Search Result
Surname: Macgillerray (McGillivray)
First Name: James Lachlan
Ship: Deveron 1822
Date: 22 June 1822
Place: Hobart
Source: Hobart Town Gazette
Details: Cabin Passengers on the Deveron from England included - Edward Payne, Mrs. Payne, Mr and Mrs. Butcher and 5 children; Mr. and Mrs. Dean and family; Mr. Alexander Shand; Mr. Macgillerray; Mr. Dodsworth; Mr. Allerdyce, Mr. Barnes, surgeon of the vessel.
Surname: McGilvray (McGillivray)
First Name: James
Ship: Deveron 1822
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 20
Details: Came Free. Landholder at Newcastle
Surname: Shand
First Name: Alexander
Ship: Deveron 1822
Date: 22 June 1822
Place: Hobart
Source: Hobart Town Gazette
Details: Alexander Shand, cabin passenger on the Deveron from England