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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Magistrate 1838
Date: 23 July 1838
Place: Sydney
Source: Sydney Monitor
Details: On previous Saturday, arrival of the Magistrate, departed Cork on 8th March, and Cape of Good Hope 27 May with 273 emigrants. Passengers Dr. Savage, Mrs. Savage, two children and Mr. John Smith
Surname: Boland
First Name: James
Ship: Magistrate 1838
Date: 21 July 1838
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Emigrant. Farm servant from Co. Clare. Engaged for employment with Edward Sparke at Maitland on arrival....
Surname: Bowlan
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Magistrate 1838
Date: 7 May 1860
Place: Maitland gaol
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: Thomas Bowlan, labourer from Clare. Admitted to Maitland gaol from West Maitland. Sentenced to 6 months imprisonment
Surname: Calaghan
First Name: William
Ship: Magistrate 1838
Date: 21 July 1838
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Emigrant. Farm servant from Co. Cork. To find his own employment at Maitland on arrival...
Surname: Callaghan
First Name: Charles
Ship: Magistrate 1838
Date: 21 July 1838
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Emigrant.. Farm servant from Co. Cork. Age 29. To be employed on his own account at Maitland on arrival...
Surname: Day
First Name: Margaret
Ship: Magistrate 1838
Date: 1838
Place: Liverpool Plains
Source: -
Details: Free immigrant. Married William Roche
Surname: Duke
First Name: John
Ship: Magistrate 1838
Date: 21 July 1838
Place: Brisbane Water
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Emigrant. Gardner from Co. Cork. Engaged for employment by Mrs. Kelly at Brisbane Water on arrival
Surname: Fitzgerald
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Magistrate 1838
Date: 1839 29 May
Place: ?Black Creek
Source: SH
Details: Emigrant. Mentioned in the Will of Patrick Cahill
Surname: Fitzgerald
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Magistrate 1838
Date: 21 July 1838
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Emigrant. Gardener from Co. Kerry. Engaged for employment by Alexander McLay Esq in Sydney on arrival...
Surname: McLaughlin
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Magistrate 1838
Date: 21 July 1838
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Emigrant. Cooper from Co. Tyrone age 20. Engaged for employment with Edward Sparke at Maitland on arrival..
Surname: Payne
First Name: William
Ship: Magistrate 1838
Date: 21 July 1838
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Emigrant. Farm servant from Co. Westmeath. Engaged for employment with Edward Sparke on arrival...
Surname: Scott
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Magistrate 1838
Date: 1849
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Item: 2/2016; Roll: 759 Gaol Description Books. Ancestry
Details: Born 1805. 5ft 6 1/2in. Admitted to Newcastle gaol
Surname: Scott
First Name: Patrick
Ship: Magistrate 1838
Date: 14 February 1849
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Item: 2/2009; Roll: 757. Gaol Entrance Books. Ancestry
Details: Native place Dublin. Occupation Clerk. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Cassilis under sentence of 1 month confinement for drunkenness
Surname: White
First Name: John
Ship: Magistrate 1838
Date: 21 July 1838
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Emigrant. Farm Servant from Co. Clare. Engaged for employment with Edward Sparke at Maitland on arrival...