Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Buxton & Davies
First Name: Thomas & Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1838 25 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: GG
Details: Granted Title Deeds to 14 perches

Surname: Buxton & Davies
First Name: Thomas & Edward
Ship: -
Date: 1837 15 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: GG 1837
Details: Purchase of town allotment 10th February 1837

Surname: Buxton (industry)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: LH
Date: 28 April 1902
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Mr. Thomas Buxton senior was one of the earlier residents in Newcastle. Years ago when the Rev. Threlkeld was mining for coal at Lake Macquarie, Mr. Buxton had a sawpit in that locaility and married his wife from the rev. gentlemans house. He continued the sawpit for a considerable time and later started a shop in the city, somewhere about the site of the shop now occupied by Abel and Co. This business was attended to by Mrs. Buxton whose maiden name was Mary Timmins. As the business increased the sawpit was given up and a much larger establishment occupied on the site now occupied by Sorby and Co and afterwards known as the Steam Packet Hotel. Here business flourished and Mr. Buxton rapidly accumulated money and property, acquiring the whole block from the Steam Packet Inn to the Centennial Hotel and the whole of the land from the corner where the Crystal Palace Hotel now stands to Alderman Millers shop. In many respects he was a quaint man and one of his characteristics was a passion for gold. Sovereigns were none too plentiful in the old days and the story is tole that he would give twenty one shillings at any time for a sovereign. If so, it was probably done because sovereigns were more easily stored than paper money. There were no banks in Newcastle at the time, and it is said that many of the old residents were in the habit of entrusting their money to his keeping each account being kept separate, and the money placed in a jar bearing the customers name and deposited upon shelves in a specially prepared room

Surname: Buxton (obit.,)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 5 September 1861
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Obituary.-On Monday morning last, at two o'clock, died Mr. Thomas Buxton, senior, a resident of Newcastle, from dropsy and disease of the heart. The deceased had only recently (eighteen months since) returned from England, where he had gone for the benefit of his health, but since his return he had got gradually worse. He was a peaceful resident of this city for the last thirty six years. Since his return from England he had been returned as an alderman for the city ward, the functions of which he had discharged with satisfaction for nearly one year, until he was oompelled to resign his seat from ill-health. He was 63 years of age. He was buried yesterday (Tuesday) evening, at three o'clock, when a very large and respectable number of citizens and others demonstrated their respect by following the remains to their last resting place. As a further tribute to his memory, we may observe that the