Search Result
Surname: Portus
First Name: John Oxley
Ship: -
Date: 20 June 1863
Place: Rockhampton
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Death, on 29th May, at Rockhampton from gastric fever, James Alexander, eldest son of John Oxley Portus, Esq., aged seven years
Surname: Portus (obit)
First Name: John Oxley
Ship: -
Date: 22 July 1901
Place: Mount Morgan, Qld
Source: NMH
Details: DEATH OF MR. J. O. PORTUS. The death occurred at Mount Morgan, last week of Mr. John Oxley Portus, aged 72, who was for a considerable time resident in various portions of Queensland, and latterly at Mount Morgan. The deceased gentleman was exploring the Brilliant mine, situated at the head of the Dee River, above the town of Mount Morgan. The mine has been deserted for some time past, and he failed to see where he was going, and fell into a deep shaft. He lay there from 11 oclock in the morning till 6 at night before anything was known of the accident, and he would possibly have met his death if another man luckily had not seen his horse at the mine and went to look out of curiosity. Assistance was then procured, and the injured man was lifted out, badly hurt. He was carried to the hospital, where it was found that he had sustained a severe scalp wound, and his spine was badly injured. Death resulted a few days later. The late Mr. Portus was a brother of Mr. H. D. Portus (Harbours and Rivers Department), Mr. A. B. Portus (Newcastle and Hunter S.N. Co.). He formerly resided at Raymond Terrace, and was well known both in that town and at Morpeth.
Surname: Portus (obit.,)
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 19 June 1860
Place: Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: DEATH OF Mr. JOHN PORTUS. It would be difficult to name any person In our community whose loss would be more widely regretted and felt than Mr. Portus. Ever since we have known the district he has been one of Its most prominent men, for enterprise and ingenuity, united with prudent foresight. Such men as Mr. Portus invariably give a tone to society in their locality ; and it is not perhaps going too far to say, that the spirited enterprise for which the people of Morpeth have been long marked was largely due to the example and the encouragement of Mr. Portus. Very few of the greater enterprises undertaken In this district, such as the establishment of the two steam companies, have been started without being largely indebted to Mr. Portus for counsel and assistance, of a professional (engineering) character, freely rendered. The very complete milling facilities for which the Hunter district has long been distinguished, are also In great measure owing to Mr. Portus's enterprise in common with that of other gentle-men yet happily living amongst us. In another department of progress Mr. Portus has long materially helped the district. He was a remarkably ingenious mechanist and engineer, and his machine yard has supplied a great number of the improved farming implements, formerly scarce, but now rapidly increasing in use among our farmers. Latterly Mr. Portus's visit to Europe and the United States had enabled him to increase and vary this branch of his enterprise to an. extent that was only beginning to be appreciated. Mr. Portus's funeral, on Sunday afternoon, was attended by a very large number of persons ,thirty-two vehicles, a great number of horsemen, and very many on foot, following the hearse and mourning coaches to the cemetery, at Morpeth. We thought we observed a very marked gathering from all parts of the neighbourhood, many attending from great distances to pay the last sad honor to the memory of our fellow citizen...........