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Surname: Brown (obit)
First Name: John Dowling
Ship: -
Date: 6 January 1927
Place: Roseville
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Details: The death occurred at his residence, Shirley- road, Roseville yesterday of Mr. John Dowling Brown. He belonged to one of the oldest and best known pioneering families in New South Wales. His father, the late Mr. J. Dowling Brown, came to Australia early in the last century, and settled in the Paterson district at Coulston. Later he acquired pastoral interests in other parts of the State, and was well known in Riverina and the northern districts. Deceased was in his 70th year. He was educated at the King s School, Parramatta, and 55 years ago joined the staff of the Bank of New South Wales. Early in his career he was appointed a branch manager, and was so employed until his retirement a few years ago. He was highly respected by his fellow officers, and was popular with all who knew him, both in his official capacity and in his private life. Mr. Brown is survived by Mrs. Brown and two sons, Messrs. R. Dowling Brown, of Coulston, North Bangaroo, and G. Dowling Brown, of Tyril, Dandaloo. Mr. W. Le Brun Brown, stipendiary magistrate, and Mr. C. F. Brown, of the staff of the head office of the Commercial Banking Company, are brothers.

Surname: Brown (obit)
First Name: Wallace
Ship: -
Date: 30 July 1894
Place: Sydney and Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: MR. WALLACE BROWN, for many years a resident of this district, died at his residence, Summerhill, Sydney, on Saturday morning. The deceased gentleman developed a cold some days ago, and on Thursday it settled on his chest, causing inflammation of the lungs. On Friday he was confined to his bed, and, getting rapidly worse, he died unexpectedly at daylight on Saturday. The deceased was the eldest son of the late Mr. James Brown, better known as Squatter Brown, and was born at Singleton in 1851. For many years he lived in this city with his parents, and after serving in the Bank of Australasia and H.M. Customs Department he proceeded to Sydney, where for some years he has been carrying on business as a produce merchant in Sussex street. As the family have a vault in the old Church of England cemetery, on which the new Cathedral is now being built, it was decided to place the remains of the oldest son near those of the father, who died some years ago. The corpse was therefore brought by train from Sydney yesterday, and at 2 oclock a funeral procession was formed outside the Newcastle station. The coffin, which was covered in beautiful wreaths, was carried to the hearse, and the mournful procession, which included many of the principal citizens, marched to the cemetery by way of Watt and Church streets. Although the cemetery has been declared closed for the past 10 years, the family decided to open the vault, and submit to any penalty inflicted by the municipal authorities. The beautiful burial service of the Church of England was conducted by the Very Rev. Dean Selwyn, assisted by the Rev. S. C. J. Grime, the chief mourners being three brothers of the deceased, Mr. Solomon Brown, another brother, being in London, where he manages the business in that city for the local firm of Messrs. J. and A. Brown. The deceased leaves a widow and three children, fairly well provided for, the eldest being a girl 13 years of age.

Surname: Brown (obit.,)
First Name: Robert
Ship: Investigator 1802
Date: 1858
Place: England
Source: The American Journal of Arts and Science
Details: -

Surname: Brown (obit.,)
First Name: Robert
Ship: Investigator 1802
Date: 1858
Place: Buried at Kensal Green
Source: The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal:
Details: On the death of Sir Joseph Banks in 1823, Brown became, by his will, the possessor of the Banksian Herbarium for life (after which it was to pass to the British Museum), together with the remainder of the lease of Sir Joseph Bank's house in Soho Square, which had become the centre of London scientific society. Brown offered the Herbarium to the British Museum, on the condition that he should be appointed keeper, with a suitable salary, which offer was accepted. The Banksian Herbarium forms the most valuable part of the General Herbarium at the British Museum. He continued until his death to occupy that portion of, the house in Soho Square which looked into Dean Street, the remaining portion being let by him to the Linnean Society until the expiry of the lease, soon after which the Society removed to Burlington House, where apartments have been assigned to it by Government, as also to the Royal and the Chemical Societies. His interest in the progress of science, and especially in the Royal and Linnean Societies, continued unabated to the last; and his wonderful and almost unique powers of mind, his memory and his sagacity, remained wholly unimpaired till the very day of his decease. In the spring of this year he was attacked with bronchitis, from which he recovered, but which left him for some weeks in a very enfeebled state. Dropsy and loss of appetite supervened, under which he gradually sunk, suffering little pain, perfectly conscious of his condition, and retaining to the end his singularly placid demeanour, his affectionate interest in all who were dear to him, and a most tranquil and peaceful frame of mind. He died at the age of 83, surrounded by his collections, in the room which had previously been the library of Sir Joseph Banks. He was buried on 15th June in the cemetery at Kensal Green, and his funeral was attended by a large body of his scientific and personal friends. There are few men among us who, with an equal claim upon the gratitude of their fellow-countrymen, enjoyed less popularity, or obtained less consideration on the part of society in general, than the deceased. Beyond the narrow circle of scientific men his illustrious name was, and is, almost unknown in Great Britain; but go wherever you will on the continent of Europe, or the remotest corners of the globe where science is cultivated, and you will discover a familiarity with his writings and researches truly astonishing. Foreigners have often expressed their surprise on finding how little we seemed to appreciate this great naturalist; but the fact of the matter was, the deceased neither seemed to care to enjoy popularity, nor did he care to avail himself of all those well-known means by which people bring themselves into public notice. If at all ambitious of fame, he trusted to the more lasting immortality.

Surname: Brownrigg (obit.,)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: -
Place: 22 September 1866
Source: The Lancet London: a journal of British and foreign medicine
Details: THOMAS BROWNRIGG, ESQ. THIS gentleman, who died at Keighley on the 18th inst T was an old surgeon in the Royal Navy, having joined the service nearly sixty years ago. He had been employed in various parts of the world, and in early life was at the capture of the City of Washington, acting with the naval force under Admiral Sir George Cockburn. He had served in the Baltic, North America, West Indies, East Indies, China, Australia, and the Pacific For several years he held an appointment as surgeon to the convict establishment at Bermuda (a naval dep0t and station in the Southern Atlantic); and it is believed the last public appointment he held was that of surgeon-superintendent of the Dromedary convict ship when she took out 500 convicts to Tasmania. Of very retired habits, Mr. Brownrigg was but very little known in the vicinity where he spent the last few years of his life, but he was held in high esteem by his old naval friends and messmates, who had the opportunity of duly estimating his character and worth. Many of these friends have passed away, and all are hastening to that "bourne from which no traveller returns," but one of the number still living is thus permitted to give this little outline of the services of his friend and messmate, with whom he had been on terms of intimacy for a period of more than half a century Mr. Brownrigg was a native of the county of Westmoreland

Surname: Brunker (obit)
First Name: James Nixon
Ship: -
Date: 1910 6 June
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Evening Post, Volume LXXIX, Issue 131, p7
Details: Legislative Councillor, 30 years in Parliament. Served in the Parkes-Reid administration. MLA for East Maitland for 24 years, Secretary of Lands 1888 and from 1889 to 1891; Chief Secretary from 1894 to 1889

Surname: Bryant (obit)
First Name: Mary
Ship: -
Date: 17 September 1926
Place: Douglas Street, Stockton
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: Mrs. Mary Bryant, wife of Richard Bryant, saddler, of Hunter Street Newcastle died at the residence of her son age the age of 73 years. The funeral moved from the Central Mission, Newcastle after a short service by Rev. E. E. Hynes. Mrs. Bryant was survived by her husband and four sons, Messrs Richard, Alfred, Earnest and Norman and one daughter Mrs. W. H. Barkley of Mosman

Surname: Bryant (obit)
First Name: Richard
Ship: -
Date: 28 October 1931
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Mr. Richard Bryant, whose business associations in Newcastle have extended over a period of 57 years, died in the Newcastle Hospital yesterday afternoon, Since his retirement about two years ago Mr. Bryant had suffered ill health, and his death, after an operation, was not unexpected. Mr. Bryant commenced business as a saddler in a shop near the School of Arts. When more suitable premises near Messrs. W. Winn and Company were offered he removed his business. As the saddlery trade was brisk, he extended his business, and later purchased a block of land adjoining the Bank of Australasia, in Hunter-street, and erected a building with which for many years he carried on business as R. Bryant and Sons. He was the oldest member of the trade in the State. As a cricketer Mr. Bryant achieved success, particularly as a wicket- keeper. He possessed acumen, and that led him with a number of others to purchase a pipe organ for the early Methodist Church, on the Hill. He was born in Maitland in 1847. Mr. Bryant leaves three sons and a daughter. The interment will be made in the Sandgate Cemetery today, and will move from the Central Methodist Mission.

Surname: Buchanan (obit)
First Name: Henry
Ship: -
Date: 1 August 1892
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: DEATH OF MR. HENRY BUCHANAN AT half past 5 o clock yesterday morning, Mr. Henry Buchanan, of the Criterion Hotel, one of our most enterprising citizens, passed away at the age of 48. Mr. Buchanan had been ill for some days, but it was not until Friday that symptoms of sufficiently serious a character to cause anxiety to his most intimate friends were noticeable. On Saturday the patient became rapidly worse, and despite the efforts of four medical gentlemen, including Dr. Knaggs, of Sydney, and Dr. Beeston, he gradually sank, and for the twenty-four hours previous to his death he remained unconscious. Mr. Buchanan was born near Glasgow, Scotland, and at the age of 18 years he came to this colony with his parents. His father died only some nine months ago, in this city. After landing in the colony Mr. Buchanan lived for some years in the North Coast district, and 20 years ago came to Newcastle. For a short time he was engaged in coal mining, and then took a hotel in Wallsend. In 1878 he entered into possession of the Criterion Hotel in this city, and conducted it until his death. He leaves a widow and a family of a son and daughter to mourn their lose., His mother-in-law, Mrs. Duncanson, a lady now in her 80th year, was present at his death. Until last month, Mr. Buchanan for several years represented the City Ward in the municipal council. He was twice chosen Mayor of the city, and held the position with honour during the years 1889 and 1890. Owing to ill-health and pressure of private business, Mr. Buchanan resigned his seat in the council come weeks ago. Being endowed with a great amount of energy and per severance, Mr. Buchanan acquired a large amount of property in the city, and being convinced that Newcastle was destined to be a large and prosperous centre, he had erected a great many superior buildings. Besides taking a deep interest in all public and political matters, the deceased was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity and an officer in the recently formed Caledonian Society. As a token of respect to the departed, the principal places of business and the shipping in the port had flags hoisted half-mast high yesterday. The remains of the deceased will be buried in the Sandgate cemetery this afternoon, the funeral starting from the Criterion Hotel at 8 o clock.

Surname: Bugden (obit)
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 8 July 1911
Place: Richmond River district
Source: Northern Star (Lismore)
Details: Obituary of John Bugden, son of John and Margaret Bugden. Born at Brookfield on the Williams River in 1836. Married Miss Margaret Smith at Brookfield in 1868

Surname: Bunn (obit.,)
First Name: George
Ship: -
Date: 13 January 1834
Place: Sydney
Source: The Australian
Details: THE LATE GEORGE BUNN On Saturday last about 1 oclock, the remains of this lamented Gentlemen were deposited in their last earthly tenement, in the Sydney Burial Ground The hearse moved from the newly erected cottage on the Ultimo Estate, attended by a train of thirty or forty private carriages, which conveyed most of the Civil Officers, Magistrate, and friends of the deceased, who reside in or near Sydney. Mr. Bunn had been permanently settled in the Colony for a period of about eight years, during which time he had been at the head of one of the most respectable mercantile establishments in New South Wales. He had for some months past been Chairman of the Directors of the Bank of Australia and had presided at the formation of the Steam Conveyance Company. His name was inserted in the Commission of the Peace about six years ago, since which time he has been one of the most active, intelligent, and upright Magistrates that the Colony possessed. To an aptitude for and knowledge of business, which rendered his services most valuable in the mercantile world, Mr. Bunn united a kindness of manner and liberality of disposition, which attracted the confidence and regard of those, who commenced their acquaintance with him only as a merchant. Many Gentlemen who availed them-selves of his agency in business, had occasion to become deeply indebted to him for numerous acts of friendship. In the direction of The Bank of Australia, in the Steam Company, and in other public societies to which Mr. Bunn belonged, he has been a most efficient auxiliary, and he always promoted any measure which was designed and seemed calculated for the welfare of the community at large. As a Justice of the Peace, our in-dividual acquaintance with Mr Bunn s conduct, induced us to consider him as second to none in real knowledge, and independence. In private life, and in the circle of his intimate friends, Mr Bunn was affectionately esteemed. A cheerfulness of disposition and warmth of heart rendered him a pleasant companion as well as a valuable friend. We never heard of his doing an unkind or illiberal act. These are not the expressions of an unfelt or useless admiration; the living may learn something from contemplating the virtues of the dead, but if it were otherwise, it would still be the sacred duty of a Journalist to pay a just tribute to the memory of departed worth. The loss of Mr. Bunn to our community is universally lamented; in his public character it will be severely felt, in private life it will be long and bitterly deplored

Surname: Burke (obit)
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 12 January 1925
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Sun
Details: Mr. John Burke, founder of the well known firm of J Burke and Sons., Ltd., and a resident of Newcastle for nearly 70 years, died at his residence in Church-street, Newcastle. He had been ill for the past ten days. He was the governing director of the firm of J. Burke and Sons and until a few weeks prior to his death had taken an active interest in the management of the business. He was 87 years of age. Born in Ireland, Mr. Burke came to Australia when a child, and had lived in Newcastle probably the whole time. Hunter-street West was the scene of his early life ein Newcastle and it was here that the well known members of the Burke family were born. For t he last 35 yeras of his life Mr. burke lived in Church street........

Surname: Burnage (obit)
First Name: Colonel Granville John
Ship: -
Date: 13 July 1945
Place: Toronto
Source: NMH
Details: Death of Colonel G. J. Burnage Colonel Granville John Burnage, V.D.. C.B., who commanded the 13th Battalion at Gallipoli, died yesterday at his residence at Carey Bay, Toronto. Colonel Burnage had a military record of distinction covering more than 40 years. The funeral will take place to- morrow morning. The Dean of New castle (Very Rev. A. E. Morris) will conduct a service at Christ Church Cathedral at 11 a.m, before proceeding to Beresfield Crematorium. Mr H. L. Wheeler said no man in Newcastle deserved a higher tribute than Colonel Burnage. His comrades referred to him in their battalion history as the bravest man God made said Mr. Mark Reid. Born at Dungog in 1859, Colonel Burnage joined the militia in 1878, became lieutenant four years later, commanded the 4th Infantry Regiment, and was in charge of Newcastle defence from 1903 to 1913. He served with the 3rd New South Wales Mounted Rifles during the South African War and received the Queen s Medal with five clasps. In 1914 he was asked to form the 13th Battalion. Colonel Burnage took part in severe fighting round Dead Mans Ridge, Gallipoli, and was blown up by a shell and wounded. Later he was in charge of transports from Australia. In 1918 he was on the Barunga when it was torpedoed. All the troops were saved, and Colonel Burnage was last to leave. From 1918, Colonel Burnage was commanding officer of the 2/13th Battalion. A.M.F. until 1921, when he retired, aged 62. When a record of the battalion s war service was published with the title The Glorious 13th Battalion there were many references to his brave conduct on Gallipoli. In 1939, on his 80th birthday, more than 100 of his old comrades honoured him at a dinner at Toronto Hotel. Colonel Burnage was an executive of the firm of T. Burnage and Son. He leaves a widow and sister. His brother died some months ago

Surname: Burnley (obit)
First Name: Isaac
Ship: 1858
Date: 20 April 1931
Place: Lambton
Source: NMH
Details: The death of Mr. Isaac Burnley removed a very old and respected resident of Lambton, where he lived for more than 60 years. He was born in England and came to the State in an immigrant sailing ship with his parents in 1858, the passage taking three months. He was in his 83rd year and began work as a youth in the coal mines at a very early age. He worked most of the time in the Lambton colliery and was also associated with his father in working several small land sale mines. One tunnel in particular (known as Burnleys) was driven into the hillside at New Lambton, and the coal brought to the surface near what is now the New Lambton Park. He was also associated in partnership in a small colliery formerly known as the Dog and Rat. Prior to taking up his residence in Lambton, Mr. Burnley lived in what was called the Huts, in close proximity to the Lambton colliery and many interesting stories were told of the rough method of living endured by the early settlers. He was one of the oldest members of the Hand of Freedom Lodge of Druids and in his young days was ana active and energetic worker always taking a prominent part in their torch light processions and annual gatherings. He was connected with the Lambton Methodist Church and for many years was the teacher of the young mens Bible class. After retiring from work as a coalminer, Mr. Burnley was engaged in business in Elder-street for a number of years. Advanced age and failing health compelled him to cease active work. Pall bearers were Eric Burnley, Walter Burnley, Rupert Hemmings (grandsons) and Thomas Adamson (nephew).

Surname: Burns (obit)
First Name: Captain James
Ship: -
Date: 16 March 1871
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Captain James Burns, who for a number of years, was well known as master of several vessels trading from and to this port. On Monday last he was seized with an epileptic fit. Dr. Wells was at once sent for, but on his arrival he found life extinct. An inquest was held on the body before C. B. Ranclaud, coroner, and a verdict that the deceased died from asphyxia caused by an epileptic fit

Surname: Buxton (obit.,)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 5 September 1861
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Obituary.-On Monday morning last, at two o'clock, died Mr. Thomas Buxton, senior, a resident of Newcastle, from dropsy and disease of the heart. The deceased had only recently (eighteen months since) returned from England, where he had gone for the benefit of his health, but since his return he had got gradually worse. He was a peaceful resident of this city for the last thirty six years. Since his return from England he had been returned as an alderman for the city ward, the functions of which he had discharged with satisfaction for nearly one year, until he was oompelled to resign his seat from ill-health. He was 63 years of age. He was buried yesterday (Tuesday) evening, at three o'clock, when a very large and respectable number of citizens and others demonstrated their respect by following the remains to their last resting place. As a further tribute to his memory, we may observe that the

Surname: Cameron (obit)
First Name: Alexander
Ship: 1838
Date: 30 June 1877
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Mr. Alexander Cameron a native of Argyleshire, Scotland, died at his residence, in Blane street on 26th June, after an illness of six weeks. The deceased migrated to this colony in the year 1838 in company with his father and the rest of a large family, the members of which chiefly settled in the vicinity of Newcastle. The deceased passed the most of a long life in and around Newcastle. He leaves a family of four sons to mourn their loss. For the period of eleven years the deceased occupied the office of elder in the Presbyterian Church, Hunter Street, which he filled with care and respect

Surname: Cameron (obit.,)
First Name: Rev. Archibald
Ship: -
Date: 6 April 1929
Place: Glen Innes
Source: SMH
Details: PIONEER MINISTER. Rev. Archibald Cameron. (REV. ARTHUR EDMUNDS.) Next week on the 10th and 14th of April Glen Innes and district will pay homage to the memory of one who made religion a force In New England. On those dates is to be commemorated the founding of the Presbyterian Church at Wellingrove. Thither towards the close of 1853 came a young Scottish minister, the Rev. Archibald Cameron, born at Crieff on May 13, 1815. He evidently captured quickly the regard of the hardy pioneers scattered sparsely through the vast extent of hush that he chose as the scene of his labours. Dated September l8, 1854, the following call was sent to him from Wellingrove. We, the undersigned inhabitants of the district of Wellingrove, hereby Invite the Rev. Archibald Cameron, minister of the Synod of Eastern Australia, to exercise the office of the ministry in this district, and engage to pay annually the sums appended to our names towards the temporal support of the minister. The signatures of 37 heads of families were appended to this, some being those of men who have become famous in the develop mentor the country surrounding Glen Innes. In that day of small things and small Incomes ,the quality of the signatories is revealed in their promise to contribute jointly the sum of 272/12/ per year towards the minister s stipend. Mr. Cameron spent the whole of his ministerial life in the service of the district. In June, 1903 the grand old man celebrate his Jubilee In the Christian ministry. Three years later, on May 16, 1906, having passed the 90th year of his fruitful life, he was gathered unto his fathers. Among the famous men that New England has cause to praise he stands pre-eminent. As a pastor he ministered to a parish that has been described as bounded only by the eternal hills on the cast and the sunset on the west. When we remember the unbridged rivers and the trackless bush of those far off days, and that all his visiting was done on horseback, we understand why right up to the present day the name of the Rev. Archibald Cameron is a name to conjure with. He has become a legend for super bushcraft and expert horsemanship

Surname: Campbell (obit)
First Name: Mrs. Mary Ann
Ship: Bengal 1849
Date: 14 April 1939
Place: Maitland district
Source: Dungog Chronicle
Details: Mrs. Mary Ann Campbell, whose death occurred last week-end, was in her 98th year and had lived in the Maitland district for 90 years. She was born in Northamptonshire, England, on July 21, 1841. Accompanied by her father, aunt, sister, and a brother, at the age of eight, she sailed from England in the sailing ship Bengal and, after a voyage lasting almost six months, she landed in Sydney in 1849, after having much sick ness amongst the crowded passenger list, which resulted in the death of a number of passengers. Mrs. Campbell was married to the late John Norris Campbell, of Phoenix Park, Morpeth, in 1862. They settled on a farm at Miller s Forest, later on moved to Scotch Creek, then went to a farm at Cokadinghie, now Alnwick. In 1890, with a young family, they shifted to Eskdale, near Seaham, and were doing well until the disastrous 1893 flood brought ruin and desolation to almost every farm er on the Williams and the Lower Hunter. Mr. Campbell died in 1908. Mrs. Campbell continued to live on the Williams River until 1926

Surname: Capper (obit)
First Name: Walter W
Ship: -
Date: 24 March 1881
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Death of Mr. Walter W. Capper Shortly before 2 o clock yesterday afternoon the death of a well known and respected resident of Newcastle, Mr. Walter W. Capper, solicitor, took a majority of citizens by surprise, and caused a feeling of sincere regret among a very large circle of his friends and the public generally. The deceased gentleman, admittedly one of the leading legal talent of the district, had been ill for some time past, and since Monday had been forced to remain at Milthorp s Terminus Hotel, where he sought rest during that afternoon, and had subsequently remained under medical attendance, suffering from a complication of ailments. During Tuesday afternoon and night he rapidly became worse, so much so that an attendant had to be constantly at his bedside up to the time of his death. Dr Morgan, who attended him at the latter end, found his patient beyond hopes of recovery, although all that could be done to afford him relief was put in force. The deceased gentleman, whose familiar figure and conversation was known to almost every resident of the district and of Maitland (his place of residence), had practised his profession in Newcastle for about the last twelve years, during which time his thorough knowledge of law and court procedure, combined with a self respecting and superior deportment, had earned for him a wide and extensive practise, as well as a very large circle of friends. His remains will, in all probability, be conveyed by train this afternoon for interment at Maitland. The deceased gentleman was a younger son of the late Mr. E. P. Capper, J.P., proprietor of the extensive Stores in West Maitland