Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Boucher
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1841 13 March
Place: -
Source: FP
Details: Account of the investigation into the 'dubious transactions of Messrs Frederick and Charles Boucher'. British and Australiasian Bank

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1841 3 April
Place: 55 Moorgate street London
Source: FP
Details: Mananging Director British and Australasian Bank. Cautioning against giving credit to Charles Boucher

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Wood., W. Allan., 'Dawn in the Valley', the Story of Settlement in the Hunter River Valley., Wentworth books, Sydney, 1972
Details: pp., 65, 89, 105, 175, 253

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1828 25 February
Place: Second Branch of Hunter's River
Source: SG
Details: Advertising to let a farm (admirably adapted for cultivation with a good house thereon)

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1830 31 August
Place: No. 84 George Street Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Commenced business as a General commission Agent

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1830 9 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: In the Service of the Company: letters of Sir Edward Parry, Commissioner to the Australian Agricultural company: volume 1, December 1829 - June 1832. Letter no 178
Details: Correspondence from Sir Edward Parry regarding a tender by Boucher's brother of premises at Newcastle

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1830 16 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: Maitland Quarter Sessions
Details: Hannah Rigby sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing 30 yards of ribbon belonging to Frederick Boucher. Mary Ann Young sentenced to 14 days solitary confinement for receiving same

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1824 22 November
Place: -
Source: CSI
Details: Recommended for a land grant by Icely & Hindson, merchants (Matthew Hindson and Thomas Icely)

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1824 6 October
Place: County of Northumberland. Portion of country including from SE corner of parish of Lemington to the junction of the Southern Ponds
Source: Index to map of the country bordering upon the River Hunter... by Henry Dangar (London : Joseph Cross, 1828). p10
Details: Granted 800 acres of land. Quit rent £6

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1827
Place: Newcastle
Source: State Archives of NSW. Bound indents Microfiche 664. Ancestry
Details: James Regan per Mariner assigned to Frederick Boucher at Newcastle on arrival

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 11 April 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Thomas Kenny, in service to Frederick Boucher, charged with improper language to a constable. Constable William Turvey states - last night I went into the public house kept by Mr. Wickham. There were prisoners of the Crown there drinking. It was time for them to be at their quarters and I called upon them to disperse. One of them expressing some reluctance to go, I insisted on his going immediately. In fact, I put him out. I did not do it violently. I was acting under the eye of the Chief Constable. Kenny was present and observed that if we attempted to meddle with him he would not submit to it. I told him to take care what he said or I would take him in custody. He replied he defied me and the Chief Constable also. Mr. George Muir, chief constable, corroborates this testimony. The prisoner denied the accusation and called Mr. John Francis. Wickham who states - The constables came into my house last night to clear it of persons who were there drinking. They pushed them out, rather rudely as I thought. I heard Kenny say he would not put up with it if it were him they served so. Kenny stops in my house with his master. Thomas Kenny to be recalled to government employment.

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 1 August 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Thomas Harris in government service, charged with purloining a hat from a fellow prisoner....Thomas Kenny, servant to Mr. Frederick Boucher sates - On Saturday last I was informed by Mrs. Wickham at whose house my Master lodges, that someone had just stepped into the passage and ran off with my hat. I had left it on a cage behind the door of the back entrance. Mrs. Sophia Ann Wickham states - On Saturday morning last as I was seated in my own apartment, I saw the prisoner come into the passage of my house; there was a hat behind the door on a cage. I saw him take the hat and put it on his head and then he walked away with it. I described the person of the prisoner to the Chief constable and to my husband which I believe led to his being taken I am positive the prisoner is the person who book away the hat. Chief Constable George Muir state - from the description given to me by Mrs. Wickham I took Harris into custody. I searched the prisoner s barracks and found the hat now before the court. The prisoner denies the accusation. Thomas Harris sentenced to 6 months in the gaol gang

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 16 December 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Michael Magrath per ship Mangles, in government service, charged with absenting himself from his duty and proceeding up the river without leave. William Moore, overseer of the miners gang being sworn states - Magrath came to me on Tuesday last and asked permission to go up the river. I told him it did not rest with me to give him leave that he must go to the Commandant or Superintendent. On the following morning I missed Magrath from his work and I reported his absence to the Superintendent. Magrath did not return until last night. The prisoner admits having asked the overseers permission and being refused by him. States he went in Mr. Boucher s boat to earn a few shillings. Did not think he was acting wrong. Sentenced to 50 lashes.

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Frederick
Ship: Prince Regent 1824 (came free)
Date: 1825 10 December
Place: Wallis Plains
Source: CSI
Details: Memorial for land to build a warehouse at Wallis Plains

Surname: Boucher
First Name: H
Ship: -
Date: 1846 14 March
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Unclaimed letter held in the Sydney Post Office

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Richard
Ship: -
Date: 1842 17 March
Place: Maitland Circuit Court
Source: SH
Details: In court on a charge of sheep stealing. Ordered to be discharged on finding bail

Surname: Boucher
First Name: Richard
Ship: Java 1833
Date: 11 October 1841
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Gaol Entrance Books. State Archives NSW; Item: 2/2009; Roll: 757 (Ancestry)
Details: Richard Boucher, Henry Shepherd, Francis Ashley and Simon Brown admitted to Newcastle gaol from Cassilis on a charge of sheep stealing. Sent for trial

Surname: Boucher (Bocher)
First Name: Frederick
Ship: Prince Regent 1824 (came free)
Date: 1828
Place: Newcastle
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Merchant. Came free

Surname: Boucher (?Bouchier)
First Name: Richard
Ship: -
Date: 1842 19 March
Place: Maitland
Source: HRG
Details: Brought from Newcastle to Maitland by steamer for the Quarter Sessions. Discharged from court

Surname: Boucher v. Long
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1830 8 June
Place: -
Source: Australian
Details: Court Case