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Surname: McNicholl (McNicoll)
First Name: John (?George)
Ship: -
Date: 18 August 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: John McNichol, in service of Charles Griffiths charged with theft and absconding from his masters service. Charles Griffiths states - the prisoner was assigned to me last week. I purchased a pair of shoes for him, for which I paid twelve shillings; I also gave him a blanket. On Tuesday last he absconded from my farm taking away the blanket and shoes. I also lost at the same time a bag, a knife, 2 balls of cotton, 3 silver spoons about ten pounds of flour and seven pounds of beef. I cannot say the prisoner stole these articles but they disappeared about the same time that he did. Thomas Bishop constable, being sworn states - I was sent in pursuit of the prisoner. On my way to Wallis Plains I met Mr. Sparke s shepherd who told me that McNichol had been at his hut and had exchanged with him a blanket for a shirt. I took the blanket form him. He told me McNichol had gone to Wallis Plains. I followed and found him there and took him into custody. I was assisted in the pursuit by two black natives. I took the shirt from him. That and the blanket are those before the court. The shoes now produced were on his feet at the time I took him. The prisoner admits having taken the blanket and shoes - states they were given to him by Mr. Griffiths. Denies knowledge of the other articles. John McNichol sentenced to 3 years in a penal settlement

Surname: McNicoll
First Name: George
Ship: Isabella
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: Convict servant of William Bradridge. To be victualled from the Stores at Newcastle 6 months

Surname: McNicoll
First Name: George
Ship: Isabella
Date: 1 July 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: George McNichol per ship Isabella, in the service of William Bradridge, charged with making away with his masters property under aggravated circumstances. Mr. William Bradridge states - last Friday week I gave my servant McNichol a pair of shoes and blanket in lieu of others lost by him, also some tobacco for his use; I directed him to return to my farm up the river and take charge of an deliver to Mr. Andrew Sparkes, seven sacks of a wool pack which I had borrowed from him; McNichol left my house with these articles in his possession. He returned to my house on Sunday evening stating himself to be unwell. He brought neither blanket or shoes with him; he told me he had delivered the wool pack and bags to Mr. Sparkes ; on Tuesday last I learnt from Mr. Sparkes that McNichol had neither been at the farm, nor had the pack or bags been delivered as stated by McNichol and that he had only arrived at the farm the preceding evening without either bags, blankets or shoes. The day before yesterday a bullock driver came to my house and offered me three bags for sale. I suspected they were Mr. Sparkes bags, I therefore gave the price asked for them and told the chief constable what I had done. Daniel Tyndal states - The prisoner came to me last week offering to sell me some bags; he was drunk. I would not have any dealings with him. Patrick McNamara states - the prisoner came to my quarters last week - he brought with him some bags and a pair of shoes. He gave me a bag for my own use. He gave William Bagshaw another and also some to sell. He asked Bagshaw to sell the shoes for him. Bagshaw went away with three bags and the shoes and soon returned bringing the shoes back but no bags. I understood they were sold. There are now four bags and a pack at my quarters left by the prisoner. He told me Mr. Sparkes was his master. The prisoner states - after receiving the property from my master, I got intoxicated and lost it; I know nothing of McNamara or Bagshaw. George McNicholl sentenced to 75 lashes