Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Dight
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 1873 25 March
Place: St. John's Church, Raymond Terrace
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of John Dight, of Booral, Warialda, third son of the late George Dight, Esq., of Stafford, Singleton, to Mary, third daughter of J.J. Cadell Esq., M.D. of Raymond Terrace on 20th March 1873. Minister Rev. Samuel Simm

Surname: Dight
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 5 July 1837
Place: Richmond
Source: Sydney Monitor
Details: At Richmond on Sunday last, after a long and afflicting illness, which he endured with exemplary patience, Mr. John Dight age 65 years, one of our oldest and most respectable free settlers. He has left a widow and numerous family who will long lament in him the loss of a truly affectionate husband and most tender parent

Surname: Dight
First Name: John
Ship: -
Date: 25 January 1846
Place: Abode Singleton
Source: Maitland Baptism Register p. 142
Details: John, son of George and Elizabeth Moore Dight born 26 November 1845. Baptised 25 January 1846. Occupation of George Dight - farmer

Surname: Dight
First Name: John
Ship: Earl Cornwallis 1801
Date: -
Place: Windsor
Source: Singleton Pioneer Register p. 29
Details: Born 1772. Arrived as surgeon on the Earl Cornwallis. Acquired land at Richmond and a flour mill at Campbelltown. Appointed Coroner for the Hawkesbury district.. See Pioneer Register for details of descendants

Surname: Dight
First Name: John junior
Ship: -
Date: 1825 12 November
Place: County of Northumberland, Parish of Warkworth
Source: Index to map of the country bordering upon the River Hunter... by Henry Dangar (London : Joseph Cross, 1828). p9
Details: Granted 300 acres of land. Annual quit rent £2 5s

Surname: Dight
First Name: John Richard
Ship: -
Date: 1870 1 January
Place: Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of John Richard Dight of Carroll, eldest son of S.B. Dight Esq., of Clifford, Singleton, and Joanna Isabella, third daughter of the Rev. Adam Gordon of Turalga on 30th December 1869. Minister - father of the bridge assisted by Rev. R. Boag of Hinton

Surname: Dight
First Name: John Richard
Ship: -
Date: 16 Februry 1840
Place: Maitland
Source: Maitland Baptism Register
Details: John Richard, son of Samuel and Sophia Dight, born 15 January 1840. Baptised 16 February 1840. Occupation of father Settler

Surname: Dight
First Name: John senior
Ship: -
Date: 1821 31 March
Place: County of Northumberland, Parish of Warkworth
Source: Index to map of the country bordering upon the River Hunter... by Henry Dangar (London : Joseph Cross, 1828). p9
Details: Granted 400 acres of land. Annual Quit Rent 8s