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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Premier 1840
Date: 4 July 1840
Place: -
Source: Sydney Monitor
Details: Mutiny on board the Premier immigrant ship. Account by John Turner, surgeon.
Surname: Browning
First Name: Ann
Ship: Premier 1840
Date: 1840
Place: Carrington
Source: ABGR
Details: Bounty Immigrant married to William. House servant
Surname: Browning
First Name: William
Ship: Premier 1840
Date: 4 July 1840
Place: -
Source: Sydney Monitor
Details: An account of the seamens mutiny on the Premier by surgeon John Turner revealed that William Browning and James Lock, two immigrants behaved disgracefully during the mutiny, exciting their companions to ad fuel to the already ignited flame; their expressions also very disgusting
Surname: Browning
First Name: William, Anne, John, William, Caroline, Mary Ann
Ship: Premier 1840
Date: 2 July 1840
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: William Browning age 39 gardener, Anne 38, house servant, John 13, William 8, Caroline 9, Mary Ann 3. Native Place Cornwall. Emigrants on the Premier in 1840...
Surname: Casey
First Name: John
Ship: Premier 1840
Date: 1848
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Item: 2/2017; Roll: 759 Gaol Description Books Ancestry
Details: Born 1814. 5ft 10in, sallow complexion, scar on the forehead. Admitted to Newcastle gaol
Surname: Casey
First Name: John
Ship: Premier 1840 (came free)
Date: 21 April 1847
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: John Casey, came free. Labourer from Clare. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Muswellbrook under sentence of 1 month confinement
Surname: Glass
First Name: Ann
Ship: Premier 1840
Date: 2 July 1840
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Age 25.. Dairy maid from Fermanagh. Emigrant on the Premier.
Surname: Tracey
First Name: Bridget
Ship: Premier 1840
Date: 2 July 1840
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Age 20.. Kitchen maid from James Town. Emigrant on the Premier in 1840