Search Result
Surname: Grimshaw
First Name: Benjamin
Ship: -
Date: 1821 5 May
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: To receive grant of land
Surname: Grimshaw
First Name: Benjamin
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1810 29 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Sent to Newcastle
Surname: Grimshaw
First Name: Benjamin
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1809 21 June
Place: -
Source: CI
Details: Court Martial on board the Agincourt. Sentenced to transportation for life
Surname: Grimshaw
First Name: Benjamin
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: January 1811
Place: -
Source: Colonial Secretary Correspondence Image No: (NRS 936) Copies of letters sent to Van Diemens Land, Newcastle and Norfolk Island, 1810-1813 (Ancestry)
Details: Benjamin Grimshaw and several other prisoners from the Indian to be sent to Newcastle but no harsh punishment to be given to him
Surname: Grimshaw
First Name: Benjamin
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 14 September 1809
Place: Retribution hulk, Woolwich
Source: UK Prison Hulk records. Ancestry
Details: Benjamin Grimshaw age 32 and John Scott age 21 admitted to the Retribution hulk having been court-martialled on the Agincourt M.W. 21 June 1809 for a breach of the articles of war. They were embarked on the Indian convict ship on 22nd June 1810 for transportation to NSW