Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Hannell (Craven) (obit)
First Name: Florence
Ship: -
Date: 17 June 1931
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: Old Newcastle Resident Mrs. Florence Craven died at her home, Newcomen-street, Newcastle, last night. The death of Mrs. Craven removes one of the oldest residents of New castle. Mrs. Craven was born here, and spent the greater part of her life in the district. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Hannell. the first Mayor and Mayoress of Newcastle, And with the exception of Mr. Arthur Hannell, of Maryville was the last surviving member In Newcastle of that well-known family. Mrs. Craven s association with the Newcastle Cathedral goes back many years, and at the time of her death she was president of the Cathedral Women s Guild. She also interested Herself in many charitable affairs. The Hannell family were well known for their gift of music, and Mrs. Craven was for many years Interested in musical societies, and was a member of the Cathedral choir. For some months she has been un able to take a very active part In any of her Interests owing to failing health. She was predeceased by five sisters. Mesdames Joseph Wood, Rouse, Clack. Mitchell, and W. F. James, and two brothers. Messrs. Clarence and James Hannell.

Surname: Hannell (obit.,)
First Name: Jesse
Ship: -
Date: 1 June 1895
Place: Newcastle
Source: Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: Obituary of Jesse Hannell, first superintendent of the lighthouse at Nobbys

Surname: Hardy (obit)
First Name: Private George
Ship: -
Date: 21 September 1916
Place: Railway-lane Wickham
Source: 21 September 1916
Details: Mrs. Hardy of Railway lane Wickham has received notification that her husband Private George Hardy, was killed in action in France on August 1st. Private Hardy who leaves a widow and two young children, was 29 years of age, and he was well known in the Newcastle district as an athlete and one of the foremost football exponents. Prior to enlisting he was employed as a carter at the NSW Aerated Water Company works. Mrs. Hardy is a daughter of the late Jacky Elliott the champion quoit player of the northern district of a decade ago

Surname: Harpur (obit.,)
First Name: Joseph Jehosaphat
Ship: -
Date: 10 May 1878
Place: -
Source: SMH
Details: The Mr. J.J. Harpur.-On the 2nd instant there passed away from among us a gentleman who, although he had long dropped out of the ranks of public men, at one time filled, a somewhat prominent part in the political affairs of New South Wales. Mr. Joseph Jehosaphat Harpur. Some thirty years ago, when this colony was slowly emerging from a state of official despotism, and gradually progressing towards the enjoyment of s constitution, Mr. Harpur, a young native of the country was one of the foremost advocates of political liberty. In those davs when to speak boldly was almost a crime, and when political freedom was regarded as but an idle dream, Mr. Harpur stood forth to assist those patriots who dared to demand that the colony should govern itself, and his rude but forcible eloquence, with his indomitable perseverance, brought him into the very brunt of the battle. With speech and with pen Mr .Harpur constantly advocated the cessation of transportation, the introduction of responsible government, and a liberal and equitable mode of distributing the lands of the country, with a view to promote settlement and occupation. He was very popular in the Hunter River district, where he was born, and represented the constituency of Patrick's Plains in the Legislative Assembly for several years. Mr. Harpur was a man of considerable intellectual powers, which were cultivated by careful study, and his writings exhibit great force of expression and vigour of thought, not unworthy of a family of which his brother Mr. Charles Harpur, the poet was a distinguished member. During the latter part of his life Mr. Harpur filled positions in the Civil Service, and was in fact engaged in the performance of his duty as Inspector of Conditional Purchases up to the evening of the day before his rather sudden death. In private life Mr. Harpur was very much esteemed.

Surname: Harris (nee Dalton) (obit)
First Name: Mrs. Jane
Ship: -
Date: 16 January 1932
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: LATE MRS. JANE HARRIS The late Mrs. Jane Harris, whose death took place at her home in Church-street. Newcastle, on Tuesday, was the widow of John Harris, for upwards of 30 years Government Medical Officer at Newcastle. and who died in 1923. Mrs. Harris was a daughter of the late Mr. John Dalton, at one time a well-known tugboat proprietor in Newcastle. She was born in London in 1850, and her parents on coming to Australia, settled in Newcastle, where Mrs. Harris spent the whole of her life, with the exception of her infant years. She was married in 1871. Of the family of nine, six followed in their father s footsteps, and took up medical careers. The members of the family are Dr. Matthew Harris, of Braidwood: Dr. John Harris, Bendigo (Vic.), Dr. Harry Harris, Bathurst. Dr. Hebert, R. J. Harris. Armidale, Dr. Terry Harris. Armidale, Dr. May Harris, Medical Officer for the Mine-owners Association in Newcastle; Misses K. and L. Harris, of Newcastle: and Mrs. H. Margrie, of Bellevue Hill, Sydney. The late Mrs. Harris was one of the most; charitable of women. She was an original member of the Red Cross Society and, with Mrs. J. C. Reid; Mrs. A. Goninan, and others, carried on useful work during the memorable years of the war, and subsequently.

Surname: Harris (obit)
First Name: Dr. John
Ship: 1851
Date: 18 April 1923
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: DR. JOHN HARRIS LEADING MEDICO Death After long illness Dr. John Harris, father of the medical profession in Newcastle, died at his home in Newcastle last night. For some months he was unable to follow his profession and was practically an invalid. But to the end he maintained that wonderful optimism which characterised his long life. Dr. Harris arrived in Australia with his parents when only two years old, having been born in Wexford, Ireland. He came from a family of students, his father having been a man of great learning. Dr. John often told the younger generation how, when a lad ploughing the soil, he was being instructed in Latin and similar subjects. It was his father s brother, the late Dr. Richard Harris, who pro- posed to train Dr. John Harris as a medical man, and his judgment of this man in choosing this profession for his nephew was often comment- ed upon in the early days of Dr. John s career. His early education was received at the school of Mr Theobold, and later wan sent to Aberdeen (Scotland). After a brilliant career as a student he graduated in 1874, M.B. Ch.M., L.R.C.P., and later at Edinburgh, he took his L.R.C.S. As a medical man he was recognised all over the States as having skill above the ordinary. His advice was often sought when other doc- tors had failed. As a man he was beloved by all who came in contact with him. His genial personality, and his love of humour, combined with a keen sense of right, made him one of the most respected men of his time. It has often been remark- ed that his one fault was in a too kindly heart. His thought for his fellow creatures made him a slave to his profession. FAMILY OF DOCTORS He was rightly called the father of the profession, for the medical men of Newcastle, young and old, looked to him for advice on all matters. He reared a family of doctors. His eldest daughter, Dr. May Harris, was the first girl of Newcastle to enter the profession, and her career has been brilliant. When little more than a girl she entered practice with her father, and has been his right-hand helper ever since. His five sons enter- ed the profession, and this family of doctors may be considered a world s record. Dr. Harris took an interest in all things relating to the advancement of the city. For many years he was Government medical officer for New- castle. He was also medical officer of the Victoria Lodge No. 2, a position he filled since its establishment in 1877. His passing removes the last of the old school of the medical profession in Newcastle, he having been associated with Dr. Richard Harris, Dr. R. C. Knaggs, Dr. Samuel Knaggs, Dr. Read, and Dr. Nash. He is survived by his widow, four daughters (Dr. May Harris, Misses Katie and Lilla Harris, Mrs. Margrie) and five sons, Doctors Matthew, Jack, Harry, Hubert, and Terence Harris. The last-mentioned is at present in Europe. The funeral will leave St. Mary s Church to-morrow afternoon.

Surname: Harris (obit)
First Name: Dr. Richard
Ship: 1838
Date: 4 November 1887
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Dr. Richard Harris, passed peacefully away yesterday, at the ripe age of 81 years. For some time past, Dr. Harris has been gradually declining in health from a complication of ailments, which may be summed up in two words - old age. By his decease, another of the links which unite the old residents of Newcastle with the early pioneers has been broken. Dr. Richard Harris was born in the county of Wexford, Ireland, in 1806. He was the son of Captain Henry Harris, of the 14th Light Dragoons, so honourably distinguished in the Peninsula war. Captain Harris was one of seven brothers, all British officers, whose mother died at 104 years of age, in receipt of a pension from the British Government on account of having seven sons in the army. Dr. Richard Harris reached this colony about 1838. After practising his profession for some time in Parramatta, he went to Mudgee and took up land as a squatter. A number of years experience in this direction proved unsatisfactory. He accordingly relinquished squatting pursuits, and accepted the Government appointment of Examiner of Coal Fields, arriving in Newcastle in 1861. Finding this position not so remunerative as his own profession, he resigned it, and was succeeded by Mr. J. Mackenzie. Dr. Harris then started again as a medical man at the Market Square, in premises owned by Mr. Ludlow. After a time he removed to the corner of Hunter-street and Market-lane, formerly occupied by Mr. O Gallagher; and in 1870 he finally established himself in the house erected by himself in Watt-street, and in which he breathed his last. He continued in active practice till the beginning of the present year, when his health, hitherto so robust, began to decline. We may mention that Dr. Harris has been a widower for some years, and, having no family of his own, he has educated and pushed forward successfully into the world no less than thirty of his nephews, nieces, and other relatives, conspicuous amongst these (as being, perhaps, better known to our readers) may be mentioned his nephews, Rev. Charles Harris (C. of E.) at Ballarat, and Dr. John Harris, one of our most popular and successful medical men. These two gentlemen were specially sent for from Ireland by their deceased uncle, and their career has evidently been such as to justify his expectations in giving them each a splendid start in life. Dr. Richard Harris was health officer of this port for about 14 years, succeeding Dr. Bowker in that position. He was also Government medical officer for the same period, visiting surgeon to the Hospital for the Insane, and surgeon to the Permanent Artillery Force. He established the Bethel Mission at Carrington, and built the Mission Reading-room and Chapel for Sea- men on the Island. He was also one of the promoters of the Newcastle Coal Company, and was for a length of time one of that Company s directors. Without taking very great part in public matters, he was always ready to help in any good work, and was a ready contributor to our public charities and to private undertakings for the general good. He was the first president of the Y. M. C. Association, and firm supporter of the British and Foreign Bible Society. He will be missed by many outside his own family circle. In order to enable many friends at a distance to attend the funeral, it has been deemed advisable to postpone the ceremony till tomorrow (Saturday). The funeral will move from Watt-street at 3 o clock, on route for the Sandgate cemetery.

Surname: Hawkins (Brown) (obit)
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: 1847
Date: 6 August 1924
Place: Laguna
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: MAITLAND DISTRICT A LAGUNA PIONEER DEATH OF MRS. BROWN. Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, widow of the late Mr. Henry Brown, and mother of Mr. George Brown, coroner, of Cessnock district, died at her home, Laguna, where she had resided for 76 years, with a break of twelve months, which she spent at Bishop s Bridge. She was born in Kent, England, and was in her 92nd year. At the age of 16 years she came with her parents and other members of the Hawkins family to Australia. She remained at Morpeth for some time before rejoining her parents, who had settled at Laguna, in the Wollombi district, and had to make the journey in a bullock dray, the only means of transport in the pioneering days. Her late husband, who was born in 1818, arrived in the district in 1835, went to Sir John Jamieson s station, Mooki Springs, on Liverpool Plains, and became superintendent there after a few years. He was on the station in 1838, when the Myall Creek massacre of aboriginals took place, and knew the awful story in every detail. Eventually, he settled at Laguna, and met the young lady from Kent, who became his bride. He died 25 years ago. Mrs. Brown led the homely life of the pioneer housewife, devoting all her energies to the ser vice of her family in what was even then a self-contained community. The settlers ground their own flour, slaughtered their own stock for food, grew their own vegetables. She had experiences with the blacks, and also with bushrangers which served to break the monotony of the pioneering life, and by her kindness and generosity won even their goodwill. Far and wide over the countryside she proved herself the welcome friend in cases of illness and death, and so her friends were legion. She had a clear memory of the events of her long life, and though infirm was in possession of all her faculties almost to the end. Her son, Mr. George Brown, visited her on Sunday, when she appeared to be in her usual health, but she became ill on Monday morning, and died during the evening. About two years ago about one hundred of her descendants assembled at her home for her birth day, and she was able to identify most of them, among whom were two of her daughters who were grandmothers. Of her fourteen children, ten survive her, Mr. George Brown, district coroner, Cessnock, Messrs. William, Harry, Albert, Andrew, Arthur, and Robert Brown, Mesdames Thomas Jurd, A. A. Walmsley, and Matthews, as well as 53 grandchildren, 57 great-grandchildren, and nine great-great-grandchildren. Of her brothers and sisters, Edward Hawk ins, of Laguna, aged 86 years, Thomas Hawkins, of Laguna, aged 80 years, Fred Hawkins, of Sydney, Henry Hawkins, of Wollombi, and Mrs. P. Thompson, of Bishop Bridge, are still living.

Surname: Hayes (obit)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 7 November 1914
Place: Singleton
Source: The Tamworth Daily
Details: A pioneer of the Singleton district Mr. Thomas Hayes of Bulga, died aged 90. He had resided at Bulga since 1855. He was active almost to the last, working about his orchard and vineyard. Deceased left a large number of descendants including great great grandchildren. He regularly visited the Sydney show until 1913

Surname: Hayes (obit)
First Name: William
Ship: 1850
Date: 2 August 1902
Place: Raworth
Source: The Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: On Monday Mr. William Hayes, a very old resident of this district, died at his residence, Raworth. Sir. Hayes was 86 years of age, and was a native of Tipperary, Ireland. He was married in Ireland (Mrs. Hayes is still living, and in good health, at the age of 71), and he and his wife landed in this State 52 years ago. They come at once to Maitland, and for a time Mr. Hayes followed bis trade as a carpenter, in | East Maitland. Afterwards he took a farm at Bolwarra, and also one at Raworth, going to reside| at the latter place. He was a man of strong constitution, and enjoyed good health all bis days. A short Time ago, he became too week (simply owing to old age) to get about, and had to take to his bed nine weeks since. He gradually became weaker, and passed peacefully away yesterday. Mr. Hayes was well known to all the old hands in this district, and was respected by all who know him. He leaves three sons and three daughters. One son is a sergeant in the police force, and is stationed at Bathurst. The funeral took place on Tuesday, the body of deceased being interred in the Roman Catholic cemetery, Morpeth

Surname: Hazel (obit)
First Name: Sarah
Ship: -
Date: 8 January 1932
Place: -
Source: The Scone Advocate
Details: The death occurred early on the morning of New Years Eve, after a long and painful illness, of Mrs. Sarah Hazel, at the age of 87 years. Born at Newcastle, the late Mrs. Hazel came to Collaroy Station with her parents in her infancy. She married, and came to reside in Merriwa over 70 years ago

Surname: Henderson (obit)
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 2 August 1922
Place: Kincumber
Source: NMH
Details: The death occurred yesterday at Kincumber of a very old Newcastle identity in the person of Mr. John Henderson. The deceased, who was 94 years of age, was well known in the earlier days of Newcastle, when he used to own sailing vessels that traded between this port, New Zealand and New Caledonia, and also carried on business in a large way as a merchant. He retired from business more than twenty years ago and latterly had been living on a farm that he owned at Kincumber. He is survived by two sons and four daughters.

Surname: Hetherington (obit.,)
First Name: Rev. Irving
Ship: -
Date: 10 July 1875
Place: Melbourne
Source: Gippsland Times
Details: We regret to have to announce the death of the Rev. Irving Hetherington , which took place at the Manse, Hotham street, East Melbourne, at a quarter-past 9 o'clock on Monday morning. He had been in failing health for a long time past. A few days ago a severe cold settled upon him, and it was soon apparent that he could not rally. On Sunday he passed into a semi-unconscious condition, from which he never recovered, and died at the hour named. In point of ministerial seniority, Mr Hetherington was much the oldest Presbyterian clergyman in this colony, his connexion with the Collin street Church dating from April, 1847. He was the son of a Scottish farmer, and was born at Whaite, in the parish o f Ruthwell, Dumfries shire, on the 23rd July,1809, and was therefore 66 years of age at the time of his death. After his ordination he was employed as a missionary in Edinburgh. In the early part of 1837 he was sent out to Sydney by the Colonial Committee of the Church of Scotland. His first charge in New South Wales was that of Singleton, which included Patrick's Plains. This was a pastorate 100 miles square, and its oversight involved an amount of labour which none but a young man could have accomplished. To ride 50or 60 miles a day in the bush for several consecutive days, carrying provisions and sleeping at times under a gum tree, was no uncommon experience in a country minister's duties at that time. After Mr Hetherington's arrival in Melbourne, to succeed the Rev. James Forbes at the Scots' Church, he took a great interest in the negotiations for the union of the Presbyterian Churches, and worked assiduously for its accomplishment, which he witnessed in April, 1859. From that time he officiated as clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, with the exception of one year, when the honour of the moderator's chair was conferred upon him. In consequence of Mr Hetherington’s advanced age and feeble health, arrangements were recently made for his retirement from the active charge of the congregation (his status as senior minister to be retained) on the arrival of the Rev. Charles Strong, who is on his way to this colony in the ship Bin Cruachan He died, however, in harness. Mr Hetherington leaves four grown-up children. His wife, it will be remembered, died, suddenly two years ago. His unaffected manners and kindly disposition endeared him to numbers outside of his own denomination, and there are few old colonists whose loss will be so widely mourned. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon

Surname: Hewison (obit)
First Name: George
Ship: -
Date: 17 December 1902
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: There passed away at his residence, Tyrrell street yesterday morning, a very old resident of Newcastle in the person of Mr. George Hewison, who was for many years connected with the shipping and coal trade of the port. Some three weeks ago the deceased gentleman caught, a severe cold, which necessitated confinement to his room. He gradually became worse and passed away at dawn on Tuesday. The late Mr. Hewison was a native of Kirkwall (Orkney) ; and there, as a young man, he studied law. In 1853 he went out to Adelaide, where he became interested in shipping pursuits, first in the office of the Hon. W. Scott; and later with Captain Henry Simpson. In 1866 he came to Newcastle for Captain Simpson, to control and extend the business of the then famous Black Diamond Line of sailing vessels, and also the Waratah Smelting Works, positions, he held until Captain Simpson s death . Later on, he became secretary of the Ferndale Colliery Company, and continued so until the works were closed. Mr. Hewison was for several years an alderman of the Borough Council, and was one of the early Justices of the Peace, and in company with Mr. Edward Parnell, and the late Mr. H. Scott, frequently sat to dispense justice in the old days. He was a prominent Freemason, and was presented with a gold watch by the lodge at Adelaide in 1857, upon his retirement from the position of the master. Waratah Lodge was formed by him and throughout his residence here, he ever took a keen interest in all matters relating to the order. Mr. Hewison married in Adelaide, his wife, who was a daughter of the Rev. Charles Watt, having died about four years ago. Mr. Hewison leaves a grown up family, including Mrs. Lupton (Melbourne), Mrs. R.B. Stewart, Bank of New South Wales, Hunter Street West, Newcastle, Mrs. Cooper (Cobar), Misses E. and F. Hewison, and Messrs. Horace and Hereward Hewison. The funeral will leave the deceased s late residence at 2.30 p.m. today for Sandgate.

Surname: Hill (obit)
First Name: Dr. John James
Ship: -
Date: 20 December 1882
Place: Lambton
Source: NMH
Details: Numerous residents in this district will regret to hear of the death of Dr. John James Hill, J.P., which took place at his residence yesterday morning (Tuesday), a little after eight o clock. The deceased gentleman had been confined to his house for over three weeks. During the last week he was very unwell, and on Monday had a slight fit of apoplexy, the effects of which passed off towards evening, when he seemed somewhat better. Early on Tuesday morning, after a restless night, he experienced a return of the attack, and did not again regain consciousness, The late Dr. Hill came to reside in Lambton about fifteen years ago, bringing with him the highest qualifications. During the whole of that period he has done a large and lucrative business. He was surgeon to the Lambton, New Lambton, and Waratah collieries, honorary surgeon to the Newcastle Hospital, and medical officer of various Friendly Societies. He was an alderman of the municipality of Lambton for several years, and twice held the position of Mayor, and was serving his second term of office in that capacity in the present municipal year. He was also a Justice of the Peace, and member of the Local School Board, and, in fact, took an active part in all public matters connected with the district. The funeral is announced to take place this day (Wednesday) in the North Waratah Cemetery.

Surname: Hill (obit)
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 19 August 1902
Place: Singleton
Source: Singleton Argus
Details: The death of another very old resident of the district, in the person of Mr Joseph Hill, occurred on Sunday morning last at about 2 a.m. The deceased was a native of Leicester, in England, and was over 82 years of age at the time of his demise. He had resided in this district for some 45 years, and was for many years in the service of Mr John Alford, at Maryvale, Jerrys Plains, where he was regarded as faithful and trustworthy. Of late years, the deceased had resided with Mrs Atkinson, of George-street, Singleton, and, on account of his great age, was very feeble, mentally and physically. He had been attended, occasionally, by Dr. Bowman, but it was evident for some time that a natural senile decay was setting in, and that the end was approaching. Deceased was tenderly cared for by Mrs Atkinson up to the time of his demise, and the mortal remains were interred in the Anglican cemetery yesterday.

Surname: Hobbs (obit.,)
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 14 April 1871
Place: Wollongong
Source: Illawarra Mercury
Details: Death of Mr. William Hobbs. We regret to have to record the decease of Mr. William Hobbs, who, for the past five years and a half, occupied the position of Governor of the Gaol in this town. For a considerable time past Mr. Hobbs was in a failing state of health, (we believe from an affection of the heart and liver), and about six months ago he obtained a month s leave of absence, and visited some other parts of the colony, but experienced little benefit from the change. Latterly it became painfully evident that he was gradually sinking, and on Sunday, the 2nd instant, his illness assumed an alarming aspect, and Dr. Morton then pronounced that all hopes of his recovery were at an end. He lingered, however, under much pain, until Friday night last, when a violent attack of his disease again came on, and death put an end to his suffering about half-past two o clock on Saturday morning. The deceased occupied the position of Chief Constable in the Northern districts for many years, and for two or three years prior to his appointment to Wollongong, he was Governor of the Gaol at Windsor. Mr. Hobbs was very much and deservedly respected by all who knew him. In a sentence, he was a most efficient and assiduous officer, an affectionate husband and father, and an unobtrusive and esteemed member of society. He leaves behind him a widow and a. large and respectable family (several of whom are comparatively young), to deplore their loss. The remains of the deceased were interred in the Church of England Burial-ground last Sabbath, having first been taken into the Church. The Rev. Dean Ewing conducted the service, and a large number of the inhabitants paid their last respects to the departed by following his remains to their final resting-place.

Surname: Hogue (obit.,)
First Name: Mrs. Isabella Sophia
Ship: -
Date: 22 January 1929
Place: Vaucluse
Source: SMH
Details: OBITUARY. MRS. I. S. HOGUE. Mrs. Isabella Sophia Hogue, who died at the residence of her daughter (Mrs. E. Horler), at Vaucluse last week, was an old resident of the Newcastle district. A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Hancock, she was born 68 years ago at Dungog. Her husband, Mr. John Hogue, died 11 years ago. He was employed In the railway workshops at Newcastle. She leaves two sons (Messrs. J. F. and T. W. Hogue) and two daughtcrs (Mesdames S. Harper and E. Horler). Cannon 0. C. J. Van officiated at the graveside, in the Presbyterian portion of the Sandgate Cemetery. The mourners Included Messrs. F. Hancock, H. Hancock, and O. Hancock (brothers), Mesdames G. Gorton, \V. Fitness, and O. Irwin (sisters), Messrs. J. F. and T. W. Hogue, Mesdames S, Harper and E. Horler, and Messrs. S. Harper and E. Horler (sons in-law)

Surname: Hollist (obit)
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 10 November 1870
Place: Maitland
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Death of an aged veteran. We have to record the death in West Maitland, last Friday, of one of the those veterans who shared in exploits, which were and are England s glory, and who are yearly getting more rare, as the advance of time removes them. The death is that of Mr. William Hollist, who was ninety years of age at his deceased. He was born at Hastings, on the 5th November 1780, entered the navy as a seaman, at an early age, and participated in most of those brilliant naval engagements which so distinguished the commencement of the present century. At the time of the battle of Trafalgar, Hollist was seaman on board the Victory – Nelsons ship – and, after the close of the war, he was paid off. He arrived in NSW early in the year 1820, and by industry accumulated sufficient to purchase for himself a small annuity. He was long a resident of the Hunter district, and, for the last twenty years, had resided in West Maitland, where he will be remembered by many as an aged, stooping man, regular attendance at the Congregational Church and for his quite unobtrusive demeanour.

Surname: Hooke (nee Mackay) (obit.,)
First Name: Mrs. Sybella Jane
Ship: -
Date: 14 May 1941
Place: Dungog
Source: SMH
Details: OBITUARY. MRS. SYBELLA HOOKE. Mrs Sybella Jane Hooke, who died at Dungog recently, at the age of 86 had lived in the district since 1855. She was the widow of Mr Frederlrk Augustus Hooke whom she married in 1874. Both she and her husband were members of pioneering families. Mrs Hooke's father was the late Mr. George Mackay who settled in Australia with his parents in 1833. He became leader of the Clan Mackay in Scotland a few years later but did not leave Australia to assume the title.