Search Result
Surname: Reago
First Name: Carman
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: January 1811
Place: -
Source: Colonial Secretary Correspondence Image No: (NRS 936) Copies of letters sent to Van Diemens Land, Newcastle and Norfolk Island, 1810-1813 (Ancestry)
Details: Carman Reago and several other prisoners from the Indian to be sent to Newcastle but no harsh punishment to be given to him
Surname: Reago
First Name: Carmen
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 1810
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Sent to Newcastle.
Surname: Reago
First Name: Carmen
Ship: Indian 1810
Date: 20 October 1808
Place: Woolwich
Source: UK Prison Hulk Registers and Letter Books. Ancestry
Details: Sentenced to transportation for life for desertion at Messina on 22 April 1808. Admitted to the Retribution hulk on 20th October 1808 with two other deserters Felice Paice and Matthias Muller. Sent to the Indian for transportation to NSW on 15 June 1810
Surname: Reago
First Name: Carmino
Ship: -
Date: 28 August 1832
Place: Hobart
Source: Colonial Times, Hobart
Details: Correspondence to the Colonial Times re the Surveyor General
Surname: Reago
First Name: Carmino
Ship: India 1810 & Kangaroo to VDL
Date: 24 November 1840
Place: Hobart
Source: The Courier (Hobart)
Details: Granted Absolute Pardon