Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Search Result

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1842 26 March
Place: West Maitland
Source: HRG
Details: -

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1843 18 February
Place: West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Subscription for building St. John the Baptist Church.

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1844 13 April
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Ebony writing desk and 2 pictures stolen from drawing room

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1844 10 August
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Room under residence burgled of tea, sugar, bridles and saddles.

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1845 8 March
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Charged William Wade with fraud

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1845 19 April
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Justice of the Peace

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1841
Place: Newcastle
Source: -
Details: John Stevens assigned servant

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1833 23 February
Place: Hunter River
Source: SG
Details: Committee member

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1846 12 August
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Subscription for testimonial for Rev. W. Stack

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1847 13 January
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Present at public meeting to discuss arrangements for reception of the Governor

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1837
Place: Maitland
Source: GRC
Details: John Blanchflower assigned servant

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1847 10 April
Place: West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Appointed Church warden St. Marys Church

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1847 4 August
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Committee member to raise funds for the Irish and Scottish Relief Fund

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1847 7 August
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Donated £2/2/- to the Irish and Scottish Relief Fund

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1848 11 October
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Magistrate at Maitland Quarter Sessions 10th October

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1849 17 Octboer
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Maitland Quarter Sessions 16 October 1849

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1851 1 January
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Gave subscription for the relief of the family of the late William Hall of West Maitland

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1852 4 February
Place: Farley
Source: MM
Details: John Kilfoil to take cattle and horses for agistment on the Farley estate. Formerly the property of Captain Hungerford

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1852 23 June
Place: West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of Thomas, 6th son of Captain Hungerford to Emma Hollingsworth, second daughter of the late Lieutenant John Wood, R.N of St. Peter's Maitland on 19th June at St. Mary's church. Officiating clergy Rev. J.R. Bloomfield

Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Captain
Ship: -
Date: 1831 1 April
Place: -
Source: NGE
Details: Caroline McCarthy per 'Kains' assigned servant