Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Search Result

Surname: Boucher's Wharf
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1834 18 July
Place: -
Source: Australian
Details: -

Surname: Bouchier (?Boucher)
First Name: Richard
Ship: Java 1833
Date: 1838 24 January
Place: near Liverpool
Source: GG
Details: Labourer aged 24. Tried county Limerick. Abssconded from J. Marden Dec 2 1837

Surname: Bourchier (?Boucher)
First Name: F
Ship: -
Date: 1846 18 February
Place: Sydney
Source: MM
Details: Arrived in Sydney from Melbourne on schooner Velocity on the 8th February

Surname: Bowcher (Boucher)
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: Accounts And Papers Thirteen Volumes
Details: On Returns of Applicants for assignment of convicts

Surname: Bushranger Long Tim (alias Boucher)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1837 6 November
Place: Peel River
Source: SH
Details: Three runaway convicts, one of them the notorious Long Tim, who plundered the drays and destroyed the property of Mr. Stubbs and F. Allman at the Peel apprehended by Mounted Police and committed by the bench at Invermein. The gang consisted of 8 men

Surname: Frederick Boucher & Co
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1827 8 August
Place: Wallis Plains
Source: The Australian
Details: Appointed George Cavenagh as agent at Wallis Plains in place of John Stronach

Surname: Powditch & Boucher
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 22 June 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: William Smith per Grenada, in the service of government charged with theft at Messrs Powditch and Bouchers store. The warehouse man at Messrs Powditch & Co states ....Last night a man came to the shop and asked for an ounce of tobacco. I was engaged with some other customers at the time. He called in another man and they ran off with two iron pots. I cannot swear the prisoner is one of the men..... John Large, a constable states...I was near Messrs Powditch s house last night. There was an alarm given and I proceeded to search the neighbourhood. On the opposite side of the street, in the water course, I heard something like iron rattle, I went there and discovered the prisoner who had that evening absconded from the gaol gang. The warehouse man saw him in my custody and immediately recognised him as the man who had purchased the 1/2 ounce of tobacco. Charles Merriott, a constable states, I was present when the prisoner was taken into custody - two iron pots were found near him, they were claimed by Mr. Boucher. William Ogilvie states....I was at Messrs Powditch and Co shop last night on business. I recollect the prisoner coming there and asking for 1/2 ounce of tobacco. He called another man in and they picked up each an iron pot and ran off. The prisoner in his defence states, I got drunk in the course of the afternoon and went into the gully and fell asleep. I was found in that situation by the constable. I know nothing of the pots; I was never in Mr. Bouchers shop. William Smith Sentenced to 50 lashes

Surname: Powditch & Boucher
First Name: William & Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1825 14 November
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Boat 'Comet' to convey goods to Wallis Plains and back

Surname: Powditch & Boucher
First Name: William & Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1827 4 June
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Partnership between W. Powditch and Frederick Boucher dissolved