Search Result
Surname: Winney
First Name: William
Ship: Larkins 1817
Date: October 1824
Place: Northumberland and Durham Counties
Source: State Records NSW. Colonial Secretary's Correpondence. Special Bundles, 1794-1825. Series 898.
Details: Assigned to J.H. Boughton. Sentenced by the Bench at Wallis Plains to 50 lashes for absconding from his master's farm
Surname: Winney
First Name: William
Ship: Larkins 1817
Date: December 1824
Place: Newcastle
Source: State Records NSW. Colonial Secretary's Correpondence. Special Bundles, 1794-1825. Series 898
Details: Assigned to J.H. Boughton. Sentenced by the Bench at Wallis Plains to 50 lashes for theft
Surname: Winney
First Name: William
Ship: Larkins 1817
Date: March 1824
Place: Patterson's Plains
Source: State Records NSW. Colonial Secretary's Correpondence. Special Bundles, 1794-1825. Series 898
Details: Assigned to W. Boughton. Sentenced to 25 lashes for repeated robbery and absenting himself without leave