Search Result
Surname: Farrier
First Name: Isabella
Ship: Edward 1829
Date: 1829 August
Place: -
Source: AO NSW Convict Indent Fiche No. 671
Details: Age 18. Cotton Winder from Belfast. Tried in Antrim 29 March 1828 and sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing a cloak. 5ft 4 3/4in, freckled and pockpitted, sandy hair, hazel eyes, scar of cut on right side of chin, mark of ring on right third finger
Surname: Farrier (Farner) (Rutter)
First Name: Isabella
Ship: Edward 1829
Date: 1832 9 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle p.34
Details: Marriage of Thomas Rutter of Maitland and Isabella Farrier of Newcastle
Surname: Farrier (Ferrier)
First Name: Isabella
Ship: Edward 1829
Date: 1832 20 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: Application to marry
Details: 21 yrs of age. Application to marry Thomas Rutter
Surname: Farrier (or Turner)
First Name: Isabella
Ship: Edward 1829
Date: February/March 1831
Place: -
Source: State Archives NSW; Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930; Series: 2517; Item: 4/6296; Roll: 855
Details: Fair, stout, 5ft 6in. Admitted to Sydney Gaol with several other riotous women in 1831.
Surname: Farrier (Turner)
First Name: Isabella
Ship: Edward 1829
Date: 1831 5 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: NGE
Details: Native of Belfast, R/C. Servant. Arrived in Newcastle gaol from Sydney. Sentenced to 3 yrs in a penal settlement for mutinous conduct and riot in the female factory Parramatta. Sent to the private service of W. Brown in Maitland on 3 September by order of George Brooks
Surname: Farrier (Turner) (Rutter)
First Name: Isabella
Ship: Edward 1829
Date: 9 March 1832
Place: Christ Church Newcastle
Source: Family Search. Australian Marriages
Details: Marriage of Isabella Farrier to Thomas Rutter on 9 March 1832