Search Result
Surname: Devine
First Name: Margaret
Ship: Pyramus 1836
Date: 1837
Place: Newcastle
Source: GRC
Details: Aged 38.
Surname: Devine
First Name: Margaret
Ship: Pyramus 1836
Date: 1837 6 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Bench Books. AONSW Reel 2722
Details: Assigned to James Reid. Sentenced to 14 days in the cells for drunkenness. Thomas Kenny witness
Surname: Devine
First Name: Margaret
Ship: Pyramus 1836
Date: 6 November 1837
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 137
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Newcastle. Returned to govt. service.
Surname: Devine
First Name: Margaret
Ship: Pyramus 1836
Date: 3 March 1837
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book - State Archives NSW; Roll: 136
Details: Margaret Devine admitted to Newcastle gaol from the Police Office. Sentenced to 14 days solitary confinement and return to government. Re-assigned to James Reid at Newcastle 17 March 1837
Surname: Devine (Divine)
First Name: Margaret
Ship: Pyramus 1836
Date: -
Place: -
Source: A.O. N.S.W. Convict Indent Fiche 720 p. 243
Details: Age 38. Married with 2 children. Native of Kings County. Occupation: all work. Offence: stealing turkey
Surname: Divine (Devine)
First Name: Margaret
Ship: Pyramus 1836
Date: 1837 3 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Assigned to James Reid. Charged with absenting herself without leave. Sentenced to 14 days in the cells
Surname: Divine (Devine)
First Name: Margaret
Ship: Pyramus 1836
Date: 1842 25 January
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Granted Ticket of leave
Surname: Divine (Devine)
First Name: Margaret
Ship: Pyramus 1836
Date: 27 December 1836
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW; Roll: 136
Details: Servant from Kings Co., Sent to Newcastle gaol from Sydney straight from the ship. Assigned to Mrs. Reid at Newcastle on 2nd January 1836