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Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant R.N.)
Ship: -
Date: 15 August 1829
Place: Maitland
Source: HRA, Series 1, Vol., XV p. 234
Details: Mr. John Wood to Archdeacon Scott. Reverend Sir, Maitland, Saturday, 15th August. 1829. Since my arrival here, several applications nave been made to me to Baptize infants, to which my reply has been that you have forbidden me to do so except in cases of extreme danger. Last Infants baptized Monday, Mr. Henry Hewitt having written to me stating his infant Daughter to be in this condition I baptised her; she is since dead. A short time back a man named Smith was desirous to have his Child Baptized, who afterwards died without the ceremony being performed. At present the following persons, residing immediately in this neighbourhood, request Baptism for their children, viz.. Redman for a Girl 19 months old, Stewart for a boy 4 months old. Singleton for a boy 2 months old, Prentice for a boy 19 months old and a Girl 7 weeks old, Simpson for a Boy 5 weeks old, Cliff for a Girl 6 weeks old, and Hannan for a Boy 3 weeks old. All these,- with the exception of Redman, profess to be Protestants. Redman is a Roman Catholic, but he wishes notwithstanding to have his Child Baptized, when a Clergyman comes for that purpose. A man named Ryan, who is a Romanist, refuses on -that account to bring his child. Last Wednesday, being with my family at New- castle, I waited upon the Revd. F. Wilkinson and stated the case to him ; he objected to come to Maitland which is the occasion of this letter. I have, &c,

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant R.N.,)
Ship: -
Date: 1832 21 November
Place: -
Source: 1832 GG
Details: Elizabeth Hughes per 'Competitor'. Convict transferred to Wood

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant R.N.,)
Ship: -
Date: 1851 8 November
Place: St. Mary's Church, West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of Rev. John Blomfield, 3rd son of T.V. Blomfield of Denham Court to Mary Rachel, eldest daughter of late Lieut. John Wood. Officiating clergy Rev. W.M. Cowper

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant R.N.,)
Ship: -
Date: 1830 3 July
Place: Maitland
Source: In the Service of the Company: letters of Sir Edward Parry, Commissioner to the Australian Agricultural company: volume 1, December 1829 - June 1832. Letter 155
Details: Correspondence re grant of land

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant R.N.,)
Ship: -
Date: 1829 19 September
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Subscription for the family of the late Arnold Fisk

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant R.N.,)
Ship: -
Date: 1853 26 November
Place: Narellan
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of Alexander Stuart to Christiana Eliza, third daughter of the late Lieutenant John Wood R.N., of St. Peters Maitland on 10 November 1853. Minister Rev. J. Blomfield of Morpeth

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant R.N.,)
Ship: -
Date: 2 July 1834
Place: Maitland
Source: Historical Records of Australia, Series 1, Vol. XVII p. 460
Details: Governor Bourke to Right Hon. E. G. Stanley. (Despatch No. 57. per ship James Harris; acknowledged by earl of Aberdeen, 24th December, 1834.) Sir, Government House, 2 July, 1834. I have the honor to inform you that, some short time be- fore Archdeacon Broughton left this for England, it was known in the Colony that the Revd. G. K. Rusden and family intended to come out with the view of settling in the Colony, if Mr. Rusden could procure any employment in his profession to occupy his time and augment his income. It occurred to the Archdeacon and myself that the opportunity would be favorable for removing one of a Class of Persons, who have not been found to succeed here, and that Mr. Rusden might be advantageously placed as Chaplain at Maitland in the room of the Catechist, Lieut. Wood of the Royal Navy, whose appointment it was desirable to reduce. Lieut. Wood is a man of excellent character and great moral worth; but, as has been formerly intimated to the Secretary of State, the Catechists have not been found to obtain that influence over the People to whom they preach, which usually attends the labours of an Ordained Minister. Two Catechists were therefore previously reduced, and a third has been replaced by Mr. Rusden since the 1st Instant. The latter is to receive the same stipend and allowance as a Catechist for the remainder of this year; but I have proposed and the Legislative Council have consented to fix his stipend at £200 per annum for the year 1835, the stipend of a Catechist being £182 10s. only.

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant)
Ship: -
Date: 1834
Place: Maitland
Source: Colonial Secretary Returns of the Colony
Details: Catechist

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant)
Ship: -
Date: 1830 31 August
Place: Maitland
Source: Early Days of Port Stephens
Details: Catechist

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant)
Ship: -
Date: 1839 18 June
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Deceased. Land Grants - 640 acres at Ellalong; 40 acres at Maitland; 600 acres at Ellalong by Governors Darling & Gipps.

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant)
Ship: -
Date: 1838 19 December
Place: Maitand
Source: GG
Details: 40 acres; allotment No. 29 granted by Gov. Darling June 1830

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant)
Ship: -
Date: 1839 30 January
Place: East Maitland
Source: SH
Details: Died at St. Peters aged 49 yrs. Catechist

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant)
Ship: -
Date: 1852 23 June
Place: West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of Thomas, 6th son of Captain Hungerford to Emma Hollingsworth, second daughter of the late Lieutenant John Wood, R.N of St. Peter's Maitland on 19th June at St. Mary's church. Minister Rev. J.R. Bloomfield

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant)
Ship: -
Date: 1835 24 November
Place: Maitland
Source: NGE
Details: Mary Hunt per 'Edward' assigned servant

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant)
Ship: -
Date: 1830 17 August
Place: Maitland
Source: Maitland Quarter Sessions
Details: Half Pay. Juror at Maitland Quarter Sessions

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant)
Ship: -
Date: 1830 December
Place: Maitland
Source: AO NSW Convict Indents Fiche No. 677
Details: George Tooze per 'Burrell' assigned to John Wood, catechist of Maitland

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant)
Ship: -
Date: 1832 27 December
Place: ?Maitland
Source: SG
Details: Mary Shannahan per 'Brothers' assigned servant

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant)
Ship: -
Date: 1830
Place: Maitland
Source: AO NSW Convict Indents. Fiche No. 674
Details: Luke Lamb per 'Katherine Stewart Forbes' assigned servant

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant) and Rachel Ann Sophia
Ship: -
Date: 11 June 1835
Place: St. Peter s Maitland
Source: Maitland Baptism Register p. 86
Details: Susannah Frances, daughter of John and Rachel Ann Sophia Wood born 13 Jun 1834. Baptised 11 June 1835. Occupation of John Wood - Lieutenant R.N. and former Maitland catechist

Surname: Wood
First Name: John (Lieutenant) and Rachel Ann Sophia
Ship: -
Date: 1831 2 March
Place: Maitland
Source: Australian Births and Baptisms - Family Search Historical Records
Details: Birth of Christiana Eliza, daughter of John and Rachel Ann Sophia Wood