Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Search Result

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1837 11 January
Place: Maitland
Source: GG
Details: William Ashton per 'Sesostris' missing from service

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1837 1 March
Place: Paterson
Source: GG 1837
Details: William Dolby per 'Mary Anne' absconded from service

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1833 20 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Presented address to the Governor on his visit to Newcastle

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1851 8 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Died on 28th January of disease of the heart after 4mths painful suffering. Commander of the Royal Navy. Aged 61yrs

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: Henry Davis per 'Planter' assigned servant

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Maitland
Source: GRC
Details: Owen Donegan per 'Captain Cook' assigned servant

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1833 24 August
Place: Maitland
Source: SG
Details: Signature on petition to Legislative Council by Hunter River district inhabitants regarding the 'Summary Punishment Bill'

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1845 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle. Marriages p22
Details: From Elmshurst. Witness at the marriage of Charles Boscawen Ranclaud and Anna Maria Biddulph

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1851 30 January
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral Newcastle. Burials p21
Details: Commander. Died aged 61. Burial date

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: David Evenston (Avison) per 'Henry Porcher' assigned servant

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1836 - 37
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: Michael Neville per 'Jane' assigned servant

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1841 15 January
Place: Eight miles from Maitland
Source: SH
Details: Eildon Hall Farm. 1500 acres of pasture and arable land. Excellent cottage and residence and out buildings with a four stalled stable and coach house. Garden and fruit trees. Apply to Edward Biddulph

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1837 25 October
Place: Co. Northumberland, Parish Stockrington
Source: GG
Details: Deed of Grant of Land. Grantee - Edward Biddulph. Original Donee - Gilbert Macleod. 100 acres.

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1837 29 November
Place: Paterson
Source: GG
Details: Assigned servant Thomas Coll per 'Bussorah Merchant' absconded from service

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: William Smallbridge per 'Marquis of Huntley' assigned servant

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: John Smith per 'Fairlie' assigned servant

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Maitland
Source: GRC
Details: Peter Smith per 'Eliza' assigned servant

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: Joseph Veale (?Vale) per 'Lord Melville' assigned servant

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: John Walsh per 'Captain Cook' assigned servant

Surname: Biddulph
First Name: Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Paterson
Source: GRC
Details: Thomas Weggett per 'Asia' assigned servant