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Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Cusse (obit)
First Name: Rev. John Reni Gustavus
Ship: -
Date: 8 September 1866
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: The Rev. John Reni Gustavus Cusse, expired after a long illness, borne with Christian fortitude, at his residence, on Thursday evening last, at eight o clock. Father Cusse has been a great sufferer from dropsy, and has undergone five operations. The last one was perform by Dr. Bowker so recently as Wednesday, the day previous to his demise. Father Cusse was born at Niems, in the south of France, and was about forty-six -years of age. The greater part of his life was spent in the sacred ministry. He was of the order of the Assumption, a modification of the Augustinian order. In his native country he was a very distinguished professor of natural philosophy and chemistry, and was much esteemed by Cardinal Gousset, and several French ecclesiastics of higher rank. He came to Australia with Dr. Quinn, of Brisbane, with a view of establishing a branch of his order in this country, but he was obliged to leave Queensland on account of the excessive heat not agreeing with his constitution. Since his arrival in this colony he has had the care of the Newcastle mission, and under his care the splendid church and school in this city have been erected, and many valuable improvements have been added to the Presbytery. He was greatly beloved by his parishioners, and was very much esteemed by all his neighbouring Catholic clergymen. He was considered one of the best informed clergymen of their communion in the colonies, and the elegant hospitality at all times dispensed by him attracted many of his fellow-clergymen to Newcastle. The affection borne by them to him was strongly manifested during his long and painful illness, by their frequent enquiries and visits, Father Cusse being a foreigner had a great difficulty in making himself clearly understood by his congregation by having to address them in the English language. He was, nevertheless, much respected and revered by the members of the church with which he has been so long connected. His remains were removed to the church last evening, and were placed near the altar, where they wilt remain till to-day. He will be interred soon after the Requiem Mass, which will commence at eleven o clock. A brick vault has been built on the south side of the entrance to the church, and it is proposed to erect there a monument

Surname: Dalton (obit)
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 9 May 1898
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: DEATH OF MR. JOHN DALTON. Mr. John Dalton, the well-known tug proprietor of Scott street, who had been ailing for some time past, died at his residence, King-street, at 20 minutes past 12 o clock yesterday morning at the age of 75 years. Mr. Dalton came to the colony in 1850, and has spent the greater part of his life in this district. He was at the time of his death the owner of the tugs Awbins, Emu, Young Bungaree, Secret Storm King, and Pilot. He leaves six children, all of whom are grown up, one daughter being the wife of Dr. John Harris, of Watt-street, and one son is a qualified medical practitioner.

Surname: Dalton (obit)
First Name: Mrs. Eliza Jane
Ship: -
Date: 2 February 1943
Place: Stockton
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: Mrs. Eliza Jane Dalton, who died at Stockton, was born on the Macleay River 82 years ago, and had lived at Stockton for about 30 years. Her husband, Captain John Dalton, who died many years ago, owned steamers which once ran between Newcastle and Port Stephens. Later he and Mrs. Dalton had a farm at Anna Bay. Mrs. Dalton was an active member of Stockton Methodist Church. A service was conducted in Stockton Methodist Church by Rev. A. M. Sanders. Pall-bearers were Messrs John, Henry and Will Dalton (sons) and Mr. Will Dalton (grandson). The service in the Methodist Cemetery, Stockton, was conducted by Rev. Leigh Wedge. Three sons and two daughters survive.

Surname: Daly (obit)
First Name: Mrs. David
Ship: -
Date: 16 August 1895
Place: Maitland
Source: The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express
Details: An old identity of Maitland passed away in the person of Mrs. David Daly. She was the relict of David Daly who died some five years ago. The deceased was an active women up to a few months ago. Her last illness has occupied some 14 weeks and no doubt the bitter winter which has been so severe a trial to many aged people had its effect with that of old age in terminating her life. Mrs. Daly was 86 years old and lived in the Paterson and Maitland district for over 60 years

Surname: Daly (obit.,)
First Name: Mrs. Edward J (Elizabeth)
Ship: -
Date: 19 January 1895
Place: Maitland
Source: Evening News Sydney
Details: The death of Mrs. E.J. Daly for many years postmistress of West Maitland occurred at her residence East Maitland. Mrs. Daly was 77 years of age and had been for some time ailing. Mr. Daly husband of the deceased lady was postmaster in 1843 and on his early death his widow was appointed in his room Mrs. Daly was punctilious in the extreme in the discharge of duty and far famed for charity.......

Surname: Dangar (obit.,)
First Name: Mrs. Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1 March 1860
Place: Scone
Source: MM
Details: OBITUARY - It is our painful duty to record the demise on Wednesday morning last, at her residence in Scone, of one of our old and much-respected inhabitants -we mean the lady of Tbomas Dangar, Esq. The deceased lady had been a severe sufferer during the last three years ; and during the latter twelve months of her life had been totally helpless, through paralysis in her lower extremities, as also her mental faculties being impaired. The illness of Mrs. Dangar, as well as her daughter, was the means of compelling Mr. Dangar to relinquish business some years ago, and watch over the sick-bed of his suffering wife and child. Mrs. Dangar was in her 57th year, when death's unrelenting hand came and removed her from earthly sufferings, we believe, " To enjoy that rest which remains for the people of God." This is the second bereavement during the last twelve months that 'has taken place in the above gentleman's family, having, eleven months and three weeks ago, committed to the tomb the ashes of his only daughter, aged l8 years We deeply sympathise with« that gentleman's severe loss of a beloved wife, affection- ate mother, and valued member of society. Her remains were deposited in the family fault on Thursday afternoon last, in tho presence of 130 of the most influential and respectable inhabitants of the district.

Surname: Dark (obit)
First Name: Samuel
Ship: -
Date: 5 September 1821
Place: -
Source: The Sun (Sydney)
Details: The death occurred suddenly this morning of Mr. Samuel Dark, one of the best-known and most popular business men of Newcastle. He was known throughout the north as The Diggers Friend, - because of his remarkable generosity to the Diggers and his sustained record of patriotic work, notably in connection with repatriation and the establishment of the Soldiers Club. Mr. Dark was taken with a paralytic seizure early this morning and removed to Aluka Private Hospital, where he died about noon. He was head of Darks Ice and Cold Storage Company, Limited, whose works he established as his own enterprise in 1890. Prior to that he worked as an engineer with James Rodgers and other firms, following a seafaring career, which he started at the age of 12 in West Indian trading. A wife and daughter survive him

Surname: Dark obit)
First Name: John T
Ship: Scottish Hero 1876 (Qld)
Date: 19 February 1941
Place: Miranda, Sydney
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: An old Newcastle identity, Mr. J. T. Dark, died at Miranda, Sydney. He was 81. He was the elder brother of the late Mr. Samuel Dark of Newcastle, and Mrs. A. Hicks of Carrington. Mr. Dark arrived at Rockhampton in the sailing ship Scottish Hero from Newport Wales in 1876. Shortly afterwards with his mother and family, he settled in Newcastle at Onebygamba (Carrington). In 1885 Mr. Dark married Miss Mary Ann Cameron, daughter of the late Mr. Donald Cameron of Carrington. She died 10 years ago. Mr. Dark was in business for some years at Carrington and Islington. In 1911 he left Newcastle to settle in Sydney. He was one of the oldest freemasons in Australia and was for many years a member of Lodge Sedgwick, Newcastle

Surname: Dark, The Diggers Friend (obit)
First Name: Samuel
Ship: -
Date: 6 September 1921
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: The death occurred at Newcastle yesterday of a popular and respected New castle citizen, in the person of Mr. Samuel Dark. He was taken suddenly ill yesterday morning at the house where he was boarding in Military-road, Newcastle, and at half-past seven oclock was removed to Iluka Private Hospital, where he died at at a quarter to twelve oclock. The cause of death was cerebral haemorrhage. The late Mr. Dark had not enjoyed good health for some time past, but his sudden end was quite unexpected, and the news came as a shock to a large circle of friends. A native of Newport, Monmouthshire, England, Mr. Dark was 54 years of age. As a youth he went to sea, but after a few years came to Australia. Arriving in Newcastle 38 years ago, he worked as an engineer for several firms, and 31 years ago, deciding to start business on his own account, opened in Newcastle a cold storage works. He met with some vicissitudes in his business career, but eventually success came his way. In 1914 his business was formed into that known as Dark s Ice and Cold Storage Works. A man of kind and genial disposition, he won a host of friends. In him the soldiers found a warm-hearted and generous sup porter, and he was generally known as The Digger s Friend. This he well earned. He was an active worker in repatriation and amelioration matters, and from his private means did much for the soldiers. He was always found ready and willing to co-operate in public movements. He was a member of the Masonic Order for a number of years, belonging to Lodge St George. Twenty-four years ago he married Miss Liddell of Tarro. He is survived by his widow and a daughter, two brothers, Messrs. J. T. Dark and H. Dark, who are living in Sydney, and two sisters, Mrs. G. Hicks, Carrington, and Mrs. 1. Anderson, Stockton. Latterly Mrs. Dark and Miss Dark have been staying in Ashfield. The funeral will leave the New castle Cathedral this afternoon at 2.15 for Sandgate cemetery, after a short service.

Surname: Darley (nee Close) (obit)
First Name: Rosanna Sophia Ives
Ship: -
Date: 10 July 1878
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: A general feeling of regret and sympathy was expressed in town yesterday when it became known that this lady, wife of Mr. Cecil Darley, Resident Engineer, had suddenly expired at her residence, Church-street. on the previous night. The deceased lady, who was the daughter of E. C. Close, Esq., of Morpeth, was only taken ill on the previous day, with what at first appeared to be a slight cough, but afterwards developed into an affection of the throat, which steadily pursued its course until death ensued, notwithstanding all that medical aid could do to avert so sad an ending. It may be consoling to Mr. Darley to know that in his hour of sorrow, he has the cordial sympathy of all with whom she has come in contact; and unmixed feelings of regret are felt by those who were privileged with the acquaintance of his late amiable and estimable lady. The funeral will take place to-day, and a special train is announced to leave the Newcastle station this morning at 10 o clock, for Morpeth, to convey the remains to their last resting place in that town

Surname: Darley (obit)
First Name: Cecil West
Ship: -
Date: 22 October 1928
Place: London
Source: The Brisbane Courier
Details: Death in London, of Mr. Cecil West Darley, formerly engineer in chief for Harbours and Rivers in the New South Wales Public Works Department. He was 86 years of age. The late Mr. Darley recently met with an accident while crossing Regent-street, London

Surname: Davenport (obit)
First Name: Joseph
Ship: 1883
Date: 23 December 1905
Place: Adamstown
Source: NMH
Details: The funeral of Mr. Joseph Davenport took place on Thursday and was attended by a large circle of friends and sympathisers. Mr. Davenport, who was in his 69th year, arrived in Australia 22 years ago from Oldham, Lancashire. He came direct to Adamstown, where he settled down with his family and conducted a successful grocery business. Deceased was an active member of the MUIOOF of which body he was a member for upwards of half a century. He was closely associated with the church from his boyhood and always an active teacher in the Sabbath School…Mr. Davenport was attacked by fever three weeks ago, but the immediate cause of death was heart failure. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. John Scharkie of the Methodist Church

Surname: Davison (obit)
First Name: Alexander Clarke
Ship: -
Date: 20 June 1863
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: We regret to have to record the death of Mr. A. C. Davison, the inspector of the railway permanent way, and a resident of Newcastle, who died on 12th June. The occasion of his death, we are informed was a fit of apoplexy, which terminated fatally in its first attack. The lamented gentleman leaves a family to deplore his loss

Surname: Dawes (obit)
First Name: Richard
Ship: -
Date: 6 February 1897
Place: Singleton
Source: The Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: Another of our old residents, Mr. Richard Dawes, has just passed away at the age of 73 years. Mr. Dawes, who was born on the Hawkesbury, came to this district when a boy with the late Mr. Howe, who was ono of the discoverers of Patrick Plains. He remained with the Howe family for many years and subsequently acquired some land at Newrigton, near Singleton where he settled down for the rest of his days. He married and leaves a grown up family, one of his sons being the well-known Mr. A. H. Dawes, the breeder of some of the beat draught horses on tbe Hunter. Messrs. E. L. and R. J. Dawes are two other sons of deceased. Mr. Dawes was a general favourite in the district with young and old and his musical tastes and other sociable attributes mode him a pleasant companion at many social gatherings up to within resent years. For a long time past Mr. Dawes had been suffering from an internal complaint which could only be removed by a surgical operation, but owing to the weak state of his heart it became dangerous to perform such an operation, which could only be successfully carried out with the assistance of chloroform. His medical attendants therefore declined to undertake the groat risk attending such an operation, and advised him to abstain from any exercise that could be avoided, and acting on that advice, Mr. Dawes had for a considerable time past become a quiet patient in his home and submitted to the inevitable, death ending his sufferings on Thursday morning, 28th ult.

Surname: Day (obit.,)
First Name: Edward Denny
Ship: -
Date: 9 May 1876
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Death of Mr. Edward Denny Day. A gentleman who has been withdrawn for many years from active life by sickness, died at his residence in East Maitland on Saturday morning last. Mr. Edward Denny Day was previous to an attack of paralysis, and after the attack till increasing feebleness compelled him to resign his public duties, police magistrate o f Maitland, and had occupied that responsible office for so long a time that his name was historical in connection with it. At one period of his life, Mr. Day made a considerable figure in the public eye by a gallant capture of a noted bushranging gang who had established a reign of terror in the district of the Upper Hunter. Mr. Day's career as police magistrate in Maitland was not continuous; he held the position in the very early times, was removed to Port Macquarie, and returned on the death of Major Crummer, remaining in office till his sickness obliged him to retire. Mr. Day was admirably fitted for the duties of the magisterial bench. He possessed a keen intelligence, an active mind, and very wide practical knowledge of the law. By some people he was charged with harshness and tyranny, and it must be admitted that in his administration of the law, he made it a terror to evildoers. That is rather a virtue than a failing in the dispenser of justice. His stern manner detracted materially from the estimation in which he was held by people generally, but although he made a few mistakes, his decisions on the bench were almost invariably distinguished by strict equity. He had held office at a time when rigour was specially called for from a magistrate, and when a stern enforcement of the law was an essential to social security. He was a faithful public servant , always doing his duty honourably ; and if the manner of an older and worse day was sometimes a little too rugged for the improved state of society in his later time, we can pardon it for the sake of such conspicuous fidelity. In public matters Mr. Day took such part as his position permitted, and his last extra magisterial appearance in public was, if we mistake not, as chairman of the first meeting called in this district to express detestation of the attack on Prince Alfred in 1868. It was on a Saturday afternoon, two or three days after the occurrence, when men's minds were newly-stirred by the event, and the writer has a vivid remembrance of the emotion visible on the stern face of the chairman, who, in his opening speech, referred to the country the assassin,-" a land which he loved dearly and well," for it was his own mother-land, Ireland.

Surname: Dibbs (obit)
First Name: John Campbell
Ship: -
Date: 10 July 1899
Place: -
Source: NMH
Details: Death of Mr. John Campbell Dibbs, brother of Sir George and Mr. T. A. Dibbs. The deceased gentleman was born in Sydney in 1831. He was educated at the Australian College under the supervision of Dr. Lang. At the age of 14 he left the college and joined the firm of Campbell and Co of Campbells Wharf. After some years work there he commenced business for himself as accountant and financial agent. He also established a merchants business at Newcastle. For some time he has lived a retired life with his wife and family in Macquarie street, Sydney. He filled the duties of auditor for the Sydney University and the Savings Bank in Barrack street, the firm of Tooth and co and the North Shore Ferry Company. Leaves a widow and three sons and one daughter

Surname: Dickson (obit.,)
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 2 May 1863
Place: Holmwood, Newtown
Source: MM
Details: DEATH OF MR. JAMES DICKSON, M.L.A.-It is with very "real regret, which will be shared in by a numerous circle of friends and by,the public generally, that we have to record the death, at his residence, Holmwood, Newtown, yesterday evening of Mr. James Dickson, M.L.A.............................

Surname: Dines (obit.,)
First Name: Richard
Ship: -
Date: 5 August 1876
Place: -
Source: Clarence and Richmond Examiner
Details: Death of Mr. Richard Dines. Good sportsmen throughout Australia will join in the regret with which we tell of the death of Mr. Richard dines, which resulted suddenly from a fit of apoplexy a few days ago at Merriwa. For years past Mr. Dines has occupied a prominent position among the breeders and runners of racehorses in this colony; and for straightforward, blunt honour and honesty he has always been remarkable. He purchased the important Lord of the Hills shortly after that horse s arrival in the colony, and kept him until very lately, always maintaining him to be the premier sire of the colonies, and stoutly upholding the vast superiority of the Touchstone blood. As owner of Kyogle, he was one of the principals in the law suit arising out of the match between that horse and Traveller, some twelve or thirteen years ago, and with a dogged determination and perseverance which always distinguished him, he fought the battle step by step, until the Privy Council chamber was reached. For some years he resided at Hambledon Hill near Singleton where he had a choice breeding stud, including the imported mares Regulem, Mainstay, Amethyst and Miss Cotherstone; and was very successful as a breeder, as is testified by his sending on to the turf Hambledon Hill, Glencoe, the Italian, Orlando, Little Dick, Amethyst, Paradise, Parasite, Croydon, Westminister, and others all winners of big races, from the Produce Stakes of the A.J.C. to the Melbourne Cup and Queens s Plate of our southern neighbours. He also imported, with one of his mares Mr. Tindale s Gemma di Vergy, who has of late years become so justly celebrated as the sire of Myrtle King of the West, Eros and other such. There was no truer sportsman ever lived; he bred horses for the pure love of the animal and he trained them because It was his pride to see them run Mr. Dines was an excellent neighbour, a kind and faithful friend, always popular in his own neighbourhood, and he never appeared to more advantage than when extending hospitality to those who visited him at his home. With many eccentricities, he was exceedingly kind hearted and liberal; and no greater tribute need be paid his memory than to say that those people who really needed his unostentatious good offices are those by whom he will be most sorely missed.

Surname: Dobson (obit)
First Name: Rev. Joseph S
Ship: -
Date: 2 February 1905
Place: Gundagai
Source: Wagga Wagga Advertiser
Details: DEATH OF REV. J. S. DOBSON. A most melancholy and sad event took place at Gundagai on Thursday evening last, when the Rev. J. S. Dobson, the highly esteemed rector of the Anglican Church there, succumbed to an attack of paralysis of the brain, which came on extremely suddenly. Deceased was a native of Devonshire, England, where he was born in February 25, 1846. The death of the Rev. Mr. Dobson will be a severe blow to the parish, which was fortunate to have secured such a talented rector. His ser- mons were masterpieces of English oratory, and his appeals from the pulpit were so earnest as to quicken the best impulses that were in men. He was not only one of the most eloquent preachers in the service of the Church of England in this State, but he was a most active and thoughtful organiser, having a few years ago traversed the diocese as collector for the Century fund.

Surname: Donaldson (obit)
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 15 June 1896
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: A VERY old resident of Newcastle, Mr. William Donaldson, died at his residence, Newcomen-street, on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Donaldson, who had reached the advanced age of 83 years, had only been confined to his bed for three days, but upon being seen by his medical adviser on Saturday it was observed that he was failing rapidly, and whilst the family were seated at dinner the old gentleman passed peacefully away. Mr. Donaldson had resided in the district for upwards of 60 years, and as far back as the forties he took an active part in developing the coal mines of the district, several of which he worked to a big advantage. Later on he became identified with the tweed factory at Stockton and several other industries that will always keep the name of Donaldson green in the memories of Newcastle residents. The old gentleman was highly respected, and he leaves behind a family-three sons and three daughters esteemed by everybody who has the pleasure of their acquaintance. Much sympathy is felt for the family in their bereavement. One of the daughters is married to Mr. W. Smith, road superintendent, and ono of the sons, Mr. Charles Donaldson, is in the Newcastle s town clerk s office. The funeral of the deceased gentleman took place yesterday afternoon, and was very largely attended, many of Newcastle s oldest residents taking part in the obsequies out of respect to the departed pioneer.