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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: China 1839
Date: 1839 21 December
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: The China from Liverpool and Ireland arrived with emigrants in a very healthy state. Most were agriculturalists and the rest were tradesmen. Six births on the voyage
Surname: Bennett
First Name: Ann
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Dressmaker from Bin Kings County. Age 19. Married at the Cape of Good Hope to Captain Phillips (of the China)
Surname: Bourke
First Name: Patrick
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Farm Labourer from Tipperary. Age 24. Unmarried. Employed by William Bucknell at Paterson on arrival..
Surname: Condon
First Name: John
Ship: China 1839
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Maitland Family History Circle's Pre 1900 Pioneer Register
Details: Born 1814 Cork. Spouse Catherine Morrisey. For more information see Pioneer Register Entry No. 250
Surname: Condon
First Name: John
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Gardener from Mitchelstown age 26. Employed to Mr. A. Williams at Invermein on arrival...
Surname: Dwyer
First Name: James
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Carpenter from Tipperary age 50. Employed at Brisbane Water on arrival...
Surname: Gilhooley
First Name: James
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Labourer from Tipperary age 23. Unmarried. Employed by Mr. Holmes at Williams River on arrival..
Surname: Hogarty
First Name: James
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: Williams River
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Farm labourer from Tipperary. Age 28. Unmarried. Employed by Mr. Holmes at Williams River on arrival..
Surname: Kennedy
First Name: John
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Farm Labourer from Tipperary. Employed by William Bucknell at Paterson on arrival..
Surname: Mason
First Name: John
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Emigrant. Labourer from Ireland. Employed by William Bucknell at Paterson on arrival..
Surname: Mason
First Name: John
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Ploughman from Tipperary age 23. Unmarried.. Employed by William Bucknell at Paterson on arrival..
Surname: Mason
First Name: Oliver
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Labourer from Tipperary. Age 21. Unmarried. Employed by William Bucknell at Paterson on arrival..
Surname: Mason
First Name: Patrick
Ship: China 1839
Date: 11 August 1859
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Item: 2/2009; Roll: 757. Gaol Entrance Books. Ancestry
Details: Confectioner from Tipperary. Came free. Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Maitland. Sentenced at trial to two years hard labour in Maitland gaol. Discharged Dec 1859, the remainder of his sentence having been remitted by the Governor General on the recommendation of His Honor the Chief Justice
Surname: Power
First Name: Mary
Ship: China 1839
Date: 20 December 1839
Place: Port Jackson
Source: -
Details: Mary Power, age 21, wife of Michael. Assisted immigrant on the ship China. Note - a son John died at sea aged 10 days
Surname: Power
First Name: Michael
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Labourer from Tipperary. Employed by William Bucknell at Paterson on arrival..
Surname: Robinson
First Name: Anne
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: House servant from Castle Connell age 30. Widow. Emigrant. Married to the Boatswain of the ship China
Surname: Ryan
First Name: Cornelius
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Farm labourer from Grant town age 22. Employed by William Bucknell at Paterson on arrival..
Surname: Ryan
First Name: Ellen
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Dairymaid from Tipperary. Emigrant. Went with her brother to Paterson River on arrival..
Surname: Ryan
First Name: John
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: Shepherd from Tipperary. Age 27. Unmarried. Employed by Mr. Robertson at Hunter River on arrival..
Surname: Ryan
First Name: Margaret
Ship: China 1839
Date: 19 December 1839
Place: -
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: House servant from Tipperary. Age 23. Employed by William Bucknell at Paterson on arrival.