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Surname: Moore
First Name: Sergeant-Major Lewis
Ship: -
Date: 5 August 1840
Place: Sydney
Source: Sydney Herald
Details: Mr. Lewis Moore for many years Sergeant Major of the Mounted Police, has upon his retirement from the service received a silver medal for good conduct and long service

Surname: Moore
First Name: Sergeant-Major Lewis
Ship: -
Date: 24 August 1840
Place: Sydney
Source: Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser
Details: Military Reward - A veteran, Mr Lewis Moore, late sergeant major of the Mounted Police, has received from her Majesty the Queen, for twenty-four years of good and faithful service, a handsome silver medal, accompanied with the sum of £15, independently of an ample pension for life. On one side of the medal are inscribed the emblems of war, and on the other side a detail of Mr Moore s long services and good conduct. Round the edge are his name and rank in the army

Surname: Moore (mounted police)
First Name: Serjeant-Major Lewis
Ship: -
Date: 23 April 1838
Place: Sydney
Source: Sydney Herald
Details: Serjeant Major of the Mounted Police, gave evidence in the court case Colonel Wilson v. Thomas Ryan