Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

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Surname: Hannell
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 1820 15 July
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Sentenced to transportation for life to Newcastle Settlement for forgery. Implicated with James Stubbs and James Garland

Surname: Hannell
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 1820 1 July
Place: -
Source: SG
Details: Found guilty with James Stubbs of forging store receipts

Surname: Hannell
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 1820 15 July
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Accomplice James Garland who was found guilty of forging store receipts executed

Surname: Hannell
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 1826 August
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle p3
Details: Witness at the marriage of William Turvey and Sarah Freeman

Surname: Hannell
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 1828
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle
Details: Marriage of Elizabeth Hannell and John Butler Hewson

Surname: Hannell
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 9 September 1821
Place: Newcastle
Source: Colonial Secretary's Papers. State Records of NSW Special Bundles
Details: Mary Ann, daughter of John White and Elizabeth Hannell (unmarried), on Return of Baptisms at the settlement of Newcastle. Born 10 May 1821 at Newcastle. Baptised 9 September 1821

Surname: Hannell
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 6 February 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Thomas Atkinson in government service, charged with an assault on an infant with an attempt to commit rape. Elizabeth Hannell states - On Saturday morning last, I discovered on examining the linen of my little girl, that she was in a very bad state from a serious injury she had sustained. I asked her who had caused it. She denied telling me at first but in the course of the day by threats and promises she showed me the house where it happened. I immediately went there with the child and found three men. I asked her which of them it was. She pointed out Atkinson. I went away and got a constable and told him to take all three men. He did so as he was on his way to the watch house he stopped at my door and called me out and said it was no use to take them all to the watch house that the child had better say to him which of them had done it. I desired her to do so and she again pointed to Atkinson and said he was the man.....cont. Tuesday 7 February....William Cooper states - On Saturday last I was in the skilling adjoining to that where Atkinson lives, I saw the little girl crying. I told the child to go home, she had informed me that someone had been hurting her. I went to Atkinsons door, and said - If you have been attempting to injure the child, you deserve everything that is bad - I was induced to say this from an impression that he had been doing something wrong with the child - John Mentzlaer, constable corroborated the statement of Elizabeth Hannell in respect to the circumstances attending his taking Atkinson into custody. Atkinson denies the accusation, says he did not hear Cooper speak to him. Atkinson remanded for a full Bench

Surname: Hannell
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 3 May 1826
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 (Ancestry)
Details: Thomas Atkinson, in government service, charged with an assault on Mary Ann White, an infant aged 5 years with an intent to commit rape. The following depositions were read over in his presence. Elizabeth Hannell being duly sworn....On Saturday morning the 4th inst., I discovered that my little girl had been seriously injured and that she was in a very bad state from it. I asked her who had done it. She refused to tell me at first, but by threats and promises I induced her to point the person; she took me to a house in which were three men and pointed out Atkinson without hesitation. I sent for a constable and requested him to take charge of the three men which was done. As they past my door the constable desired me to bring out my child that she might point out which of the three has committed the offence. When she again pointed to Atkinson and on my asking her if another of the men had not done it she said no and persisted in pointing out Atkinson. My child told me he had whipped her before he made the attempt and she showed me the place where this affair occurred and said I was away at the time drawing my rations. Mary Ann White being privately examined by George Brooks stated that she had been hurt by the prisoner ... Henry Kenny overseer of the general hospital being duly sworn deposeth and saith - Mary Ann White was brought to me some time since during the absence of Dr Brooks by her mother. It was on the day on which the injury she had sustained was discovered. I examined her. There was a considerable degree of inflammation and a great discharged arising from violence on the private parts. I examined Atkinson he was not diseased. William Cooper being duly sworn deposeth - On Saturday week last I was in an adjoining skilling where Atkinson was and I saw the little girl Mary Ann White, crying. I told her to go home. I went to the door of the house where Atkinson was. I saw only him except Bentley who was lying asleep. I said whoever has been injuring the child deserves everything that is bad. The child had told me that a big man had been hurting her. It was on this account that I made the observation as Atkinson is a stout man and my impression was that he might be the man. The child might have heard me speaking to him. The previous depositions having been read Thomas Atkinson denies the charge, and calls Sarah Perkins, who being duly sworn deposeth....Some time since my husband and me lived on Mr. Dillon s farm. I took the child with me but was desired by the mother of it Elizabeth Hannell to wash her frequently or else she would get very bad. I washed her going up the river, I continued to wash her at least once a day for some time but having at last neglected to do so for a day or two it became very bad. I never saw a child in such a state before. It was regular discharge. The child was quite well when I returned her to her mother but I have reason to believe she has been frequently in the same state since. Samuel Beckett being sworn...about two years ago I was at Mr. Dillon s farm when Sarah Perkins came to live there with this little girl. She used to be washed regularly in the private parts except I believe upon one occasion for two or three days when the child became very bad. I saw a very considerable discharge from her privates which were washed three times a day to my knowledge whilst the complaint was on her. The bench having considered the evidence against the prisoner as well as that produced in his defence are of opinion that he is not guilty of the offence and do order him to be discharged to his duty

Surname: Hannell
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: Minstrel 1812
Date: -
Place: Newcastle
Source: -
Details: Mother of James Hannel, the first Mayor of Newcastle

Surname: Hannell
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: Minstrel 1812
Date: 1820 15 June
Place: Newcastle
Source: CSI
Details: To be transported to Newcastle for life

Surname: Hannell
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: Minstrel 1812
Date: 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters. Class: HO 10; Piece: 19
Details: Under a colonial sentence. Assigned to government employment at Newcastle. Daughter Mary Ann age 4 residing with her

Surname: Hannell
First Name: Mary Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 1850 7 July
Place: Newcastle
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle. Baptisms p. 27
Details: Daughter of James and Mary Ann Sophia Hannell. Baptism

Surname: Hannell (Mitchell)
First Name: Mary Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 28 October 1875
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Marriage, on 27th October, at Christchurch, Newcastle, by the Rev. Canon Selwyn, assisted by the Rev. John Dixon, incumbent of St. James, Wickham, Edwin Alfred Mitchell, to Mary Elizabeth, fourth daughter of James Hannell, Esq., Newcastle

Surname: Hannell (Turton)
First Name: Elizabeth Ellen Norton
Ship: -
Date: 1867
Place: Hexham
Source: MM
Details: Marriage of Joseph Turton to Miss Elizabeth Ellen Norton, eldest daughter of John Hannell of Hexham on 27 August 1855 Minister Rev. R.T. Bolton

Surname: Hannell (Walton)
First Name: Elizabeth (Betsey)
Ship: Minstrel 1812
Date: 18 April 1825
Place: Newcastle
Source: NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825 (Ancestry)
Details: George Smith in the service of the Rev. G.A. Middleton, charged with various acts of robbery at the Parsonage and for harbouring improper persons at unseasonable hours.....Elizabeth Hannell alias Walton, in the service of government, charged with being an accessary to the said robbery. Margaret Lawrence, prisoner of the Crown states....About two months ago Betsey Walton came to my house between eight and nine clock at night and asked me to go out with her. She took me to the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton were at Pattersons Plains at the tie. We found a supper prepared by George Smith - it consisted of boiled fowls, pickled pork, vegetables, milk and a bottle of white wine. After supper Smith and Walton retired to Mrs. Middleton s Bedroom. They were absent nearly a quarter of an hour, when they came back, I saw in Walton s possession a piece of striped muslin. The muslin I know Walton has since made into the trimmings of a gown. About the same time I purchased a yard of blue crossed bar d cotton from Walton which I made into an apron. I have good reason to believe that Smith some months since gave a number of yards of cotton to a woman named Elizabeth Robinson, not now on the settlement, with whom at that time he was in the habit of intimacy. About three weeks since I called in the morning early at Walton s house and asked her where she had been sleeping all night as the evening before the man with whom she usually cohabits had been at my house to seek her. Walton was lying on her bed with her clothes on. She told me she had been at the Parsonage all night. She then got from off the bed and shook herself and from under her petticoats I saw drop another piece of striped muslin which I believe she has since made into a child s dress. My motive for making this discovery in the first instance not because Smith wished to favour Walton in the work at the Parsonage and impose all the hard labour on me......James Calvert, chief constable, states....In consequence of instruction from the Police Office, I went to Elizabeth Walton s House and on searching her box, I found a gown, part of which was made with white striped muslin which matched a pattern I had been furnished with. Margaret Lawrence also delivered this morning at the Police Office a blue gross bar d cotton apron. .......The Rev. Middleton states....The striped muslin composing part of the gown now produced I have no doubt is my property. Mrs. Middleton has lost about 5 or 6 yards of it. There has also been stolen from the parsonage about 30 yards of blue cross bar d cotton of the same pattern and quality now before the court. I have also ascertained that the lock of my store room has been picked. I miss as quantity of salt pork, sugar and about 30lb of rice. I had a good opinion of Smith until within the last ten weeks when he has fallen under suspicion. He has lived with me nearly three years. George Smith in his defence denied having at any time robbed his master and states that the accusation of Margaret Lawrence if false and originating in malice. The stock keeper of the Rev. Middleton being called states.... I have seen Smith making rice puddings for himself during the absence of my master and mistress, I have also seen him weight seven or eight pounds of sugar several times when the family were from home and carry it away from the house. Elizabeth Walton in her defence denies having ever slept at the Parsonage and states that she brought the muslin and cross bar d cotton in the market place at Sydney about ten month ago. She produced a Child s frock also made of the same muslin and calls Sarah Perkins who states...on the return of Elizabeth Walton from Sydney last year, I saw some striped muslin and blue cross barr d cotton in her possession which is very like that now before the court...Both prisoners found guilty. Sentence - George Smith sentenced to 50 lashes and returned to his master. Elizabeth Hannell sentenced to Port Macquarie

Surname: Hannell (Walton) (White)
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: Minstrel 1812
Date: -
Place: -
Source: -
Details: Three relationships/ marriage - 1. James Walton, 2. John White, 3. James B. Hewson

Surname: Hewson (Hannell)
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 2 May 1874
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Death at her residence, Newcomen street, Newcastle, Elizabeth, relict of the late John Butler Hewson and mother of James Hannell Esq., M.L.A., in the 80th year of her age, and a resident of the colony for over sixty years