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Surname: Abbott (nee Brady) (obit.,)
First Name: Mrs. John Kingsmill
Ship: -
Date: 9 December 1902
Place: Abbotsford, Wingen
Source: The Scone Advocate
Details: On Sunday last, there passed away, at Abbotsford, Wingen, at the ripe age of 83, a remarkable old lady in the person of Mrs. Abbott, relict of the late John Kingsmill Abbott, and mother of several who have occupied high offices in the State. Up till her fatal illness, the late Mrs. Abbott, despite her advanced age, was enjoying her usual good health, and was also in the full enjoyment of her mental faculties, and could read - and she was a great reader and wrote without the aid of glasses. Last week, she was taken ill, and Dr. Scott, who was summoned, held out very little hope of recovery. The end came about midday on Sunday, in the presence of her only surviving children, and other relatives. The late Mrs. Abbott was born at Jamaica in 1819, and was a daughter of Captain W. E. Brady, of the Imperial army. When in her 18th year, she was married at Tralee, Ireland, to Mr. John Kings- mill Abbott, and, with her husband, very shortly afterwards came to Australia, arriving in Muswellbrook in 1838 or 1839. They lived in Muswellbrook for a number of years, the whole of their family being natives of that place. In 1847, Mrs. Abbott, then only in her 28th year, lost her husband, who took suddenly ill and died in Scone while returning to Muswellbrook, and his remains rest in the old Church of England cemetery here. Shortly after her husbands death, Mrs. Abbott, with her young family, took up her residence at Glengarry, Wingen, which forms part of the property which now bears the family name, and there reared her family. Of these, three predeceased her, namely, Sir Joseph, who occupied the office of Speaker of the Legislative Assembly for a longer period than any of his predecessors; Mr. T. K. Abbott, for some years a Police and Stipendiary Magistrate; and Mr. John H. Abbott, who was accident- ally killed. One of the surviving children is Mr. W. E. Abbott, who represented us in Parliament as one of the members for the old electorate of the Upper Hunter, and is at the present time President of the Pastoralists Union - - a profound thinker, clear-headed, and one of the most capable all-round Press writers in the State; the other is Mrs. Shaw, mother of Mr. J. A. K. Shaw, our Mayor. Both these have lived with the mother, whom they ever regarded with sincere filial affection, from v childhood, and naturally feel the inevitable parting very keenly. Though leading a quiet, retired, homely life, the de- ceased, who had a face with the stamp of character that at once impressed one, was a woman of considerable, mental, power and attainments, and right down to the sunset of her life, evinced the keen interest of youth in the literary achievements of her grandson, Mr. J. H. M. Abbott, whose book on the late war is said to have had a sale second only to the success achieved by that of Dr. Conan. Doyle.

Surname: Abell (obit)
First Name: Elijah
Ship: 1856
Date: 24 May 1912
Place: Wallsend
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: On Wednesday evening, May 22nd, there assembled at the, residence of Mr. Elijah Abell, sen., of Brown-street, Wallsend, a company of descendants of four generations to celebrate that gentleman s 8Oth year. Congratulatory addresses were made by Mr. Alex. Abell, sen., Wm, Cummings, sen., and John Bower, sons-in-law, and on behalf of the grandchildren and great-grandchildren by Messrs. Baldwin, W. A. E. and A. B. Cummings, A. T. and H. Abell, and Wm. A. E. and G. Bower, and Miss E. Baldwin. The toast of Mr. Abell s health was proposed by Mr. Alex. Abell, and drunk with musical honours. Congratulatory letters, telegrams, and cards were received from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Abell, Kew, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Abell, model school, Fort-street, Sydney; Nurse Abell, Turanville, Scone; and other friends and relatives. A number of suit- able presents were given on behalf of the families throughout the State. Mr. Abell responded in a feeling manner, and heartily thanked the various branches of his family for their kindness and good wishes. He recounted many incidents of his early days, from the time that he and the late George Stone, of Plattsburg, left Hedge, Derbyshire, England and took ship for Melbourne, where they landed in June, 1856, and followed the diggings, both in Victoria and New South Wales. His last attempt to make his future on the gold- fields was at the Port Curtis rush, Queens- land, which proved so disastrous to the diggers who went there. He arrived at Newcastle in September, 1858, and got work at one of the Old Glebe tunnels, where his old mate was working. After the late Mr. Alexander Brown, promoter and first manager of the Newcastle- Wallsend Coal Company had sunk the A pit, now Elermore Vale Colliery, he engaged Mr. Abell, Mark Bell, Wm. Chap- man, and Joseph Birch to drive the narrow boards from the shaft bottom to get coal for the engine and to open out the mine. Operations ceased owing to trouble in connection with the A. A. Company refusing to allow the railway to go through their land. However, the difficulty was overcome, and while the railway was under construction, the manager opened up negotiations with Mr. Abell to again commence mining, but, owing to the wet work and many other inconveniences that had to be put up with in those days, he considered the terms un- satisfactory, and declined the engagement. Later on Mr. Abell, with his family, arrived at Wallsend, and obtained work at the colliery, and has been a resident of the town for over 50 years. He retired from work 18½ years ago. He took a very active part in the progress of the town, having served as an alderman 24 years, and four terms as Mayor. He recalled with pleasure his retirement from the council, when the citizens tendered him a complimentary picnic and presented him with an illuminated ad- dress, which he greatly prizes. Many incidents were mentioned of his connection with the old Borehole, Wallsend-Lambton Co-operative Society, the old Lambton Building Society and the local Agricultural Society, and of the many prizes he won with his flowers at the yearly shows.

Surname: Alcorn (obit.,)
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 8 June 1880
Place: Singleton
Source: NMH
Details: Death of an old Pioneer. One of the old landmarks and historical personages of New South Wales went the way of all flesh at Singleton on Friday morning. The deceased gentleman was Mr. Edward Alcorn, of Singleton, who died from sheer old age, after nearly finishing his eightieth year. The deceased gentleman was one of the few remaining Englishmen whose early and indefatigable energy brought about the opening up of the northern districts of this colony landing in Port Jackson when but a child he spent the earlier portion of his days in the Hawkesbury district, and comparatively young man formed one of the first parties to cross the Bulga. Mountains and settle on what subsequently became known as Patricks Plains. Together with Mr. John Browne, J.P. (father of the present member for that electorate), he for years underwent the dangers to life and limb incident to explorers and squatters in the old days of blacks and the bushranging fraternity; but despite numberless hairbreadth escapes, he subsequently was the means of opening up large tracts of country in the north, and became possessed of considerable affluence for a time. To Mr. Alcorns courage and tact in conciliating himself amongst the then wild aboriginals upwards of half a century ago, not a few of the present wealthy squattages now owned by our colonial magnates view were formed, his name having been a household word in the northern districts prior to the present generation. The deceased, it may be mentioned, as a matter of incident, was born in Buckingham Palace,; London, in the year 1800, and leaves behind him a widow and a largo family. His funeral took place yesterday afternoon at the Singleton Church of :England Cemetery, attended by a large gathering of friends, the Rev. B. B. Shaw, B.A., of All ,Saints, conducting the service

Surname: Allan (obit)
First Name: David Tait
Ship: -
Date: 5 August 1891
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: DEATH OF CAPTAIN ALLAN. The public will regret to learn that Captain Allan, an old and highly-esteemed resident of this city, passed away at his residence, Ordnance-street, at five minutes to 12 o clock yesterday. The deceased gentleman was born at Leith, Scotland, and remained there during his early boyhood. At the age of 15 years he went to sea, and so rapidly did he acquire the art of seamanship and a complete knowledge of navigation that he was placed in command of a fine vessel when he was 20 years old. From that time on till 1856 he traded to various ports and the old world, and he then brought a ship called the Henrietta to Australian waters. Being very favourably impressed with Sydney, he deter mined to remain there; and having given over the command of his vessel, he was very quickly installed in a lucrative position under Captain Towns—a gentleman of considerable standing in the metropolis at that time. In 1858 Captain Allan was appointed harbourmaster at Newcastle, and he continued to hold office until 1884 when, much to the regret of the public, he resigned and retired into private life. Beside the position of harbourmaster, he held that of chairman of the Marine Board for a number of years with satisfaction. About three and a half years ago he became very ill from an attack of congestion of the brain, and it was thought that he would not survive. His magnificent constitution and abstemious mode of living, however, won a partial victory over the terrible complaint, and he became so well that he regained almost all his mental vigour, and commanded sufficient physical strength to walk about and enjoy life in a quiet, peaceful way. He appeared in his usual condition of health yesterday morning, and, after breakfasting, proceeded on to the balcony, and seemed to derive consider able pleasure from the fresh, balmy air. A few minutes before noon, he walked into his room and, sitting down in his arm-chair, laid his head back, and expired without a sigh. Mrs. and Miss Allan were out at the time, so that the event was quite unexpected. The deceased s full name was David Tait Allan; he was 74 years of age, and leaves a wife and three daughters, all of whom came to New castle with him, and have lived here ever since. Immediately the news was circulated through the city, the flags of the various vessels in port were lowered to half-mast. The funeral will leave for the Presbyterian portion of the Sandgate Cemetery at 8 o clock this afternoon.

Surname: Allworth (obit)
First Name: Rev. William
Ship: -
Date: 30 March 1889
Place: Newtown, Sydney
Source: Australian Town and Country Journal
Details: REV. W. ALLWORTH. The death is announced of the Rev. William Allworth, of Oxford-street, Newtown, Sydney. Mr. Allworth has since 1852 been connected with the church movements in this country. In that year he was ordained deacon, and was appointed chaplain to the southern goldfields. The duties connected with that care he continued to discharge until the year 1856. In 1857 he was ordained priest by the then Bishop of Sydney. From 1856 to 1860 he was incumbent of Eden cum Bega cum Panbula. From that charge he removed to St. Bartholomew s, Pyrmont ; and he was afterward appointed chaplain to the Sydney Infirmary. In 1883 he became incumbent of Emu with Castlereagh, a position he hold until 1886.

Surname: Amos (obit)
First Name: Rev. Charles Edward
Ship: -
Date: 13 October 1909
Place: Darlinghursts
Source: The Burrangong Argus
Details: Rev. Charles Edward Amos, Church of England chaplain to the Darlinghurst Gaol, died suddenly on Sunday night while conducting a service at Longueville, Lane Cove River. On finishing his sermon he proceeded for a few seconds with the service, but was seen to sway and collapse suddenly. Members of the congregation rushed forward and assisted the venerable clergyman - he was 70 years of age to the porch. I think I have done too much, to-day, he said, feebly, and died in their arms, from heart failure, within a dozen paces of where he had just finished his last sermon. Dr. Lloyd was summoned and pronounced life extinct. During the day Mr. Amos had conducted two important (services in connection with his appointment as chaplain, and it is surmised that the exertion, coupled with the exceedingly trying atmospheric conditions, proved too much for a man of his years and physical condition. The deceased was a well known clergyman, having been in active service in various parts of Now South Wales, for about a quarter of a century, and previously in Queensland. For a brief period, in 1888, he. was rector of Horsham, in Victoria, but he was best known as having been organising secretary of the Sydney Board of Missions in 1891-92, and later (1896-1901) rector of St. Matthews Church, Botany.

Surname: Arndell (obit.,)
First Name: Sophie
Ship: -
Date: 29 April 1914
Place: Lewisham
Source: SMH
Details: Obituary of Miss Sophie Arndell, one of the third generation from Dr. Thomas Arndell who came out as surgeon with Governor Philip in the First Fleet. She was the second of three unmarried Misses Arndell, daughters of Thomas Arndell the second, who have for some years lived in Lewisham but who were born at the original family estate of Cattai, Hawkesbury River where her grandfather retired and farmed in the disturbed times of the Bligh rebellion. Miss Arndell's sisters were, besides two unmarried, Mrs. George Loder (who died many years ago), of Abbey Green, Singleton, and Mr. F.R. White of Harben Vale, Blandford...........

Surname: Arnold (obit)
First Name: John James
Ship: -
Date: 25 January 1927
Place: Waratah
Source: NMH
Details: The funeral of the late John James Arnold, whose death occurred on Sun- day morning, proceeded from his late residence, Aindale, Lorna-street, Waratah, yesterday afternoon. The cortege, a lengthy one, was attended by many of the older residents of the municipality, and also by representatives of business firms of Newcastle and district. The deceased, who was in his 47th year, had been ailing for the past five months. He was an ardent supporter of sport, and was extremely popular. He was educated at St. Josephs College, Hunter s Hill, Sydney, and commenced his business career with D. Cohen and Co.. Limited. Newcastle; conducted a business at Tighes Hill for a period, and then joined Sargoods, Ltd., where he served for 22 years. At the time of his death he was manager of the Maitland branch of the firm. A requiem mass was held at St. Francis Church, Waratah, at 7 a.m., for the repose of the soul.

Surname: Arnott (obit)
First Name: George Alfred
Ship: -
Date: 27 March 1926
Place: Sydney
Source: NMH
Details: DEATH OF MR. G. A. ARNOTT. Alderman H. P. Cornish, Mayor of Newcastle, received a telegram from Sydney yesterday, stating that Mr. George A Arnott, an ex-alderman of the Newcastle City Council, had died in Sydney Hospital that morning, following upon an operation. The deceased, who was a native .of Newcastle, was in his 56th year, and in his younger days was prominently associated with cycling in this district. He was a master baker, and carried on business as a baker and pastrycook at New- castle West and Carrington. For some time he was one of the executive officers of the Master Bakers Association. He was for several years an alderman of Carrington, and twice occupied the May- oral chair. Subsequently he was elected to the Newcastle City Council, but owing to ill-health he had to leave the district and resigned from the council on September 18, 1922, after serving as an alderman for one year and nine months. He opened a business at Muswellbrook, where he entered into the public life of the town, and was elected to the local council. He is survived by his widow and a family of one young son and two grown-up daughters. In making known the news, he had received, the Mayor of Newcastle said yesterday he regretted to hear of the death of his old colleague in the Newcastle City Council. The late Mr. Arnott, he added, was a valuable member of the council, regular in attendance, and energetic. The Mayor desired to express his sympathy to the relatives. The remains will be brought to New- castle, and the funeral is announced to take place this afternoon.

Surname: Arnott (obit)
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 23 July 1901
Place: Strathfield
Source: NMH
Details: The news of the death of Mr. Wm. Arnott, which sad event took place at Arnott Holme, Strathfield, at a late hour last evening, will be received everywhere with the deepest regret. The deceased gentleman left Newcastle nearly two years ago, and took up his residence at Strathfield. He had been in failing health the whole of that time, and the end was not unexpected. Mr. Arnott was born in Edinburgh in 1827, and came to New South Wales when but 20 years of age. He began business in Hunter- street as a baker in 1865, and having made a success of this, he established the present large factory in Melville-street, Cooks Hill, which has since undergone remarkable expansion, and now finds employment for hundreds of men, boys, and girls. Of late years the conduct of the business has been largely directed by his sons. Apart from business, he was widely known in connection with the religious and charitable institutions. For 22 years he was superintendent of the Newcastle Wesleyan Sunday School, and for six years held the same office in the Wesleyan Sunday School at Mayfield. Mr. Arnott was devotedly attached to his church, and liberally supported it. He took a keen interest in the New- castle Benevolent Society, having been hon. treasurer to the committee from the inception of the society, in 1885. In 1897 he became president, in succession to Mrs. J. C. Ellis, a post he continued to hold up to the time of his death. He was president of the Newcastle Young Men s Christian Association for nine years, prior to 1897, and was one of the strongest supporters of the movement. He was a well-known figure in all kinds of religious and philanthropic meetings, at which his capable chairman- ship made him a desirable leader. In the early days of the Benevolent Society the deceased gentleman bequeathed £1000 to that institution, and in all charitable matters he was ever to the fore, his cheque being always available whenever a deserving case was brought under his notice. As a citizen he was respected and esteemed by all classes of the community, while in commercial circles he was known throughout the length and breadth of Australia as a business man of integrity and high principle. Mr. Arnott leaves a widow and grown-up family of seven sons and five daughters. The funeral is to take place tomorrow afternoon, leaving the deceased s late residence for the Rookwood Cemetery.

Surname: Asher (obit)
First Name: Alfred
Ship: -
Date: 1 May 1933
Place: Mabelville, Moate street, Georgetown
Source: NMH
Details: Death of Alfred Asher who was born in Perkins street 83 years previously

Surname: Austin (obit)
First Name: Rev. John
Ship: -
Date: 8 May 1925
Place: Chatswood
Source: The Daily Telegraph
Details: Rev. John Austin, a supernumerary minister of the Methodist Church, died on Tuesday, at Chatswood, aged 84 years. Rev. Mr. Austin was born at Parramatta, his father being superintendent of Church. In 1864 he entered Newington College as a student for the ministry, and received his first appointment to Murrurundi. Later he was transferred to foreign mission work in Samoa. For 60years Mr. Austin served as a minister of the Methodist Church. He had ten children, eight of whom survive him. The funeral took place at Waverley yesterday.

Surname: Bain (obit)
First Name: Rev. William
Ship: -
Date: 10 March 1911
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: The Rev. William Bain died at his residence, Hunter-street West, Newcastle, last night shortly after half-past eleven o clock, on the eighty-fifth anniversary of his birth, which took place in Lybster, Caithness. Scotland. In 1826: The deceased gentleman was a prominent figure in the Presbyterian Church in New South Wales, more particularly in the Newcastle district. After going through the usual courses of study he was licensed as a preacher by the Caithness Presbytery In the year 1856. His first work was at Aberdour, and he subsequently went to Cruton. Kirkcudbrightshire, and while there he was selected by the Colonial Committee for service in Now South Wales, and was the first of three ministers sent to the Presbytery of Maitland: He arrived in Sydney in the year 1860, and was appointed by the Synod of Eastern Australia to begin work in New castle, which he did. In the course of one year the congregation of the church in Hunter-street was sanctioned as a full ministerial charge, and Mr. Bain was inducted as its first minister. In the years 1887-8 Mr. Bain was unanimously: elected moderator of the General Assembly of New South Wales by all the presbyteries of the church. In the year 1894 Mr. Bain s health broke down, so much so, that his medical adviser urged him immediately to rest. Acting on this advice, the General Assembly of May, 1895, accepted his resignation and placed him on the fund of infirm ministers, with full standing as a member of Presbytery and General Assembly, and minister emeritus of the Church. The deceased is survived by his widow and one daughter, Mrs. W. Scott Fell. The funeral will take place to-morrow.

Surname: Baker (obit)
First Name: Zebedee
Ship: -
Date: 26 April 1923
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Sun
Details: Death of Old Identity. The death of Mr. Zeedee Bakor, which occurred last week at Broadmeadow, has removed one of the oldest residents of that locality, he having lived there almost continuously for over 80 years. When he settled there the place was scrub, without roads or other conveniences tor travelling to and from the city. Mr. Baker, who was 85 years old, worked as, a miner in the old Bore hole pits at Hamilton in the early days. He was a widower, and he leaves a family of 14 children, 37 grandchildren

Surname: Barneson (obit)
First Name: Captain James
Ship: -
Date: 3 June 1911
Place: San Francisco
Source: NMH
Details: DEATH OF CAPTAIN BARNESON. Captain Ferrier, assistant harbour master at Sydney, has received a letter announcing the death of Captain James Barneson, at San Francisco, on May 2, aged 80 years. He was for many years an identity at Newcastle and Sydney. He was for years in the barque Woollahra, and as the commodore skipper, of the Black Diamond fleet, traded between Newcastle .and Wallaroo, in the old Moonta and Verulam. While in the Moonta he took out the first expedition to the Northern Territory, and his services in that connection were much appreciated by the South Australian Government authorities., After joining the Woollahra, the late Captain Barneson traded for many years between Sydney and London: making many successful voyages. Captain St. George of the steamer Empire, and Captain Ferrier both served their time in the Woollahra, and they pleasant recollections of their associations with the captain. After retiring from the sea, Captain Barneson settled at San Francisco, where he died as stated. One of his sons, Jack Barneson, after a successful career at sea – his last vessel out of Sydney being the Aberdeen clipper, George Thompson settled down at San Francisco, and is now principal in the firm of Barneson and Hibberd

Surname: Barrallier (Barralier) (obit.,)
First Name: Francis Louis
Ship: -
Date: 11 June 1853
Place: -
Source: Military Obituary (Google Books)
Details: BARRALLIER, Francis Louis, Ensign, 14th Aug., 1800, New South Wales Corps; Lieut., 16th May, 1805, 90th Regt.; Captain, 6th July, 1809, 101st Regt; placed on half pay of it, 7th January, 1817; exchd. to 33rd Regt., 19th May, 1819; exchd. to half pay of 25th Light Dragoons, 8th Feb., 1821; Bt. Major, 22nd July, 1830; exchd. to 73rd Regt., 4th Oct., 1831; exchd. to half pay of Rifle Brigade, 9th Aug., 1833; Bt. Lieut. Colonel, 9th Nov., 1846; died in Bedford Square, Commercial Road, London, 11th June, 1853. (Silver Medal for 6, 8). Served in New South Wales from 1800 th 1804, during which period was appointed Assistant Engineer, commanded the Artillery, and was Aid-de-Camp to the Governor; was the first who explored the interior with a party of his Regiment, as far as the Blue Mountains; proceeded to the West Indies in 1806, again appointed Assistant Engineer; present at the attack and capture of Guadaloupe and Martinique, and was promoted in the 101st as a reward for his services; was also present at the secoud capture of those Islands.

Surname: Barrallier (Barralier) (obit.,)
First Name: Francis Louis
Ship: Speedy 1800
Date: 11 June 1853
Place: Bedford Square, London
Source: The United Service Magazine (Google Books)
Details: Died on the 11th June, 1853, at his residence, 24, Bedford Square, Commercial Road, Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Barrallier Half Pay Rifle Brigade, aged 80. Ensign New South Wales Corp, 14th August, 1800; Lieutenant 90th Regiment, 16th May 1805; Captain 101st Regiment, 6th July, 1812; Captain 33rd Regiment, 19th May, 1819; Captain 73rd Regiment, 1832; Brevet Major 1830; [Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1846. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Barrallier served from 1800 to 1804 in New South Wales, during which period he acted as Aide-de-camp to the Governor, Assistant Engineer, and commanding the Artillery at Sydney; he planned and caused to be constructed the Lady Nelson, surveying schooner; in 1802 he surveyed by order of the Governor Bass Strait from Wilson s Promontory, to and including Western Port. His Excellency with the view of recording his approbation, promulgated a General Order, and named one of the islands in Western Port, Barrallier s Island. In the same year he was sent by his Excellency with a party of nine men of his Regiment into the interior, and crossed the Blue Mountains. On his return after having being absent four months, he was again complimented in General Orders, as having greatly advanced the geography and natural history of New South Wales. In 1803 he proceeded in the Lady Nelson surveying vessel, commanded by Lieutenant Grant, R.N. to survey Hunters River, which they found to be a harbour, having three distinct rivers; while engaged in this survey they were surrounded by the natives, and had a narrow escape for their lives. In 1805 he was appointed to the 90lh Regiment, and joined the 1st battalion in 1806 at Saint Vincent; was ordered by Major-General Sir G. Beckwith, to make a military station of the Fort and its environs, and acted as Commissioner and defined the limits of the Fort; was present at the attack and capture of the Island of Martinique as an Assistant Engineer in 1809; attached to headquarters and was promoted to a company in the 101st Regiment, and appointed Aide-de-camp to the Commander-in-Chief, present at the attack of Guadeloupe, in 1810, as Aide-de-camp to the Commander-in-Chief; placed and superintended the erection of the barrack ; in 1812, by especial approbation of His Royal Highness the Duke of York, he was ordered to make a Military Survey and Map of the Island of Barbadoes, with all the astronomical observations, which he completed in five years under a very trying climate and greatly injuring his health; in the same year his Excellency ordered him to plan and cause to be erected a Mausoleum, in memory of the officers and soldiers who fell at the taking of Guadeloupe; in 1813 he had the honour to superintend the erection of the statue of the immortal Nelson; was appointed Deputy-Assistant Quartermaster-General under Sir James Leith, and was present at the second attack and capture of Guadeloupe in 1814, appointed Surveyor-General of the island, returned to England in 1818. at the reduction of the 101st Regiment He has received the War Medal and two clasps for Martinique and Guadeloupe, and was presented in 1827 with a gold snuff-box set in brilliants, by Frederick William, King of Prussia, through the Count de Lottum then Prussian Ambassador in London

Surname: Bavin (obit)
First Name: Rev. Rainsford
Ship: -
Date: 3 August 1905
Place: -
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Details: DEATH OF THE REV. RAINSFORD BAVIN. The death took place yesterday morning of the Rev. Rainsford Bavin, who for over a generation has been one of the most prominent members of the Methodist ministry in Australia. His last station was Newcastle, to which, after his three years term, he had been re-elected for a fourth year. His health became unsatisfactory towards the end of last year. Work had to be relinquished in March, owing to the trouble becoming more acute, and Mr. Bavin came to Sydney for medical treatment. An operation disclosed the fact that the case was hopeless, and, rapidly sinking, the patient awaited the end with Christian fortitude. Death released him from his sufferings at 6 o clock yesterday morning. He was in the 61st year of his age. The Rev. R. Bavin was one of the most popular and best known Methodist preachers in New South Wales and New Zealand, having since 1867 been engaged as a minister in New Zealand, where he was President of the General Conference, and since 1888 in this State, and became President of the Conference in 1903. He had travelled considerably among all circuits, and had occupied as many pulpits in them as almost any other minister. He was of a commanding presence, strong physique, and was possessed of great tact, had a most genial disposition, and the gifts and graces of a powerful preacher and platform speaker. The late Mr. Bavin was born in 1845 in Lincolnshire of good Methodist stock, having a grandmother whose greatest joy was to notice the rapid growth in the spiritual aspirations of her dear Rainsford in response to her prayers and saintly efforts to mould his character. At the age of 16 he commenced preaching, and the round-faced lad soon became a favourite in village chapels in his native county. At this time his daily employment was that of a teacher, first in a Wesleyan school, and afterwards as tutor in a private academy. In 1864 he was accepted as a candidate for the ministry by the British Conference. At first he was designated for India, but after a course of theological study, his destination was, for health reasons, changed, and he, with the Rev. Joseph Berry, arrived in New Zealand in 1867. His first appointment was to Christ- church, after which he ministered in the Timaru, Kalapol, Wanganui, Nelson, Wellington, and Auckland circuits. In all of which he had a good measure of success. He filled many important connexional offices in the Church, having served as chairman in the Wanganui, Nelson, Wellington, and Auckland districts, and he was appointed a representative to the Australasian Conference of 1872. He was elected by the New Zealand Conferences to the General Conferences of 1878, 1881, 1884, and 1888. He held the office of secretary at the Auckland Conference of 1879, and also the Nelson Conference in 1881, and was elected by an almost unanimous vote as Chairman of the Conference in 1883. Judged by the Australian and British custom in appointing presidents, Mr. Bavin was an exceedingly youthful president. In 1888 he was appointed by the General Conference as an exchange with New South Wales, and in April, 1889, he took charge of the William-street church, Sydney. The next circuit was at Newtown, whero for a year he laboured successfully among a loyal Methodist people with much acceptance. The conference of 1893 appointed him superintendent of the Sydney Central Methodist Mission, and he held the position for three years He was appointed to the Newcastle circuit In 1902, and after the expiry of three years, the ordinary period, he was re-elected for a fourth year, showing the great esteem in which he was hold. Ho established the Central Mission at Newcastle, and erected the large hall in connection with it.

Surname: Becke (obit)
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 23 July 1903
Place: Sydney
Source: The Macleay Chronicle
Details: Early last week the death was reported of Mr. Frederick Becke, in Sydney. The deceased gentleman, who had reached his 93rd year, was at one time C.P.S. in Port Macquarie, having been appointed to that district about the year 1854. He resided in Port with his family for a number of years and will be remembered by many old residents. He was also one of the oldest free masons in the State. He leaves a great number of children and grandchildren, Mrs. Becke having passed away about 6 years ago. The deceased leaves a family of five sons, Aubrey, Alfred, Vernon, Louis (the novelist), Cecil, and three daughters, Mrs. E. Kelly, Mrs. T. P. Davis and Miss Florrie Becke. Mrs. Torzillo, another daughter, died a few months ago, and Mr. E. H. Becke, a son who for a number of years resided in Kempsey, died also in Western Australia

Surname: Beeston (obit)
First Name: Dr. John Lievesley
Ship: -
Date: 10 March 1921
Place: Newcastle
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Details: Dr John Lievesley Beeston C. M. G., M. L. C., whose sudden death at the residence of his son Dr. W. R. Beeston, - Denison street, Hamilton, was announced in the Herald yesterday, was well known and highly respected through the Newcastle district, and had an extensive practice. He was born at Newcastle 63 years ago and visited England, at the age of 21 years taking his degrees at the College of Physicians and the Royal College of Surgeons Dublin. He returned to Australia and practised with Dr. S. T. Knaggs, at Hamilton after being joined by Drs. Nickson and Eames. The late Dr. Beeston was for many years connected with the Army Medical Corps of the Commonwealth military forces and on the outbreak of war volunteered for service with the Australian Imperial forces. He served on Gallipoli, was later invalided to England where he was decorated by the King with the Order of C.M.G. Later he returned to Australia and resumed his civilian practice. He is survived by a widow and two sons. The funeral will take place to-day, the service being held at the Newcastle Cathedral.