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Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 1827 May
Place: Newcastle
Source: R v. Lowe. SC
Details: Testified in Court as to the bad character of Thomas Farnham

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 1828 21 January
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Resigned from position of Constable

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 1827 28 May
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Witness at trial of Frederick Dixon who was accused of stealing sheet copper belonging to Govt.

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 1827 23 May
Place: -
Source: The Australian
Details: Witness at trial of Lieut. Nathanial Lowe

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 19 January 1824
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: Samuel Tarburton and William Tinkler charged with suspicion of robbery at George Isons house. Sarah Ison states....Yesterday I accompanied my husband to take a walk about the middle of the day, leaving Tarburton in charge of the house. On my return home I discovered the house had been robbed of several articles of wearing apparel.. Constable William Turvey states...About one oclock yesterday I saw Tinkler in the garden at the back of Isons house. He did not appear to have any bundle with him. As Ison is in the habit of occasionally employing him, I thought he was there with his knowledge. Tinkler denied any knowledge of the robbery. Tarburton admitted having charge of the house but was called away for about ten minutes during which time the robbery must have been committed. Sentenced - Tinkler Barracks. Tarburton 50 lashes and sent to the gaol gang. N.B. Corporal punishment not inflicted

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 7 February 1824
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: Samuel Bryan, Richard Bevan, William Perry and John Cruise all charged with disorderly conduct and drunkenness on the evening of the 6th instant. William Turvey, constable stated.... I saw the prisoners on Saturday afternoon in the street, they were drunk and fighting with palings, throwing brick bats at each other. John Large states....I took Bryant in charge, he threatened to strike me....Samuel Bryant sentenced to hard labour for 4 weeks this being his 3rd offence; Richard Bevan sentenced to hard labour for 2 weeks; William Perry sentenced to hard labour for 3 weeks being his 2nd offence, John Cruise sentenced to hard labour for one week

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 13 September 1824
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: John Quinn, free by servitude. Charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct in the streets. Chief Constable James Calvert states....This morning between the hours of twelve and one, John Quin came to my house in a state of intoxication to enquire by what authority I had put George Napier (a prisoner of the Crown) in the watch house. I replied I had confined him for being in the street at unseasonable hours. Quinn demanded that I would release Napier and on my refusing he began to abuse me. Constable Turvey duly approached when Quinn said he and Napier had been carrying goods belonging to their master Alexander Mcleod from their berth at the wharf and again pressed me to release Napier which I refused but said I would go to the wharf to see what things were in the boat. Quin accompanied me and on the way attempted to put a piece of money in my hand upon which suspecting that something was wrong, I directed Turvey to Take Quinn into custody. Quinn made some resistance but was eventually secured and conveyed to the watch house. I then directed Turvey to go and see that the boat and her lading was in a place of safety. A short time after I heard a crash at the watch house and on my proceeding towards it I saw Quinn running away down the hill and Napier about to make his escape. Turvey and one of the Military Guard pursued and overtook Quin and he was again lodged in the watch house. I examined the door of the watch house and found the lock forced and I have no doubt but that it was done by Quin. Quinn stating that he could produce witnesses to disprove the evidence of the Chief constable was remanded but on being brought on the 15th admitted the statement of the Chief Constable to be correct. Fined one dollar and discharged

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 13 April 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: William Fisher per Asia, Michael McCormick per Ocean and James Bohan per Earl St. Vincent, all in service to James Reid, charged with theft of maize belonging to their master. James Brooks per Mangles charged with receiving the same knowing it to be stolen. Mr. James Reid, states....I bought yesterday from my farm to the wharf about 58 bushels of maize. On moving it and re measuring it at HM. Store, it only turned out 53 bushels. I had a private intimation my servant had robbed me which I communicated to the Chief Constable. William Turvey, a constable states....I was directed to search amongst the prisoners houses for maize. At John Bentleys house I found the grain now produced. It was also ascertained that Brooks had sold some maize yesterday to one or two persons in the town. John Bentley states...Fisher brought about a bushel of maize to my house yesterday. McCormick came also and asked me to let him bake a cake at my fire which I permitted. Bohan came also. He bought a bag of provision. Brooks came in and at the request of Fisher took the maize away to sell. When Brooks returned we all went except Bohan to a public house and drank some beer. Fisher is the man who brought the maize to my house. James Brooks states in his defence - I got the corn I sold from the three men. I cannot say precisely from which. They told me their master had given it to them for extra work. I sold the maize at 4 shillings per bushel and gave the money to Fisher. When the constable asked me where I had obtained the maize I told him the same story I now tell. I had no reason to disguise it. The other prisoners deny having committed the theft and state they know nothing of the corn before the court. Sentence - William Fisher and Michael McCormick 50 lashes each and to be transported to Port Macquarie for two years. James Bohan acquitted. James Brooks - remanded and discharged 14th April 1825

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 30 May 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: John Jones and Lewis Hutton, both in the service of government charged with robbery at the watch house...William Turvey a constable states....The prisoners were brought to the watch house charged with having assaulted the overseer of the mines and on suspicion of having robbed him. In the course of the night I heard the prisoners moving. I got out of my bed and found the watch door open. Jones had got clear off but Hutton was outside a short distance. There was a box belonging to one of the constables close by him. I missed my own box and Merriotts; neither of which have since been found. Charles Merriott a constable consequence of a disturbance which took place in the street last night in which Jones and Hutton took an active part, having seen them strike the overseer of the mines and having been told by him that his pocket had been picket and that he had caught Hutton s hand in his pocket, I took the prisoners to the watch house, in the course of the night there was an alarm made that they were attempting to escape. I ran towards the watch house and saw Burvey who had sight of Hutton and close by him there was a box. I went in pursuit of Jones and found him at his house. I brought him back. I missed my box from the watch house. The prisoners told me mine and Turveys were at the bottom of the Mill but they have not yet been found. The prisoners deny having committed the robbery and state that seeing the door open they meant to go to their quarters. Sentenced to 50 lashes each and to be sent to Port Macquarie for two years.

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 7 September 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: James Cobb in the service of government charged with theft. The chief constable states on the 5th instant I took possession of a boat belonging to Thomas Ireland in consequence of some government slop clothing being found in it, the boat was unloaded at the wharf and Irelands own property taken at his request to the pilots. Yesterday when Ireland was examining his things he missed a jacket a pair of shoes and some gunpowder. Cobb was present when he missed the articles and said he did not know what had become of them, Cobb had assisted in unloading the boat and removing Ireland s property to the pilots, Cobb said he had a strong suspicion where they were and of who had stolen them. I had a strong suspicion too and I directed a constable to go immediately and search Cobbs bedding, he did so and returned with the gunpowder and shoes and for the court……. William Turvey a constable states in obedience to the orders of the chief constable, I searched Cobbs bed it was tied in a blanket on emptying it I found the shoes and gunpowder which I delivered to the chief constable. Thomas Ireland states the shoes before the court are mine, they were stolen from me I believe yesterday morning also a jacket and some gunpowder. I believe the powder to be mine. James Cobb in his defence states that his supposes the articles were put by mistake into his bundle of bedding. Did not know they were there, did not steal them. Sentenced to 2 years to a penal settlement.

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 27 February 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: John Pugh appears before the court to answer a summons for selling spiritous liquors without a license. William Turvey, a constable states - I went to Mr. John Pughs house yesterday afternoon and asked for a half pint of rum. I had nothing with me to put it in so I borrowed a tin pot from Mrs. Pugh and she served me the liquor and I paid here one dump for it. To the best of my knowledge Pughs house is not licenced. ...William McCarthy a constable, states - I accompanied William Turvey yesterday to Mr. Pughs house. I saw Turvey go into the inner room and he shortly returned with a tin pot in his hand. I ascertained that it contained rum. John Pugh being called to show cause why the law should not be enforced disavows the knowledge of any rum having been sold in his house. The court being of opinion that the information is correct do fine the said John Pugh the full penalty of one hundred Spanish dollars together with the costs of prosecution from which conviction the said John Pugh appeals to the ensuing Court of General Quarter Sessions

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 29 March 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: John Cooper per Hindostan, in government service, charged with being out of quarters at unreasonable hours and abusing a constable in the execution of his duty. William Turvey a constable states a little after midnight this morning I met Cooper in the street, he was intoxicated. I hailed him to stop, but he refused and gave me much abuse. I however succeeded in conveying to the watch house. The prisoner states - I met with an acquaintance yesterday evening just come to the settlement. He took me to a public house and treated me to some liquor it made me intoxicated. On my way home I lay down in the grass and fell asleep. I did not know how late it was when I awoke. When the constable stopped me I was on my way home. I did not like to be prevented and might have said what he says I did. Turvey has a spite against me and therefore stopped me. John Cooper sentenced to one week solitary confinement

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 11 April 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Thomas Kenny, in service to Frederick Boucher, charged with improper language to a constable. Constable William Turvey states - last night I went into the public house kept by Mr. Wickham. There were prisoners of the Crown there drinking. It was time for them to be at their quarters and I called upon them to disperse. One of them expressing some reluctance to go, I insisted on his going immediately. In fact, I put him out. I did not do it violently. I was acting under the eye of the Chief Constable. Kenny was present and observed that if we attempted to meddle with him he would not submit to it. I told him to take care what he said or I would take him in custody. He replied he defied me and the Chief Constable also. Mr. George Muir, chief constable, corroborates this testimony. The prisoner denied the accusation and called Mr. John Francis. Wickham who states - The constables came into my house last night to clear it of persons who were there drinking. They pushed them out, rather rudely as I thought. I heard Kenny say he would not put up with it if it were him they served so. Kenny stops in my house with his master. Thomas Kenny to be recalled to government employment.

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 5 July 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Charles McBride, in government service, charged with drunkenness and riotous behaviour. Constable William Turvey states - Yesterday afternoon I found the prisoner in the streets drunk, he appeared to have been fighting as his face was much bruised and scratched. He was challenging everyone he met to fight. Charles McBride sentenced to one month in the gaol gang

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 15 September 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Patrick Lees, in government service, charged with neglect of duty as watchman at the Superintendents stores. Constable William Turvey states - the night before last it was my duty to patrol the streets. In my rounds I went to the Superintendents Stores where the prisoner is a watch man but I saw nothing of him. I remained there about ten minutes and examined the locks to see that all was safe in all which time the prisoner did not make his appearance; I went away and returned again in about two hours when I found him sitting on the ground apparently asleep. His dog made a noise and he got up. The prisoner states in his defence - When the Constable came on the premises the first time, I was in the privy; I was sitting the second time he came certainly, but I was awake. Patrick Lees sentenced to one week solitary confinement.

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 30 October 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Johanna Lane per ship Woodman, in government service, charged with riotous and disorderly conduct. Constable William Turvey states - Yesterday in the afternoon about three o clock, I was directed by the Chief Constable to proceed to the lodgings of the prisoner at Robert Young s house where there had been a disturbance. I went and took her into custody. She was slightly intoxicated; she went with me to the watch house without hesitation. There were other persons in the house at the time and there was liquor on the table. Thomas Bishop, a constable states - I went to Young s house yesterday for some provisions for a prisoner in the watch house. Whilst there Johanna Lane came from a back room complaining that she had been struck by one of Mr. Dun s servants. I enquired for him but was informed he had gone to the Chief Constable to prefer a complaint on his part. I did not see the prisoner drink any liquor whilst I was in the house, but she appeared to have drank more than she ought. The prisoner states. The constables mistake in saying I was tipsy. I had received a blow on the face from one of Mr. Dun s servants which swelled it. I did not throw a stone at Mr. Dun s servant. Johanna Lane sentenced to 4 days solitary confinement

Surname: Turvey
First Name: Constable William
Ship: -
Date: 28 November 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: James Collins per ship Guildford, in government service, charged with theft....Henry Winchester, government servant to Surgeon George Brooks, states - On Thursday after noon last between the hours of three and four o clock I missed my watch; I had deposited it in my box which stood in the room where I slept at my masters house. The box was not locked but the lid merely shut down. I immediately reported my loss to my master. Some person must have got in at the kitchen window as I ascertained the back door had not been opened. I was confirmed in my opinion of an entry having been made at the window from finding that a bottle which had stood in the window had been knocked down. I also found dirt on the window from shoes and the print of a strange foot under the window; I also noticed the same impression of a foot at my sleeping room window which from its position seemed as if the person was peeping in at the window to see if anyone was within. From these circumstances, I thought the theft could not have been done by a stranger and having employed Collins to write a letter for me about a week since, my suspicion fell on him. The more so as on my going out on Thursday afternoon on an errand, I had called at his quarters to ask for a book I had lent him a short time previously. I was told he was not at home and I said I would call for it as I returned. I did not however call but returned home direct after having performed my errand. I had not been absent from my masters house more than a quarter of an hour and almost immediately on my return I missed my watch from the box. I then went back to Collins quarters and enquired again for him. I was told he had not been at home but I saw him at a distance going as it were from the house towards the beach. My watch was in the box at the time I went on the errand. Constable Thomas Dwyer states - On Thursday afternoon last, about four o clock I saw Collins going from Doctor Brooks back door along the yard and down the ledge of rocks to the beach. There is no thoroughfare through the yard to the beach. Constable William Turvey, states - When I took Collins in custody I also took the shoes which he had on his feet from him. I compared the shoes with the marks under the windows; they corresponded exactly; there are two peculiar nails in the sole of one of the shoes, the marks of which I could distinctly trace and which confirms me most decidedly in my opinion that the person who committed the robbery wore at the time the shoes I took from Collins. He denied having been in Doctor Brooks yard on the Thursday the theft was committed. The prisoner denies knowing anything of the robbery. Admits having been in Doctor Brooks yard at the time he was seen there by Dwyer. States that he went there to return the book which Winchester had been enquiring for. James Collins sentenced to 2 years in a penal settlement

Surname: Turvey
First Name: W
Ship: -
Date: 1847 13 February
Place: East Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Unclaimed letter held at Sydney Post Office

Surname: Turvey
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 1838 17 February
Place: Maitland
Source: SG
Details: Found guilty of receiving stolen property from Foster and Connor. Sentenced to 12mths in irons

Surname: Turvey
First Name: William
Ship: -
Date: 1844 10 May
Place: East Maitland
Source: BR
Details: Buried in Glebe Cemetery