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Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1851 11 October
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Rev. Waraker recently from England to be minister in newly established church. Church at the eastern end of West Maitland, formerly known as the Scots Church was purchased for the congregation

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1851 20 December
Place: West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: To hold sermon at the Wesleyan Chapel

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1851 31 December
Place: Wesleyan Centenary Chapel, West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Attended annual Wesleyan Sunday School Tea Meeting

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1852 3 January
Place: West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: To give sermon to young people at the Congregational Church

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1852 20 October
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Presented with a testimonial of fifty sovereigns by members of the Congregational church for their esteem and gratitude for his ministerial services during the past twelve months

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1852 18 December
Place: Raymond Terrace
Source: MM
Details: To hold Christmas Day service at the Court House

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1853 30 March
Place: West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of Michael H.D. Ryan to Miss Matilda McNeall, both of West Maitland on 25 March 1853 . Minister Rev. J.T. Waraker

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1853 9 April
Place: Congregational church West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of Evan Brindle to Mrs. Lucy Walker later of Syndey on 7 April. Minister Rev. J.T. Waraker

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1854 7 June
Place: Congregational Church, West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of Henry Nichols of West Maitland to Miss Priscilla Newton late of Muswellbrook, on 3rd June. Officiating minister Rev. J.T. Waraker

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1855 5 September
Place: Broughton House
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of James Haldon, second son of the Rev. Dr. Ross, of Sydney to Sophia, eldest daughter of the Rev. J.T. Waraker of Maitland on 29th August 1855.

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 11 December 1888
Place: Maitland
Source: MM
Details: The Rev. S. T. Waraker. A pleasant reunion took place on Sunday last. The first pastor 0f the Congregational Church in West Maitland, the RPV. J. T.Waraker, renewed his acquaintance with the members and congregation of the church, after an absence of thirty-two years, twenty-five of which have been passed in Toowoomba, Queensland, In the course of a series of reminiscences Mr,Waraker alluded to Toowoomba as the most salubrious place in the Australian colonies. He is undoubtedly a living testimony to its healthfulness. In the lapse of time his beard and hair have become white, but the old friends who remembered and loved him, were delighted to see how hale and stout, considering his age, he looks. The old friends are indeed a comparatively small number now. The bulk of present attendants at, and members of the church, is made up of the grown-up children of the original congregation, many of whom were baptised by the visitor returned after so many years' absence. But the families in connection with the church are, for the most part, identical with those in whose circle Mr. Waraker was ever a welcome visitor. The morning service was conducted by the Rev. A. W. Brough, the present pastor, and Mr. Waraker delivered an address, in which he described his ministry in the church Between the years 1851 and 1356. He had never preached in that building; his church was a wooden edifice beyond what is now the High-street Railway Crossing. He had had rather a rough time of it, in some respects, but he tried to do good work, and thought he had succeeded in a measure. He congratulated them upon their continuance and progress as a church, and especially upon their present minister, an earnest man, zealous in the cause, and more methodical and systematic in 'his business methods than ever he(Mr. Waraker) had been. Although he had some difficulty in realising exactly where he was – the Maitland of thrity two years ago was much unlike the Maitland of today, he rejoiced exceedingly in meeting them once more face to face.

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 10 July 1888
Place: Brisbane
Source: Brisbane Courier
Details: The Funeral of Louisa, wife of the Rev. John Thomas Waraker to move from the Bamboos, West End, Brisbane

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 20 April 1859
Place: -
Source: The Moreton Bay Courier
Details: Married - On the 12th April, by the father of the bride, George Oakes Bearmore of Cooroora, Darling Downs, to Lydia, second daughter of the Rev. J.T. Waraker of Ipswich

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 15 July 1893
Place: Maitland, Darling Downs
Source: The Queenslander
Details: A Pioneer of the Church. The late Rev. J.T. Waraker, whose death we announced last week, was one of the pioneer pastors of the Congregational Church in Queensland, his first charge dating from three years before separation, 1850, in which year he received a call to the quaint little church at Little Ipswich. In Mr. George Wight's Reminiscences of the Congregational Churches of Queensland some interesting details of the dead minister's life and work are given. During his pastorate of the Little Ipswich Church many important events occurred. He had not been in charge six months when the question was discussed, with all the gravity befitting the occasion, whether it was desirable to have the use of a harmonium in the public services of the church. In times no further back than 185 6 this question disturbed the comfort of many a pastor, and imperilled the peace of many a church. However, they were wise and cautious in those days in Ipswich, as the following resolution will show:—That the church consents to the introduction of instrumental music into the public services of the sanctuary, with the view to assist and not to supersede the congregational psalmody.During Mr. Waraker's ministry the church was very active. The unpretending little edifice which we illustrate was soon supplemented by a new building erected at Bremer Mills and afterwards removed to Pine Mountain ; and another was built at North Ipswich and removed to Tivoli. The initial steps were also taken at Ipswich for the erection of a church at Toowoomba. With true missionary zeal Mr. Waraker made frequent visits to other places, such as Goodna, Toowoomba, and Warwick, where he preached tho Gospel, and in the latter two places established Sunday schools. Early in 1860, after a residence of nearly three years and a half in Ipswich, Mr. Waraker left with his family for Toowoomba, then a budding township. In the course of his previous visits to this place he had obtained a gift of' a piece of ground from the Hon. James Taylor, M.L.C., and had also collected subscriptions from the Downs sufficient for the erection of a building of unpretentious character to be used as a church and schoolhouse. This was in Russell-street, and was opened on Sunday, 17th January, 1860, the initial services being followed by a tea meeting o nthe Monday, the first entertainment its kind ever held in that part of the colony. The plan which Mr. Waraker had in view for tho regular ministrations at other places, including the large and distant pastoral stations or runs of the Downs, allowed but a part of his time to be devoted to Toowoomba. When that plan was completed it included the stations southward as far as Talgai, and those west as far as Rosalie, with the intervening stations. The appointments for all these places were once a month, and the work involved a considerable time away from home. For instance, after preaching in Toowoomba in the morning, there was the afternoon's ride to Clifton, about twenty-five miles distant, and preaching there in the evening; and the next day or the following onward, returning home perhaps on Thursday. The next journey necessitated absence the whole Sunday from Toowoomba, as he had to start on Saturday, with the view of taking services at Jondaryan and Rosalie; usually getting home, however, by Monday or Tuesday. No more than one regular service (in the morning) could be held at this period in Toowoomba, as the stations nearer to town, necessitating, however, a night's absence from home, had to be visited. In 1884, after a long ministry in the Toowoomba district extending over a quarter of a century, Mr. Waraker considered that the time had arrived when he should retire from his charge. He had indeed grown old in the service; consequently he asked to be relieved at the close of that year. The reques twas acceded to, and the change was so arranged that not a service was missed, the Rev. G. Harvey taking up the work on the very Sunday after it was laid down by his predecessor. On retirement from his duties Mr. Waraker received very kind testimonials both, from the Toowoomba Church and from the congregational Union, the former accompanied by a present of a hundred guineas. Although he retired from regular duty the venerable minister did not remain idle, but always took deep interest in Congregational affairs in Brisbane, where he resided until his death, occasionally rendering ministerial and other services ,in 1885 occupying the chair of the Queensland Congregational Union for the third. He also interested himself in the work of the Brisbane Ministers' Union, of which he was an active member from its foundation.

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas and Louisa
Ship: -
Date: 1853 24 January
Place: West Maitland
Source: Australian Births and Baptisms - Family Search Historical Records
Details: Baptism of Alfred Furze Waraker, son of Louisa and John Thomas Waraker (born 3 December 1852)

Surname: Waraker
First Name: Rev. John Thomas and Louisa
Ship: -
Date: 1855 30 October
Place: West Maitland
Source: Australian Births and Baptisms - Family Search Historical Records
Details: Baptism of Alice Mary, daughter of Louisa and John Thomas Waraker (born 5 February 1855)