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Surname: Cooper
First Name: Rev. Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1851 8 March
Place: Cockfighter's Creek
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of Henry, youngest son of Richard Hobden of Great Lodge near Jerry's Plains to Jane Hannah, second daughter of John Bell Squire of De Quirosville, Cockfighter's Creek. Minister Rev. Joseph Cooper
Surname: Cooper
First Name: Rev. Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1856 15 July
Place: St. Matthias Church, Merton
Source: SMH
Details: Marriage of James White Esq., of Edinglassie and Emily Elizabeth, only daughter of James Arndell Esq., of Woodlands on 9th July. Minister Rev. Joseph Cooper
Surname: Cooper
First Name: Rev. Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1857 7 April
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of Andrew John, eldest son of James G. Doyle Esq., of Hawkesbury river and Francis, third daughter of Edmond Doyle of Montrose Jerrys Plains on 31st March 1857. Minister Rev. Joseph Cooper
Surname: Cooper
First Name: Rev. Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 1858 17 July
Place: Jerrys Plains
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of John Hole Saunders of Merton to Anne, eldest daughter of G. Readman, Jerrys Plains on 12th July 1858. Minister Rev. Joseph Cooper
Surname: Cooper
First Name: Rev. Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 8 February 1851
Place: Falbrook
Source: The People s Advocate and NSW Vindicator
Details: Marriage on Tuesday 28th ultimo, at St. Clement s Church Falbrook, by the Rev. Joseph Cooper, Joseph, eldest son of the Rev. Joseph Cooper, to Sarah Mary, eldest daughter of John Gaggin Esq., of Sydenham
Surname: Cooper
First Name: Rev. Joseph (James)
Ship: -
Date: Letter dated 3 April 1848
Place: Jerrys Plains
Source: NMH
Details: Marriage was not always easy of consummation during the first half century of the colonys history, owing to the special circumstances of its settlement. In the case of minors, there was much delay sometimes in obtaining the required permission. The following letter illustrates that fact: Newcastle, 3rd April 1848, To Rev. James Cooper, Parsonage, Jerrys Plains, Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter respecting the marriage of John Hanse and Margaret Frost, and requesting my sanction thereto as the magistrate appointed by the Judges of the Supreme Court to grant permission to minors under the Act 2nd Victoria No 13; and in reply thereto, I beg to refer you to the 3rd clause of that Act, where the power is vested to the magistrates only when the minor has a parent or guardian residing in the colony. Should the minor, Margaret Frost be so circumstances, - or, in other words, have no father, mother, or guardian residing in the colony - it will be then necessary that she personally applies to the magistrate legally qualified to grant such permission to marry, who may be nearest to the district in which she lives and before whom she will be required to make oath as to her being under age, and unaware of any impediment to her being married. This is the course pointed out by the Act alluded to and I have entered fully into an explanation of it, under the opinion that you may not be actually in possession ofthat ordinance. It is however to be found in Callaghans second volume of the Acts of the Governor and Council, page 872 copies of which must be in the possession of the Court of Petty Sessions nearest to Jerrys Plains as also of the Act itself. I have to express my regret that so much time has elapsed since you communicated personally with me on the subject of the marriage in question, which your letter of the 24th ult brought to my recollection and I have to apologise accordingly. I am etc. J.H. Crummer...Newcastle Morning Herald 15 March 1911