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Surname: Souter
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 1831 November
Place: -
Source: Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine
Details: Medical assistant on Sir Thomas Mitchell's expedition

Surname: Souter
First Name: James
Ship: Exmouth 1831
Date: 1836 16 February
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Ticket of leave cancelled for obtaining goods under false pretences

Surname: Souter
First Name: James
Ship: Exmouth 1831
Date: 1851 2 September
Place: Balranald
Source: GG
Details: Escaped from the Lockup at Balranald with Robert Fraser alias Mackintosh.. Reward offered. Description: about 50 yrs old, 5'10", light hair. Had on at the time of his escape a long brown over coat, tweed vest, and drab cloth trousers; formerly attached to one of Sir Thomas Mitchell's Exploring Parties and latterly practised as a Surgeon at Swan Hill on the Edward River. Both men supposed to have headed for Victoria

Surname: Souter
First Name: James
Ship: Exmouth 1831
Date: 28 July 1831
Place: Sydney
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4016]; Microfiche: 679
Details: Age 30. Reads and writes. Surgeon from Perthshire. Tried at Durham Quarter Sessions 12 July 1830 and sentenced to transportation for 7 years for stealing clothes. 6ft 2in Ruddy freckled complexion, brown and bald hair, hazel grey eyes. Perpendicular scar outside left eye. Assigned to the Medical Dept. at Portland Head on arrival

Surname: Souter
First Name: James
Ship: Exmouth 1831
Date: 7 February 1852
Place: Goulburn
Source: SMH
Details: Committed for trial for horse stealing

Surname: Souter
First Name: James
Ship: Exmouth 1831
Date: -
Place: Ganymede hulk
Source: UK Prison Hulk Registers and Letter Books. Ancestry
Details: Convicted of stealing apparel at Durham on 12 July 1830 and sentenced to 7 years transportation. Admitted to the Ganymede hulk and transferred from there to the convict ship Exmouth on 17 February 1831

Surname: Souter
First Name: James
Ship: Exmouth 1831
Date: April 1832
Place: -
Source: Three Expeditions Into the Interior of Eastern Australia: With Descriptions.. By Thomas Livingstone Mitchell
Details: The party was now complete, and I was glad to find that" Dr. Souter," no longer " a new chum," was the best of good fellows with the other men. He had brought a flute, on which he played tolerably well, either after the acquisition of a kangaroo, or when we had good water, or during any very serene evening.

Surname: Souter
First Name: James
Ship: Exmouth 1831
Date: 8 April
Place: Namoi River
Source: Three Expeditions Into the Interior of Eastern Australia: With Descriptions.. By Thomas Livingstone Mitchell
Details: Today, the river fell another inch, and this failure of the waters, as upon the Nammoy, added much to the irksomeness of the delay, necessary for the completion of a boat. In the present case, however, more than on the Nammoy, the expected arrival of Mr. Finch, and the exhausted state of our cattle, disposed me to give the party some days rest, at so convenient a point, and towards which I had indeed looked forward with this view, in the efforts we made to attain it. The characters of my men were now better known to me, and I could not help feeling some sympathy for the doctor, as the men called Souter. He was also what they termed a new chum, or one newly arrived. He left the mess of his fellow prisoners, and cooked and ate by himself. In figure he was the finest specimen of our race in the party, and as lay by his solitary fire, he formed a striking foreground to the desert landscape. In his novitiate he was most willing to do anything his fellows required, and I felt often disposed to interfere, when I overheard such words as Doctor! go for a kettle of water, while I light a fire, &c. Worthington, in particular, I overheard, telling him he had been a swell at home; but a few days afterwards, the Doctor came to me, stating that an immediate operation was necessary to save the life of Worthington, and demanding the dissecting instruments. On inquiry, I found that this man, alias Five o clock, had a slight swelling in the groin, for which the Doctor s intended remedy, as far as I could make out, was an incision in the lower part of the abdomen. I gravely assured Five o clock that if the Doctor thought such an operation necessary, it must take place, although I should defer lending him the instruments for a day or two. Thus, I succeeded in establishing the importance of the Doctor s position, and we heard no more of his having been a swell or of the swelling of Worthington, who, on that pretext, seemed inclined to escape work

Surname: Souter
First Name: James
Ship: Exmouth 1831
Date: 3 January
Place: -
Source: Three Expeditions Into the Interior of Eastern Australia: With Descriptions.. By Thomas Livingstone Mitchell
Details: July 3. The repair of the wheel could not be effected before one o clock. Meanwhile, the Doctor having been to the river for two buckets of water, was surprised on ascending the bank, by a numerous tribe, armed with spears and bommerengs. One of the natives, however, stept forward unarmed, between his fellows and the Doctor, and with the aid of two others made the tribe fall back. Souter had fortunately bethought him of holding out a twig, as soon as he saw them. These three men accompanied him to the camp, and as they seemed well-disposed, and shewed confidence, I gave the foremost a tomahawk. Two of them were deeply marked with small-pox. On mentioning the Calare, they immediately pointed towards the Lachlan, this being the well-known native name of that river ; but their curiosity was too strongly excited by the novelties before them, to admit of much attention being given to my questions. They remained about half an hour, and then departed; and we soon after proceeded

Surname: Souter
First Name: James
Ship: Exmouth 1831
Date: 28 January
Place: -
Source: Three Expeditions Into the Interior of Eastern Australia: With Descriptions.. By Thomas Livingstone Mitchell
Details: Jan. 28. Mr. White arrived with the carts and the depot party, including Souter, the doctor, who had wandered from our camp in search of water on the 21st instant. His story was, that on going about six miles from the camp, he lost his way, and fell in with the blacks, who detained him one day and two nights, but having at length effected his escape, while they were asleep, early on the second morning, he had made the best of his way towards the Gwydir, and thus reached the depot camp.

Surname: Souter
First Name: James
Ship: Exmouth 1831
Date: 22 January
Place: -
Source: Three Expeditions Into the Interior of Eastern Australia: With Descriptions.. By Thomas Livingstone Mitchell
Details: Jan. 22.The non-appearance of Souter occasioned me much uneasiness; fortunately the trees were marked along our line of route, from the river, and it was probable, that he would this morning find the line, and either follow us, or retrace his steps towards the camp on the river. The men, who knew him best, thought he would prefer the latter alternative, as he had been desirous of remaining at the depot. This was likely, however, to occasion some inconvenience to us, as he was a useful hand, and I did not despair, even then, of finding some use for the tea-kettle. Burnett had recovered; the morning was clear, with a pleasant breeze