Search Result
Surname: Mitchell
First Name: Charles
Ship: Agamemnon 1820
Date: 1828
Place: Patrick Plains
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Shoemaker aged 34. Free by servitude
Surname: Mitchell
First Name: Charles
Ship: Agamemnon 1820
Date: 1824 29 March
Place: Newcastle district
Source: Archives Office of NSW. Colonial Secretary: Misc records (4/ 4570D)pp1-88
Details: On list of assigned convicts who are not mechanics. Assigned to William Travis Stubbs
Surname: Mitchell
First Name: Charles
Ship: Agamemnon 1820
Date: 1825
Place: Newcsstle
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 20
Details: Charles Mitchell employed by Mr. Stubbs at Newcastle. Sons Charles Mitchell b. 1822, William Mitchell b. 1824 both born in the colony. Daughter Catherine Morley arrived on the Morley in 1820