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Surname: Kearny (?Kenny)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1837 19 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Bench Books. AONSW Reel 2722
Details: Free. Sentenced to be confined in the cells 1 month for being absent from the hired service of James Reid. Refused to work as cook and butler as stated he had only agreed to one or the other. Reid produced an agreement drawn up in Sydney stating Kearny had agreed to both

Surname: Kearny (?Kenny)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1837 19 December
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Bench Books. AONSW Reel 2722
Details: Sentenced to 14 days in gaol for contempt of court after he stated it was a bloody shame that a set of Magistrates could rob a poor fellow and that Mr. Scott was a bloody vagabond and he would report him to the horseguards. 'Mr. Scott wants to prove himself a gentleman in this colony but could not do so at home'

Surname: Kenny
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 11 April 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Thomas Kenny, in service to Frederick Boucher, charged with improper language to a constable. Constable William Turvey states - last night I went into the public house kept by Mr. Wickham. There were prisoners of the Crown there drinking. It was time for them to be at their quarters and I called upon them to disperse. One of them expressing some reluctance to go, I insisted on his going immediately. In fact, I put him out. I did not do it violently. I was acting under the eye of the Chief Constable. Kenny was present and observed that if we attempted to meddle with him he would not submit to it. I told him to take care what he said or I would take him in custody. He replied he defied me and the Chief Constable also. Mr. George Muir, chief constable, corroborates this testimony. The prisoner denied the accusation and called Mr. John Francis. Wickham who states - The constables came into my house last night to clear it of persons who were there drinking. They pushed them out, rather rudely as I thought. I heard Kenny say he would not put up with it if it were him they served so. Kenny stops in my house with his master. Thomas Kenny to be recalled to government employment.

Surname: Kenny
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 5 June 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: John Early per ship Surry, in government service, charged with purloining a fellow prisoners shirt. Thomas Kenny states - the prisoner and I slept in the same room until last week when he removed to other quarters. The day after he left I missed my shirt. I mentioned the circumstance to the prisoner, and asked him for the loan of one but did not get it. I also mentioned my loss to Constable Merriott and described the shirt to him, and the day after Merriott brought me the shirt. I know it to be mine from the patches on the shoulders. Tis the shirt I lost. The prisoner states - IN my hurry in tying my own bundle, when I shifted my lodgings I took the shirt by mistake, having one of the same pattern. Mary Matthew who lived in the house know it. She has washed for me. Mary Ann Matthews states - I washed a shirt two or three times for Early during the time he stopped at my masters. It is the same pattern as that before the court but this is a much better shirt. I saw Early given his shirt some weeks since to a black native. John Early sentenced to 3 months in the gaol gang

Surname: Kenny
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1 August 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Thomas Harris in government service, charged with purloining a hat from a fellow prisoner....Thomas Kenny, servant to Mr. Frederick Boucher states - On Saturday last I was informed by Mrs. Wickham at whose house my Master lodges, that someone had just stepped into the passage and ran off with my hat. I had left it on a cage behind the door of the back entrance. Mrs. Sophia Ann Wickham states - On Saturday morning last as I was seated in my own apartment, I saw the prisoner come into the passage of my house; there was a hat behind the door on a cage. I saw him take the hat and put it on his head and then he walked away with it. I described the person of the prisoner to the Chief constable and to my husband which I believe led to his being taken I am positive the prisoner is the person who book away the hat. Chief Constable George Muir state - from the description given to me by Mrs. Wickham I took Harris into custody. I searched the prisoner s barracks and found the hat now before the court. The prisoner denies the accusation. Thomas Harris sentenced to 6 months in the gaol gang

Surname: Kenny
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 11 August 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: John Jones, per ship Asia, in government service, charged with theft...Thomas Kenny states - Last night a little after sunset, I was told by John Fitzgibbons who lives in the same house with me that he had just seen Jones go out at the outer gate with some blankets in his possession. I went immediately and examined my bed and missed my blankets. I had seen them about two hours before. I went in pursuit of Jones and found him near the barracks gate. He had a bag with him but no blankets. I had seen Jones about the premises about half an hour before sunset. John Fitzgibbons states - I am assigned servant to Mr. Wickham, and Kenny lives in the same house. Last night as I was going in at my master s gate, I met a man coming out with some blankets. I went into the house and asked if they missed any. Kenny examined his bed and discovered that two blankets had been taken away. The man I met coming out with the blankets was Jones. William Taylor in government service states - I was coming out of Mr. Wickham house last evening and was speaking to his man when Jones passed by with a blanket or blankets under his arm. I saw him go towards the barracks and afterwards cross over towards the back street. The prisoner states in his defence. When I came out of Mr. Wickham s house last night I had a bag under my arm. I know nothing of the blankets. I did not take them. John Jones sentenced to three years to a penal settlement

Surname: Kenny
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Countess of Harcourt 1822
Date: 1828
Place: Newcastle
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Ticket of leave holder aged 30. Servant employed by Frederick Boucher

Surname: Kenny
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Countess of Harcourt 1822
Date: July 1824
Place: Newcastle
Source: State Records NSW. Colonial Secretary's Correpondence. Special Bundles, 1794-1825. Series 898
Details: Assigned to W.B. Wilkinson. Sentenced by E C. Close to 25 lashes for indecent and contemptuous conduct towards his master

Surname: Kenny
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Countess of Harcourt 1822
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 19
Details: Assigned to Isaac Elliott at Newcastle

Surname: Kenny
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Countess of Harcourt 1822
Date: 19 December 1837
Place: Newcastle gaol
Source: Newcastle Gaol Entrance Book - State Archives NSW; Roll: 136
Details: Admitted to Newcastle gaol from Newcastle. Sentenced to imprisonment.

Surname: Kenny
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Countess of Harcourt 1822
Date: 1822
Place: -
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4008]; Microfiche: 649
Details: Thomas Kenny, servant aged 28 from Fairfield. Tried Dublin County 1822. Sentenced to 7 years transportation

Surname: Kenny ? Henry ?
First Name: Thomas
Ship: Albion 1827
Date: 1837 24 January
Place: Newcastle
Source: BB
Details: Attached to the hospital. Sentenced to 12mths in an iron gang for stealing money from Harriet Perry's shop

Surname: Kennywell (Kennawell) (Kenniwell)
First Name: Thomas (?George)
Ship: -
Date: 1842 9 March
Place: Sydney
Source: SC
Details: Hugh Banham received sentence of death recorded commuted to transportation for life for the wilful murder of Kennywell by striking him with a stake. (at the Commercial Inn, Newcastle

Surname: McKenny (?McKenna)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1842 5 February
Place: Newcastle
Source: HRG
Details: Escaped from No.3 Stockade while serving 3yrs in heavy irons. Additional 12mth in irons at Nobbys.