Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Wiseman (obit.,)
First Name: Captain Charles
Ship: -
Date: 30 September 1873
Place: -
Source: Clarence and Richmond Examiner
Details: DEATH OF CAPTAIN WISEMAN. We regret to have to record the death of Captain CHARLES WISEMAN, a name as familiar as a household word to the majority of the old residents of the Clarence. A native of Essex, and connected by birth with an old shipping family, he came originally in 1839 as chief officer on board the Argyle, bound from London to Sydney and Calcutta. After his voyage to Calcutta, he returned to Sydney by the Lady McNaughten. His first engagement in the colony was that of chief officer on board the Maitland, of which, after a few months, he become captain ; he was afterwards transferred to the Tamar, and thence to the Sophia Jane, in which he made his first voyage to the Clarence in 1842. Regular steam communication with the Clarence was opened by the William the Fourth, of which vessel Mr. Wiseman continued master and part owner till the latter end of 1846. The William the Fourth was superseded by the Phoenix, a new boat, built for Mr. E. Manning this vessel was stranded at the Heads in 1850, and finally lost on the bar. The loss of this boat was the occasion of bringing out a strong feeling on the part of the district, which at that period had but few who were able to materially assist in the enterprise, in favour of another attempt to open up the Clarence trade. Captain Wiseman was sent to England to superintend the building of the steamer Clarence, and to bring her out to the colony. Upon her arrival, she was sold for a large profit, over and above her cost, to a Launceston Steam Company, and Captain Wiseman was sent to England to superintend the construction and to bring out the steamer Grafton, a boat which has done good service to the district, and proved a good speculation to the Clarence and Richmond Rivers Steam Navigation Company. The Grafton appears to have been put on the berth for the Clarence in 1854. The increase of the trade induced the Company to send home the Captain to superintend and bring out the Urara, which proved a good serviceable boat, but unfortunately was lost at the Heads; previously to this, Captain Wiseman had left the service of the Company, having retired from the sea. On the formation of the Clarence and New England Steam Navigation Company, Captain Wiseman was appointed the Sydney Manager, which office he ably filled up to about two years since, when he was compelled to resign in consequence of ill-health. The Directors, upon his retirement, presented him with an illuminated address from the shareholders of the Company. Captain Wiseman was universally respected by the settlers on the Clarence, and his death removes another connecting link between the old and the new times of the Clarence. His death was caused by an asthmatic disease, to which he has long been subject, and which had gradually reduced his constitution. He died at his late residence, Prince-street, Sydney, at three o clock on Friday last, being, we believe, in his sixty-third year