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Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Agenoria 1849
Date: 1849 9 June
Place: Sydney
Source: MM
Details: By the Agenoria there arrived 256 souls; of these 81 were sent to Goulburn and 14 to Bathurst; 26 females were sent to the immigrant depot for engagements; 27 hired from the ship; 1 died and 1 became a lunatic. 106 left the ship on their own account
Surname: -
First Name: -
Ship: Agenoria 1849
Date: 1849 30 May
Place: Sydney
Source: MM
Details: Barque 724 tons; Captain Newby from London having departed Plymouth 7th February. Surgeon Superintendent Dr. Hopkins. 256 immigrants
Surname: Chittenden
First Name: George
Ship: Agenoria 1849
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Maitland Family History Circle's Pre 1900 Pioneer Register
Details: Born 1812 Kent. Spouse Margaret Cobb. For more information see Pioneer Register Entry No. 219
Surname: Gilmour
First Name: Hugh and Mary
Ship: Agenoria 1849
Date: 25 May 1849
Place: Sydney
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896 Ancestry
Details: Arrival of Hugh Gilmour age 25, farm labourer of Stevendson, Ayreshire, wife Mary age 23 and daughter Mary aged 1 on the Agenoria.