Search Result
Surname: Wooton
First Name: Eli
Ship: Greyhound 1818
Date: 10 February 1824
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: James Curtis per Prince of Orange and Thomas Shout (Shutt) per Earl St. Vincent and Eli Wooton per Greyhound all assigned servants to John Laurio Platt charged with being off their masters farm without permission. Constable Turvey stated....I found the prisoners in Newcastle without a pass from their master. I brought them into custody. Sentenced 25 lashes each and returned to their master
Surname: Wooton (Wotton) (Walton)
First Name: Eli
Ship: Greyhound 1818
Date: 1824 2 December
Place: Hunter River
Source: SG
Details: In government service to J.L. Platt. Absconded