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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Lord William Bentinck 1837
Date: 9 October 1837
Place: Port Jackson
Source: SH
Details: The Lord William Bentinck sailed from London 15th June. Passengers Mr and Mrs. Nagle, three children and servant, Mr and Mrs. Lord, Mrs. Chambers, Misses Barker, and McIntyre, Mr. Day, Mr. Winter, Mr. Montefiore, Mr. Whitehead, Mr. Stepheson, Mrs. Jackson and two daughters, Mr. Sammons, Mr. Redman, Mr. Ledge,
Surname: Corrie
First Name: Donald
Ship: Lord William Bentinck 1837
Date: 8 September 1837
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Assisted Immigrants Shipping Lists
Details: Donald Corrie, shepherd age 25, unmarried. Emigrant brought out by Peter McIntyre
Surname: Haw
First Name: George
Ship: Lord William Bentinck 1837 (VDL) Velocity 1846
Date: 24 June 1846
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 757
Details: Bricklayer from London. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland. sentenced to 2 months confinement. Orderly conduct in gaol
Surname: McDonald
First Name: John
Ship: Lord William Bentinck 1837
Date: 8 September 1837
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Assisted Immigrants Shipping Lists
Details: John McDonald, shepherd age 25. Unmarried. Emigrant brought out by Peter McIntyre
Surname: McIntyre
First Name: Catherine
Ship: Lord William Bentinck 1837
Date: 8 September 1837
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Assisted Immigrants Shipping Lists
Details: Catherine McIntyre, housemaid age 23. Unmarried. Emigrant brought out by Peter McIntyre.
Surname: McIntyre
First Name: Donald
Ship: Lord William Bentinck 1837
Date: 8 September 1837
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Assisted Immigrants Shipping Lists
Details: Donald McIntyre, shepherd age 25. Unmarried. Emigrant brought out by Peter McIntyre.
Surname: McIntyre
First Name: Duncan
Ship: Lord William Bentinck 1837
Date: 8 September 1837
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Assisted Immigrants Shipping Lists
Details: Duncan McIntyre, shepherd age 28. Married with 3 children. Emigrant brought out by Peter McIntyre.
Surname: McIntyre
First Name: James
Ship: Lord William Bentinck 1837
Date: 8 September 1837
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Assisted Immigrants Shipping Lists
Details: James McIntyre, shepherd age 28, married with 2 children. Emigrant brought out by Peter McIntyre
Surname: Nicholson
First Name: Malcolm
Ship: Lord William Bentinck 1837
Date: 8 September 1837
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Assisted Immigrants Shipping Lists
Details: Malcolm Nicholson, farm labourer age 28, married with 1 child. Emigrant brought out by Peter McIntyre.
Surname: Nicholson
First Name: Malcolm and Mary
Ship: Lord William Bentinck 1837
Date: 30 October 1837
Place: Abode Pitnacree near Maitland
Source: Maitland Burial Register p. 90
Details: Donald Nicholson, son of Malcolm and Mary Nicholson, free emigrants by the Lord William Bentinch, died aged 3 years 2 months. Buried 30 October 1837