Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Royal Admiral 1839
Date: 30 September 1839
Place: Sydney
Source: SH
Details: From Liverpool via Rio de Janeiro on Friday 27th September 1839 having left the former place on 2nd May and the latter 7th July. 220 emigrants. Cabin Passengers Mr. Morris Felton, Surgeon, Mrs. Felton and four children, Miss Felton, Mr. and Mrs. Lundy and Miss Lundy

Surname: Waddell
First Name: Matthew
Ship: Royal Admiral 1839
Date: -
Place: Ellisland, Maitland Rd. Singleton
Source: Singleton Pioneer Register p. 89
Details: Born 1832 Glasgow, Scotland, son of William Waddell and Elizabeth Munro. Spouse Catherine McCallum. Occupation Orchardist. See Pioneer Register for details of descendants

Surname: Waddell
First Name: William
Ship: Royal Admiral 1839
Date: -
Place: Townhead, Singleton
Source: Singleton Pioneer Register p. 89
Details: Born 1803 Glasgow, Scotland, son of Matthew Waddell and Annie Clarke. Spouse Elizabeth Munro. Occupation orchardist. See Pioneer Register for details of descendants

Surname: Waddell
First Name: William
Ship: Royal Admiral 1839
Date: -
Place: Corinda Singleton
Source: Singleton Pioneer Register p. 90
Details: Born 1836 in Glasgow, Scotland, son of William Waddell and Elizabeth Munro. Spouse Margaret Millar. See Pioneer Register for details of descendants

Surname: Waddle (Waddell)
First Name: William, Elizabeth, Matthew, David, William
Ship: Royal Admiral 1839
Date: 1839 30 September
Place: -
Source: State Records of NSW. Online microfilm of shipping lists
Details: William age 35, gardener, Elizabeth age 28, Matthew age 7 1/2, David age 5, William age 3, passengers on the 'Royal Admiral'

Surname: Weir
First Name: George
Ship: Royal Admiral 1839
Date: 8 January 1849
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: George Weir, labourer from Tyrone. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland Quarter Sessions. Sentenced to 6 months hard labour for larceny

Surname: Weir
First Name: George
Ship: Royal Admiral 1839 (came free)
Date: 17 November 1848
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: George Weir, labourer from Tyrone. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Newcastle. Sentenced to 2 months confinement for stealing a saddle and bridle

Surname: Weir (Wier)
First Name: George and Eliza
Ship: Royal Admiral 1839
Date: September 1839
Place: Sydney
Source: State Records Authority of New South Wales; Kingswood New South Wales, Australia; Persons on bounty ships (Agent s Immigrant Lists); Series: 5316; Reel: 2134; Item: [4/4784]
Details: George Wier age 24, collier from Co. Tyrone; Eliza Wier, age 25, house servant, immigrants on the Royal Admiral to Sydney in 1839