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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 1837 15 July
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Departed Dundee 25th March with 312 emigrants under the superintendence of David Thompson R.N.. Deaths on board 3 adults and 22 infants. Placed in quarantine

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 1837 10 August
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: News received from the Quarantine ground gloomy. Typhus fever caused several deaths and ship not likely to be released from quarantine for some time. Colonial government clouded affair in mystery

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 1837 16 September
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Poor management of the immigrants by the John Barry. On their arrival they were told to find their own accommodation etc

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 1837 29 August
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: In Hospital, five cases of fever in the early state. Six cases progressing towards convalescent. 11 cases in tents convalescent. 1 death during the week

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 1837 22 July
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: A few cases of Typhus Fever having occurred on board the John Barry, His Excellency the Governor has deemed in necessary to place the ship, crew, and passengers under quarantine

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 1837 1 August
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: A Temperance Society was formed on board the John Barry by Rev. Hetherington and a considerable number of Emigrants signed the declaration

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 1837 27 July
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: No news from the quarantine station re the passengers of the John Barry. Relative anxiously waiting news of the health of the emigrants. The John Barry was very crowded and scarlet fever was prevalent on board when she departed

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 1837 13 July
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Correspondence regarding the condition of the John Barry and whether she was too old to have been bringing emigrants from England to Australia

Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 1837
Place: Sydney
Source: Parbury's Oriental Herald
Details: EMIGRATION SYSTEM In the papers before us are many documents upon this subject, said to be authentic, and which, if so, afford irrefragable evidence of the necessity of some vital alteration in the system of emigration as at present pursued. The unfortunate voyage of the Lady Macnaghten will be in the recollection of most of our readers; and, after perusing the documents alluded to, our only cause of surprise is, that the deaths on board her were not far more numerous than they appear to have been. The local Government, and the Board of Enquiry convened at its instance, with regard to the above vessel, not only acquit the commander and his officers of all blame, but award to him the highest praise: and from Captain Hustwick's letter, and the journal of the deceased surgeon (who himself fell a victim to the disease which carried off so many of the emigrants) it is evident the evil existed ab initio. The vessel it appears was of 538 tons burthen, and the aggregate number of souls embarked in her 420. The hold, fore and aft, was filled with stores, provisions, and cargo belonging to the affreighters, so that the only space allotted for the baggage of so many emigrants was between decks (and they were allowed to bring on board whatever they pleased), leaving only a narrow alley on each side for the inmates to get to their berths, and of course obstructing all free circulation of air. The Mayor of Cork, who went on board previous to the sailing of the vessel, remarked, "that never such a scene was witnessed, and that it was his opinion one half would die before they reached their destination." The scarlet fever had been raging in Cork, and there is no doubt it was taken on board by the emigrants, no precaution being adopted to ascertain the state of their health, or whether they were provided generally with sufficient changes of the most indispensable articles of wearing apparel. The late surgeon's journal teems with regret that the vessel was so badly supplied with medical comforts, which were entirely exhausted long before the termination of the voyage; and that they ought to have been supplied with at least six times the original quantity; "half a dozen sheep," he writes, "might save a dozen lives." The great increase of sickness is attributed, however, by Captain H., to the extreme indolence and filthiness of many individuals in the ship, whom nothing could induce to remove from their berths below to obtain fresh air on deck, force having been used to bring healthy persons up in many instances. The excitement caused in Sydney by the melancholy details of the Lady Macnaghten's voyage, and the length of time she underwent quarantine, had hardly subsided when it was renewed by the arrival of the John Barry, on the 13th July, on board of which vessel the results of the system had been nearly similar. The typhus fever had broken out, and of thirteen cabin passengers two had died; and among the emigrants in the steerage, twenty-six out of three hundred and twenty-five. She was still in quarantine by the last accounts, and the disease was assuming a more malignant character. Dr. Neale, the surgeon, sent down by the Government to take charge of the quarantine station, had been seized with it. The cabin passengers had been released, it appears, whilst the greatest part of the emigrants had been detained. This has caused no little dissatisfaction among the latter, as they state the fever first appeared in the cabin, and was communicated to the emigrants by some of their number who acted as servants to the cabin passengers

Surname: Ago
First Name: Andrew
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 8 September 1837
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Andrew Ago, shepherd age 23, Married. Emigrant by the John Barry. Engaged for employment by Mr. Larnach

Surname: Clerk
First Name: Mary
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 8 September 1837
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Assisted Immigrants Shipping Lists
Details: Mary Clerk age 31, widow of William Clerk, mason age 29 who died on the voyage. Mary Clerk engaged by Mr. Pagan at Hunter River. 2 children sent to the Orphan School

Surname: Constable
First Name: John
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 8 September 1837
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: John Constable, mason age 29. Married. Engaged for employment by Mr. Pagan at Hunter River on arrival.

Surname: Curran
First Name: John
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Maitland Family History Circle's Pre 1900 Pioneer Register
Details: Born 1818 Ireland. Spouse 1 Jane Reid. Spouse 2 Mary Cannon. For more information see Pioneer Register Entry No. 319/320

Surname: Deuchar
First Name: George
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 1837 26 September
Place: Spring Cove
Source: SG
Details: Passenger on the John Barry. Suffered typhus fever

Surname: Deuchar
First Name: George
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 8 September 1837
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: George Deuchar, farmer age 46, widower. Engaged for employment with Mr. Scott at Hunter River on arrival.

Surname: Hetherington
First Name: Rev. Irving
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 1837 27 July
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Married a few week before departing Scotland. Wife died on the passage out from Typhus fever

Surname: Hetherington
First Name: Rev. Irving
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: -
Place: Singleton
Source: Singleton Pioneer Register p. 43
Details: Born 1809 in Dumfrieshire, Scotland, son of Richard Hetherington and Louisa Carruthers. Spouse 1. Jessie Dalton Carr (died at sea) Spouse 2. Margaret McAlister Shannon. 'The first resident minister in the district. He ministered to all denominations in his district of 50 miles square and travelled extensively walking as far as Muswellbrook when his horses were weakened by drought and travelling at night in hot weather.' See Pioneer Register for details of descendants

Surname: Nugent
First Name: Margaret
Ship: John Barry 1837
Date: 25 October 1839
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book. State Archives NSW. Roll 136
Details: House maid from Aberdeen. Came Free. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland on a charge of felony. Acquitted and discharged at trial