Search Result
Surname: Tucker
First Name: James
Ship: Midas 1827
Date: 1845
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: -
Details: Born in 1810. 5ft 5 1/2in, stout, fresh complexion. Admitted to Newcastle gaol
Surname: Tucker
First Name: James
Ship: Midas 1827
Date: 2 August 1848
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Item: 2/2020; Roll: 757 New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books,
Details: James Tucker admitted to Newcastle gaol from the Maitland Stockade as his sentence had expired. To be forwarded to the Hyde Park Barracks for disposal.
Surname: Tucker
First Name: James
Ship: Midas 1827
Date: 1852
Place: Goulburn gaol
Source: State Archives NSW; Series: 2225; Item: 6/5425; Roll: 1874 New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: Ticket of leave holder. Native place Verginia, United States of America. Occupation Architect and surveyor. Admitted to Goulburn gaol 5 May 1852. Committed for trial. Acquitted 15th September 1852
Surname: Tucker
First Name: James
Ship: Midas 1827
Date: 27 June 1835
Place: Windsor
Source: Tickets of Leave State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12202; Item: [4/4097]; Reel: 922
Details: Granted a ticket of leave for the district of Windsor. Note - This man was sentenced to the treadmill and then sent to the Probabionary gaol when he was allowed a ticket of leave per Col. Sec. letter 39/918 which was not prepared as Tucker was again punished in December
Surname: Tucker
First Name: James
Ship: Midas 1827
Date: 1 September 1840
Place: -
Source: Tickets of Leave State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12202; Item: [4/4143]; Reel: 937
Details: Granted Ticket of leave for the district of Maitland in lieu of 35/277 cancelled.
Surname: Tucker
First Name: James
Ship: Midas 1827
Date: 23 August 1826
Place: Chelmsford, England
Source: SG
Details: Assize Intelligence - Chelmsford - March 10 - James Tucker the younger aged 18, was indicted, by a Statute 4 Geo. IV c. 54, for sending a letter to James Stafford Tucker threatening to accuse him of a shocking crime with a view to extort money from him, at Laytonstone on 9th February last. The prisoner cross examined the prosecutor, and asked him whether he dare swear, on his solemn oath, that he had not been guilty of the crime imputed. The witness, in the most impressive manner, declared that it was a base insinuation, and that there was not the least foundation for what the prisoner had said. The prisoner, in reply solemnly declared that the prosecutor had not spoken truly, and that he had perjured himself. Taunton, a Bow street officer, proved that he apprehended the prisoner on 11th February and on his person he found the prosecutor's answer to the threatening letter. The prisoner, in his defence, did not reiterate the accusation but merely said that he had meant to repay the prosecutor the 5 pounds he had borrowed of him. He call no witnesses. The Lord Chief Baron summed up the evidence and The jury immediately found the prisoner guilty. He was sentenced to be transported for the term of his natural life..
Surname: Tucker
First Name: James junior
Ship: Midas 1827
Date: 1826
Place: -
Source: Crown Cases Reserved for Consideration: And Decided by the Judges of England
Details: Rex v. James Tucker the Younger....prisoner was tried before Alexander C. B., at the Chelmsford Spring assizes, in the year 1826, for feloniously sending to James Stanyford Tucker a threatening letter, with a view and intent to extort money from the said James Stanyford Tucker. The letter directed to the prosecutor was in the following words: Sir, You perhaps did not expect to hear from me so suddenly; but when you turned me away from Laytonstone for a mere trifle, (that too at a time when by the late failures many scores of clerks were out of employ, you forgot that I had you in my power through your transactions with me five nights following, (I have the dates and circumstances on paper written at the time,) and that from your conduct to me before I went to live with you, you could expect no mercy from me. Did you not, however, let it pass? In a few words, I have taken advice upon the subject, and know that if you are obstinate, it is in my power to bring down ruin on your head, and infamy on your name. However, I will be merciful. Allow me to return to in the same manner as before, I will never mention it again, as if I did I should lose everything, gain nothing; but it is impossible for me to get any case situation in town at present. It is not true that Mrs. T. advertised, as you said; she is in great distress, and she is my mother, therefore I would wish to afford her a little relief, if possible; so send me five pounds to my address; which, with the other you lent me, I ll I. O. U. for, and pay when I get a place. If I do not hear from you by Saturday morning, you will hear of it (enclosing five pounds). Now consider ruin and beggary on one side, and wealth and comfort on the other; remember that, if you are obstinate, it will cost you all; do as I say, it will cost you nothing. I wait your answer before I proceed..
Surname: Tucker alias Rosanbury
First Name: James
Ship: Midas 1827
Date: -
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4012]; Microfiche: 664
Details: Age 19. Reads and writes. Clerk of shopman. Native of Bristol. Tried in Essex 5th March 1826 and sentenced to transportation for life for sending a threatening letter. No place of assignment noted in the indents..