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Surname: Douglass (obit)
First Name: Rev. Arthur
Ship: -
Date: 29 March 1878
Place: Mackay
Source: The Armidale Express
Details: Death, after a long illness, of the Rev. Arthur Douglass, B.A., Rector of Trinity Church, Mackay. The late Mr. Douglass was the son of Dr. Douglass, of Douglass Park, near Parramatta, New South Wales, and was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he took his degree. After taking orders, he laboured in various parts of England, previous to returning to Australia, after which he was engaged at parish work at Parramatta and Wollongong. The rev. gentleman was appointed to the church at Mackay, by Bishop Hale. Notwithstanding his advanced age, he was of an active and sanguine temperament, and worked hard for the good of his church and people, and his genial kindly nature had endeared him to all. The funeral was one of the largest we have seen in Mackay, and the services of the church were conducted by the Masonic fraternity, of which the deceased gentleman was a member

Surname: Dove (obit)
First Name: Rev. William Woodman
Ship: -
Date: 26 March 1867
Place: Jerrys Plains
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: Died on Monday 25th March. Buried in St. James Cemetery, Jerrys Plains. - Death of the Rev. W. W. Dove - It is with much regret that we have to record the demise of the Rev William Woodman Dove, incumbent of Jerrys Plains and Falbrook, whose death took place at the parsonage, Jerrys Plains, at an early hour on Saturday morning last. The deceased, who was quite a young man, only thirty-five years of age, leaves behind him a sorrowing widow and four helpless young orphans. Mr. Dove had been suffering for a considerable time past from valvular disease of the heart and for the past two months he was obliged, in consequence of the inroads made upon his constitution by the extension of the disease, to desist from the performance of his usual clerical duties, to which he was attached with extreme devotion. For several weeks past his medical attendants gave up all hopes of his recovery. The deceased clergyman was much esteemed for his many amiable qualities both by his numerous and wide-spread congregation as well as by his brother ministers and the bishop of the diocese. As an instance of the attachment of his brother clergymen to the de- ceased, we may state that the Rev. James Blackwood, of Singleton, the Rev. Mr. White, of Muswellbrook, and the Rev Mr Wilson, of Cassilis, attended frequently at the sick bed of their departed friend, although having to travel considerable distances to his residence. The Rev. W. W Dove had been in charge of the parishes of Jerrys Plains and Falbrook for upwards of eight years, he having succeeded the Rev. Joseph Cooper. Mr Dove s death will cause another vacancy in the list of clergymen in receipt of a Crown stipend under Sir Richard Bourke s Act.

Surname: Dowling (obit.,)
First Name: Rev. Christopher Vincent
Ship: -
Date: 3 January 1874
Place: Newcastle
Source: Freemans Journal
Details: Obituary {Extract} Rev. Dowling was born in the city of Dublin in the year 1789. He was educated at a College of the Dominican Fathers in Lisbon and afterwards joined their order. When he completed his studies there he returned to Dublin and was ordained priest by Dr. Murray in 1814, one year prior to the battle of Waterloo. He was appointed the sub prior of his order; but had to leave Ireland on account of failing health. he went to France, and had charge of a small parish near Bordeaux where he remained for several years. He was given a mission in the Isle of Wight for 9 or 10 months; after that he served in London for a time. He was appointed Roman Catholic Chaplain to New South Wales.

Surname: Dumaresq (obit.,)
First Name: Lieutenant-Colonel Henry
Ship: -
Date: 1838
Place: Port Stephens
Source: The United Service Magazine
Details: DEATHS. We have to record, with unfeigned regret the death of Lieutenant- Colonel Henry Dumaresq , an old and much-valued associate—one of the survivors or Waterloo, who, from his years, might have expected to see many additional anniversaries of that great victory; but the severe wound he received on that memorable occasion, though temporarily subdued, eventually conquered by inducing paralysis, which finally carried him off at the age of 46, on the 5th of March last, at the establishment of the Australian Agricultural Company in New South Wales, in the management of whose large concerns as Chief Commissioner he succeeded a most distinguished member of the sister profession, Captain Sir Edward Parry. R.N., and repeatedly received the thanks of the Directors for his able and zealous conduct in the superintendence of the affairs of the Company Lieutenant-Colonel Dumaresq entered the army at the early age of 16, and, as detailed in an official record of his services at the Horse Guards:— ** He served in eight campaigns, of which six were in the Peninsula, one in Canada, and the last, that of Waterloo. "He was present in the thirteen battles for which medals were bestowed, besides many affairs of outposts, of advance and rear-guards; also at the sieges of Badajo* and Burgos, and at the assault of the forts of Salamanca: on the two former occasions he served as a volunteer with the Engineers, and on the latter (again a volunteer) being the foremost person in the assault of that redoubt, he received from the officer in command of the Vittoria Convent the terms of his capitulation, which document he delivered to the Duke of Wellington. "He attained the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel after nine years' service, and was gazetted to that grade in June, 1817, for services in the field. He was employed on the Staff upwards of eighteen years, and out of twenty-six years' service he was employed upwards of twenty two years abroad. He was twice dangerously wounded." At the battle of Waterloo he was on the Staff of Lieut.-General Sir John Byng, now Lord Strafford, and was shot through the lungs at Hougoumont; but, being at the time charged with a message for the Duke of Wellington, he, in spite of such a wound, reached the Duke, and delivered his message before he fell—being the officer of whom the anecdote is told by Sir Walter Scott in -Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk," as follows:—*' Amid the havoc which had been made among his immediate attendants, his Grace sent off an officer (Dumaresq ) to a General of Brigade, in another part of the field, with a message of importance; in returning he was shot through the lungs, but, as if supported by the resolution to do his duty, he rode up to the Duke of Wellington, delivered the answer to his message and then dropped from his horse, to all appearance a dying man." He is also mentioned in " Booth's Anecdotes of the Field of Waterloo."' The ball was never extracted, and is considered to have been the eventual cause of his premature death, by an unfavourable change of position in the neighbourhood of some vital part. It is, perhaps, not saying too much to assert, that of the many officers of superior merit whom the late war, so fertile in heroes, brought forth, no officer of his rank was of more distinguished merit than the subject of this memoir; in proof of which it is probably only necessary to refer to the fact here enumerated, and to the rapid promotion with which his services were rewarded. It may .however be proper to advert further to the last testimonial received from the Horse Guards by Lieutenant-Colonel Dumaresq , when about to retire from the army in the year 1834, in the following words, viz.;— ** Nobody is more sensible Lord Hill is of the value of your services, and of the Zeal and gallantry which you applied to the discharge of your duty, whenever an opportunity was offered you of displaying those qualities." In private life in talents and various merits and acquirements and his many highly endearing qualities, won for him the regard and esteem of a very numerous circle of attached friends, and secured the affections of his immediate relations. He was married in the year 1828 to Elizabeth Sophia, daughter of the late Hon. Augustus Richard Butler Danvers, son of Brinsley second Earl of Lanesborough, and has left his widow and seven young children to lament his irreparable loss. It is to be hoped that some of his sons may hereafter adorn the profession of which their father was so distinguished an ornament

Surname: Dunne (obit)
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 16 November 1867
Place: Manley
Source: Freeman s Journal
Details: The Rev. J. T. Dunne, passed into a happier and better world, after a protracted and a. painful illness, on Tuesday last. The few particulars which we could gather of his life and labours among us, we subjoin, beseeching all to pray for the eternal repose of his soul. The Rev. Father Dunne was 38 years of age, and, like most of his fellow-priests in the British colonies, he claimed Ireland as his birth-place, having been born in Callan, County of Kilkenny. At a very early age he showed dispositions which indicated that he was chosen by the Almighty for the service of the altar, and his pious parents in order to cherish this feeling, sent him when very young to a school in his native place, conducted by a community of Augustinians. Here he remained a few years giving every satisfaction to his superiors, until he was removed to the diocesan college of Kilkenny, where he went through the necessary classical course to fit him for the higher studies, which were to prepare him for the priesthood. With age the same happy dispositions increased, until he was convinced that his lot was casts among the few who are to labor for the spiritual benefit of their fellow-beings. While pursuing his studies he began to experience a desire to| devote himself to foreign missions, and when the moment of choice arrived he willingly sacrificed country, friends and relatives, and decided to attach himself to the mission of New South Wales. For this purpose he entered the Missionary College of Carlow, where for five years he studied his theology and prepared him self by prayer and study for his future life. He was ordained at the close of 1854, by the late Right Rev. Dr. Healy, Bishop of Kildare, and Leighlin; the successor to the celebrated and talented J. K. L., Bishop Doyle. After a few weeks spent in visiting his friends and preparing for the voyage, Father Dunne embarked for Australia and arrived in Sydney in 1855, in company with Fathers Birch and White, both of whom are now engaged on this mission. On his landing he was at once sent to assist his former college companion, the Rev. T. McCarthy of Armidale, where he was principally occupied in ministering to the spiritual wants of the Catholics of the northern portion of New England, and the districts of the Clarence and Richmond Rivers. After passing six years in the labor of this extensive mission he was appointed first to the Singleton and afterwards to the important district of West Maitland. Apparently of a robust constitution, the privations and hardships of so many years of bush life had told against his constitution, and while in West Maitland the symptoms of the disease which eventually terminated in his death began to show themselves. After a few months of suffering his medical advisers recommended a change of air, and as the mission of Penrith was vacant he was appointed to it in hopes that his health would improve in that salubrious district, lying at the foot of the Blue Mountains. The disease was too deep seated and baffled all the skill of the doctor, and slowly but surely Father Dunne was sinking under the consumption which was destroying his vital organs. Very often he was unable to perform his spiritual duties and latterly he has been compelled to have the assistance of a fellow-priest. A few months since symptoms of an enlargement of the liver began to show themselves and greatly aggravated the original disease. Three weeks ago he was seized with a more serious attack than on any previous occasion and was visited by his Grace the Archbishop, who recommended his removal for a few days to Manly Beach. He followed the advice and went to reside at the Clarendon Hotel, Manly Beach, kept by the Misses Homer, where he received every care and attention. Dr. Gilhooly visited him there and did all that medical skill could to alleviate his sufferings. His days were, however, numbered, for on yesterday week the symptoms became alarming, and his friends could see that he had not many days to live. He was daily visited by some of the clergy and by none oftener than his fellow labourer and college companion, Father M cCarthy of St. Benedicts. His Grace the Archbishop also went to Manly to see him. During his parting hours he I received the last rites of the church and during the afternoons of Tuesday last he calmly expired, and gave up his soul into the hands of its Maker

Surname: Durham (obit)
First Name: Mrs. William
Ship: -
Date: 9 November 1900
Place: Strathfield; Cockfighters Creek
Source: The Maitland Daily Mercury
Details: Mrs. William Durham, senior, widow of the William Durham of Wombo, Cockfighters Creek, died at her residence at Strathfield on Wednesday at the advanced ago of 83 years. For. A great many years (nearly half a century) the deceased Lady was a resident of this district, where she was highly respected for her many excellent qualities, the old home stead at Wombo being renowned for its hospitality. To the poor and afflicted the deceased lady proved always a sterling friend,, and she ever took an active part in all movements tending to ameliorate the condition and improve the happiness of her less fortunate fellowmen. Mrs. Durham leaves one son, Mr. W. J. H. Durham, of Springfield, Warkworth ; a married daughter, Mrs. Hill, residing in Sydney ; and Miss Durham, also a number of grandchildren. The body of the deceased was brought to Singleton for burial.

Surname: Eales (obit)
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 6 April 1871
Place: Berry Park
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Obituary of John Eales who died the previous Saturday

Surname: Eather (obit.,)
First Name: Charles
Ship: -
Date: 7 November 1891
Place: Narrabri
Source: MM
Details: Death of Mr. Charles Eather. (Narrabri Herald, Nov 4) On Monday evening last, about 6 p.m., after a long and painful illness, there passed over to the great majority one of the pioneers of the Namoi, a man who for upwards of forty years had made the north-west his home, and seen many changes and vicissitudes. One who at one time was owner of vast tracts of country with every promise of an old age passed in ease and affluence, and one who had endeared himself to all who had the privilege of his acquaintance-better still, of his friendship. Such an one was Charles Eather, who passed quietly away at the age of 64 years, on Monday evening. Tended to the last by loving and kind friends, his slightest wish was anticipated; and sur-rounded by his relatives and a host of friends, he " passed to the bourne whence there is no returning." Many a good and earnest man may yet make a name for himself on the Namoi, but out of the limits of the present generation the memory of the true sterling friend who has just left us will never depart. The funeral, which left the deceased's late residence at 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon, was the most largely attended yet seen in Narrabri, the cortege measuring fully a third of a mile in length, and was composed of all the principal people of the town and district. The pall-bearers, all old and tried friends of the deceased, were Messrs. J. Moseley, J. M McDonald, W. H. Gordon, James Ward, sen. ,R. Spencer, and E. Poole. The coffin, which was of beautifully polished cedar, was almost covered with flowers. The whole of the busi- ness places in town were closed during the progress of the procession through the streets, and at the grave the burial service was very impressively read by the Rev. Walker

Surname: Edwards (obit)
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 10 June 1916
Place: Dungog
Source: The Maitland Daily Mercury
Details: Death, after a short illness of William Edwards of Melbury, Underbank, took place at his old home. The late Mr. Edwards was born at Gresford in Wales 87 years ago, and arrived in NSW with his parents when only seven years of age. They came out under engagement to the late Mr. Boydell of Camyr Allyn, Gresford, where the early part of William Edward s life was spent. He eventually selected land on the Williams River at Melbury where he reared a large family and acquired an extensive area of land......

Surname: Eggleston (obit)
First Name: Mary Ann
Ship: -
Date: 14 July 1915
Place: -
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: Old Newcastle Mrs. M. A. Eggleston, widow of the late Mr. Thomas Eggleston, who had been a resident of the Newcastle district practically all her life, died at Rozelle, Sydney, a few days ago after a protracted illness. The deceased lady, who was 73 years of age, and a native of Sydney, arrived in Newcastle with her parents when she was two years of age. After her marriage she lived at Dempsey Island, subsequently returning to Newcastle. The late Mrs. Eggleston was well-known and highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. She is survived by five daughters and three sons Messrs. W. Eggleston (Sydney), E. A. Eggleston (Newcastle), and T. Eggleston (Guyra, near Armidale),

Surname: English (obit)
First Name: Rev. Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 30 September 1895
Place: Muswellbrook
Source: Evening News
Details: Death of Father English. MUSWELLBBOOK, Monday. - The Very Rev. Father English, .V.G., expired on Sunday morning. The deceased priest had been connected with the Maitland diocese for many years, having been stationed at Newcastle, Gunnedah, Murrurundi, and for the last three years in Muswellbrook. He had reached the ripe age of 85 years, and was vigorous and active until an illness three months ago. Father English had travelled much in Ireland, England, on the Continent, and in the Holy Land, and was possessed of a wide range of information. He was greatly esteemed by members of all denominations on account of his large mindedness and truly Christian disposition. His remains are to be interred at Maitland.

Surname: Fairhall (obit)
First Name: Benjamin
Ship: -
Date: 2 September 1892
Place: Morpeth
Source: NMH
Details: Death has removed another old Morpeth resident, in the person of Mr. Benjamin Fairhall, who died on Tuesday last of paralysis, at the age of 61. Deceased come to the colony in a vessel called the Maitland in 1888, and some time afterwards settled in this district. During the years when floods were most frequent he followed the joint occupation of farmer and fisherman, and was among the more active with his boat where anyone was to be rescued. The remains were interred in the Church of England Cemetery yesterday his six sons, with other relatives and a large number of friends, forming the mournful procession.

Surname: Faning (obit)
First Name: Edward Thomas Reynolds
Ship: -
Date: 1 September 1870
Place: Lambton
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: On Monday last, the obsequies in connection with the death of this gentleman were performed. Mr. Faning died at Lambton on Saturday last, and his remains wero brought thence -by the mid-day train to Newcastle, whore they were met by a largo number of his friends, and these, headed . by a band of about fifty performers (composed principally of Mr. Faning s late pupils) formed a long procession to the Roman Catholic Burial ground, where the deceased was interred. The band played the Dead March in Saul the whole distance from the station to the cemetery. Mr. Faning was an old resident in Newcastle, and a very able musician. As a preceptor of that art he was not to be surpassed. A large portion of the members of our bands owe their present ability to Mr. Faning s instruction. He was the founder of the Newcastle United Volunteer Band some nine years ago, and also the first band in Maitland about twenty years back, and at the time of his death, was engaged in forming the Lambton band. Great sorrow is expressed at Mr. Faning s rather sudden removal from amongst us.

Surname: Farthing (obit.,)
First Name: William
Ship: 1839
Date: 1 October 1887
Place: Anvil Creek, Greta, Branxton
Source: The Australian Town and Country Journal
Details: The late William Farthing, the pioneer of the now famous Greta coalfield, was a man of rare intelligence, strong will, vigorous execution, great tenacity of purpose, ingenuity of resource, and energy of mind. He was born in Scarborough, Yorkshire, and came to New South Wales in 1839, at the age of 21 years. He began business in East Maitland as a leather merchant and bootmaker. In 1841 he married Miss L. Brown, sister of Messrs. Brown, colliery proprietors, of Newcastle. On the discovery of gold, in 1851, he went to the goldfields, and was fairly successful. In 1853 he began coal mining at Four-mile Creek, near East Maitland, and supplied coal for local demands and for the Hunter-River steamers. Four-mile Creek, however, afforded too small a scope for a man of Mr. Farthing s active temperament ; and hearing of lumps of coal having been found in the bed of Anvil Creek, he determined to prospect the place for a coalfield. The property belonged to the Clift family ; and, in company with one of them, he visited the locality. But after a patient investigation no seam of coal could be found, and the search was abandoned. Subsequently Mr. Farthing visited the creek by himself, and after he had spent some days in searching up and down its bed he was rewarded in 1866 by finding the outcrop at Greta. Mr. Farthing lost no time in obtaining from the Messrs. Clift a lease of the land for coal-mining purposes. A shaft was sunk, and the seam of coal which has proved so remunerative at Greta and Anvil Creek was struck. When the lease of the land expired he purchased the tract of land since known as the Anvil Creek Coal Co.s property, and began sinking operations thereon. He bottomed this shaft in 1871, and discovered a magnificent seam, 12ft thick, of clean, bright, hard coal, with a good root and a good pavement, and but little water to contend with. Scarcely, however, was this fine property opened out than the mine caught fire and the shafts of the mine had to be sealed up to smother the flames. Undismayed by this misfortune Mr. Farthing, in a few days, had a tunnel started to top the coal around the fire. In this he was success ful ; and he kept things moving in that way until he was enabled to sink another shaft. Reverses had, however, so crippled him that he was unable to place the requisite rolling stock on the road to carry the coals to the port of shipment, or to buy rails to con struct the necessary sidings. To obtain these he floated the property into the Anvil Creek Coal Mining Co. in 1874. He retained the management of the mine for a time after the formation of the company, but finally retired and lived on a small property which he had acquired about three miles from the scene of his labors. For many years after his retirement he acted as magistrate in Greta and Branxton, and acquitted himself on the bench with credit and discretion. Mr. Farthings death was extremely sudden. Entering his house, he remarked to Mrs. Farthing, I do not feel well to-night. He sat down to warm his feet at the fire; and, without warning, he suddenly fell back into Mrs. Farthings arms, and expired in the 67th year of his age. He left a wife and four children, viz., Mrs. Andrew Donald, of Sydney; Mrs. Donald Fleming, of Newcastle ; Mrs. Alexander Taylor, of Muswellbrook ; and Mr. A. A. Farthing, of the Ship Inn, Newcastle. Mr. Farthing was of a kindly, warm-hearted, generous disposition. As an employer he had the sympathy, goodwill, and respect of his work people and all who knew him.

Surname: Fawcett (obit.,)
First Name: Thomas Alderson
Ship: -
Date: 21 June 1922
Place: Singleton
Source: SMH
Details: 'Death of Thomas Alderson Fawcett aged 68, a resident of the Singleton district for many years. He followed grazing pursuits in earlier life and was one of the most prominent cricketers in the northern district. He leaves seven sons and one daughter. Four sons fought in the war'

Surname: Fennell (obit)
First Name: Walter Beaden
Ship: -
Date: 29 November 1933
Place: Lake Macquarie
Source: NMH
Details: Mr. Walter Beaden Fennell, a pioneer of Lake Macquarie, and a well known resident of the Newcastle district died at the residence of his daughter Mrs. R.S. Kerr, Bolton St. He was 82 years old. Born at Toronto, almost on the spot where the Hotel Toronto stands, Mr. Fennell was the son of Richard Fennell, a Yorkshireman who graduated at Oxford University and decided to try his luck in Australia. Richard Fennell was a college student in England with Sir George Gipps, a former Governor of NSW. It was on the suggestion of Sir George that he came to this State. He married the daughter of Captain Holt, master of one of the clippers which carried many of the British pioneers to Australia. Richard Fennell was beset with many difficulties and lack of knowledge of local conditions was the cause of his parting with a fortune of 30000 pounds. In 1847 he landed at Toronto and took up his residence on what was known as Boyces Point, now familiarly known as Bolton Point. He died in 1880. The late Mr. Walter B. Fennell had a wealth of stories concerning the lake in the early days. In his youthful days household commodities came by carrier from Sydney. Flour cost 20 pounds a bag, while the cost of other household goods was equally high. As a young man Mr. Fennell saw millions of wild duck on the lake. The surrounding bush teemed with native animal life. Kangaroos and wallabies abounded and the waters of the lake carried fish in large quantitites. The Fennell family took up a large tract of land extending from Fennells Bay to Coal Point.

Surname: Ferguson (obit)
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 16 October 1909
Place: Scone
Source: Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: We regret to record the death of Mr. Robert Ferguson, which took place at his residence, Scone, on the 7th inst., after a lingering illness. The deceased had attained a very ripe age, and was universally esteemed. He was one of the oldest residents of Scone, and always took an active interest in anything tending to advance the interests of the town. In the early days he was proprietor of the Willow Tree Hotel, and later on sold out and purchased, the Golden Fleece Hotel property. He was an honorary member of the Oddfellows order. and a member of the Masonic Lodge, whilst years ago he was a prominent figure in sporting circles, taking an especially keen interest in pedestrianism.

Surname: Fernyhough (obit)
First Name: William Henry
Ship: -
Date: 29 October 1918
Place: Wickham
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: VETERAN S DEATH Fought in Maori War The death of Mr. William Henry Fernyhough, at the age of 77 years, on Sunday, at his residence, Charles street, Wickham, has removed from Newcastle shipping circles a well- known and respected figure. The deceased, who was a native of Sydney, participated in the Maori war. He came to Newcastle about 44 years ago, and entered the service of the Harbors and Rivers Department. Many years there, his health obliged him to take a position in the Navigation Department, which he retained for over 10 years, almost up to the time of his death. The funeral, a naval one, took place this afternoon. The gun carriage was drawn by members of the Naval Re- serve and Brigade, under Chief Petty- Officer Nye, and the Navy Band, under the baton of C.P.O. Bratten, played the Dead March. The Newcastle Naval and Military Association, of which deceased was a member, was well represented. A widow and three grandsons survive.

Surname: Ferris (obit)
First Name: Martha
Ship: -
Date: 27 August 1918
Place: Maitland
Source: Daily Observer
Details: Mrs. Martha Ferris, one of the best known residents of the Maitland district, died at her residence, Bolwarra, after an illness extending over many weeks. She was of a kindly and cheerful deposition, and was held in high esteem amongst a large circle of friends. She displayed a keen interest in the annual exhibition of the Hunter River Agricultural and Horticultural Association, and acted as judge, on many occasions in the food and cookery section. She is survived by two sons (Messrs John and George Ferris), and one daughter (Miss Florrie Ferris). Her husband predeceased her some time ago.

Surname: Field (obit.,)
First Name: John
Ship: Born in the colony
Date: 31 May 1845
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Mr. Fields private worth will be justly remembered by many, even beyond the circle of his family and friends. But one whose personal knowledge enables him to record his character as a public officer, feels that in doing so he discharges a religious duty. Mr. F. obtained the appointment of gaoler about ten years ago, by the recommendation of Sir Edward Parry, whose cordial solicitude for his welfare procured for Mr. F., when his patron left the colony, the countenance and good offices of that excellent man s friends. Having resolved to correct the demeanour of the miserable persons under his charge, he entered on the task by enforcing the sanctity of the Lord s Day. This he effected with a perseverance, kindness, and consistency to be ascribed to other sentiments than those of official obligation. But his anxiety on their behalf went beyond considerations of discipline. When he could do so without violence to peculiarities of faith, he spoke of truths on which he rested his own hopes of happiness ; and we may hope that many of that class of persons to whom the gaol of Newcastle was as the gates of death, learned the way of salvation through the prayers and persuasions of their gaoler. A public servant who seeks in the first place the approbation of God and his conscience, meets with many vexations ; satisfied with the rectitude of his own intentions, he does not perceive the propriety of securing the commendations of others, nor does he fear their censure. This was Mr. F.s experience. Although honored with the kind consideration of the functionaries of the courts of law ; although allowed by the Judges the privilege of speech to an extent approaching to familiarity, because of their confidence in his good faith ; although his eulogium was repeatedly pronounced by these dignitaries from the bench and in their chambers ; yet he was sometimes misunderstood, and generally most severely condemned when most punctually dutiful. These calamities nearly overwhelmed him, but they are mentioned here because of his reliance upon the particular providence of God, whose signal mercies in raising up friends in his distress, in the most remarkable as well as unexpected manner, he used to recount with overflowing gratitude, and with the humility of a Christian.