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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Mary Gray 1841
Date: 8 May 1851
Place: Sydney
Source: Sydney Herald
Details: Arrival, from London via the Cape of Good Hope, having left the former port 10th December and the latter 27 February, the barque Mary Gray, Captain McKenzie with merchandise. Passengers Messrs. Hughes and Gregory; M.M. Scon, Bojou, Guarin, and Bojet, French Roman Catholic missionaries; MM Yvert, Boulleaux, Perenon, Perret, Monchallin, Poneet, Rondet, Chavenet; and one in the steerage
Surname: Giles
First Name: John William
Ship: Mary Gray 1841
Date: 1841
Place: -
Source: Pure Merinos
Details: John William Giles, shepherd, steerage passenger on the Mary Gray