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Surname: Hawkins (Brown) (obit)
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: 1847
Date: 6 August 1924
Place: Laguna
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: MAITLAND DISTRICT A LAGUNA PIONEER DEATH OF MRS. BROWN. Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, widow of the late Mr. Henry Brown, and mother of Mr. George Brown, coroner, of Cessnock district, died at her home, Laguna, where she had resided for 76 years, with a break of twelve months, which she spent at Bishop s Bridge. She was born in Kent, England, and was in her 92nd year. At the age of 16 years she came with her parents and other members of the Hawkins family to Australia. She remained at Morpeth for some time before rejoining her parents, who had settled at Laguna, in the Wollombi district, and had to make the journey in a bullock dray, the only means of transport in the pioneering days. Her late husband, who was born in 1818, arrived in the district in 1835, went to Sir John Jamieson s station, Mooki Springs, on Liverpool Plains, and became superintendent there after a few years. He was on the station in 1838, when the Myall Creek massacre of aboriginals took place, and knew the awful story in every detail. Eventually, he settled at Laguna, and met the young lady from Kent, who became his bride. He died 25 years ago. Mrs. Brown led the homely life of the pioneer housewife, devoting all her energies to the ser vice of her family in what was even then a self-contained community. The settlers ground their own flour, slaughtered their own stock for food, grew their own vegetables. She had experiences with the blacks, and also with bushrangers which served to break the monotony of the pioneering life, and by her kindness and generosity won even their goodwill. Far and wide over the countryside she proved herself the welcome friend in cases of illness and death, and so her friends were legion. She had a clear memory of the events of her long life, and though infirm was in possession of all her faculties almost to the end. Her son, Mr. George Brown, visited her on Sunday, when she appeared to be in her usual health, but she became ill on Monday morning, and died during the evening. About two years ago about one hundred of her descendants assembled at her home for her birth day, and she was able to identify most of them, among whom were two of her daughters who were grandmothers. Of her fourteen children, ten survive her, Mr. George Brown, district coroner, Cessnock, Messrs. William, Harry, Albert, Andrew, Arthur, and Robert Brown, Mesdames Thomas Jurd, A. A. Walmsley, and Matthews, as well as 53 grandchildren, 57 great-grandchildren, and nine great-great-grandchildren. Of her brothers and sisters, Edward Hawk ins, of Laguna, aged 86 years, Thomas Hawkins, of Laguna, aged 80 years, Fred Hawkins, of Sydney, Henry Hawkins, of Wollombi, and Mrs. P. Thompson, of Bishop Bridge, are still living.
Surname: Haydon (obit)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 7 November 1855
Place: Bloomfield
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: DEATH OF THOMAS HAYDON, Esq., J.P., of BLOOMFIELD. - The inhabitants of this district have suddenly been cast into deep gloom and heartfelt sorrow by the death of Mr. Haydon this morning. Tidings of the mournful event reached Murrurundi and Haydonton early in the morning, where it had scarcely been known that Mr. Haydon had been ill, as only a few days ago he had been attending to business in his usual health. The unexpected announcement added intensity to the shock. With mingled feelings of doubt and fear, relatives and acquaintances hastened to the residence of Mr. Haydon, where the voice of lamentation told the truth, alas ! too convincingly, that the kind husband and father, the generous friend, the active public-spirited colonist, was no more. He leaves a widow and six of a family to deplore their loss. Mr. Haydon, though young - about 40 years of age - was an early settler in this district, and during the whole of his career his efforts for its welfare, and for the welfare of the colony generally, have been unwearied, and of an enlightened, liberal, and influential character. He was ever ready to originate and to co-operate with all parties in any good work. Zealous and self sacrificing in promoting his views and opinions, party feeling never darkened his generous mind, or restricted the wide, expansive, all-embracing stream of his benevolence. There are many instances and evidences left among those with whom he differed in opinion of his good feeling towards them. The loss of his personal practical benevolence to the poor will be widely felt and deplored. Murrurundi, 2nd November, 1855.
Surname: Hayes (obit)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 7 November 1914
Place: Singleton
Source: The Tamworth Daily
Details: A pioneer of the Singleton district Mr. Thomas Hayes of Bulga, died aged 90. He had resided at Bulga since 1855. He was active almost to the last, working about his orchard and vineyard. Deceased left a large number of descendants including great great grandchildren. He regularly visited the Sydney show until 1913
Surname: Hayes (obit)
First Name: William
Ship: 1850
Date: 2 August 1902
Place: Raworth
Source: The Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: On Monday Mr. William Hayes, a very old resident of this district, died at his residence, Raworth. Sir. Hayes was 86 years of age, and was a native of Tipperary, Ireland. He was married in Ireland (Mrs. Hayes is still living, and in good health, at the age of 71), and he and his wife landed in this State 52 years ago. They come at once to Maitland, and for a time Mr. Hayes followed bis trade as a carpenter, in | East Maitland. Afterwards he took a farm at Bolwarra, and also one at Raworth, going to reside| at the latter place. He was a man of strong constitution, and enjoyed good health all bis days. A short Time ago, he became too week (simply owing to old age) to get about, and had to take to his bed nine weeks since. He gradually became weaker, and passed peacefully away yesterday. Mr. Hayes was well known to all the old hands in this district, and was respected by all who know him. He leaves three sons and three daughters. One son is a sergeant in the police force, and is stationed at Bathurst. The funeral took place on Tuesday, the body of deceased being interred in the Roman Catholic cemetery, Morpeth
Surname: Hazel (obit)
First Name: Sarah
Ship: -
Date: 8 January 1932
Place: -
Source: The Scone Advocate
Details: The death occurred early on the morning of New Years Eve, after a long and painful illness, of Mrs. Sarah Hazel, at the age of 87 years. Born at Newcastle, the late Mrs. Hazel came to Collaroy Station with her parents in her infancy. She married, and came to reside in Merriwa over 70 years ago
Surname: Hector (obit)
First Name: Dr. John or Dr. James
Ship: -
Date: 3 August 1875
Place: Paterson
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: It is with extreme regret that we have to-day to announce the death of Dr. John Hector, which melancholy event took place at Dungog, at four a.m. on the morning of the 29th July. The death of Dr. Hector will be much regretted, and most sincerely felt throughout the entire district of the Paterson, as well as in many portions of the neighbouring districts, as Dr. Hector was the only medical practitioner in practice throughout the entire district. As a gentleman Dr. Hector was very highly esteemed by all classes of the community; as a medical practitioner he was considered by every one exceedingly skilful, and every confidence was placed in his treatment of whatever diseases he was called upon to attend. To rich and poor he was alike attentive and extremely obliging, in fact no medical gentleman could be more so than was Dr. Hector. We have been kindly favoured by a friend of the late Dr. Hector with the following brief biography of his life, which was written from personal knowledge of that gentleman - The late Dr. Hector was the eldest son of the late Robert Hector, of Montrose, Forfarshire, Scotland, who was factor and land agent for large estates belonging to noblemen and gentlemen in that part of North Britain. He was also nephew of the late Captain Hector, who, many years ago rented the Gostwyck estate in this district ; and also of the late Mr. John Hector, formerly proprietor of the Tiligra estate on the Williams River. He acquired the rudiments of his profession in the surgery of Dr. Guthrie, of Brechin, Forfarshire, a medical man of large practice and of great eminence in those parts, and brother of the celebrated Divine of that name. He afterwards pursued his medical studies at the University of Edinburgh, and was a fellow student there with his relative, Dr. Hector the present scientific Government Geologist of New Zealand. Aided by the influence of his connections and friends, he might have succeeded in his profession in the old country; but being of an adventurous and roving turn of mind he preferred going abroad. He spent a season in the Arctic Regions, as surgeon to the crews of Greenland whale-ships, which are sent out annually from different ports on the N.E, of Scot- land. He was afterwards assistant-surgeon in a populous Colliery district in England, where he acquired great experience as an accouchem. He then emigrated to Australia, landing in Melbourne about the year 1855, and was for sometime assistant to a surgeon in full practice on one of the largest gold- fields in Victoria. He then came on to this colony, and settled for some time in the Tumut district. His first appearance in this district was in the year 1863, when he came on a visit to Mr. Glennie, of Orindinna, who is a relative of his. There being an opening at the time for a medical man he was induced, to commence practice here. Better prospects, however, caused him to leave and he was for a long time assistant to Dr. Bowker, in his extensive practice at Newcastle. He also practiced at Raymond Terrace, and again at the Tumut ; but, finding the climate of this district better suited to his health than anywhere else, he finally returned here in the beginning of 1873. He had remained here ever since, and it may be fairly said that he died in harness. Few medical men have endured greater fatigue, or ridden longer distances in the same time in the practice of his profession, than the late Dr. Hector. He never refused to go and see a patient when sent for, and always res- ponded to every call of distress or suffering humanity, night or day, in the burning heat of summer or the bleak cold of winter, and whatever the distance or ruggedness of the ride, he was always ready. He was always a great friend to, and a great favourite with, the poor classes ; such a life began to tell upon a constitution not originally of the strongest, and for many months past he has been far from well. About a week before his death he was sent for to see an old man named Tighe, on the Upper Williams, who was suffering from a dangerous disease. Although not of his district, and far from well, he responded to the call, riding night and day. On his return to his residence, completely exhausted with fatigue, he fell into a series of fainting fits, which greatly alarmed his wife and friends. He was getting over this, how ever, when another urgent call came for him to go again to see this same old man. He was urged most earnestly not to attempt it in his then state of health. But he insisted that, it was his duty to go if he could get on a horse at all. He arrived at his patient s, and was on his return home, when he was again seized with fainting fits. Dr. Park was sent for to attend him, and he had him removed to Dungog, where he was afterwards attended by Dr. McKinlay. But he never rallied, and died - as before stated - on the morning of the 29th of July, at the comparatively early age of forty years. He was buried at Dungog on the 30th and thus a large number of his old patients and very numerous friends about Gresford and throughout the district were deprived of the opportunity of paying the last tribute of their respect to him in attending his funeral.
Surname: Henderson (architect) (obit)
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 25 June 1902
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: Mr. James Henderson, senr., an old and esteemed resident of Newcastle, passed away at his residence, Tyrrel-street, yesterday. The deceased gentleman, who usually enjoyed good health, only became ill on Monday last, but gradually grew worse, and expired about noon, death resulting from heart-failure, Mr. Henderson, who was In his 67th year, was a native of Helensburgh, Scotland and came to New South Wales from New Zealand 30 years ago. He settled in Newcastle and commenced business as a builder., and later was a partner in the firm of Henderson, Laing, and Wyllie, sawmill proprietors, his brother, the late Mr William Henderson, being also a partner. The sawmill stood where Messrs. F. Ash and Co., Ltd., now have their warehouse in Brown-street, the business being carried on simultaneously with Mr. Henderson s building operations. Subsequently he sold his interest in the former business, and commenced practice of an architect, for which profession he was originally trained. In this capacity he carried out the construction of a large number of public buildings, including the Victoria Theatre, the Grand Hotel, and the buildings in Church and Watt streets known as Buchanan s, together with a large proportion of the business establishments in Hunter-street. From its inception until he relinquished business, Mr. Henderson was architect for the Newcastle and Permanent Building. Society, and on its behalf carried out at great deal of important work. Mr. Henderson was a man of genial disposition and was universally esteemed. He leaves a widow, and four sons and two daughters, the sons being Messrs. W. and J. Henderson, architects, who carry on the business; Mr . E. Henderson, manager of the Bank of Australasia at Peak Hill. West Australia; and Mr. J. R. Henderson. The daughters are Misses Jane and Mary Henderson. The funeral will leave the Deceased s late residence, Tyrrel-street at 2.15 to-day for Stockton Cemetery, by special steamboat.
Surname: Henderson (obit)
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 2 August 1922
Place: Kincumber
Source: NMH
Details: The death occurred yesterday at Kincumber of a very old Newcastle identity in the person of Mr. John Henderson. The deceased, who was 94 years of age, was well known in the earlier days of Newcastle, when he used to own sailing vessels that traded between this port, New Zealand and New Caledonia, and also carried on business in a large way as a merchant. He retired from business more than twenty years ago and latterly had been living on a farm that he owned at Kincumber. He is survived by two sons and four daughters.
Surname: Hetherington (obit.,)
First Name: Rev. Irving
Ship: -
Date: 10 July 1875
Place: Melbourne
Source: Gippsland Times
Details: We regret to have to announce the death of the Rev. Irving Hetherington , which took place at the Manse, Hotham street, East Melbourne, at a quarter-past 9 o'clock on Monday morning. He had been in failing health for a long time past. A few days ago a severe cold settled upon him, and it was soon apparent that he could not rally. On Sunday he passed into a semi-unconscious condition, from which he never recovered, and died at the hour named. In point of ministerial seniority, Mr Hetherington was much the oldest Presbyterian clergyman in this colony, his connexion with the Collin street Church dating from April, 1847. He was the son of a Scottish farmer, and was born at Whaite, in the parish o f Ruthwell, Dumfries shire, on the 23rd July,1809, and was therefore 66 years of age at the time of his death. After his ordination he was employed as a missionary in Edinburgh. In the early part of 1837 he was sent out to Sydney by the Colonial Committee of the Church of Scotland. His first charge in New South Wales was that of Singleton, which included Patrick's Plains. This was a pastorate 100 miles square, and its oversight involved an amount of labour which none but a young man could have accomplished. To ride 50or 60 miles a day in the bush for several consecutive days, carrying provisions and sleeping at times under a gum tree, was no uncommon experience in a country minister's duties at that time. After Mr Hetherington's arrival in Melbourne, to succeed the Rev. James Forbes at the Scots' Church, he took a great interest in the negotiations for the union of the Presbyterian Churches, and worked assiduously for its accomplishment, which he witnessed in April, 1859. From that time he officiated as clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, with the exception of one year, when the honour of the moderator's chair was conferred upon him. In consequence of Mr Hetherington’s advanced age and feeble health, arrangements were recently made for his retirement from the active charge of the congregation (his status as senior minister to be retained) on the arrival of the Rev. Charles Strong, who is on his way to this colony in the ship Bin Cruachan He died, however, in harness. Mr Hetherington leaves four grown-up children. His wife, it will be remembered, died, suddenly two years ago. His unaffected manners and kindly disposition endeared him to numbers outside of his own denomination, and there are few old colonists whose loss will be so widely mourned. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon
Surname: Hewison (obit)
First Name: George
Ship: -
Date: 17 December 1902
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: There passed away at his residence, Tyrrell street yesterday morning, a very old resident of Newcastle in the person of Mr. George Hewison, who was for many years connected with the shipping and coal trade of the port. Some three weeks ago the deceased gentleman caught, a severe cold, which necessitated confinement to his room. He gradually became worse and passed away at dawn on Tuesday. The late Mr. Hewison was a native of Kirkwall (Orkney) ; and there, as a young man, he studied law. In 1853 he went out to Adelaide, where he became interested in shipping pursuits, first in the office of the Hon. W. Scott; and later with Captain Henry Simpson. In 1866 he came to Newcastle for Captain Simpson, to control and extend the business of the then famous Black Diamond Line of sailing vessels, and also the Waratah Smelting Works, positions, he held until Captain Simpson s death . Later on, he became secretary of the Ferndale Colliery Company, and continued so until the works were closed. Mr. Hewison was for several years an alderman of the Borough Council, and was one of the early Justices of the Peace, and in company with Mr. Edward Parnell, and the late Mr. H. Scott, frequently sat to dispense justice in the old days. He was a prominent Freemason, and was presented with a gold watch by the lodge at Adelaide in 1857, upon his retirement from the position of the master. Waratah Lodge was formed by him and throughout his residence here, he ever took a keen interest in all matters relating to the order. Mr. Hewison married in Adelaide, his wife, who was a daughter of the Rev. Charles Watt, having died about four years ago. Mr. Hewison leaves a grown up family, including Mrs. Lupton (Melbourne), Mrs. R.B. Stewart, Bank of New South Wales, Hunter Street West, Newcastle, Mrs. Cooper (Cobar), Misses E. and F. Hewison, and Messrs. Horace and Hereward Hewison. The funeral will leave the deceased s late residence at 2.30 p.m. today for Sandgate.
Surname: Hill (obit)
First Name: Dr. John James
Ship: -
Date: 20 December 1882
Place: Lambton
Source: NMH
Details: Numerous residents in this district will regret to hear of the death of Dr. John James Hill, J.P., which took place at his residence yesterday morning (Tuesday), a little after eight o clock. The deceased gentleman had been confined to his house for over three weeks. During the last week he was very unwell, and on Monday had a slight fit of apoplexy, the effects of which passed off towards evening, when he seemed somewhat better. Early on Tuesday morning, after a restless night, he experienced a return of the attack, and did not again regain consciousness, The late Dr. Hill came to reside in Lambton about fifteen years ago, bringing with him the highest qualifications. During the whole of that period he has done a large and lucrative business. He was surgeon to the Lambton, New Lambton, and Waratah collieries, honorary surgeon to the Newcastle Hospital, and medical officer of various Friendly Societies. He was an alderman of the municipality of Lambton for several years, and twice held the position of Mayor, and was serving his second term of office in that capacity in the present municipal year. He was also a Justice of the Peace, and member of the Local School Board, and, in fact, took an active part in all public matters connected with the district. The funeral is announced to take place this day (Wednesday) in the North Waratah Cemetery.
Surname: Hill (obit)
First Name: Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 19 August 1902
Place: Singleton
Source: Singleton Argus
Details: The death of another very old resident of the district, in the person of Mr Joseph Hill, occurred on Sunday morning last at about 2 a.m. The deceased was a native of Leicester, in England, and was over 82 years of age at the time of his demise. He had resided in this district for some 45 years, and was for many years in the service of Mr John Alford, at Maryvale, Jerrys Plains, where he was regarded as faithful and trustworthy. Of late years, the deceased had resided with Mrs Atkinson, of George-street, Singleton, and, on account of his great age, was very feeble, mentally and physically. He had been attended, occasionally, by Dr. Bowman, but it was evident for some time that a natural senile decay was setting in, and that the end was approaching. Deceased was tenderly cared for by Mrs Atkinson up to the time of his demise, and the mortal remains were interred in the Anglican cemetery yesterday.
Surname: Hobbs (obit.,)
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 14 April 1871
Place: Wollongong
Source: Illawarra Mercury
Details: Death of Mr. William Hobbs. We regret to have to record the decease of Mr. William Hobbs, who, for the past five years and a half, occupied the position of Governor of the Gaol in this town. For a considerable time past Mr. Hobbs was in a failing state of health, (we believe from an affection of the heart and liver), and about six months ago he obtained a month s leave of absence, and visited some other parts of the colony, but experienced little benefit from the change. Latterly it became painfully evident that he was gradually sinking, and on Sunday, the 2nd instant, his illness assumed an alarming aspect, and Dr. Morton then pronounced that all hopes of his recovery were at an end. He lingered, however, under much pain, until Friday night last, when a violent attack of his disease again came on, and death put an end to his suffering about half-past two o clock on Saturday morning. The deceased occupied the position of Chief Constable in the Northern districts for many years, and for two or three years prior to his appointment to Wollongong, he was Governor of the Gaol at Windsor. Mr. Hobbs was very much and deservedly respected by all who knew him. In a sentence, he was a most efficient and assiduous officer, an affectionate husband and father, and an unobtrusive and esteemed member of society. He leaves behind him a widow and a. large and respectable family (several of whom are comparatively young), to deplore their loss. The remains of the deceased were interred in the Church of England Burial-ground last Sabbath, having first been taken into the Church. The Rev. Dean Ewing conducted the service, and a large number of the inhabitants paid their last respects to the departed by following his remains to their final resting-place.
Surname: Hogue (obit.,)
First Name: Mrs. Isabella Sophia
Ship: -
Date: 22 January 1929
Place: Vaucluse
Source: SMH
Details: OBITUARY. MRS. I. S. HOGUE. Mrs. Isabella Sophia Hogue, who died at the residence of her daughter (Mrs. E. Horler), at Vaucluse last week, was an old resident of the Newcastle district. A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Hancock, she was born 68 years ago at Dungog. Her husband, Mr. John Hogue, died 11 years ago. He was employed In the railway workshops at Newcastle. She leaves two sons (Messrs. J. F. and T. W. Hogue) and two daughtcrs (Mesdames S. Harper and E. Horler). Cannon 0. C. J. Van officiated at the graveside, in the Presbyterian portion of the Sandgate Cemetery. The mourners Included Messrs. F. Hancock, H. Hancock, and O. Hancock (brothers), Mesdames G. Gorton, \V. Fitness, and O. Irwin (sisters), Messrs. J. F. and T. W. Hogue, Mesdames S, Harper and E. Horler, and Messrs. S. Harper and E. Horler (sons in-law)
Surname: Hollist (obit)
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 10 November 1870
Place: Maitland
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Death of an aged veteran. We have to record the death in West Maitland, last Friday, of one of the those veterans who shared in exploits, which were and are England s glory, and who are yearly getting more rare, as the advance of time removes them. The death is that of Mr. William Hollist, who was ninety years of age at his deceased. He was born at Hastings, on the 5th November 1780, entered the navy as a seaman, at an early age, and participated in most of those brilliant naval engagements which so distinguished the commencement of the present century. At the time of the battle of Trafalgar, Hollist was seaman on board the Victory – Nelsons ship – and, after the close of the war, he was paid off. He arrived in NSW early in the year 1820, and by industry accumulated sufficient to purchase for himself a small annuity. He was long a resident of the Hunter district, and, for the last twenty years, had resided in West Maitland, where he will be remembered by many as an aged, stooping man, regular attendance at the Congregational Church and for his quite unobtrusive demeanour.
Surname: Hooke (nee Mackay) (obit.,)
First Name: Mrs. Sybella Jane
Ship: -
Date: 14 May 1941
Place: Dungog
Source: SMH
Details: OBITUARY. MRS. SYBELLA HOOKE. Mrs Sybella Jane Hooke, who died at Dungog recently, at the age of 86 had lived in the district since 1855. She was the widow of Mr Frederlrk Augustus Hooke whom she married in 1874. Both she and her husband were members of pioneering families. Mrs Hooke's father was the late Mr. George Mackay who settled in Australia with his parents in 1833. He became leader of the Clan Mackay in Scotland a few years later but did not leave Australia to assume the title.
Surname: Hopkins (obit)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: 1855
Date: 7 April 1923
Place: Islington
Source: Newcastle Sun
Details: The death of Mr. Thomas Hopkins, 79 years of age, took place on Wednesday morning at the residence of his son, Mr. Albert Hopkins, Islington. He had not enjoyed too good health of late, but his end was unexpected. He had a fall last Sunday, from which he never rallied. Deceased was born at Rhymney, Wales, and came to Australia with his parents at the age of eleven, when they settled In the Merewether locality. The family were well-known and highly respected In the Newcastle district. Mr. Hopkins worked at mining throughout the New- castle district for many years. He also spent some time as a gold miner in the Harrington and New England districts. The funeral took place from his late residence in Islington to the Methodist portion of Sandgate cemetery. There was a large attendance of relatives and friends. The Rev. S. W. McKibbin officiated at the graveside. The pall-bearers were Messrs. W. Watkins, James Sneddon, A. Hopkins, and W. Thornton. He is survived by a widow and family, also by his brother, Mr. David Hopkins, of Wallsend, and his sister, Mrs. James Sneddon, of Hamilton West.
Surname: Horsfall (obit)
First Name: Dr. William
Ship: -
Date: 21 July 1936
Place: London
Source: The Argus
Details: A private message from London announces the death in London of Dr. William Horsfall, youngest son of the late Jonas and Emily Horsfall of Fitzroy. Dr. Horsfall was born in Fitzroy and he was aged 56 years. He attended the Cambridge street State school, Collingwood of which his father was head master, and later went on to Hawthorn College. He graduated in medicine in the University of Melbourne, and became a naval surgeon. When he left the sea he practised in Newcastle NSW and later in Sydney where he undertook post graduate studies and became a heart specialist. At the outbreak of war he returned to the Navy and was surgeon in command of the hospital ship Grantala. At the end of his war service he began practice in London. His wife whom he met in the Bermudas during his naval service and a son and two daughters survive him
Surname: Hughes (obit)
First Name: William Edmund
Ship: -
Date: 8 March 1934
Place: Branxton
Source: Maitland Daily Mercury
Details: The oldest pioneer of the Branxton district, Mr. William Edmund Hughes, of McMullen s road, East Branxton, celebrated the 90th anniversary of his birth day on Monday. Mr. Hughes was born at West Maitland on March 5, 1841, at. a place located where Hart s jewellery shop now stands. At the time his father, who was a native of Wales, was a pilot on one of the boats at Newcastle. When Mr. Edmund was four months old his parents moved to Branxton, where his father became keeper of the Don O Connell Public House and since then Mr. Hughes has not been away from this locality for more than twelve months. He attended school first in Maitland under the tuition of a schoolmaster named Mr Dunne, and later a private school situated in those days on the site of the present resldence of Mr. C. Edmonds, sen., at East Branxton. At the age of 14 years Mr. Hughes started as a carrier, chiefly drawing produce from the northern towns to be loaded on the boats at Morpeth, and taking other necessaries back to these towns, travelling per bullock team as far west as Dubbo from Maitland
Surname: Hungerford (obit)
First Name: Robert
Ship: -
Date: 27 March 1897
Place: Maitland
Source: Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: Obituary of Robert R. Hungerford of Bush Villa near Owlpen not far from Maitland. Husband of Ellen nee Winder. Son of Emanual Hungerford who was the original proprietor of Farley Estate. He was a brother of Mrs. Chapman wife of Rev. Robert Chapman and a brother of Septimus, Thomas and Percy Hungerford