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Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieut. Charles
Ship: -
Date: 17 March 1805
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Persons holding promissory notes or other claims upon Lieut. Menzies of the Royal Marines are requested to present them without delay as he designs very shortly to quit the colony

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1804
Place: Coal River
Source: CSI
Details: Appointed Commandant at Coal River

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1 July 1804
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: On the 29th ult, James Field, one of three persons who ran off with Sergeant Day's boat from Sydney gave himself up he was quite naked, speared and beat in several places by the Natives, and has not eaten anything for five days; I took him just as he came in, and showed him to all the prisoenrs; I could wish to be allowed to retain him here, as I think from the account he gives of his misfortunes, and the truly miserable and wretched spectacle he exhibited, it will prevent others from attempting the same with any of our boats that go up the River, by his representing to them the punishment and misery that awaits their rashness and offence. The transactions with Sergeant Day's boat after leaving Port Jackson with Broadbent and Johnson, each victualled for six months and most completely equipped were as follows: They made the place in three days, got the boat into a creek, and decked her with cedar slabs, which occupied a week, came down the harbour in the night and passed a schooner at anchor, shaped their course to Port Stephens, remained there three days, left that Port with an intention of reaching Timor, proceeded about 100 miles further to the Northward, when a heavy gale of wind came on, the boat drove on shore and dashed to pieces, they however got safe on shore, saved everything that was in her, and remained there a week with a view of repairing her, at the end of which all hopes vanished; they then determined to return to Sydney and give themselves up; with this intention they were packing up their provisions when the natives came suddenly on them and threw a number of spears, one of which mortally wounded Broadbent, Johnson received six in different parts and died in five days afterwards; Field also received several; they were then stripped of everything, but he found the natives more friendly as he approached the settlement, generally supplying him with a little fish and fern root, by which means he was enabled to crawl to this place.

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1804 14 March
Place: -
Source: HR NSW, Vol. V, King 1803, 1804, 1805. Ed by F. M. Bladen, Lansdowne Slattery & Company, Mona Vale, N.S.W.,1979, p. 360
Details: Royal Marines. Offering his services to superintend the new settlement at Coal River to be formed in the aftermath of the rebellion at Castle Hill

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1804 14 March
Place: -
Source: HR NSW, Vol. V, King 1803, 1804, 1805. pp. 360-361,
Details: Governor King informing Lieut. Menzies that his new situation at Coal River would require great exertions and that he was not able to fix remuneration

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1804 15 March
Place: -
Source: HR NSW, Vol. V, King 1803, 1804, 1805. p.362
Details: Lieut. Menzies receiving information that he was appointed to the command of the new settlement at Coal Harbour

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1804 25 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Appointed Magistrate of Newcastle settlement

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1804 19 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: HR NSW, Vol. V, King 1803, 1804, 1805. pp. 367 - 368
Details: Arrived in King's Town on 30th March. Selected suitable place for settlement. Went ashore in a small boat prior to the other vessels entering the harbour

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1804 19 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: HR NSW, Vol. V, King 1803, 1804, 1805. pp. 367 - 368
Details: Named the new settlement at Coal River 'King's Town' in honour of Gov. King

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1804 19 April
Place: Newcastle
Source: HR NSW, Vol. V, King 1803, 1804, 1805, pp. 367 - 368
Details: Recommended a few guns be placed on 'a commanding height above the town'

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1804 24 May
Place: King's Town (Newcastle)
Source: HRA Series 1 vol. V, pp. 412 - 414
Details: Sent six natives to Sydney soon after settlement. The natives returned in May with 'Bongaru' (?Bungaree) having been given a jacket, cap, blanket etc

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1804 1 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: HRA Series 1 vol. V, pp. 415 - 416
Details: Travelled 'up the river' and returned on a raft bringing 70 logs

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1804 16 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: HR NSW, Vol. V, King 1803, 1804, 1805. p. 403.
Details: Commandant at Hunter River. Returning to head quarters on private business for a short time

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1804 16 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: HRA Series 1 vol. V, p. 417
Details: Ensign Cressy to command Newcastle settlement in the absence of Lieut. Menzies

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: 1805 3 March
Place: Newcastle
Source: SG
Details: Returned to Sydney from Newcastle on the 'Francis' with Charles Throsby

Surname: Menzies
First Name: Lieutenant Charles
Ship: -
Date: -
Place: 1805 15 March
Source: HR NSW, Vol. V, King 1803, 1804, 1805. pp. 570 - 571
Details: Resigned from position of Commandant at Newcastle. To return to England to his duty with the Royal Marines

Surname: Menzies (obit.,)
First Name: Archibald
Ship: -
Date: 24 December 1874
Place: San Francisco
Source: MM
Details: DEATH OF MR. ARCHIBALD MENZIES - Our numerous readers will join with us in the regret which we feel in having to record the death in San Francisco of the above gentleman, who, for many years resided in West Maitland. Mr. Menzies was well known as a lover of music and the drama, and frequently appeared before a Maitland audience on behalf of our charitable and benevolent institutions. We are informed by a gentleman who has received a letter conveying the above melancholy intelligence that Mr. Menzies last wish was that he might be remembered to all his old Maitland friends by whom he was so highly and deservedly esteemed

Surname: Menzies (obit.,)
First Name: General Sir Charles
Ship: -
Date: October 1866
Place: East Hill House Hastings
Source: The Gentleman s Magazine and Historical Review, Vol. 2. p.554
Details: At East-hill Honse, Hastings, suddenly, aged 88, General Sir Charles Menzies, K.C.B., K.C.H., K.C., and K.T.S., Col. Royal Marine Artillery, and formerly Aid-de-camp to the Queen. The deceased was a scion of the ancient Scottish family of Menzies, or Mengues, as it was originally written, and was the son of Capt. Charles Menzies, 71st Highlanders, by Sarah, dau. of Dr. Walter, of Haddington. He was born in 1783, and educated at Stirling. He received his commission as second Lieut. in the Marines in 1798. He was attached to Lord Nelson s squadron off Boulogne, where he participated in all the desperate cutting-out affairs on the French coast against Bonaparte s flotilla, and was severely wounded in Aug. 1801. He commanded a detachment of marines, landed at Port Jackson, Sydney, during an insurrection of convicts in March, 1804, and was mainly instrumental in restoring order and tranquillity in the colony. In June, 1806, he was in one of the boats of the Minerva at the capture of five vessels, under Fort Finisterre, and in the July following, in a barge belonging to the Minerva, when fifty miles off where the frigate lay at anchor, captured, by boarding, the Spanish privateer, Huena, after a sharp conflict, the attack being planned by himself. He also commanded a boat at the capture of a Spanish gun-boat at Carril. He led the marines at the storming of Fort Finisterre, being the first who surmounted the breach and planted the British colours on the rampart. For the distinguished courage and bravery displayed by him on this occasion he received a sword of honour from the Patriotic Fund at Lloyd s. He also served in boats at the capture of the Spanish vessel of war, San Josef, in the Bay of Arosa, where he landed and made prisoner the Spanish commodore, who delivered to him his sword. He commanded the Royal Marines at the capture of Fort Quardia; and was slightly wounded cutting-out a French corvette,, from under a battery in Basque roads. He was also at the taking of Fort Cumarinas, and gunboats from under its protection. During his services he was wounded in his right arm, which was amputated. From 1834 to 1844, he commanded the Royal Marine Artillery. Sept. 4, 1831, he was nominated a Knight of Hanover, expressly for gallant and meritorious services. From the King of Spain he received the order of Charles III., and was also Knight of the Tower and Sword of Portugal. In April 1865, he was nominated a Knight Commander of the Bath. He became a General in 1857. He held a pension for distinguished services from Nov. 1846 to Nov. 1851, when he resigned it on appointment as Aid-de-camp to the Queen. He was appointed Colonel of the Royal Marine Artillery in March, 1863. Sir Charles, who was a magistrate for the borough of Hastings, married, in 1817, Maria Wilhelmina, only child of Robert Bryant, esq , M.D., Physician to H.R.H. William Henry, Duke of Gloucester, by whom he had issue four sons and two daughters