Search Result
Surname: Kimmerghame Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1848 18 March
Place: Raymond Terrace
Source: MM
Details: Michael Henderson selling by auction
Surname: Knockfinn Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 26 July 1856
Place: Hunter River
Source: MM
Details: Within eight miles of Maitland. To be sold by direction of Trustees of the estate of the late Vicars Jacob. 1526 acres land subdivided into farms. Situation on the opposite side of the river to Windermere and surrounded by the Dalwood Estate on the West, departed therefrom by the Hunter; on the north by Mr. Pritchetts grant; on the west by Mr. Hudson's property; the south by Mr. Nott's land
Surname: Lennoxton Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1852 10 July
Place: Paterson River opposite the line dividing grants of George and James Adair
Source: MM
Details: 640 acres; Superior brick and shingled house with spacious verandah, 10 rooms; attached still house, wine house, six stalled stable, stores etc; vineyard of 4 acres; orchard of 4 acres; six miles from Paterson with good road to the town. Offered for auction
Surname: Lennoxton, Cardoness, Cree Bank and Clifford Estates
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1854 25 January
Place: Paterson and Allyn Rivers
Source: MM
Details: Advertised to let or sell. 5000 acres five miles from town of Paterson. Description of properties and buildings
Surname: Loch Gyle Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1865 13 July
Place: Paterson
Source: MM
Details: Large patches of swamp because of lack of drainage
Surname: Looh Gayle Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1843 7 January
Place: near Wallalong
Source: MM
Details: The Estate of Captain Taggart
Surname: Louth Park Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1849 12 May
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Bloxsome v. Maughan
Surname: Lowe Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 9 August 1918
Place: -
Source: The Voice of the North
Details: Extract from Wells Gazatteer 1848. Printed in the Voice of the North 9 August 1918. Lowe Estate is situated in the parish of Hexham, and county of Northumberland, N.S.W. near the post town of Hexham; it is the estate of G. Brooks
Surname: Lucan Park Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1853 25 May
Place: Jerrys Plains
Source: MM
Details: 2544 acres. To let
Surname: Luskintyre Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1852 14 February
Place: 8 miles from Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Advertised to be let. 1300 acres. Cottages, barns etc
Surname: MacLeod (McLeod) (Luskintyre Estate)
First Name: Alexander
Ship: -
Date: Died 28 January 1835
Place: Courthill, Inverness, Scotland
Source: Inverness Courier Wendesday 11 March 1835 p 3
Details: At Courthill, on the 28th January last. Alexander Macleod, Esq, of Luskintyre, New South Wales, aged 49
Surname: Mayben Vale Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1853 9 March
Place: Murrurundi
Source: MM
Details: W.J. Innes Giving notice that cattle and horses running on Mayben Vale estate would be impounded
Surname: McLeod (Rattagan Estate)
First Name: Alexander
Ship: -
Date: 1830
Place: Hunter River
Source: Convict Indents State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 676
Details: James Remmington per Adrian assigned to Alexander McLeod at Rattagan on arrival
Surname: Medway Estates
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1840 27 May
Place: Four miles from NewPort, Lake Macquarie
Source: CJ
Details: Midway gbetween East Gosford and Maitland on the new road
Surname: Melbee Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1850 7 December
Place: Dungog
Source: MM
Details: John Mackay advertising small farms on the Melbee Estate for lease
Surname: Melville Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1826 11 February
Place: Hunter river
Source: SG
Details: Purchased by Joseph Underwood for £670
Surname: Midway Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1842 15 January
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Part of the original grant to H. Osborne. 7 suburban farms 34 to 45 acres each. For sale
Surname: Moran's estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1852 8 December
Place: near Morpeth
Source: MM
Details: Duck Hole - 1500 acres of brush and forest land near Morpeth known as the Duck Hole, recently forming part of Moran's estate advertised for sale
Surname: Mount Aubin Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1852 18 August
Place: Wollombi
Source: MM
Details: James Hamilton offering reward for horse missing from Mount Aubin Estate
Surname: Mountauban Estate
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1844 17 February
Place: Wollombi
Source: MM
Details: To let on lease for five or seven years. Richard Wiseman