Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 1825 1 September
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Appointed Chief Constable at Newcastle

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 1827 13 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Australian
Details: Witness at trial of Richard Sneyd and Thomas Hudson

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 18 January 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: John Large in government service, charged with being detected in the house of Isaac Elliott last night at an unreasonable hour and under very aggravated circumstances and for having various articles in his possession which had been stolen from Isaac Elliott. Isaac Elliott states - I had occasion to go up the river in the beginning of the week. I returned home last night a little before midnight. I knocked at my window. I heard someone whispering in my bedroom. I listened awhile and then repeated the knock and again I heard the whispering. I thought something was wrong and I ran round the back door which at the moment was opened and a man pushed out. I have no doubt but it was Large who rushed past me. In my bedroom there were found various articles of clothing belonging to him. On examining my trunks I find I have been robbed to a considerable extent. Amongst other things I miss a number of shirts, 18 cravats, trowsers, tea and sugar an a fifty and ten dollar bank note. Sarah Perkins, states - I was at Mr. Elliotts yesterday. His wife told me she had been robbed of tea and sugar and various other articles. I was told in the course of the day that Large had been offering a scarf for sale. I enquired of Mrs. Elliott whether she had lost a scarf. On examining her boxes she ascertained that she had. I went to Large and got the scarf from him. I saw in his possession a fifty dollar and ten dollar note; he said they belonged to Mr. Elliott. I took them from him, they are those now before the court. I have seen Large frequently at Mr. Elliotts house when he is absent. Mr. George Muir Chief Constable states, The prisoner Large was absent from his quarters all last night. I was in search of him at various houses during the greater part of the night. This morning early he was found secreted under a rock near the signal house. In his possession were found a pair of trousers and shirt belonging to soldiers of the 57th regt., A blanket, cravat and pair of socks and some other articles. Isaac Elliott states - the blanket, socks and cravat found in Larges possession are my property. I have also no doubt but that the bank notes also belong to me. John Large in his defence states I acknowledge having offered the scarf for sale, it was given to me by Sarah Perkins for that purpose. She told me Mrs. Elliott had given it to her as a present. I was at Mr. Elliotts house yesterday afternoon. I drank two quarts of wine there with Mrs. Elliott and Sarah Perkins. I got drunk and lay down in the kitchen to sleep. I did not know how late it was. John Large sentenced to 75 lashes and to be transported to a penal settlement for 3 years.

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 17 February 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: John Quin, free by servitude, charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Chief Constable George Muir states...yesterday evening about six oclock I was called upon by Mrs. Reilly who requested me to come to her house and remove a person who was there in a state of intoxication and wanting to purchase liquor; I went with her and found John Quin at the back door of her house. He was very drunk and extremely unruly. I was obliged to call in the assistance of a constable to get him away from the place. I lodged Quin after some difficulty of resistance on his part. John Quin fined one dollar and discharged

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 11 May 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Mr. George Muir, Chief Constable appears before the court and states - that this morning soon after day break, he saw Margaret Roach in the street bleeding profusely in the mouth and James Marland was beating her at the time. It did not appear to me that she was giving him any provocation. She was crying murder.

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 11 July 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: William Barnes and Patrick Powers, both in government service, charged with theft....Catherine Riley states - my cart was employed yesterday bringing wheat from the wharf to my house. I was informed a bag of it was missing; I informed the Chief Constable of it; I believe the wheat before the court to be mine. I can swear that the bag which contains it is my property. James Otway - Soldier in the Buffs, states - I was sentry yesterday at the wharf and saw a loaded cart pass along. I saw a bag full of something jolt from the rear of it - the driver of the cart went on without noticing his loss. Two men dressed in grey slop clothing picked up the bag, one carried it away, accompanied by the other, to the rear of the prisoners barracks where I lost sight of them. I cannot swear to the persons they were too far off; I new the cart belonged to Mrs. Riley and I sent to inform her of my having seen the bag taken away. Mr. George Muir, Chief Constable, states - On the information of Mrs. Riley, I sent to search the prisoners houses in the rear of the prisoners barracks and in a hut occupied by William Rouse the bag of wheat now before the court was found. Rouse was at this time at work on the wharf and had been so for some time previous. There was no person in the hut except a black native woman. On my asking Rouse if he knew anything of the bag of wheat he told me he had seen Powers pass to the rear of the hut with a bag on his back a short time before. Whilst I was making enquiries amongst the boats crews respecting the robbery, Barnes made his appearance in a ragged blue jacket, it neither fitted him nor did it belong to him and having seen him but a short time before in a dress of grey slop clothing, I thought he was, from his general bad character, and from the earnest manner in which he made enquiries about what was doing, likely to have been the companion of Powers; and I therefore took them both into custody. William Rouse states - I saw two men yesterday pass to the back part of my hut, one of them had a bag on his back. I cannot swear who the two men were as it was at such a distance, but I think one of them was like Powers. That was what I told Mr. Muir; not positively that it was him. The prisoners state they do not know anything about the wheat. Both men were acquitted

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 5 July 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Richard Keys (Kays), in government service, charged with gambling and resisting the chief constable in the execution of his duty. Mr. George Muir, chief constable states - Last night I was passing a house in Wellington Street. I heard the rattling of halfpence. I opened the door and found the prisoner and another standing with a blanket on the floor before them. On my demanding to see what they held in their hands, Keys refused and on my laying hold of him to compel him, he struggled to prevent me as well as kicked my shins. I succeeded in the end in getting some pence from him as also from his companion amounting to 13d. Keys is a wardsman at the prisoners barracks and has no business out at the hour I found him. The prisoner denies having been gambling; admits having resisted and refusing to have his money taken from him. Richard Keys sentenced to 25 lashes. (Thirteen pence deposited in the office). John Savage per Recovery, in the service of government, for gambling with Richard Keys, admonished

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 19 July 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Thomas Welsh in government service charged with drunkenness and outrageous conduct. Mr. George Muir, chief constable states - I saw the prisoner in the street yesterday, he was in a very drunken state and very noisy and quarrelsome. There is not a week passes that this man does not get beastly drunk. The prisoners admits the accusation. Thomas Welsh sentenced to one fortnight in solitary confinement

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 31 July 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Alexander Philip, free by servitude, appeared to answer an information against him for selling spirituous liquors without being duly licenced. The following affidavit was read in the presence of Alexander Philip and William Brown....Constable William Brown states - that on Saturday last he went to the house of Alexander Philip and called for a half a pint of rum, that it was delivered to him and that he paid down a dump and received three pence change; and he further saith that he drank the rum in the house, no person being present but the inmates thereof.....Alexander Philips states - I know nothing of the transaction. I was at sea on my return from Sydney on the Saturday mentioned by Brown. John Millet being duly sworn - On Saturday week last I was at the house of Mr. Philip all the day. I lived there whilst Mr. Philip was away in Sydney. I was in the house all Saturday evening and all night. If any person had got spirits there that day or that evening I must have seen it. Brown the constable never was in the house to my knowledge on that day or evening. I might have gone out once or twice in the course of the day for water but after sunset I never went out of the house. It is a very small house consisting only of a bedroom and sitting room. I never saw Brown get any spirits at Mr. Philips whilst I was there. There was not any spirits in the house, to my knowledge, till Mr. Philip came from Sydney on the day following when he brought a small quantity with him.. On the Monday evening I was in the house when a man named Johnston was there. He had some spirits to drink but it was bought at his request at a neighbouring public house. Mr. Muir, Chief Constable states - I have noticed the general conduct of the inmates of Mr. Philips house; never saw anything but the most perfect propriety and good order on his part and that of his family. I have frequent opportunities of observing them as I generally pass by the house two or three times every day. This information dismissed by the Bench

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 12 September 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Robert Young, in government service, charged with having property in his house knowing it to be stolen....Chief Constable George Muir states - I had an information that some silver tea spoons stolen from Mr. Williams were in the possession of the prisoner, I searched his house yesterday in the morning but could not find them. I again went in the afternoon and in the prisoners garden on digging round some geraniums, I found four tea spoons. They were wrapt in a rag and tied with shoemaker s waxed thread. The four spoons now before the court together with the rage they were wrapt in are those I found. The prisoner is a shoemaker and works at the trade. Francis McNamara, a constables - states Last Sunday morning I was at the prisoner s house; his wife brought four tea spoons from a bedroom and asked if a name was not marked on the spoons. I examined them and said saw F.W. on two of them; at breakfast time I again saw them in use but the initials were then defaced from the two I had seen in the morning; in the course of the day I asked Riley the constable whether he had heard of any spoons being stolen; he told me some spoons had been stolen from Mr. Williams. Mr. Muir having asked me yesterday what I knew of the business I told him what I have now stated. The spoons now before the court are those I saw at Young s house; the initials I saw on the two spoons before they were defaced were the same as on two tea spoons now produced by Mr. Williams. When I saw the spoons on the breakfast table Young was in the room sitting by the fire. Constable Dennis Flannery states - three or four times last week and on Sunday last, I saw silver tea spoons as I took them to be on the table at Young s house. I have breakfast at Young s when the spoons were used. The spoons now in court are those I saw at Young s house. Francis Williams Being states - I had six silver tea spoons made at Sydney some years since; they had my crest and initials on them. Four of them were kept in a trunk at my cottage, the other two were in daily use; about the end of July last the four spoons were missed from the trunk and I had no doubt at the time they had been stolen by a boy who lived in the house. I did not make any immediate effort to recover them. The prisoner in his defence states - My wife and I have recently disagreed and she is about to leave me and I am persuaded she would do everything in her power to do me an injury; I know nothing of the spoons being in my house. My wife had not been long from Sydney. She brought a good deal of property with her and even if I had noticed the spoons which I did not, I should have supposed she had brought them with her. She wants me to be sent to Port Macquarie in order that she and her friends may possess themselves of the little property I have, by hard labour and honest industry, accumulated. Robert Young sentenced to three years addition to his former sentence of transportation, which expires July 1828

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 2 October 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: James Kearns, per ship Earl St. Vincent, in government service, charged with theft...Mr. John Cheers states - a little after nine on Saturday night last, I missed a box of candles from my house, which I immediately reported to the Chief Constable. I saw a man resembling the prisoner on the following morning early at the Hill at the back of my house, he was looking about without any visible business. As soon as my household affairs would permit me I went on the hill; the man was gone, but I discovered marks of tallow on the sand. Mr. Muir, Chief Constable states - in consequence of Mr. Cheers having informed me of the robbery at his house on Saturday night, I directed the constables to be on the alert the next morning at day break and I gave them the names of several whom I suspected, the prisoner being one of them. He was the first they met in the morning. He crouched as he walked along and was dressed in an old dirty pair of trousers, no covering on his head, an old grey jacket, just as Mr. Cheers has described the man to have worn whom he had that morning seen on the hill at the back of his house. I accompanied Mr. Cheers to the hill and having searched about we came to a place where the sand appeared disturbed and several pieces of candles were scattered about. There was a naked footstep which I measured. A few yards from that spot with the assistance of a dog, we found the box of candles before the court, I then went in search of the prisoner. He was found dressed with clean trousers over those he had on in the morning. He had two waistcoats on and wore a hairy cap; on taking him to the watch house I examined his hands, between each of his fingers there was sand as if he had been digging with his hands. The length of his foot agrees exactly with the measure I had taken of that in the sand. The prisoner is not allowed to sleep out of barracks but on Saturday night he was absent and he told me he had slept on the hill. The prisoner in his defence states - I was drinking at Mr. Cheers Hill about 7 o clock on Saturday evening. I then went to my work at the mines, which having done, I returned and instead of going to barracks, I slept on the Hill. The clean clothes I had on I got from a fellow prisoner who was a stranger in the town to take care of - he gave them to me on Saturday evening when I immediately put them on. The sand got on my hands after I was in the watch house. When I was seen in the morning by the constables I had the same dress on as when Mr. Muir took me into custody. Remanded for another hearing.....The Bench are of opinion there is not sufficient evidence to convict the prisoner and he is discharged

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 12 October 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Christiana Smith otherwise Young, assigned to William Smith, charged with disorderly conduct. Elizabeth Priest states - Yesterday about midday hearing a great disturbance at the back of my premises, I went out to enquire the cause of it, and heard the prisoner making very free with my name, calling me whore and various other gross and disgraceful epithets and threatening that if I would go out to her she would rip my bloody guts up. After she was taken into custody by the chief constable she continued her violent abuse throwing stones at my house and accusing me of an improper intercourse with her husband. Chief Constable George Muir states - I was applied to yesterday by Mrs. Priest who complained of having been grossly abused by Christiana Young in consequence of which I went to Mr. Beattie s Wood yard, adjoining Mrs. Priests house where she was. She was in a most violent passion and uttering torrents of abuse. I remonstrated with her on the impropriety of her conduct which she stated arose from her having detected Mrs. Priest in an improper intercourse with her husband. I soon after received orders to confine Christy Young in the watch house which with considerable difficulty and resistance on the part of the prisoner I accomplished. She made use of highly improper language intended for the hearing and levelled at the character of Mrs. Priest. William Smith questioned states - On Tuesday night I was waiting the return of my boat from up the river. About ten o clock I went to the wharf to see if she had arrived. I returned home by the main street without going near Priests house and came in at the back of my premises at which moment I saw a woman leave my house. I followed her to the beach and found her to be my wife; who immediately accused me with illicit intercourse with Mrs. Priest. Christiana Smith otherwise Young states in her defence On Tuesday night about ten o clock after I had retired to rest my husband left the house. I suspected he went out for an improper purpose - I got up and followed him at a distance. I saw him get over a fence and go into the privy at the back of Priests house. I went to the front door of Priest house and looked through the keyhole. I saw Mrs. Priest give her infant to her daughter Mary and then go out at the back door into the privy where my husband was and I there saw my husband kiss her. This has so excited my feelings as to cause me to be so violent as I was yesterday. The Chief constable ordered to examine Priests premises to ascertain whether any person standing at the front door of the house can see what is doing in the privy, The Chief constable on his return states - I have examined Priests premises and looked through the key hole of the front door with the back door open - at which time the privy could not be seen. Indeed with both doors open it cannot be seen, it being full nine feet beyond the line of the doors. Christiana Smith Young sentenced to three months to the Factory at Parramatta.

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 28 October 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Peter Egan per ship Recovery and John Coakley both in government service charged with endeavouring to sell a government bed tick and blanket which had been purloined from James Bull assigned servant of Captain John Pike. .....William Cooper states - Yesterday Egan came to me and offered a bed tick for sale; it had the Kings mark on it and I therefore declined the bargain; to the best of my opinion the bed now before the court is that which was offered to me. Chief Constable George Muir states - when the government servants who arrived in the Liverpool Packet on Sunday last landed, I took the numbers of their bedding. The bed tick No. 56 belonged to James Bull who came by the vessel. I was told yesterday by the overseer of the prisoner s barracks, that Coakley had just come down the river bringing a bed with him which he believed to have been stolen. I went and took possession of it. It consisted of a bed No. 56 and a blanket, the corner of the blanket where I suppose the number to have been is cut off. Egan states - I got the bed tick from Coakley and offered it for sale at his request. Coakley states - the late owner of the bed tick and blanket gave them to me up the river in exchange for some tobacco. Sentences: Peter Egan 50 lashes; John Coakley 25 lashes.

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 6 November 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: James Wilkins, per ship Asia, overseer of the gaol gang, charged with taking his gang to a public house on the Sabbath. Chief Constable George Muir states - I was informed yesterday that some of the gaol gang were at Cheers Public House drinking. I sent some constables to ascertain the truth of the report; they returned informing me that they had found Wilkins and one of his gang drinking at the public house and the rest of the gang straggling about in the lumber yard. Constable Francis McNamara states - I went yesterday with some constables by order of Mr. Muir to Cheers House; I found Thomas Welsh, one of the gaol gang there drinking. His overseer was with him; the overseer went away as we entered. Welsh at first refused to leave the house saying he had the overseers leave to be there. Wilkins admits taking Welsh to the public house and that he drank two glasses of spirits with him. James Wilkins to be dismissed from his situation and to work in the mines.

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 6 November 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: James Longbottom, Patrick Simpson per Ann and Amelia, Timothy Duffy, per ship Countess of Harcourt, William Pitt per ship Henry, and Samuel Stapleton per ship Asia, all in government service, charged with gambling. Constable William Turvey, states - I was informed by James Wilkins (late overseer of the gaol gang) yesterday, that there were several men in a hut in St. Patricks Street, gambling. Wilkins appeared to be in liquor at the time. Mr. Muir was immediately informed of what Wilkins had told me. Mr. Muir and a constable lost no time in going to the house pointed out. Chief Constable George Muir states - I was informed yesterday of some prisoners being in a hut gambling; I went immediately thither; I found several persons in the hut, but did not see any appearance of gambling. On leaving the house, I met Wilkins who named the prisoners now before the court as the gamblers. James Wilkins states - I saw all the prisoners now before the court gambling yesterday; I looked in at the window of the hut where they were, four of them were actually at play and Longbottom was watching. There were other persons in the hut. They were throwing up halfpence. The prisoners generally deny the charge - call Dennis Flannery, constable, states - Wilkins told me yesterday that when he pointed out the gamblers to the Chief Constable, he was so drunk he did not know what he was about......All the prisoners acquitted of the charge except Stapleton who is ordered to be lumbered four successive Saturdays on account of his being in a hut not his own residence.

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 6 December 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: William Vaughan, John Frith and Charles Shepherd, all in service of government, charged with absenting themselves from duty when their service was required in the Pilot Boat. William Eckford states - Yesterday I had occasion for the services of the crew of the Pilot Boat to which the prisoners belong; I rang the Bell as usual for their attendance, only a part attended. Those now before the court did not come and I was obliged to get other men to do their duty. Chief Constable George Muir, states - The pilot Mr. Eckford, reported to me yesterday the absence of some of his Boats Crew. I sent Constables in search of them. Frith and Shepherd were found at their usual places of residence. They were sober. Vaughan was brought drunk to the watch house having been found in that state by Mr. Mackay, Superintendent. Prisoners make no defence and throw themselves on the mercy of the court. Sentenced to 25 lashes each

Surname: Muir
First Name: Chief Constable George
Ship: -
Date: 19 January 1827
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Henry Scarsbrook and John Byrne in government service, charged with gambling. Chief Constable George Muir, states - yesterday about twelve o clock in passing by a new house near the hospital, I heard the jingling of money within - I went in and found the prisoners on their knees in the very act of gambling, I took seven pence from them. Admitted to the prisoners who throw themselves on the mercy of the court. Sentence: Henry Scarsbrook 35 lashes, John Byrne 1 week solitary confinement

Surname: Muir
First Name: George
Ship: -
Date: 1831
Place: Newcastle
Source: R v Ryan, Steel, McGrath, Daley
Details: Owned a farm 4 miles from Newcastle that was robbed Oct. 1831 by William Steele

Surname: Muir
First Name: George
Ship: -
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: Colonial Secretary's Index 1788-1825
Details: Chief Constable, Newcastle. Deposition re murder of William Finnigan 26.12.1825

Surname: Muir
First Name: George
Ship: -
Date: 1832 27 September
Place: Maitland
Source: SG
Details: James Dogherty assigned servant