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Surname: (Indigenous) Midwife
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 1802
Place: -
Source: History of NSW - George Barrington
Details: AMONG the natives of this country, neither the midwife, or man-midwife, would find any employ, for females receive no assistance, and women only are suffered to be present, as the children are suffered to come into the world by the efforts of nature, and it is by no means uncommon to see the woman a few hours after her delivery walking about as usual. The new born infant is carried about a short time by the mother on a piece of bark, till it acquires strength

Surname: Bevitt (midwife)
First Name: Mrs.
Ship: -
Date: 13 January 1830
Place: Sydney
Source: The Australian
Details: Coroner's Inquest by Major Smeathman on the body of midwife Mrs. Bevitt who died suddenly

Surname: Connolly (midwife)
First Name: Mary
Ship: -
Date: 8 October 1831
Place: Rushcutting Bay
Source: Sydney Monitor
Details: Inquest on the body of Eliza Richardson who died in child birth. Midwife Mary Connolly, prisoenr of the Crown who practised as a midwife occasionally

Surname: Flood (Midwife)
First Name: Ellen
Ship: Elizabeth 1828
Date: -
Place: -
Source: New South Wales, Australia Convict Ship Muster Rolls and Related Records, 1790-1849 - Ancestry
Details: Widow age 33. Tried in Kildare. Comment - a midwife and well conducted woman. Acted as nurse on the voyage out.

Surname: Jones (midwife)
First Name: Mary
Ship: -
Date: 3 October 1825
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Government Midwife. Salary from 1st October 1823 to 31 December 1824. 15 pounds

Surname: Melon (alias Fishburne) (Midwife)
First Name: Sarah
Ship: -
Date: 22 January 1831
Place: Sydney
Source: The Sydney Monitor
Details: Sarah Melon indicted for killing a male child at Windsor on 26th September 1831. She had acted as a midwife and delivered Mrs. Slaney of the infant in question

Surname: Midwife
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 8 October 1831
Place: Sydney
Source: Sydney Monitor
Details: To the Committee for the Management of the Sydney , Dispensary .Gentlemen, I am sorry that the report of a late Coroner s Inquest is not a solitary Instance of death, and (in other instances) of extraordinary suffering in child birth, Which has come under my notice. I believe there is only one certificated midwife in Sydney, but great numbers of women practice in this calling ; and from ten to fourteen years experience gives them a pretty good insight into their profession, and enables them to perform this office with safety nine times out of ten, and to discriminate when the aid of a professional man is required. These women are high in their charges, far beyond the means of the poorer class of labourers, who are consequently obliged to procure the aid of a second and third class of midwives. The ignorance and carelessness of the latter go to injure many unhappy females. . Many are rendered infirm and disabled for the rest of their lives. Such I do assure you is often a too-true picture of the misery of the poor man s but in this Colony. A few weeks back I was told of a young woman who was in great distress, without the means of procuring a midwife, and who had inconsequence employed a mere nurse. It happened that a benevolent lady, the wife of a member of the Australian Bar, called at the house, and on catechising the woman, discovered that she was not only totally ignorant of her profession, but was at the time in a state of inebriation, Gentlemen, I have dwelt upon this latter subject rather from the pleasure of recording the philanthropy of this lady, than from the necessity of pointing out so minutely the advantages of the appointment of certificated midwives, to attend on the wives of the poor when they cannot afford to employ one. If such a person were appointed, and paid a yearly stipend by your society, and her residence and the means necessary for obtaining her assistance published once a week in the public journals for a month or two, I have no hesitation in saying, that you would be the means of saving many of the lives of your fellow creatures. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, your obedient servant..

Surname: Midwife
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 20 June 1832
Place: Parramatta Female Factory
Source: Sydney Monitor
Details: Inquest on the body of an infant who died in the lying in ward at the Factory. The head nurse and midwife testified that the child had been infected with the itch

Surname: Midwife (Corrar-gee)
First Name: -
Ship: -
Date: 18 August 1826
Place: -
Source: The Monitor
Details: SIR, It may be interesting to some of your readers to learn, that the woman who escaped from the wreck of the Trial brig on this coast, to-the Northward of Port Macquarie, is still, or very recently in being, sojourning with a tribe of Aboriginal natives, together with her daughter now about 12 or 13 years old. She was married (possessed) by one of the tribe, by whom she has had two children, one of either sex, the male child according to * custom, was put to death, the female lives, she acts as "corrar-gee," or midwife, 'to the matrons of the tribe, and is respected by them accordingly; they are however so jealous lest she should see a white man, and be thereby induced to leave them, that they have madi boori (or kill'd) three white men, supposed to be in search of her. Her daughter, (the one wrecked with her,) adds my informant, will be " wienna"(or marriageable) next spring. The native from whom I received the above account, belongs to a tribe that " sit down" near Liverpool Plains, says he had seen the white woman often with her daughter and younger "picaninna;" is very circumstantial in his story, and adds, that he has a brother married in the same tribe, and would shew white people to them, provided they would not shoot his brother. Yours, &c. A Bushranger

Surname: Mitchell (midwife)
First Name: Mary
Ship: -
Date: 31 January 1863
Place: Maitland
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: An inquest was held at the Victoria Inn, East Maitland, on the body of an infant, the son of a woman named Bridget Nelan. The following evidence touching its birth and death was taken by the coroner. Bridget Nelan, mother of the child, deposed that she was lately in the service of Mr. Henry Chivers, innkeeper, West Maitland and that she was the mother of the illegitimate male child on which the inquest was being held. She gave birth to it on Sunday afternoon, and the same evening it was baptised and named John. The father of the child was Arthur McGuinness. She slept the previous night (Saturday) at Mr. Hayes in the bush near West Maitland, and walked on Sunday into East Maitland; when near the railway station she was taken suddenly ill and fearing that she was about to be delivered, made various attempts to get protection in houses near, but failing to do so was delivered in Day-street near the station and was at once conveyed to the house of Mr. John Collins. The child to which she had given birth died that morning after being attended by Dr. Wilton and Mrs. Mary Mitchell, midwife. She no idea her confinement was so near at hand. After hearing testimony from Dr. Wilton and Mary Mitchell the jury returned a verdict of natural death, exonerating the mother from any blame in the matter whatever

Surname: Mumford (midwife)
First Name: Mrs.
Ship: -
Date: 6 June 1833
Place: Harveys Cottage Parramatta
Source: Sydney Herald
Details: Mrs. Mumford intending to practise as a Midwife. Previously employed in that capacity for several years in the Female Factory without even one accident occurring

Surname: Neale (midwife)
First Name: Mrs.
Ship: Canton
Date: 2 November 1835
Place: Parramatta
Source: Sydney Herald
Details: Mrs. Neale, Midwife, appointed midwife at the Female Factory. Having a considerable portion of her time disengaged, respectfully soliciting the patronage of such Ladies as may be desirous of obtaining the assistance of a duly qualified Midwife during their accouchment.

Surname: Neale (midwife)
First Name: Mrs.
Ship: Canton
Date: 23 March 1837
Place: Parramatta /Sydney
Source: SH
Details: Resigned her position at the female factory and carrying on in private practise.

Surname: Pritchard (Midwife)
First Name: Caroline
Ship: -
Date: 1867
Place: Glebe Sydney
Source: Baillieriers Postal Directory 1867
Details: Occupation midwife

Surname: Searle (midwife)
First Name: Grandma
Ship: -
Date: 1882
Place: at sea
Source: Women of the Sea by Edward Rowe Snow
Details: Grandma Searle mentioned in Women of the Sea as being a midwife from Newcastle New South Wales who delivered Johanna Colcord, daughter of Captain Lincoln Alden Colcord at sea between Newcastle and Yokohama, Japan.

Surname: Sims (midwife)
First Name: Mrs
Ship: -
Date: 1 February 1812
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Midwife to the General hospital, Sydney from 10th October to 31st December 1811. Remunerated 8/19/8d

Surname: Sims (Midwife)
First Name: Mrs.
Ship: -
Date: 18 August 1812
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Midwife to the General hospital, Sydney. Remunerated 10 pounds

Surname: Turnley (midwife)
First Name: Mrs
Ship: -
Date: 1 May 1829
Place: Brickfield Hill
Source: The Australian
Details: TURNLEY, Midwife of the London Lying-in Charity for Delivering Poor Married Women, and holding her Diploma from that Institution; respectfully begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Sydney, that she intends to follow her profession here, and hopes she may meet with that encouragement which one holding a certificate under such an Institution, patronised by his present Majesty, and initiated by the celebrated Dr. Sims, might naturally expect. Mrs. Turnley flatters herself, that from a number of years experience (as her diploma will shew) she is perfectly mistress of her profession. '