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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Steadfast 1849
Date: 1849 2 May
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Two immigrant families from the 'Stedfast' arrived in Maitland by steamer
Surname: Coutts
First Name: Rev. James
Ship: Steadfast 1849
Date: 30 March 1849
Place: Spring Cove Quarantine, Sydney
Source: SMH
Details: Correspondence from the Commander, Thomas Spencer and cabin passengers Rev. James Coutts, John Jacobs and C. P. Gruggen stating that there had not been above a dozen cases of scarlatina or any other contagious disease on board the Steadfast since they left Plymouth, and not a single case of fever
Surname: Szarka
First Name: Gregory
Ship: Steadfast 1849
Date: -
Place: Mitchell Flat, Singleton
Source: Singleton Pioneer Register p.85
Details: Born c 1841 in England, son of George and Helena Szarka. See Pioneer Register for details descendants