Free Settler or Felon
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Surname: Close (obit)
First Name: Louisa
Ship: -
Date: 1 January 1895
Place: Morpeth
Source: NMH
Details: One by one the old Morpeth identities are dying off, the latest being Mrs. Louisa Close, widow of the late Mr. Edward Charles Close, who died of cancer at Lavender Bay, North Sydney, on Friday night. The deceased had not lived in Morpeth for many years, but those who remember her, often recount her good deeds. The funeral cortege arrived here by Sunday morning s train, and at once proceeded to the Church of England Cemetery, where the body was buried close to that of her husband within the family vault. Many tenants felt greatly disappointed at not being able to attend as a mark of their respect. The deceased, whose ago was 69 years, leaves two sons and one daughter married, and one daughter single, the remaining member of the family (Mrs. Darley) having died some years ago. At the morning service in St. James Church on Sunday, the funeral sermon was preached, the organ playing the Dead March at the conclusion, an unusually large congregation attending.

Surname: Close (obit.,)
First Name: Edward Charles
Ship: -
Date: 9 May 1866
Place: Morpeth
Source: SMH
Details: Sudden Death of Mr. E.C. Close Senior It is with deep regret that we have to chronicle the unexpected death of one of the oldest colonists, and perhaps the most respected resident, of the district Mr. Edward Charles Close of Morpeth. The deceased gentleman on Sunday last was in his usual health, and though for some time past his advanced years, and partial palsy of the right side, arising from his having met with several accidents, had made him feeble, he attended Divine service on Sunday morning at St. James church, Morpeth. He retired to rest on Sunday evening, and made no complaint of any illness or weakness. Early yesterday morning Mr. George Close entered his room, and beheld his father lying on the floor near the bed and on approaching him, to his grief, he found life had departed. It would appear that the deceased gentleman had during the night got out of bed, and was returning to it when he fell, and died in an attack of apoplexy. His features were placed, and no signs of a struggle with death were visible. Mr. Close was quite cold when discovered, and apparently had been head several hours. Mr. Close was born at Rangamatti, in India, in the year 1789, and was brought up and educated at a place called Chantrey in Ipswich, Suffolk, the residence of his uncle Charles Strencham Collinson, high sheriff of the county. Mr. Close s early education was imparted with a view to fit him for the ministry of the Church but as he advanced to manhood the warlike spirit of the period gained possession of him and won him to the profession of arms. He entered the British army under the Duke of Wellington and during the peninsula War he saw much service and was present at seven engagements. His career in battle won for him the Peninsula medal; and this decoration with seven clasps bearing the names of the battles which he had shared the fortunes of, he occasionally wore. The fields named on these clasps are famous in history Toulouse, Orthes, Nivelle, Vittoria, Albuera, Bussco, and Talavera. In the year 1817 Mr. Close arrived in this colony with the 48 th regiment of Foot in which he held a Lieutenants commission. Four years afterwards he received a grant of land, as was usual in those days, and he close the site of the present town of Morpeth, and the land adjoining it. He settled in Morpeth in the year 1821 and resided there from that time a period of forty five years. He was the first police magistrate of this district, and that office he held for a number of years. He was eight or nine years a member of the first Legislative Council of these colonies. Until a very late period he was Warden of the Maitland District and in that capacity as in all others he fulfilled his duties with honour to himself and benefit to his adopted country. To his credit it can also be said that he filled all these offices without emolument he never received a shilling from the revenue of the colony Of the Maitland hospital he has long been the honoured president and has always been a liberal supporter of that excellent institution. In recognition of his efforts on its behalf a number of the friends of the institution some time ago had a fine portrait of him taken in oil colours and the painting now adorns the committee room. Throughout life Mr. Close maintained the character of a sincere Christian. His Christianity was no mere outward show of sanctity He was always a liberal contributor to his own church, and to the churches of other denominations he presented valuable sites for the erection of places of worship. The poor and afflicted ever found a helping hand extended with the kind words of comfort he would utter. As a landlord he was indulgent in the extreme especially in seasons of distress; his sympathetic heart was ever ready to respond to the appeal of the distressed. His tenants will ever gratefully venerate his memory. It is but rarely that a whole district is found uniting in deep and sincere regret for a gentleman, one of whose prominent characteristics was a very modest estimate of his own ability and influence. Mr. Close never was a fluent or ready speaker at public meetings, and he used always laughingly to remark that he never was a speaker nor would he when appealed to ever attempt even to repeat the expressions he had used, so strong was this conviction with him. Yet we have repeatedly seen Mr. Close turn the current of feeling at a meeting where people had got warm and angry. He was a man of singularly y genial and cordial manner, equally pleasant in demeanour to the rich and poor, and influential and the retiring, and never himself arousing any angry feeling by his words or acts, and being a man of strong common sense and clearness of thought, hi hesitating short speech would be listened to with the deepest respect, and would often still the clamour and anger that more ready speakers had tried in vain to allay. But though not a public speaker, Mr. Close was eminent for conversational power, and charged the most intelligent men by his quite humour and genial enjoyment of the passing joke, These qualities united with readiness to take part in nearly all public movements made Mr. Close, in the days of his strength the favourite chairman of this part of the hunter. We have had among us and we happily can still number among our leading residents some true specimens of the fine old English gentleman, but we have never known anyone who was a finer or truer example than Mr. Close.

Surname: Cobb (obit)
First Name: Alfred
Ship: -
Date: 7 October 1916
Place: West Maitland
Source: The Tamworth Daily Observer
Details: One of Maitland s oldest residents Mr. Alfred Cobb aged 83 years, died. For threee or four years he had not enjoyed good health, and for the past week had been unconscious. He was a native of Maitland district living practically the whole of his life there. He was an alderman for several years and committeeman of Maitland Hospital. Left a widow and two young children

Surname: Cobb (obit)
First Name: George James
Ship: -
Date: 16 September 1912
Place: Callala, Aberglasslyn near Maitland
Source: NMH
Details: DEATH OF MR. GEORGE COBB. Mr. George James Cobb, who was probably the oldest Hunter River native, died on Saturday morning, after a short illness, at his residence, Callala, Aberglasslyn, near Maitland. He was a was a son of the late Mr. John Cobb, one of the pioneer settlers of the Hunter, and was born in 1828 at Anambah, which was then his father s property. He spent the greater part of his life in pastoral pursuits and managed several large stations for Mr. James White, and the White Brothers. He finally settled down in retirement at Callala, and for many years has been a familiar figure in Maitland. His record was one of kindness and manliness qualities which won for him a legion of friends. He leaves a widow, three sons and two daughters - Messrs. G. F. Cobb, of Ellision Station; C. Cobb, of Belltrees; K. Cobb, of Bando Station; Mrs. Trenchard, of Newcastle, and Mrs. Edwards, of Sydney. Mr. Alfred Cobb, of Campbells Hill, is a brother of the deceased gentleman

Surname: Coleman (obit.,)
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 2 August 1902
Place: Newcastle
Source: Freemans Journal Sydney
Details: Another of Newcastles pioneer Catholics passed away on Tuesday afternoon at St. Vincents Hospital Sydney. He had been a resident of Newcastle for upwards of half a century, and could tell many interesting stories of the early history of Newcastle. He was an intimate friend of the late Father Dowling and also Father Cusse whose remains are interred in St. Marys church ground, two of Newcastles pioneer priests. The former took up his residence next door to Mr. and Mrs. Coleman while Father Cusse a feeble old French priest on his arrival here took up his abode with them for a time. He took up the first subscription to build the St. Marys Star of the Sea Church and had seen every stone to use his own words placed in that building. Prior to this Mass was celebrated in an old wooden shed which stood in the grounds now occupied by St. Marys boys school yard, and at times in Father Dowlings house on the sand hills, which was then termed the Gaol Hill. Mr. Coleman was a native of Queenstown Cork and was born in the year 1830

Surname: Collins (obit)
First Name: Captain Alexander
Ship: -
Date: 25 July 1881
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Shortly before 5 p.m. yesterday the hand of Death laid low still another of the old identities of early New South Wales pioneering, in the person of Captain Alexander Collins, deputy Harbour Master of Newcastle who expired at his residence at the ripe age of sixty-eight. The deceased gentleman ranked amongst the oldest living colonists, having arrived in Sydney about the year 1830. He was then appointed to the command of a vessel belonging to the late Mr. W. C. Wentworth, and as master of that and various other crafts, both steam and sailing, continued in the coasting trade until seventeen years ago, when he secured the appointment which he held with so much credit and satisfaction up to the time of his death. Throughout the whole of the Australia a large circle of friends will deeply feel his loss. During the past few months his health has been falling very rapidly, and more recently be had been confined to his house, although a fatal issue was not expected. Captain Collins, who has left a widow with three sons and two daughters, all grown up, came of an unusually large and long-lived family, having nine teen sisters and one brother still alive, in addition to a sister deceased. The funeral is announced to take place at 3.80 o clock this afternoon.

Surname: Collison (obit)
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 29 August 1913
Place: Moonan Flat
Source: The Scone Advocate
Details: It becomes our sorrowful duty to report the demise of another of our district s old identities, and one who was well-known and highly-respected up the Hunter, in the person of Mr. William Collison, of Long Flat, near Moonan Flat, at the age of 74 years. The old gentleman, who was predeceased by his good wife but it week, lived with his late partner in their home on the Hunter for 19 years, and during that period, with her, by their many kindly actions, and hospitable disposition, earned the good will of their neighbors and visitors to that part of the district. The late Mr. Collison was born on the Hawkesbury River in 1838, and had therefore been a colonist for the ex- tended span of 74 years, and be it said to his credit, during that long period; by his straightforward and honourable career, had instilled the right ring in the name, of which there are scores of descendants in this district, and the traditions as inset by the fine old fellow, remain with the family to this day

Surname: Colyer (obit)
First Name: Rev. William Knight
Ship: -
Date: 30 October 1909
Place: Maitland
Source: NMH
Details: The Rev. William Knight Colyer, a veteran Church of England, clergyman, died at his residence Cross-street, West Maitland, on Thursday evening, after an illness of a few days. Though a minister of the Church of England, the deceased spent more time at the rostrum than in the pulpit, having devoted more than half a century of his life to teaching. In the early part of 1851 the first Bishop of Newcastle was anxious to establish schools in his diocese and he naturally turned to his old home to look for teachers. After many inquiries a selection was made for him in Mr. W. K. Colyer, a native of Northamptonshire, who had had some experience in schools in Buckinghamshire, Cheshire, Lincolnshire, and Edinburgh. Mr. Colyer was then 24 years of age. In 1853 he arrived in Sydney and came to Maitland where he was installed as head master of the Church of England Grammar School, a position he occupied for 40 years with credit to himself and for the advancement of his scholars, many of whom have since occupied a prominent place in public life. In 1866 he was ordained to the ministry, but never undertook any parochial charge beyond assisting the various rectors of St. Pauls Church at service or when vacancies occurred in the rectorship. He took a keen interest in the school of arts and was for years a well known visitor to the reading room. In 1855 he married Miss Capper, and leaves her with one son and seven daughters. He was 81 years of age, and had resided for nearly 57 years of that period in Maitland

Surname: Corlette (obit.,)
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 9 August 1876
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: Obituary James Corlette, Esq., J.P. It is with feelings of the deepest regret that we have to record the decease of the above gentleman, who entered into his rest yesterday morning shortly before six o clock, after a very brief illness. Mr. James Corlette was a native of the Isle of Man, and inherited largely that energy of purpose which forms so characteristic a feature amongst the Manxmen. He was born in the year 1805, and had consequently more than fulfilled the allotted period of three score and ten. He became connected with the Australian Agricultural Company in the year 1826, and has therefore completed his fiftieth year of service with that Company. For many years he has acted as Chief Accountant to the Company, and also as their Attorney in connection with the General Superintendent. Bringing with him from the Old Country, a thorough knowledge of the advantages of Benefit Societies, he was one of the first to establish one of these praiseworthy institutions amongst the large number of miners employed in the AA. Company pits. So thoroughly satisfied were the miners with Mr Corlette, and so highly did they appreciate his endeavours for their welfare; that a short, time back, the whole of the men united in their presentation to him of a rich silver testimonial. The event was celebrated by a banquet, at which a large number of the most influential residents of the district were present. The Government gladly availed themselves of the opportunity of utilising his local experiences by creating him a Justice of the Peace. He was also elected a lay member of the Church of England Synod for the Diocese of Newcastle, and was for years trustee to one of the church funds. Having been for so many years connected with the A, A. Company, the directors will, we are certain, regret the loss of his services, and will also find great difficulty in securing the services of a gentleman to succeed him who will possess such an intimate knowledge of the company s affairs. Immediately upon the news of the sad event being received in Newcastle, the flags of the various vessels in the harbor and at other places were hoisted half-mast high.

Surname: Corrigan (obit)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 26 October 1905
Place: Subiaco, Western Australia
Source: NMH
Details: The death took place at Subiaco, West ern Australia, on Tuesday, of Mr. Thomas Corrigan. who for many years was connected with the Newcastle press. The deceased gentleman, who was in his 79th year, had considerable journalistic experience in New South Wales. Upon his arrival in the State, he joined the staff of the Mercantile Advertiser, a journal at that time owned and published by Mr. J. F. Burns. Subsequently he became associated with the Cumberland Argus, having as colleagues Mr. John Ferguson and the late Mr. Garnet Walch, and his last metropolitan engagement was on the staff of The Stockwhip. Coming to New castle in the early seventies, he joined the Pilot, and remained with that journal until an opening presented itself on the staff of the Newcastle Chronicle, of which he afterwards became part proprietor with Mr. Hugh McDicken. After severing his connection with the Chronicle, Mr. Corrigan became the editor of the Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate, which was published for the first time in Bolton-street in April, 1876, in the premises at present occupied by Mrs. Pike. In July of the same year, the Chronicle ceased publication, and the premises were taken over by the Herald proprietary, Mr. Corrigan still occupying the editorial chair. He laboured strenuously for the advancement of Newcastle, and in many instances his efforts were successful. His persistent advocacy of what he deemed to be the rights of Newcastle won for him popularity, and the good work he did in that direction was appreciated by all classes. Mr. Corrigan was closely identified with all the industrial troubles that took place in the seventies, and for his work as shorthand writer to the many conferences held between the masters and the men he was commended by both sides. As an all round journalist, he possessed much ability, and a highly cultivated mind. He was the first secretary of the New castle Benevolent Society, under the presidency of Mrs. J. C. Ellis, and was instrumental in accomplishing much good work while occupying that position. His services as a vocalist were always available whenever a charitable appeal was being made, and in many other respects he liberally assisted with his talents for the well-being of the community. Mr. Corrigan leaves a grown-up family, the eldest son being Mr. W. H. Corrigan, of Newcastle.

Surname: Cory (obit)
First Name: Henry
Ship: -
Date: 30 April 1936
Place: Queensland
Source: Warwick Daily News
Details: Obituary Ninety-two years of life, devoted almost entirely to pastoral and agricultural pursuits, came to a close with thedeath of Mr. Henry Cory, of Vermont, on Monday. A real Australian, his whole career was moulded on his love for and faith in the land of his birth. He was born near Maitland in 1844, Where his parents had been early settlers of a grazing block along the Paterson. He spent his boyhood days at home, but at the age of 16 developed an urge to travel, and the same year left with a droving plant to seek his fortune farther north. Queensland attracted, him, and he secured employment with the late Mr. P. F. McDonnell, of Fernleas, near Rockhampton. A true son of the land, the experience he gained there and on other stations fitted him for the pioneer work he was yet to undertake. In the late 60s he selected the original Tokal grazing block, about 70 miles south of Longreach, and then began the long task of converting over a thousand square miles of virgin country into a profitable cattle run. The venture was a success. After forming a partnership over the holding with his brother, the late Mr. G. G. Cory, of Toowoomba, and a Mr. Taylor, also of Toowoomba, Mr. Cory purchased a farming area near Warwick which he named Vermont. In 1890 he abandoned station life to become a farmer. Tokal was disposed of in 1902 to. Messrs. J. and W. Rhoades. His wife, who predeceased him about 20. months ago, was formerly Miss Mary Ann Bell. Like her husband she was a true product of the bush, born at Pickering, near Scone, the daughter of a grazier. She also came of a roving family, and it was while at Tambo, where she was staying with a brother who had a property there, that she met her future husband. Some sixty years ago they were married in Sydney. They had a family of five, three of whom, two sons and a daughter, survive them. The daughter is Mrs. M. A, Pollard, of Blackall, and the sons Mr. W. M. Cory, of Glen Lee, Bogan tungan, Central Queensland, and Mr. Roy Cory, of Vermont. One son, Gilbert, died as a child, and the other, Henry, was in an Australian artillery battalion in camp at Salisbury Plain when he became a victim of the influenza epidemic that raged over England during the war years. A sister of Mr. Cory. Mrs Reynolds, resides in Sydney

Surname: Cory (obit.,)
First Name: Edward Gostwyck
Ship: -
Date: 11 March 1873
Place: Paterson
Source: MM
Details: THE LATE EDWARD GOSTWYCK CORY, ESQ, J.P-A paragraph, at the close of my communication which appeared in last Saturday's issue of the Mercury, announced the serious illness of Mr. E. G. Cory, the esteemed Warden of our district, whose death, as then anticipated, took place at his late residence, Gostwyck, on Friday afternoon, the 7th instant, after only a few days serious illness, at the ripe age of seventy-six years. The late Mr Cory was a very old colonist, he having arrived in the colony first, nearly half a century ago, with his father and brother, and in accordance with the land laws of the colony then in force, was allotted certain quantities of land, and selected the beautiful estate of Gostwyck, Paterson River, as his homestead, which he at once began to improve and embellish. After a residence of nearly twenty years in the colony, he in company with the late Mrs. Cory, visited Europe, and after a Sojourn of four or five years, he returned to the colony. Shortly after his return to the colony Mr Cory was placed in the Commission of the Peace, and had held his position as a magistrate of the territory, up to the time of his death for many years. Mr. Cory held a seat in the district council of Paterson, and at the death of the late J. B. Boughton, Esq, the first warden of the council, Mr. Cory was appointed to succeed him In that capacity, and he had held that position ever since, now nearly twenty years. In political matters Mr Cory always took a warm interest, although never taking a leading part, but in every struggle for the representation of the district in the councils of the country, he was always most energetically engaged on behalf of his party, and the candidate which he supported, his principles throughout were of a conservative nature, and consequently untenable amongst the great body of the community, hence his want of success in his political movements. In every public matter of leading interest for the welfare and the prosperity of the district, Mr Cory took an active part; on the magisterial bench his decisions have given general satisfaction, and on more than one occasion manifestations of approval in his magisterial capacity have been publicly convened to him, by the voice of the general community. In private life Mr. Cory was most highly esteemed, courteous to all, and as a neighbour most obliging For some two or three years past Mr. Cory's health has been noticed by his friends to be continually failing, frequent attacks of illness had much weakened his usual robust constitution, and at length, when the recent complaint came on, be soon sank under it, having never rallied from the first. His funeral was first appointed to take place to-day (Monday), but after more mature consideration, it was finally decided to take place earlier, and yesterday (Sunday) morning was the time fixed. The funeral cortege left Gostwick shortly after ten a m ; the procession was a very lengthened one, comprised of a number of carriages and over a hundred horsemen, as well as a number of persons on foot, and amongst those present we noticed nearly all of the magistrates of the district, most of the members of the District Council, and all the principal residents of the district. The procession having reached the entrance of Saint Paul's Church, the coffin was carried into the church by a number of the tenants of the deceased gentleman, the pall-bearers being G. J. Frankland, Esq., F. Reynolds, Esq, R. Studdert, Esq., and Captain Dunn. The impressive service of the Church of England was then read. The body was then taken to the grave at the entrance of the Church doors, and lowered into its final resting place, the remainder of the funeral service was then intoned, and the large assembly slowly and solemnly dispersed.

Surname: Cotton (obit)
First Name: Henry Bayes
Ship: 1939
Date: 17 January 1906
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: DEATH OF MR. H. B. COTTON, Mr. Henry Bayes Cotton, who for upwards of 25 years filled the position of manager of the Newcastle branch of the Bank of New South Wales, died at his residence, Hunters Hill, Sydney, on Monday, at the age of 86. When Mr. Cot- ton was first appointed to the management of the local, branch, the business was carried out in the premises now occupied by Mr. Tarrant, newsagent, Hunter- street. After leaving Newcastle he took up his residence in Sydney, where he remained till the time of his death. During his residence in Newcastle Mr. Cotton manifested a keen interest in all public matters. He took prominent part in the establishment of the School of Arts, and as a member of the Church of England he did good work in the capacity of church- warden, lay reader, and member of the Synod. He was also a zealous worker for the hospital, and in many other respects proved himself an ideal citizen. He retired from the service of the bank about fifteen years ago. Mr. Cotton arrived in New South Wales in 1839, and was manager of the bank in Geelong (Vic.) when the Ballarat goldfields were at their zenith. He leaves a family of three sons.

Surname: Court (obit)
First Name: Nurse Deborah Ann
Ship: -
Date: 5 February 1924
Place: Adamstown
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: One of Adamstown s oldest and most respected residents, Mrs. Deborah Ann (Nurse) Court, wife of Mr. William Court, died on Saturday morning, in the New- castle Hospital, where she had been an in- mate for a week after a lengthy illness. The deceased, who was 58 years of age, had been a resident of Adamstown for 44 years, and during that time took a keen interest in the progress of the municipality. She was twice Mayoress, and won the respect of the citizens, who, on her temporary removal to Mosquito Island, with her husband was entertained and received a public presentation. In sickness she was a friend to many homes, and for a considerable time conducted a private nursing home. She is survived by her husband, one son, Mr. B. Court, and one daughter, Mrs. F. Moxey, both of Adamstown. The funeral took place yesterday, leaving St. Stephen s Church of England after a short service conducted by the rector, Rev. G. K. Tucker assisted by Rev. W. F. James, both of whom officiated at Sandgate Cemetery. The cortege, one of the longest seen in Adamstown, was representative of all classes. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Gordon Turnbull, Walter Turnbull, George Brown (nephews of deceased), and William Lambert (grandson). The chief mourners were: Husband, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Court (son and daughter-in-law), Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Moxey (daughter and son-in law), Mr. and Mrs. W. Lambert, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Lindus (grandchildren), Mr. and Mrs. M. Turnbull, Mrs. Frances Turnbull, Mrs. M. E. Turnbull, Mr. B. Turn- bull, Mr. and Mrs. W. Turnbull, Mr. S. Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. J. Turnbull, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Turnbull (brothers and sisters-in-law), Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown (sister and and Mrs. K. Ball (sister-in-law)

Surname: Cowan (Obit)
First Name: William
Ship: Kapunda 1876
Date: 5 December 1939
Place: Hamilton
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: The funeral of Mr. William Cowan, who died suddenly on November 12, left his residence in Cameron-street, Hamilton for the Methodist portion of Sandate Cemetery. It was largely attended. Rev. A. J. Gould conducted a service at the home. He was assisted at the graveside by Rev. R. O Finigan and an officer of the Protestant Alliance Lodge. Mr. Cowan was 74. He was born in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. He left in 1873 for Scotland, and in Novem- ber 1876 he came to Australia in the sailing vessel Kapunda. He had lived practically all his life in Newcastle and Hamilton. When he arrived in Newcastle, he was apprenticed to the carpentry trade. With his brother, Mr Cowan was associated with the building trade for many years. They were propritors of the Adamstown Brick Works. He retired about 12 years ago. Mr Cowan was a great supporter of the Methodist Church in Newcastle. He was associated first with the old Newcastle Wesleyan Church and then with the Hamilton Wesley Church. He was married in 1899 to the youngest daughter of the late Edward and Ann Broom of Hamilton and is survived by his widow, five sons and one daughter.

Surname: Cowper (obit.,)
First Name: Rev. William Macquarie
Ship: -
Date: 16 June 1902
Place: -
Source: NMH
Details: William Macquarie Cowper, Dean of Sydney, was born in Sydney on 3 July 1810. The venerable gentleman was a son of an equally venerable and veberated father, Archdeacon William Cowper, who arrived in Sydney in August 1809, as Assistant Colonial Chaplain. He was incumbent of St. Phillips and was one of the organisers of the Benevolent Society. The Archdeacon was thrice married, a son by the first wife being Sir Charles Cowper, five times Premier of NSW. The Archdeacon died at St. Phillips Parsonage on 6th July 1858 at the age of 80 years. On his death his son William Macquarie Cowper was appointed incumbent of St. Phillips. William Macquarie Cowper was educated by his father until the year 1828 when he went to Oxford. In 1836 he was appointed chaplain to the A.A. Company and resided for 20 years at Stroud, the headquarters of the company. He then had charge of Moore College, Liverpool, NSW and afterwards of the Glebe parish. On taking charge of St. Phillips, he was appointed Dean of Sydney and in 1869 was promoted to the Cathedral parish. Dean Cowper was present when Gov. Macquarie laid the foundation stone of St. Andrews Cathedral

Surname: Cox (nee Regan) (obit)
First Name: Mrs. George
Ship: -
Date: 27 August 1927
Place: Dungog
Source: The Maitland Daily Mercury
Details: Death of Mrs. George Cox of Thalaba. Deceased was 79 years of age and was a native of the New England district. She came to Dungog over 70 years ago with her father Mr. Lawrence Regan. Subsequently married Mr. George Cox and resided at Thalaba ever since

Surname: Cox (obit)
First Name: James
Ship: Tory 1849
Date: 10 March 1923
Place: Fullerton Cove
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: By the death of Mr. James Cox, senr., at the age of 86 years, Fullerton Cove has lost its oldest resident. Born at Buckinghamshire (England) he left for Sydney at the age of nine with his parents in the barque Tory (500 tons), the voyage taking 16 weeks. After landing in Sydney he went to Maitland and later to Hexham. From there he moved to Fullerton Cove, where he assisted his parents in farming. This occupation being rather monotonous and gold being plentiful on the Rocky River, New England, he decided to try his luck on the diggings, but was unsuccessful, and returned to Fullerton Cove. There he obtained land of his own, married, and followed farming successfully, retiring from active work about 30 years ago, The late Mr. Cox was a very active worker for the welfare of the district Being of a very cheerful disposition, and retaining a good memory, he was always an interesting companion, being able to relate events of early days of the first settlers and the progress of Newcastle and surrounding district. He was employed in the construction of the first section of the railway from Newcastle to Waratah. The workers camped in the bush, where Ireland s stores now stands. He remembers the first ferry services between Stockton and Newcastle, which was conducted by the late Mr. Hugh Boyce, of Stockton, by means of a skiff. The landing-place at Newcastle was on the sandy beach where the Great Northern Hotel now stands. On the occasion of the wreck of the Susanna Godfrey, which foundered on Stockton beach, the late Mr. Cox, with others, at great risk, saved many of the crew. Four years ago the late Mr. Cox and Mrs. Cox celebrated their diamond wedding. He is survived by his widow now 84 years old and four sons, John (Stockton), James junr (Fullerton Cove), Anthony (Torrington), and William (Tighes Hill); four daughters Mrs. Joseph Sansom (Salt Ash); Mrs. I. Crockett (Tighes Hill), Mrs. A. Ford (Maitland), Mrs. J. Brown (Gloucester); 51 grandchildren and 62 great grandchildren

Surname: Cox (obit)
First Name: Walter F
Ship: -
Date: 12 August 1930
Place: Cooks Hill
Source: NMH
Details: LATE MR. WALTER F. COX. Mr. Walter F. Cox died at his residence, 120 Darby-street, Cooks Hill, on Sunday afternoon. He had been in business in Darby-street for over 40 years. He was a son of the late Mr. George Henry Cox, architect, who was responsible for many buildings being erected in early Newcastle. Among these buildings were the old Newcastle Hospital, the old Terminus Hotel, the Crystal Palace Hotel (where the Rawson Hotel now stands), and the Newcastle School of Arts. The late Mr. W. F. Cox was of a retiring disposition. He was a devoted worker for St. Johns Church of England, Cooks Hill, holding the positions of churchwarden and representative to the Synod. The late Mr. Cox was a widower, with no family, his late wife died in 1912

Surname: Coxen (obit.,)
First Name: Charles
Ship: -
Date: 3 Jun 1876
Place: Bulimba Qld
Source: Sydney Mail
Details: Mr. Charles Coxen died at his residence, Omega Cottage, Bulimba, Queensland, on the 17th May last, aged 67. He was a native of Kent, England, and at the age of 27, in the year 1836, he emigrated to New South Wales. He was there engaged for some time in collecting specimens of natural history for his brother-in-law, Mr. J. G. Gould. During that period Mr. Coxen made one of the most curious discoveries in the records of Ornithology, known as the play-ground of the bower bird. He afterwards engaged in pastoral pursuits, on the Hunter River, and after wards on the Darling Downs, where he took up and occupied Jondaryan station, in which enterprise, however, he was far from fortunate, as has been the case with too many of our earliest pioneer settlers. He was elected to represent the district of Northern Downs in the first Parliament of Queensland. In July, 1863, he was appointed Chairman of Committees to the Legislative Assembly, and he held this office until his defeat by Mr. H. Thorn in the general election of 1SS7. After that he spent some time at Gympie, in the early days of that gold-field. In March, 1868, he began his career in connection with the Crown Lands Office, where his strict integrity and ceaseless desire to assist and further the interests of settlers won for him the respect and esteem of all with whom, in his official capacity, he was brought into contact. He was first appointed Commissioner for Crown Lands for the settled district of Moreton, including East, and West Moreton; and this position he filled until January 1870, when Mr. R. J. Smith was made Acting-Commissioner for West Moreton and Mr. Coxen was appointed Acting-Commissioner, for East Moreton, taking also the position of Land Agent for that district. In May, 1872, Mr. Persse took the position of Land Agent, and Mr. Coxen was gazetted Land Commissioner for the district of East Moreton and Inspecting Commissioner for the settled districts of the colony. In October 1874, he became Acting-Land Commissioner for the settled district of Darling Downs, in the room of Mr. A. McDowall, but was relieved of the duties of this office during the early part of 1876. Up to the time of his death he continued to hold the position of Land Commissioner for East Moreton and Inspecting Commissioner for the settled districts; but, owing to failing health, he was obliged to obtain sick leave at intervals during the past few months. Notwithstanding the numerous duties attaching to his connection with the Lands Department, Mr. Coxen found time for the pursuit of his favourite study of natural history, as well as the promotion of science in other directions beneficial to the colony. In 1873 he was gazetted a member of a commission, appointed under the great seal of the colony, to inquire into the condition of the aborigines of this colony. He was also a leading member of the Queensland Philosophical Society, where his energy and knowledge concerning a variety or matters was of great assistance. In connection with that society he has done much towards the formation of the Queensland Museum, in which he took a great interest, and he was one of the trustees recently appointed to the care of that institution. He was a man of very sound constitution and cheerful temper, and, although he has reached within three years of the allotted span of man s life on earth, it is probable that his career of usefulness has been shortened by the hardship and privations which he necessarily bore while seeking to establish a home beyond the limits of civilization. Mr. and Mrs. Coxen for some years past resided in the Bulimba district, where especially, we feel sure, many sorrowing friends will mourn the loss of a kindly neighbour and worthy gentleman