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Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Potto (Potts)
First Name: Edward
Ship: Lady Feversham 1830
Date: 1830 July
Place: -
Source: AO NSW Convict Indents Fiche No. 676
Details: Age 20. Carrier from Suffolk. Tried at Chelmsford 1 August 1829 and sentenced to transportation for Life for sending threatening letters. Assigned to Thomas Potter Macqueen at Segenhoe on arrival

Surname: Potto (Potts)
First Name: Edward
Ship: Lady Feversham 1830
Date: 27 March 1833
Place: Invermein
Source: Invermein Court of Petty Sessions. Deposition Books 1833 -1834 (Ancestry)
Details: Edward Potto per ship Lady Feversham, assigned to Thomas Potter Macqueen, charged with neglect of duty.....Jeremiah states - I am sheep overseer on the Segenhoe Estate; the prisoner is employed as a shepherd; Last Wednesday I found him in company with Richard Burnett contrary to orders and the following day I found the prisoners flock. I called out for the prisoner but could get no answer - a shepherd with another flock at some distance answered. I then took the prisoners flock and handed them over to the watchman of the nearest lambing station. I then proceeded to another station and saw the prisoner coming from it. I asked him what brought him there - he said I told him to go in that direction. I had done no such thing. On Friday last I found him in the hut with the other men. I ordered him out with his flock which he refused to do; and last Saturday he came to me and gave up his flock and refused to take them out; when the other shepherds had gone out I ordered him out; he said he would not go out until he thought proper; and on my urging him to go he took a stick and threatened me. I put him outside of the hut but he still continued using violent language towards me; he then went into the bush and was absent about three hours. I was obliged to take his flock and give it in charge of another person. The prisoner admits the whole facts. The Bench find the prisoner guilty and sentence him to receive fifty lashes

Surname: Potts
First Name: Edward
Ship: Lady Feversham 1830
Date: Maitland
Place: 1841 2 April
Source: CDR
Details: Assigned to Katharine Hamilton Harper. Deceased