Search Result
Surname: Cochran (?Corcoran)
First Name: Ellen
Ship: Pyramus 1836
Date: 17 April 1838
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 136
Details: From Cork. Admitted to Newcastle gaol. To be returned to government service
Surname: Corcoran
First Name: Ellen
Ship: Pyramus 1836
Date: 1839 17 April
Place: Maitland
Source: GG 1839
Details: Needlewoman aged 49 from Cork. 4' 11 1/2"; brown freckled complexion. dark brown hair, brown eyes, lost two upper front teeth, scar back of third finger of right hand, slight scar back of left hand. Absconded from Peter Riley 1st April
Surname: Corcoran
First Name: Ellen
Ship: Pyramus 1836
Date: 1837
Place: Newcastle
Source: GRC
Details: Age 37. Assigned to the gaol at Newcastle
Surname: Corcoran
First Name: Ellen
Ship: Pyramus 1836
Date: 1 September 1836
Place: On board the Pyramus
Source: Medical journal of Obadiah Pineo
Details: Folios 15-16: Ellen Corcoran, aged 38, Prisoner; disease or hurt, ptyalismus. Put on sick list, 1 September 1836, at sea. Discharged, 25 October 1836. Suffered natural salivation without the administration of medicine of any kind. The effects induced pain in the head, great prostration of strength, loss of appetite, restless nights and fetor of breath, as much as produced by treatment with mercury. There were many similar cases in the England Convict Ship and the surgeon is at a loss to account for it unless it is produced by the sudden change from simple food to a very rich diet and a sea voyage. - Medical journal of the crew and passengers of the female convict Ship Pyramus for 23 July to 29 December 1836 by Obadiah Pineo, Surgeon
Surname: Corcoran
First Name: Ellen
Ship: Pyramus 1836
Date: 27 December 1836
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW; Roll: 136
Details: Servant from Cork. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Sydney straight from the ship. For assignment