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Surname: Bradley
First Name: Constable John
Ship: Lloyds 1817
Date: 4 November 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: John Bradley, a constable, and James Wright, Susan Grey and Sarah Freeman in government service all charged with street robbery...John Cadman, Master of the government cutter Mars...last night a little before nine oclock I left Mr. Beatties house on the hill and went to that adjoining. I had been drinking. I followed a woman to the house. I think it was Susan Grey. I had not any previous acquaintance with her. At the house there was another woman (Sarah Freeman). I believe I had some refreshment with them. Shortly after one of them called me outside the house and on my going out a blanket was thrown over my head and I was shift of everything I had on. My watch was also taken from me and about two dollars. I do not know the persons of the men who robbed m. there were at least two of them. I fell in the struggle and I believe lay on the ground a considerable time. The Chief Constable states...last night near midnight, I was going my rounds and found the preceding witness in the street entirely stript of his clothes. He told me he had been robbed and pointed out the house he had come from when he was attacked. The house was nearly opposite where I had found him. I entered the house, I found Susan Grey there, she was intoxicated; Cadman was also intoxicated but was able to tell me in very distinct terms of the robbery. I afterwards found John Bradley in the street after I had left him in the watch house lying on the bed. It was his duty as constable to have been at the watch house. Near the house I found a jacket and that belonging to Cadman. From the whole of Bradleys conduct last night I had a strong suspicion that he was concerned in the outrage. I told him so this morning at the watch house. He and Hogan ( a constable) left the watch house for the purpose of searching for the watch which was not yet forthcoming. They went towards the house where Cadman had been the night before in a short time they returned bringing with them Cadmans watch. James Hogan a constable states - I went with the consent of the chief constable to seek for Cadmans watch. Bradley accompanied me. We went towards the house on the Hill inhabited by Sarah Freeman and Susan Grey on approaching the house I got into a sort of small gully and proceeding along it I turned up the sand with my foot and at last I found the watch which was given to the chief constable. John Mentzlaer stated - I lodge in the skilling of a cottage belonging to Mrs. Pennington an inhabited by Sarah Freeman and Susan Grey and I believe also James Wright lodges in the house. Bradley also was often there. Last night I saw Cadman come to the house. He stayed there a short time, Susan Gray came out of the house and he followed her. I was peeping through the door and could plainly see what was going on, as soon as Cadman came out two men laid hold of hi and Susan Grey went away; the two men who laid hold of him are Wright and Bradley. I know them well. I have known them at Newcastle for upwards of four years. Bradley longer; Wright threw a blanket over Cadmans head and Bradley robbed him; I can swear that Bradley and Wright are the persons who robbed Cadman last night. I did not dare to interfere at the time of the robbery. Wright is a powerful man and between him and Bradley my life would have been in danger, but I considered it my duty to relate what I have here stated to the Chief Constable. Prisoners remanded to be tried at Quarter Sessions. No evidence appearing against Sarah Freeman she is ordered to be discharged. John Bradley dismissed from his situation of constable. - later sent to Port Macquarie for 2 years.

Surname: Bradley
First Name: John
Ship: Lloyds 1817
Date: 1819 22 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: 48th Regiment. Came free. On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per Lady Nelson

Surname: Bradley
First Name: John
Ship: Lloyds 1817
Date: 1824 10 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Deserter. Offering his services for the growing of flax at Newcastle

Surname: Bradley
First Name: John
Ship: Lloyds 1817
Date: 1824 11 September
Place: Durham/Northumberland
Source: CSI
Details: Convict assigned to R. Douglas

Surname: Bradley
First Name: John
Ship: Lloyds 1817
Date: 1825 22 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Constable at Prisoners Barracks

Surname: Bradley
First Name: John
Ship: Lloyds 1817
Date: 1825 9 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Dismissed as Constable at Newcastle for improper conduct

Surname: Bradley
First Name: John
Ship: Lloyds 1817
Date: 3 March 1826
Place: Sydney Gaol
Source: Sydney Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW; Roll: 851 Ancestry
Details: Sent to Sydney gaol by Magistrate Francis Allman under sentence to a penal settlement. Sent to the Hulk on 19th July 1826

Surname: Bradley
First Name: John
Ship: Lloyds 1817
Date: 10 July 1824
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: John Bradley in government servant charged with neglect of duty. James Croft, keeper of H.M. Gaol at Necastle states....Bradley is turnkey at the gaol. He frequently quits his post without my leave. When he is sent into the town on duty, I am often obliged to go after him to bring him back. On the night of the 8th instant, after stopping away all the afternoon without permission he returned drunk. John Bradley sentenced to hard labour in the gaol gang till further orders