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Surname: Gill (nee Fostser) (obit)
First Name: Mary Jane
Ship: Argyle 1839
Date: 5 January 1934
Place: Maitland district
Source: The Scone Advocate
Details: Mrs. Mary Jane Gill died on Tuesday morning at the residence of her daughter Mrs. Ben Pryor, Telarah aged 100 years and 8 months. Born at Icklesham, Sussex on 28 April 1833, she came to Australia at the age of six years with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Foster, and arrived in Port Jackson in April 1839. The family came direct to Morpeth but after a short stay removed to the Camden district for a few years. The family left Cobbity in 1840 and settled near the head of Mulbring Creek, Sugarloaf......

Surname: Gilmour (obit)
First Name: Hugh
Ship: -
Date: 22 October 1913
Place: Newcastle
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Details: The funeral of Mr Hugh Gilmour, an old resident of Newcastle, who died last Saturday night, took place on Monday afternoon Mr Gilmour was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, on April, 20, 1820, and had lived in this city for 65 years. In 1852, when 12 years of age, he left his home to go to sea. Eventually, he landed in America in 1911 he came to Sydney with his wife, but, after remaining there a few months, he left for Moruya, where he intended to settle. The sea life was too fascinating for him, and he had not been at Moruya for any length of time before he joined the crew of a ketch adding to the Shoalhaven The little ketch was wrecked near Newcastle, and the crew was rescued by a boat sent out by Captain Livingstone, who at that time was harbour master. From that time Mr Gilmour made his home in Newcastle He was in the government service for many years, and carried out several contracting work in the city and district For any information relating to the early days Mr Gilmour was frequently referred to He remembered the wreck of the Cawarra at the entrance to the port, and also many other vessels that had been lost along the coast Deceased leaves a widow, who is 80 years of age, and two daughters and one son

Surname: Gimbert (obit)
First Name: Sarah
Ship: 1848
Date: 8 September 1923
Place: Murrurundi
Source: The Northern Champion
Details: Death of Murrurundi s oldest inhabitant Sarah Gimbert relict of Ephraim Gimbert. She was better known as Granny Gimbert and was one of the best known and most highly respected identities of the district, had lived to see her 99th Christmas and right up to her last illness had retained wonderful vitality, doing all her own housework. She was a native of Cambridge, England and landed in Australia in September 1848 and resided at Bathurst five or six years. She came to Murrurundi in March 1859. She was married at the age of 20. Issue of the marriage was four sons and five daughters. Surviving sons and daughters were William Gimbert of Newtown, John Gimbert of Murrurundi, Sarah Danswan of Epping, Jane Standring of Tamworth and Mrs. Sweeney.

Surname: Glennie (obit.,)
First Name: Rev. Benjamin
Ship: -
Date: 1 May 1900
Place: Queesland
Source: The Brisbane Courier
Details: DEATH OF CANON GLENNIE. A PEACEFUL END. It was in no way a shock to Brisbane to learn yesterday that Canon Glennie had that morning passed peacefully away, at the house at Wynnum, where for the past eight months he had resided, under the loving care .of Miss Gillett. It cannot be said that his death was unexpected. For many years now the gaunt, bent old figure of the Grand Old Man of Queensland's Church of Eng-land's ministers has reminded one that the Angel of Death Is very near at times, and the feeling one has Is almost one of gladness that there was " no moaning of the bar when he put-out to sea." His end suited the last years of his life. For many years now his one-time familiar face and voice has been missed from the services at St. John's, and at the last even from the streets he had watched grow from mere bush tracks. For Canon Glennie had seen the colony blossom from the babe In arms to the full-grown daughter of the 'mother-land. Forty year he served that God as only a true teacher of Christ's doctrine can serve It-giving freely of his own, undergoing hardships Innumerable for the sake of the gospel, and working all his, to spread the truths that he was enjoined to. To those who only knew him in his later years, a few facts about his life are indispensable before one can grasp the full significance of all he has done for the deep striking roots of religion in Queensland. Far back,-when this century was still in Its teens-to be exact, in 1812-Benjamin Glennie was born in Camberwell, London, The son of principal in a school there. He was educated at King's College, London, of which the Right Rev. Lord Bishop Londsdale was then the dean. From there he went, in the natural course of events, to Christ College, Cambridge, where in 1847/he took his degree. Next year he came out to Sydney, and was almost immediately ordained deacon at Morpeth by Bishop Tyrrell, then Bishop of Newcastle, who likewise consecrated him priest in the following year (1849)). He became incumbent of Moreton Bay .(as the colony, was then called) in 1848, and of Darling Downs in 'the same year. The former he dropped at the end of two years,-the latter at the end of ten more-taking over charge of Warwick in 1860. Here he remained until 1872. Then followed Drayton (1872-70) and Toowong (1878-77). In 1863 he was made an archdeacon of Brisbane, and became Examining Chaplain to the Bishop in 1875. Both of these positions he held until 1886,when, on the advent of Bishop Webber, he resigned, owing to advancing years, which rendered his duties rather too severe a tax upon his strength. He was then appointed the first honorary chaplain In connection with the newly-consecrated Cathedral of St. John. From that time he has lived in quiet retirement, his gentle, kindly nature helping him to bear the knowledge that he had but to 'wait " until the day come and the shadows flee away."

Surname: Goodall (obit)
First Name: Richard Wright
Ship: -
Date: 5 February 1870
Place: Maitland
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Another of the old Maitland men, of some note, has passed away from among us, Mr. Richard Wright Goodall, who died early on Wednesday morning, after an exhausting illness. Mr. Goodall, many years ago, when he at first came to Maitland, was a man of considerable ability, not only as a surveyor, his profession, but us a public man, and a conversational man. His leading feature at that time was grumbling at things us they wore, and proposing all sorts of impossible and impractical schemes then a Radical of the first water in reference to all, or nearly nil, existing things - although wo do not think he was then, or ever, a Radical in politics. Such stirrers-up of strife, when blessed with conversational ability, which Mr. Goodall possessed pretty fully, do a great deal of good in their day ; but Mr. Goodall was not a good public speaker, and was not gifted with much constructive ability, so that he did not link his name as a leader, in our local history, with any specially valuable public movement, although he took part in nearly all such movements, and originated not u few. He was fond of geology, and , to some extent, of botany und horticulture, and gave many a pleasant lecture in our various public rooms, from time to time, largely illustrated with diagrams, &c, executed by himself. Of late years, as the infirmities of ago, and those caused by exposure to weather in his profession, grew on him, he has withdrawn gradually from public view, although he still maintained a great number of private friendships

Surname: Graham (nee Burns) (obit)
First Name: Mary Ann
Ship: -
Date: 26 April 1924
Place: Wickham
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: Old Maitland Identity By the death of Mrs. Mary Ann Graham. 70 years of age, which took place at the residence of her nephew, Mr. John McNaughton in Robert street Wickham, one of the oldest and most respected residents of the Hunter river district Is removed. She was born in the Hunter River district on September I3, 1848, and Is the sole surviving daughter of the late .Mr. and Mrs. William Ramsay Burns, of West Maitland. The family had a long association with the West Maitland district. Her husband. Mr. John Graham of West .Maitland. died 51 years ago. He was drowned at Lochinvar during the great flood In 1871. Mrs Graham s funeral took place from Wickham to the Presbyterian Church to Sandgate cemetery

Surname: Greaves (obit)
First Name: John William
Ship: -
Date: 7 July 1883
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: It is with feelings of great sorrow we have to record the somewhat sudden demise of Mr. John William Greaves, which took place at his residence, McCormack street, on Thursday night last, after an illness severe in character and of only a few days duration. Mr. Greaves was taken ill on Saturday last with congestion of the lungs, and, notwithstanding the very best medical skill was used on his behalf, coupled with careful attention and loving nursing, that stern reaper Death with his keen scythe claimed the lamented gentleman to be added to his already long list of names. Mr. Greaves was born at Ash Island, Hunter River in the year 1841, consequently was only 42 years of age and up to the period of his fatal sickness invariable enjoyed good health. The majority of his life has been spent in Newcastle, the exceptions being a residence of a few years at Queensland, and Mudgee respectively. Mr. Greaves was secretary to the Newcastle Gas Company, a position held by him up to the time of his death, and the business of which he carried out for twelve years or more with credit to himself and much satisfaction to the directors as also the general public. The deceased gentleman was also connected with most of the principal public companies as auditor, and served in this capacity in connection with the Borough Council. For some time he was ho. Sec. of the Newcastle Annual Regatta, and subsequently its treasurer. The Newcastle Cricket Club also claimed him as treasurer, and he ever took a warm interest in its welfare……Mr. Greaves leaves a widow and seven children to mourn their loss, and for them the deepest sympathy is expressed on all sides.

Surname: Green (obit)
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 24 July 1873
Place: Maitland
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: DEATH OF MR. ROBERT GREEN,- Another of the very old residents of the Hunter has passed away, Mr. Robert Green, aged 83, the father of Mr. Peter Green, with whom he had lived for several years past. Our own acquaintance with Mr. Robert Green commenced nearly thirty years since, when he was actively helping to establish the Maitland Hospital on a firmer footing ; but a relative has kindly sup- plied us with a sketch of his active and useful life, commencing many years before. For some time past Mr. Green has been gradually sinking, from de- cay of nature, and bad for months been nearly constantly confined to his bed. He had always been in the enjoyment of vigorous health (lameness excepted) until the last one or two years, when he found it necessary to take medical advice. He in early days led a most active life, and was the owner of two 30 or 40 ton vessels, and as captain and owner was about 1827 or 1828 the first free trader that was permitted to trade from Sydney, to the Coal River (now the Hunter). He piloted two of the first ships that ever entered Port Stephens, with part of the Agricultural Companys effects ; and he also brought several of the early settlers to the Paterson and Hunter. He was the first person that ever took a load of cedar from West Maitland then Molly Morgans Brush, Wallis Plains - to Sydney. He was once nearly wrecked on Nobbys, once on the Oyster Bank, and at another time was driven off the land with westerly gales for five weeks, and was reported as lost in the Sydney papers; he suffered very great deprivations, being nearly starved. His sea life continued with success for about seven years. He then started the first agency business in Sydney for the settlers of the Hunter, and was ultimately succeeded therein by Mr. Paddefoot. Mr. Green then remained in Sydney in comfortable circum- stances. About twenty-six years since he became a resident of West Maitland, for four years, when serious losses compelled his return to Sydney, and he ultimately lost several thousand pounds and be- came a poor man. Then after a time he became a resident of his sons house (Mr. P. Green) and re-mained with him till his death. All who knew him will hear testimony to his kind and benevolent disposition, his desire at all times to do good to his fellow men in distress. Perhaps no one deserves a larger need of praise for the great services he rendered in early days in assisting in the erection of the Maitland Hospital, and otherwise in his exertions for the inmates. The first meeting he attended was held in East-Maitland, where the hospital then was, which meeting was called to devise means to relieve it of a debt of 25 or 30 pounds, and otherwise to consider the advisability of finally closing it, or of placing it upon a more secure footing. He then undertook and accomplished the collecting of half the debt, and some two or three charitable gentlemen collected the remainder. Mr. Green then rented, at 6s. per week, a house in Dur- ham-street, West Maitland, to which the patients were removed; and where, with the assistance of Drs. Sloan, Liddell, and Beardmore, and an efficient committee, the institution (small as its beginnings were) continued to thrive and expand. The institution was now removed to larger quarters, Hannan House, in Hannan-street, being rented. This was occupied until it also became too smalI, and the building of a new hospital was determined upon. And all old residents will concur in their testimony to the unremitting attention which Mr. Green, as treasurer of the hospital, bestowed in his efforts to accomplish the heavy task of raising the necessary funds to meet the Government grant in aid, frequently going miles to attend and assist in holding public meetings in the surrounding towns, getting up bazaars, receiving donations in kind, &c , &c. Of course he was largely assisted by many charitable ladies and fellow townsmen in this good work, and the object was at last triumphantly accomplished. Mr. Green continued the treasure of the hospital for about four years, and his services were by his fellow labourers and friends acknowledged by the presentation of a handsome silver snuff-box as a testimonial, which he valued with pride and pleasure.

Surname: Greenway (obit.,)
First Name: William Howard
Ship: -
Date: 6 June 1894
Place: Church Street, Newcastle
Source: Evening News
Details: A Newcastle District Pioneer Newcastle, Wednesday. William Howard Greenaway, one of the oldest and most-esteemed residents of this district, died at his residence, Church-street, yesterday, at the age of 87. The intelligence did not cause any surprise, as of late it was most apparent that the old gentleman was nearing the end of his long life. Mr. Greenaway lived in Newcastle for over half a century, and probably knew more about the early history of the district than any living individual. His father built the South Head Lighthouse some 65 years ago, and deceased assisted in the work. From a builder he became a landowner and squatter, and for nearly a life time deceased has been living quietly on his income. Of late years his only business has been the agency and stewardship of some estates. He used to tell how he had cut grass for fodder in what is now George-street, Sydney, and remembered Newcastle when the tide came up to where the railway station now stands. Although twice I married deceased never had issue, and his second wife died some years ago. Archdeacon Greenaway, of Grafton, is a younger brother of the deceased

Surname: Grime (obit.,)
First Name: Rev. Sydney Calvert Jackson
Ship: -
Date: 20 January 1917
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: The death occurred at Pipitea Pah Private Hospital on Friday morning of the Rev. Sydney Calvert Jackson Grime, Minor Canon of Newcastle Cathedral. The deceased clergyman, who was in his 65th year was born at Norfolk Island. His end came rather suddenly after a very short illness. The first intimation that anything was wrong was on Wednesday evening, when he was not in his usual place at Evening song at the Cathedral. On Thursday morning he had contracted a slight attack of cerebral haemorrhage and Dr. Hickson and Dr. Beeston, who were called in, ordered his removal to Pipitea Pah from the Grand Hotel, where he lived. At five o clock on the same afternoon the Very Rev. H.K. Archdall, the Dean of Newcastle, administered the Blessed Sacrament. The end was near, and Minor Canon Grime passed away peacefully at two o clock on the following morning. Educated at St. Augustine s College, Canterbury, he left there in 1873. He was ordained to the diaconate by the Bishop of Auckland (New Zealand) in 1878 and to the priesthood by the Bishop of Dunedin (New Zealand) in 1880. He served as curate in the parish of Oamaru Otago NZ in 1878-9 and was incumbent of Riverton from 1879-84. Shortly after that year he came to Newcastle where he was curate of the Cathedral parish of Christ church up to year 1895. After an interval he was appointed Minor Canon to the Cathedral in 1909 which position he filled up to the day of his death. He was very well liked by all who knew him and his death will be regretted by his many friends. He was married in Invercargill, New Zealand, to a daughter of Mr. William Croasdill, formerly an officer of the A.A. Company, and she predeceased him on January 16 1904. He has left a daughter Ruth who resided in Sussex England and four sons. Messrs Augustine, Cyril, Edward, and Claude. The first three mentioned sons are at the front and the last-mentioned saw service at Gallipoli, where he lost an eye through a shrapnel wound

Surname: Grover (obit)
First Name: David
Ship: -
Date: 4 November 1892
Place: Koobooldendi otherwise known as The Rock near Boggabri
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: One of the old pioneers of the Narrabri district passed away in the person of Mr. David Grover at Kooboobiendi, otherwise known as The Rock near Boggabri. He had been for many years connected with pastoral pursuits in the Namoi and Gwydir districts. He formed the Galathera and Mungindi stations. For the last six months he had been suffering from cancer, to which he at length succumbed at the mature age of 83 years

Surname: Hacking (obit)
First Name: Captain Alexander
Ship: -
Date: 21 May 1915
Place: Newcastle
Source: SMH
Details: General regret was expressed in shipping Circles yesterday when the news became known that Captain Alexander Hacking, late Superintendent of Navigation, had died suddenly at his residence at Newcastle from heart failure, in his 72nd year. A skipper of the old school, the greater part of his career before he entered the Public Service, in 1884, was spent in sailing ships, and he was credited with being one of the most careful pilots in the Service. At 15 years of age he joined the firm of Furnie Bros., of Liverpool, and had his first experience of the sea. He left the old country and went to Melbourne, where he joined the firm of Boyd find Curry, and took command at various times of their ships; Our Hope, the Boyd Douglas, and Albert Victor, which were at that time engaged in the Eastern trade. Before that time while in apprentices on the barque Constantine, he had a memorable experience. The Constantine in 1861 came into collision with the ship Tubal Cain off Cape Otway and every soul on the Tubal Cain was lost with the exception of one lad who was rescued by young Hacking. He joined the Newcastle pilot service in 1881. On the death of Captain Edie, the late Captain Henry Newton, Deputy Superintendent at Newcastle was promoted to the vacancy and Captain hacking was promoted to the position vacated by Captain newton. On the retirement of the latter, Captain Hacking became superintendent in Sydney. He remained in that office till the end of last year when he went on retirement leave. He was in sole charge of the part of Newcastle in the early nineties when the great maritime strike was in progress He leaves a widow and family of four daughters and one son, the daughters being Mrs Horn, of New Zealand Mrs Ratcliffe, of Lithgow, Miss. Violet Jacking, and Miss Lily Hacking and the son Mr Harold Hacking, at Newcastle.

Surname: Hagan (obit)
First Name: Benjamin
Ship: -
Date: 14 October 1876
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW BDM
Details: Death, on the 2nd October at Newcastle, through being accidentally killed in the wheel of the Government tug Cyclops, Benjamin Hagan, engineer, aged 49 years, leaving a widow and eight children to lament their loss. Deceased had been in the Harbours and Rivers Department about nine years, and was respected by all who knew him. Port Glasgow papers to copy

Surname: Hall (nee McGinnis) (obit)
First Name: Catherine
Ship: -
Date: 14 August 1894
Place: Scone
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: At the morning service yesterday, Rev. P. Norman, Presbyterian Minister, referred in eulogistic terms to the late Mrs. Hall. The funeral also took place yesterday afternoon. A short service was held in the house first, and then the remains of the deceased lady were conveyed to Dartbrook private cemetery where she was interred beside her husband, who had gone before. The pallbearers were Messrs. G. P. Hall, F. C. Hall, E. H. Hall, and Jas. Dight, the three former being three sons and the latter a son-in-law of the deceased. Rev. P. Norman officiated at the grave, and in the course of his address referred to the many excellent qualities of the departed lady. She was a true Christian, and to such death was robbed of all its terrors. Rev. D. W. Davies, of Hinton, and Rev. J. S. Laing, of Muswellbrook, were present, the former being a son-in-law of the late Mrs. Hall. The coffin bore the words Catherine Hall, died 11th August, 1894, aged 74 years, and on it were a number of beautiful wreaths, the gifts of relatives and friends. The funeral was largely attended, although had the notice been more generally circulated the attendance would have been much larger

Surname: Hall (obit)
First Name: Mrs. Ebenezer
Ship: -
Date: 14 August 1894
Place: Scone
Source: The Scone Advocate
Details: Obituary of Mrs. Hall, relict of Ebenezer Hall who died aged 74

Surname: Halpin (nee O Brien) (obit)
First Name: Mrs. Margaret Catherine
Ship: -
Date: 19 May 1928
Place: East Maitland
Source: Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: Margaret O Brien was born in the colony 14 July 1831, the daughter of John O Brien who arrived in 1828

Surname: Halter (obit)
First Name: Caroline
Ship: -
Date: 29 October 1898
Place: Singleton
Source: The Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: Mrs. Caroline Halter, relict of Ludwig Halter died at her residence, John-street, Singleton, early on Tuesday. The deceased, who had reached the Psalmist s allotted span, being 71 years old at her demise, bad been in indifferent health for some years. About two months ago she was seized with apoplexy, and latterly appeared to be improving in health, when a few days ago she received news that a sister of hers, whom she had not seen for 45 years, had arrived in Australia, and would meet her in a few days. The sudden joyful news appeared to have had a serious effect on the old lady s health, and she suffered a relapse from which she never recovered. The deceased, who was a native of Wurtemberg, Germany, arrived with her husband in this colony early in the fifties, and shortly afterwards became a tenant of the late Mr. William Dangar, at Scotts Flat, where by industry and frugality the late Mr. Halter and his worthy spouse succeeded in putting by some shekels for a rainy day. Subsequently, when the tenants got notice to leave Scotts Flat, some thirty years ago, the Halters took a small farm at Dunolly, residing at the Homestead. Here, also, fortune smiled upon that industrious couple, and when the late Ludwig Halter died about 17 years ago his widow bought a snug little property in John-street. Subsequently she built several shops adjoining her own and acquired other property, making the whole one of the best revenue producing blocks of buildings (for the capital invested) in Singleton. The deceased was one of those upright, honest colonists which are a credit to the nation that she came from, and who have done so much in aiding the prosperity and advancement: of New South Wales for many years past. Mrs, Halter leaves a large number of children, grand children, and great grand children, and, what is of infinitely higher worth, an honoured memory and a stainless reputation as one of our best residents for nearly half a century

Surname: Hand (obit)
First Name: Rev. Patrick
Ship: -
Date: 12 April 1910
Place: Maitland
Source: Singleton Argus
Details: DEATH OF MONSIGNOR HAND. A Pioneer Prelate. The death took place at Maitland early on Sunday morning of the Right Rev. Patrick Hand, Vicar-General of the diocese of Maitland, and administrator of St. John s Cathedral. The deceased prolate who was in his 63rd year, had for some years been suffering with an affection of the throat, which gradually assumed serious proportions, until the end of January, when he was stricken down. Dr. Hand was born on the l5th August, 1847, at Granard, County Longford, Ireland, and was educated at a classical school there, and at All Hallow s College. Dublin, where he completed his studies, but was too young for ordination. He came to Maitland in 1870, and on the 24th April of that year he was ordained to The priesthood, in St. John s Cathedral, by the Re. Dr. Murray. From 1870 to 1871 he acted as one of the assistant priests in St. John s Cathedral parish, and in 1874 was appointed Administrator of the Cathedral. In 1880 Dr. Murray appointed him Vicar-general And Administrator of the diocese during his lordship s absence on a journey to Europe. On the death of Dr. Murray, Monsignor Hand was appointed Vicar-general in conjunction with Monsignor Meagher, of Singleton, and he administered the diocese during the absence in West Australia, of the Bishop of Maitland.

Surname: Hanley (obit)
First Name: Rev. James
Ship: -
Date: 8 February 1895
Place: -
Source: The Yass Courier
Details: Extract - The death of the Very Rev. Dean Hanley, which took place on Sunday last at a quarter to 2 at Five Dock. Dean Hanley was born in the county Tipperary, Ireland in 1815, and was ordained priest in Sydney with Rev. P. J. Roche by the Rev. John Bede Polding. He was the first Catholic missionary priest of Queensland, and after spending 14 years of arduous life there he was removed to Singleton, and from there he went to Yass in the beginning of 1862, and after labouring in this mission, which at that time was an extensive one, reaching up as far as Young, for six years, he left Yass for Penrith on 1st January 1868, loved and regretted by members of all denominations to whom while in Yass he endeared himself by his truly Christian life. He, after the Goulburn diocese was proclaimed, was appointed its administrator, and he was afterwards elected by Pope Pius IX as the Bishop of the diocese which position he would not accept. He reached the advanced age of 80 years. For the past six years he resided at the presbytery connected with St. Marys College, Five Dock where he acted as chaplain but had to with draw from his duties owing to failing health…….

Surname: Hanna (obit)
First Name: Miss Jane
Ship: -
Date: 15 January 1907
Place: Dungog
Source: Dungog Chronicle
Details: Obituary of Miss Jane Hanna, daughter of storekeeper Thomas Hanna. Died age 70