came to Newcastle about 44 years ago, and entered the service of the Harbors and Rivers Department. Many years there, his health obliged him to take a position in the Navigation Department, which he retained for over 10 years, almost up to the time of his death. The funeral, a naval one, took place this afternoon. The gun carriage was drawn by members of the Naval Re- serve and Brigade, under Chief Petty- Officer Nye, and the Navy Band, under the baton of C.P.O. Bratten, played the Dead March. The Newcastle Naval and Military Association, of which deceased was a member, was well represented. A widow and three grandsons survive.

Surname: Ferris (obit)
First Name: Martha
Ship: -
Date: 27 August 1918
Place: Maitland
Source: Daily Observer
Details: Mrs. Martha Ferris, one of the best known residents of the Maitland district, died at her residence, Bolwarra, after an illness extending over many weeks. She was of a kindly and cheerful deposition, and was held in high esteem amongst a large circle of friends. She displayed a keen interest in the annual exhibition of the Hunter River Agricultural and Horticultural Association, and acted as judge, on many occasions in the food and cookery section. She is survived by two sons (Messrs John and George Ferris), and one daughter (Miss Florrie Ferris). Her husband predeceased her some time ago.

Surname: Field (obit.,)
First Name: John
Ship: Born in the colony
Date: 31 May 1845
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Mr. Fields private worth will be justly remembered by many, even beyond the circle of his family and friends. But one whose personal knowledge enables him to record his character as a public officer, feels that in doing so he discharges a religious duty. Mr. F. obtained the appointment of gaoler about ten years ago, by the recommendation of Sir Edward Parry, whose cordial solicitude for his welfare procured for Mr. F., when his patron left the colony, the countenance and good offices of that excellent man s friends. Having resolved to correct the demeanour of the miserable persons under his charge, he entered on the task by enforcing the sanctity of the Lord s Day. This he effected with a perseverance, kindness, and consistency to be ascribed to other sentiments than those of official obligation. But his anxiety on their behalf went beyond considerations of discipline. When he could do so without violence to peculiarities of faith, he spoke of truths on which he rested his own hopes of happiness ; and we may hope that many of that class of persons to whom the gaol of Newcastle was as the gates of death, learned the way of salvation through the prayers and persuasions of their gaoler. A public servant who seeks in the first place the approbation of God and his conscience, meets with many vexations ; satisfied with the rectitude of his own intentions, he does not perceive the propriety of securing the commendations of others, nor does he fear their censure. This was Mr. F.s experience. Although honored with the kind consideration of the functionaries of the courts of law ; although allowed by the Judges the privilege of speech to an extent approaching to familiarity, because of their confidence in his good faith ; although his eulogium was repeatedly pronounced by these dignitaries from the bench and in their chambers ; yet he was sometimes misunderstood, and generally most severely condemned when most punctually dutiful. These calamities nearly overwhelmed him, but they are mentioned here because of his reliance upon the particular providence of God, whose signal mercies in raising up friends in his distress, in the most remarkable as well as unexpected manner, he used to recount with overflowing gratitude, and with the humility of a Christian.

Surname: Fillingham (obit)
First Name: Rev. Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 13 March 1869
Place: Grafton
Source: Launceston Examiner
Details: It is our sad duty this issue to record the death of the Rev. Joseph Fillingham; late Wesleyan minister at Grafton, a gentleman highly respected by those who knew him best, both as a gentleman and Christian minister. The deceased was a Yorkshireman, the son of the late Mr. George Fillingham, for many years a supervisor in the excise. He was educated in the York Grammar School, and for several years was employed in the office of one of the oldest legal firms in that city. He was originally a member of the Church of England, but having been religiously impressed by the preaching of the Rev. Mr. Caughey, a distinguished minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church of America, he became a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, and for some time was successfully employed as a local preacher, under the superintendence of the Rev. Alexander Bell and the Rev. Daniel Watson - men distinguished for their good service to Wesleyan Methodism. He was induced by Dr. Lang to leave the old country to supply the lack of ministerial labour in the colony. He arrived in the colony some nineteen years ago, and immediately on his arrival connected himself with the Methodist church, and entered upon his ministerial career as an assistant missionary, a name by which the younger ministers were then designated in the colony. He has travelled in the Maitland Circuit - then one of the widest circuits in the colony, entailing upon the minister a large amount of physical labour-often travelling for eight and ten days together, and daily preaching, besides Sunday services, and often under very distressing circumstances. He was then removed to the Windsor Circuit, thence to the Western Goldfields, where he had to undergo many privations, and was often exposed to many perils. After spending some time in the Camden Circuit, the Conference removed him to Tasmania, where he laboured in the Oatlands, Hobart Town, and Campbell Town Circuits with much success. He was highly esteemed by his brethren, who elected him secretary of the District Committee, and appointed him at the Conference of 1865, the representative for the Tasmanian District. His health failing he was, at his own request, removed by the Conference to the New South Wales District, and appointed to the Clarence, hoping that a warmer climate might recruit his wasted energies. The deceased was married at Parramatta, in 1855, to Eliza Rebecca Orton, a daughter of the late Rev. Joseph Orton, the first minister that ever visited Victoria, who delivered his first sermon upon Blackmans Hill, upon which a portion of the city of Melbourne now stands, but was at that time all bush. In consequence of his arduous duties his health failed, and he was compelled to return to England to recruit, but died on the voyage; and was buried at sea. By the death of Mr. Fillingham, his lady is left a widow with a family of six children, one child having met an untimely death by scalding, whilst in the Oatlands Circuit. The deceased was only forty years of age; the immediate cause of his death was consumption, accelerated by the intense heat of the climate of the Clarence. He died on Wednesday morning, 24th of February, 1869, and was buried on Thursday, in the cemetery at Grafton., The funeral was conducted by Mr. William Stucley, of Grafton, in his usual style.

Surname: Filmer (obit)
First Name: Mrs. William
Ship: -
Date: 23 December 1901
Place: Maitland
Source: The Australian Star
Details: Mrs. Filmer, wife of Mr. William Filmer, a well known resident of the Maitland district, was found dead in bed on Saturday morning. The deceased, who was 71 year of age leaves a large family of grown up sons and daughters. She had resided in the town over 50 years

Surname: Finch (obit)
First Name: Charles Wray
Ship: -
Date: 7 June 1873
Place: -
Source: Australian Town and Country Journal
Details: Charles Wray Finch was the eldest son of the Reverend Henry Finch, M. A. of Christ College, Cambridge, Lord of the Manor and Rector of Little Shelford, Vicar of Great Shel- ford, Vicar of Long Staunton (All Saints), Lord of the Manor of Cottenham, all in Cambridgeshire, and captain to the late Earl of Jersey. He was born at Henny Great, in the county of Essex, at the residence of his grandfather. He was educated at King Edward the 6th s School, Bury St. Edmond s. Suffolk. In 1830 he obtained a commission in H. M. 17th Regiment of Foot. The next year he came with his Regiment to this colony. Shortly after his arrival he sold out of the Regiment, and was appointed Police Magistrate at Patrick s Plains, on the 22nd May, 1831. This appointment he held for seven years. On the 14th June, 1837 he married the eldest daughter of the late Colonel H. C. Wilson, the- first Police Magistrate of Sydney. On the 8th of August 1S38 he resigned this office as Police Magistrate, and entered into pastoral pursuits, which he followed for several years, chiefly in the county of Wellington. He was on the commission of the Peace, and sat on the Bench at Wellington and Molong, until 1852, when he left that district, after a residence there of four teen years, and came to Parramatta. He there also acted as a magistrate. Together with Sir Stuart. A. Donaldson, and one or two other gentlemen, he commenced the Australian Club, of which he was a member as long as he lived. In 1853. Captain Finch was elected, on the retirement of Mr. Bettington, member of the Legislative Council, then the sole chamber of legislation, for the counties of Wellington and Bligh. He held this seat until the introduction of the new Constitution of two Houses, when he was succeeded by Mr. G. W. Lord as representative of that part of the country, now chiefly comprised in the Electorate of the Bogan. In June 1860, upon the decease of the late Major Lockyer, and the consequent promotion of Major Shadforth, the former Sergeant-at Arms, to the position of Usher of the Black Rod, which he still holds, Captain Finch was appointed by the Cowper Government, Sergeant-at-Arms in the Legislative Assembly, and held this office until his decease. Though the labour of this position was not severe, the tedium of some of the long night sittings must have been no joke to one whose duty, required his constant presence in the House. Honorable members can retire and return to the chamber, at will ; even the Speaker obtains a release, whenever the House goes into Committee. But for the Sergeant-at-Arms, there is no exemption from the burden of perpetual vigilance, until the House adjourns. It was the lot of Captain Finch, on two or three occasions, to be in attendance throughout sittings of twenty-four hours, sittings which were superseded by the arrival of the time when the next , day s sitting commenced, involving the necessity of other six or ten hours attendance with out intermission. In private life his exemplary deportment and amiable disposition won for him the affection of those who knew him best. In the discharge of his public duties, he maintained his credit as a faithful officer of the State. He died on the 6th May, 1873, the day of the public funeral of Mr. Wentworth.

Surname: Finch (obit)
First Name: Henry
Ship: -
Date: 4 April 1895
Place: Newcastlw
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: THE LATE MR. HENRY FINCH. YESTERDAY afternoon there was carried to his last rest an old and deeply-respected resident of the Hunter River District, Mr. Henry Finch, who died at his late residence, Barker-street, Newcastle, on Tuesday. He was buried in the Church of England division of the Sandgate Cemetery. The funeral cortege started from the late residence of the deceased, and passed through the leading streets to the Newcastle railway station, whence the body and a large proportion of the mourners proceeded to Sandgate. Mr. W. Neve con- ducted the funeral. Arrived at the cemetery the following gentleman acted as pall-bearers : — Messrs. John Reid, Frederick Ash, sen., John and George Hickinbotham. A very large number of choice wreaths were placed on the coffin, and the funeral procession comprised a large number of those whose careers in this district have earned for them the repute of being our most reputable citizens. Prominent business men were specially noticeable, and the gathering of those connected with harbour and shipping interests was large and representative. During the day house and agency flags were displayed at half-mast, and most of the shipping in port contributed the same compliment to the memory of the deceased. Some of the gentlemen who followed the remains to the grave were heard to say that they had known Mr. Finch for 35 years. Mr. Finch made his first venture in the Hunter Valley as a hotelkeeper at East Maitland, where he remained for some years, and where he made (over half the estimated life- time ago) the friendship of some who saw his corpse interred. He next embarked in business as the licensee of the Market Wharf Inn, in Newcastle, which he conducted for many years with, it is believed, excellent pecuniary results. Relinquishing the business of a boniface, he was a prime mover in the formation of the Newcastle Co-operative Steam-tug Company, which commenced operations with a small tug called the Aquarius, but which extended its operations with extraordinary rapidity, Mr. Finch, holding with other shareholders of business prominence in Newcastle, the position of chairman of directors. This post he retained for many years, and only surrendered it on the sale of the business to Messrs. J. and A. Brown, after a long period of development and prosperity. At the time of the sale the shares had increased in value 50 per cent. Mr. Finch took very great interest in the working of the Newcastle Hospital, and maintained this, meanwhile occupying high and responsible positions, honorarily, until about eight years ago, when advancing age and failing sight compelled him to surrender his active connection with the institution. Mr. Finch leaves one son, his name- sake, a well-known citizen, who is connected with the firm of Wallace and Co., of this city

Surname: Fisher (obit)
First Name: Dr. Walter
Ship: -
Date: 4 April 1938
Place: Goulburn
Source: Goulburn Evening Penny Post
Details: The death occurred at St. John of God Hospital on Saturday morning, of Dr. Walter Fisher, aged 81, father of Mrs. A. P. Gillespie,. of Clifford Street, Goulburn. Dr. Fisher, who had been in falling health for some time, lived at. Manly, but had come to Goulburn for some weeks, when it. was found necessary that he should enter hospital. Born in Melbourne, Dr. Fisher became a dispenser at the Prince Alfred Hospital there, and later with his young wife, travelled, to England by the sailing ship Ellora. Mr. Fisher, as he then was, went as a kind of adviser to the captain of the vessel, who, was not in the best of health. The trip lasted four months and took them round Cape Horn. They experienced a very rough and exciting voyage. Arriving in Scotland, Mr. Fisher studied medicine, at the Edinburgh University, where he secured his degree. He came to Australia and for many years practised in Brisbane where he was Government Medical Officer. He was the first doctor to diagnose the outbreak of bubonic plague in Queensland. He was also a surgeon in the Queensland Navy before the days of Federation. He went to Victoria, but ultimately came to New South Wales, practising at Walgett and for many years at Mayfield, Newcastle. All his life Dr. Fisher had taken the keenest of interest in politics and the influence of legislation on people. He retired to Manly, giving the whole of his time to the preparation of articles, books and booklets on these subjects. He was in correspondence with many of the leading figures in world politics, Mr. Anthony Eden being among them. He was in touch also with all the Australian political leaders. Dr. Fisher leaves a widow, two sons, Mr. Athol Fisher, of Manly, and Mr. Julian Fisher, of Sydney; and one daughter, Mrs. Gillespie.

Surname: Fleming (obit)
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 7 February 1928
Place: Newcastle
Source: Singleton Argus
Details: Mr Robert Fleming, a very old New castle identity, who was in his 83rd year, died on Friday afternoon, at Toronto where he had been staying with his daughter Miss Elizabeth Fleming, for the past two weeks. He was born in Newcastle, and was one of the oldest natives of the district. As a young man he was associated with his father, Mr Peter Fleming, in a butchering business. Later he became a successful horse-owner and trainer, and amongst those for whom he trained were Messrs A. Brown, W. Brown, E. A. Merewether, and A. Wallace. For a number of years he was a member of the committee and secretary of Newcastle Jockey Club, and he was one of the pioneers who did so much in bringing the club to the forward position it occupies to-day. In 1900 he received an appointment as starter and measurer for the ponies in Sydney, and on that account had to relinquish his position as secretary of the Jockey Club, and was succeeded by Mr J. Grisdale, the present occupant of the office.

Surname: Fleming (obit.,)
First Name: John Henry
Ship: -
Date: 25 August 1894
Place: Wilberforce
Source: Windsor and Richmond Gazette
Details: After a long illness, attended by much suffering, an old and respected resident of Wilberforce, Mr John Henry Fleming, passed away on Mon- day. Born at Pitt Town, early in life he engaged in squatting pursuits in Queensland. He ultimately settled down at Wilberforce, and for many years followed a farming life, where he acquired a comfortable competency. He was a member of the Committee of the Hawkesbury Benevolent Society for many years, and the old folks lose a kind-hearted sympathiser by his death, He was appointed a Justice of the Peace about ten years ago. Deceased used to tell some stirring stories of the early days of settlement in the colony, and the trouble he had with the Blacks. Mr Fleming had been gradually declining during the past few years, and added to this he lately had a severe attack of influenza. For weeks past he has been undergoing much suffering, but through all his pain he was remarkable for his patience. As a resident he will be much missed for his kindness of heart and generosity to the poor; he was never known to refuse to anyone in want. Deceased was 78 years of age, and was a brother to Mrs William Hall of Cattai. His remains were interred in the Church of England Cemetery, Wilberforce, on Tuesday last. Deceased leaves a widow, but no family. Mr R W Dunstan was the undertaker, and the Rev. H Guinness conducted the burial service.

Surname: Fleming (obit.,)
First Name: Peter
Ship: -
Date: 23 June 1894
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: DEATH OF MR. PETER FLEMING, SENIOR. DEATH has been very busy among the old identities of this district recently, and yesterday another was added to the list by the de cease of Mr. Peter Fleming, sen., who died at his residence, Linwood, at a quarter to 3 o clock in the afternoon. For some three weeks the deceased has been ailing, and he gradually became worse until death came upon him quietly at the hour mentioned. The late Mr. Fleming was one of the oldest identities in the district, having come to Newcastle in the year 1838. In 1841 he started business as a butcher in Hunter - street, and commenced to deal largely in land. He was born in Paisley, Scotland, in 1817, and was therefore in the 78th year of his age. In 1857 Mr. Fleming entered into partnership with Mr. C. B. Ranclaud. and for many years they carried on one of the largest butchery establishments in the colonies. In 1864, the deceased having secured a large area of land in various parts of the district retired from business, and ever since has been living with his family at Lin wood. Soon after coming to Newcastle Mr. Fleming married a daughter of the late Mr. Donald Cameron, of Hexham and Port Stephens. This good lady who is 74 years of age survives her husband, and her birthday was only quietly celebrated on Wednesday last. On the 28th of last month Mr. and Mrs. Fleming held their golden wedding, and on that day the family gathered round the parents, who had been married for the long period of 60 years. A large quantity of valuable property has been left to the widow and family by the deceased. Many years ago Mr. Fleming purchased 120 acres in what is now the municipality of Wickham, and he established a little town there early in the sixties. Of the estate then purchased more than half has been sold, and among the other properties held by the deceased, are about a dozen shops in the main streets of the city. The deceased was among the first batch of aldermen elected to the Newcastle Borough Council, and for 27 consecutive years held the position, and only gave it up owing to his wish to quietly retire on his competency. The family left by the deceased are Mr. Robert Fleming, Mrs. James Fraser, Mr. Donald Fleming, Mr. Alexander Fleming of Quirindi, Mr. John Fleming, Mrs. Donald Fletcher, wife of Mr. Fletcher of Bajala Station, Castlereagh River, and Mr. Peter Fleming, jun., who although the youngest, is nearly 30 years of age. The re mains of the deceased will be interred in the Sandgate Cemetery on Sunday afternoon.

Surname: Forbes (obit.,)
First Name: Francis (junior)
Ship: -
Date: 1850
Place: -
Source: Researches in the Southern Gold Fields of NSW Google Books)
Details: Francis Forbes Esq., 1849. This gentleman, a graduate of the University of Cambridge and eldest son of Sir Francis Forbes, one of the late Chief Justices of New South Wales, contributed his share to the advancement of knowledge by publishing a paper, in 1849, on the Production of Gold, in which he quoted from Sir Roderick Murchison s letter to Sir C. Lemon, and gave some useful statistical details. Having the honor of Mr. Forbes friendship, I had corresponded with him respecting some enquiries he made of me as to the metalliferous riches of his own neighbourhood on Darling Downs. Whether Mr. Forbes ever himself found gold I do not know, his letters to me make no mention of it. But he was a man of great talent and scholarship, and taking a deep interest in the advancement of the discovery of gold in California, went thither and, unfortunately, died.

Surname: Ford (Stevens) (obit)
First Name: Maria
Ship: 1846
Date: 2 May 1924
Place: -
Source: Dungog Chronicle
Details: MRS. MARIA STEVENS. The death of Mrs Maria Stevens at Cocumbark on Thursday after- noon last removed another of the district s sturdy old pioneers, who possessed all the attributes of hardiness and good nature for which the older hands were noted. It was her pleasure to do a good turn to others and her Home was always a meeting place and an open door for the stranger who needed a cup of tea or a meal, especially in the early days, when hotels and boarding houses were few and far between. The deceased was known far and wide for her charitable and kindly disposition. She had many friends and no enemies. Everyone loved and respected Granny Stevens. Born at Somersetshire, England, the late Mrs. Stevens was just on 85 years of age at the time of her death. She was a girl of seven when she first landed in Australia with her parents. Her father the late Mr. Henry Ford, was one of the early pioneers of the Williams River, he having settled there 78 years ago, soon after his arrival from the Old Country. Sixty-eight years ago the deceased was married at Clarence Town to Mr. John Stevens, who predeceased her 28 years ago. It is a coincidence that he also was about 85 years of age when he died. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens were among the earliest settlers at Dyers Crossing, having settled at Cocumbark half a century ago. They reared a family of seven daughters and four sons. Two of the daughters predeceased the mother, and those surviving are Messrs. John (Dyer s Crossing), Henry (Klondella, Cocumbark) , George (Killarney, Cocumbark), Hezekiah (Glen Eva Bulby), and Mesdames Alf Bowers (Nabiac), R. C. Lowe (Taree), John Ward (Taree), George Sawyer (Cocum bark), and C. Priestly (Nabiac). In addition there are over 50 grand children and about 6O great grand children. Ten of the grandsons saw service in the war. Four went from one of the daughter s family and three from one of the sons. Despite her age, the deceased was an active war worker throughout the struggle. She was over 70 at the time, but learned, to knit sox and other comforts and sent them to the soldiers. Brothers and sisters of deceased who survived are Mr. Albert Ford (Kolodon), Mr. Fred Ford (Mount George), Messrs. William and James Ford (Sydney), Mr. Andrew Ford (Maitland), Mr. H. Ford (Stroud), Mr. John Ford (Williams River), Mrs. Phillip Paff (Brookfield), and Mrs. John. Robards (Clarence Town)

Surname: Fraser (obit)
First Name: James
Ship: Lord of the Isles 1853
Date: 5 April 1926
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: Mr. James Fraser died at his residence, 32 Perkin-street, Newcastle last night. Mr. Fraser, who was 82 years of age was one of the oldest residents of Newcastle, having lived here for over 60 years. Born in Scotland, Mr. Fraser came with his parents to Australia when a child, and for some years lived in Sydney, where he was educated at Fort-street school. When a young man Mr. Fraser commenced business in Newcastle as an engineer and coppersmith, his first works being in Hunter-street, on the site where the Crown and Anchor Hotel stands. Later he removed to King-street where he carried on business up to 20 years ago when he retired. Mr. Fraser was one of the oldest members of the Masonic Lodge, Harmony, and always took a keen interest in Masonry. For many years he was an elder of St. Andrews Church but was never associated with public life. Mrs. Fraser was a daughter of Peter Fleming of Linwood.

Surname: Freeman (obit)
First Name: Charles
Ship: -
Date: 20 April 1914
Place: Adamstown
Source: NMH
Details: THE LATE MR CHARLES FREEMAN The funeral of the late Mr Charles Freeman took place on Saturday, when there was a large gathering, which included many old residents of the district. The service was conducted by the Reverend Mr Woodgar, St Stephens Church. Brother A. Edden, M.P., read the service of the M.U., I.O.O.F. The pall-bearers were Brothers W Jackton, A. Onslow, J. Wall, and D. Williams of the Pride of Adamstown Lodge. The late Mr Freeman arrived in Queensland from Lancashire, England about 50 years ago, and after spending a few months in that State came on to New South Wales. He first lived in Lambton, and subsequently removed to New Lambton, and eventually to Adamstown, 35 years ago, where he remained till his death, on Thursday, at the age of 75 years. He followed the occupation of a miner for several years. He was one of the contractors for sinking New Lambton old pit, also the Commonage tunnel at Lambton. On relinquishing mining he opened a brick yard near New Lambton pit, Adamstown, but bad business forced him to close up. In Adamstown, Mr Freeman took an interest in public affairs He was a member of the first municipal council, and as an active member of the mechanics institute from its inauguration. Mr Freeman was the first to open the Blue Bell Hotel in Newcastle, but he soon tired of the business, and sold out to the late Mr Thomas Hardy, who subsequently was manager of New Lambton Colliery, when it was controlled by Mr J C Dibbs. He retired from hard work about 20 years ago, and was widely known and respected. He leaves a widow and family of four sons and two daughters Adamstown Juvenile Band, under M. W Barkel, played a programme of music on the reserve on Sunday afternoon. There was a good gathering, and the music was appreciated. A collection of £1 8s 6d, in aid of the band, was taken up. The Reverend C J McAuley, the new superintendent of the Adamstown Methodist circuit, conducted his opening service last night in the Adamstown church, to a large congregation.

Surname: Freeman (obit.,)
First Name: Mary Ann
Ship: -
Date: 20 July 1891
Place: Swansea, Lake Macquarie
Source: NMH
Details: Obituary of Mary Ann Freeman age 86 mentioning Noraville, Cabbage Tree, The Jewboy Gang

Surname: Friend (nee Reed) (obit)
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 31 March 1922
Place: Broadmeadow
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: The death took place of Mrs. Elizabeth Friend (71), relict of the late Mr. Daniel Albert Friend, late of Carrington, at the residence of her son in-law, Mr. E. Gilpin, at Broadmeadow. on Tuesday night. Deceased had been in indifferent health for over six months. She was born at Monmouthshire, in Wales, and came out to Australia with her parents when quite young. With her husband, Mrs. Friend conducted the Galatea Hotel, in Lake road, Newcastle, many years ago, and afterwards the Pier Hotel, at Gosford. and the Steam Packet Hotel, at Sydney. They also conducted the All Nations Hotel at Carrington, 20 years ago. The family resided in the Carrington district for upwards of 30 years. Deceased leaves a grown-up family. Her husband predeceased her 14 years ago. The funeral took place to the. Baptist portion of Sandgate cemetery yesterday afternoon.

Surname: Fryar (obit)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 7 December 1939
Place: Wallsend
Source: NMH
Details: Probably the oldest citizen of Wallsend in point of residence, Mr. Thomas Fryar, died at his home in Metcalfe-street, Walls- end, last night. For one of his age - he was in his 82nd Year - Mr. Fryar was a man of remarkable virility until he became ill a short while ago. His wife died many years ago. Surviving are a son, Mr. Reginald Fryar, of Wallsend, and a daughter, Miss Gladys Fryar, who is on the staff of the Adams- town School. For many years, Mr. Fryar had been registrar of births, deaths and marriages for the Wallsend district. At one time he conducted a grocery business, which was one of the earliest businesses established at Wallsend by his father, Thomas Fryar, in the days when the opening of the Newcastle-Wallsend Coal Company first mines began to attract settlement at Wallsend. Mr. Fryar was a child when his parents settled in Wallsend. They had lived in Newcastle. His reminiscences of early events in the place, and of the struggles of its pioneers, were always interesting. Wallsend Public School, or the oldest portion of it, was built in 1870, at a cost of £1500 (one-third of which had to be found by the citizens), and he was the first pupil to enter it. Funerals as whole-day affairs, until a local site for a cemetery was acquired in 1864, and settlers travelling to and from Newcastle in the brakevans of coal trains, on sufferance, were some of the stories he would tell of the early days. For a number of years Mr. Fryar served as an alderman in Wallsend, as distinct from the then neighbouring municipality of Plattsburg, and in 1904 he was Mayor. Among the last of the members of the old Wallsend Agricultural Society, Mr. Fryar, with others, was made a life- member of the Newcastle Show Society, when the old society s hall, known as the Tin Hall, in Murnin-street, where dwellings now stand, was removed to Newcastle Showground. Always a keen horticulturist, Mr. Fryer was President of the Wallsend branch of the Agricultural Bureau until waning interest brought about its disbandment a few years ago. He then decided to help the junior farmer movement, and was elected President of the Wallsend Club s Advisory Committee. He was a foundation member, and an officer-bearer of the Wallsend Bowling Club, which was formed in 1911. Mr. Fryar was the oldest member of the Metcalfe-street Methodist Church, and was a member of the circuit trust.

Surname: Fryer (obit)
First Name: Katherine Adelia and Richard
Ship: -
Date: 17 February 1870
Place: Wallsend
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Fever is still rife in our midst, and its effects are sometimes painful indeed. On Monday morning, the 14th instant, another home was desolated, and four little ones left motherless, by the death of Mrs. Richard Fryer, after an illness of about a fortnight ; and what makes it more sad, she is supposed to have inhaled the fever from the breath of her little girl, while sleeping with her at night, during her illness. Mrs. Fryer was very much respected by all who know her in this neighbourhood. He death, under such melancholy circumstances, has thrown a deep gloom over this place.

Surname: Fullford (obit)
First Name: Henry Charles
Ship: -
Date: 17 July 1933
Place: Newcastle
Source: Maitland Daily Mercury
Details: MR. H. C. FULLFORD Death at Newcastle NEWCASTLE, Monday. The death occurred on Saturday of Mr. Henry Charles Fullford, an old and well-know, native of Maitland, being born 78 years ago. The late Mr. Fullford spent his early life in Maitland before going to Newcastle to join the Government railway service as carriage trimmer in which occupation he remained for 45 years until his retirement six years ago. His father, Mr. James Fullford, was very well known in the early days of Maitland, where he owned the Northumberland Hotel, and for many years the hotel known as Fullford s Family Hotel. His wife, who predeceased him 22 years ago, was Ellen Brown, daughter of Mr. David Brown (Squatter) of Millie Station. The interment took place this afternoon in the C. of E. Cemetery, Sandgate. He is survived by three daughters and four sons : Mrs. H. C. Colman (Sydney), Mrs. G. L. Moore (Sydney), Mrs. J. Bernasconi (Melbourne), Mr. A. H. Fullford (Newcastle), Mr. C. G. Fullford (Newcastle), Mr. Ralph Fullford (Canada), Mr. M. Fullford (New- castle); also two brothers, Mr. Syd. Fullford (Sydney), and Mr. Fred Fullford (West Maitland).